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Six contestants on a reality TV show were stunned to find their lowest scoring colleague was “injured.” They
must figure out the crime before the bell rings. The question is Whodunnit? And how… The Player, Last
Known Whereabouts and Method that are left unaccounted for -- is the solution.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

© Clark Creative Education

7. 8.

9. 10.

Who is the “Criminal”?

(The three boxes left unchecked will reveal the crime. If you cannot figure it out, you may be next.)
The Last Known
The Players The Method
Dr. Alpha Atrium Chemical Poisoning

Miss Beta Gym Cougar Attack

Mrs. Gamma Kitchen Electrocution

Professor Delta Library Fallen Object

Mr. Epsilon Movie Theater Stubbed Toe

Coach Omega Pool Venomous Bite

© Clark Creative Education


Clue #1 whodunnit?

341 × 2

343 Dr. Alpha was on the treadmill in the gym.

628 The victim did not have a venomous bite.

682 The victim did not get injured by electrocution.

642 Professor Delta was using an iPad by the pool.

Clue #2
212 × 3

646 Mrs. Gamma was swimming in the pool.

635 Dr. Alpha was reading in the kitchen.

636 The victim was not struck by a fallen object.

615 The murder was not caused by a cougar.


© Clark Creative Education


Clue #3 whodunnit?

509 × 3

1,507 Coach Omega was tanning by the pool.

1,527 Professor Delta was rearranging the equipment in the gym.

1,517 A venomous snake did not bite the victim.

1,537 The victim did not stub a toe.

Clue #4
307 × 6

1,812 Chemical poisoning was not the cause of the injury.

1,802 Dr. Alpha was cleaning popcorn out of the movie theater seats.

1,842 Mr. Epsilon was making a smoothie in the kitchen.

1,832 A cougar did not maul the victim.


© Clark Creative Education


Clue #5 whodunnit?

714 × 5

3,770 Chemical poisoning is not the cause of the injury.

3,575 Mr. Epsilon was watering plants in the atrium.

3,550 A cougar did not maul the victim.

3,570 Coach Omega was watching a movie in the theater.

Clue #6
628 × 4

2,432 Mrs. Gamma was water the plants in the atrium.

2,512 The victim did not have a venomous bite.

2,532 Chemical poisoning is not the cause of the injury.

2,412 Miss Beta was researching in the library.


© Clark Creative Education


Clue #7 whodunnit?

1143 × 9

10,277 A venomous snake did not bite the victim.

9,967 A cougar did not injure the victim.

10,227 Mrs. Gamma was preparing a snack in the kitchen.

10,287 Dr. Alpha was listening to music in the atrium.

Clue #8
2159 × 6

12,954 The victim did not stub a toe.

12,934 The victim was not electrocuted.

12,654 Coach Omega was reading in the atrium.

12,644 Professor Delta was changing a light bulb in the library.


© Clark Creative Education


Clue #9 whodunnit?

3748 × 6

22,448 Miss Beta was tanning by the pool.

18,428 A cougar did not maul the victim.

22,488 Chemical poisoning was not the cause of the injury.

18,248 Mrs. Gamma was checking her email in the library.

Clue #10
4693 × 8

32,824 A cougar did not maul the victim.

37,544 Miss Beta was reading Harry Potter in the library.

37,524 Mrs. Gamma was soaking her feet in the pool.

32,844 Chemical poisoning was not the cause of the injury.


© Clark Creative Education

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