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20ECPW301- R programming with Laboratory

1. Data types

2. Functions

3. Creating and manipulating a vector

4. Creating and manipulating matrix

5. Creating and operations on Factors

6. Data Frames-Lists-Operators-PLOT Function in R to customize graphs.


1. a. Generate 2 vector ‘data1 and data2’ with 10 elements using seq(), c() functions

and perform the addition of both.Show how the elements can be added or

Deleted in the vector.

b. Generate 2 matrices with 3 rows and three columns and perform the matrix

Multiplication of the same.

c. Generate an array of dimension 1X 5 and repeat the same 2 times.

2. a .Write a function to find the mode of a vector data {2,2,5,3,7,4,2,5,9,4}.

b.Write a function to find the Armstrong number

3. Generate the data frame with the 5 columns and 5 rows with column name of Student

Id, Student Name, Maths, science, Social

4. Generate a vector ‘courses preferred’ with elements (ECE, EEE, EIE, ECE, ECE, EEE,

MECH, CSE, IT, MECH) find the factors of the same.

5. With the help of R plot check the use of locator(),text(),pch(),col(),cex().

6. Analyze the data set of ‘mtcars’ for the summary(),facet(),aes(),geom_points()

geom_smooth() functions.

7. Write and execute the R program for the quicksort operation.

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