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Visuals in Academic Texts

PART 1. Choosing visuals. Based on the lesson answer the following questions.

1. In what ways are visuals helpful?


2. In your own words, what is Disneyfication?

3. In your own words, explain the difference between equity and equality?

4. What are the benefits of using graphs to represent quantitative data?

5. What should you keep in mind when choosing or creating visual?


PART 2. Writing about visuals

1. In the paragraph below, highlight in different colours where the writer:
a. Describes what is happening in the visual [green]
b. Describes the concept from the text that the visual relates to [blue]
c. Describes how the visual illuminates that text concept [black/bold]

The line graph in CBIE (2018, p.1) shows that the number of international students at all levels
of education in Canada has been increasing from 2014 to 2017. The horizontal axis shows the
number of years and the vertical axis show the number of students. The graph indicates that
the number of international students has increased steadily from 326,120 in 2014 to 494,525. It
also indicates that there was a 17% increase of students in 2017 compared to the previous year.
The line graph clearly indicates the rate of change over time which the CBIE notes is due to a
number of different factors including the high cost and uncertainty in competing nations that,
in contrast, make Canada a more desirable destination for international students.
PART 3. Write a paragraph in response to the following visualizer question.

In the section ‘Concluding Remarks’ the CBIE (2018) report states that “[t]he forces that compel
students to pursue an international education remain diverse and strong and it is likely that for
the foreseeable future more and more students will recognize the value and seize the
opportunity to pursue education outside of their home country” (p. 7).

In paragraph form, explain how the visual from Farrugia and Sanger (2017, p. 12) illuminates
the above CBIE (2018, p. 7) point.

Figure 5: Reported skill development or improvement through study abroad.

 describe what’s occurring in the visual
 describe the author’s point
 explain how the visual illuminates the author’s point
 your paragraph should be 5 to 7 sentences

In this bar chatchart we can see the improvement skills and development skills for

international students. About intrapersonal competencies and adaptability there are two

of the most improvement skills because about 76% and 75.4% international students

think this two is sgiignificant. Also the curiosity and confidence are improvement a lot for

about 75.4 persent of students think curiosity is significant and 74.1% students agree with

confidence is improvement. And among interpersnoal competeciences, interpersonal skills

and communication are to be comparatively more significant than others but not as

significant as intrapersonal and cognitive competencies. I agree with that because

“international students” means going abroad to have study so they have to feel with the

chance to feel different cultures and try to fit with different environmenta and go abroad,

try someespecially different education style. These experiences are is really good for

children’s growth, the author indicates that studying abroad has a significant help to

develop and improve students skills and different competencies by listing the percents of

skill improvement survey. The lowest skills are work ethic and technical there are less

then 50% students think that is significant. In my opinion, the author maybe want us to

know more benifit and defect with international eduction. UseUsing bar chart is also a

good method to show the author’s self opinion because that can let reader to easily

understand by use pictureclear logic and comparison .





















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