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Sridevi M

Email Id:

Phone no: (737)-242-0751

 Overall 8+ years of experience working as a Java /J2EE developer in designing, developing, deploying, and maintaining web-based,
client/server applications along with Enterprise and Distributed applications.
 Strong conversance working with the SDLC methodologies like Agile Scrum, TDD and Waterfall and managed the successful completion of
multiple software development projects over a range of software utilizing Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL components and Introduced
Kanban Method for high priority customer issues which was copied across LOBs.
 Experienced in Security Framework of OWASP, BSIMM, Secure SDLC along with expertise in OWASP Top 10, SANS 25, CWE and CVSS. 
 Extensive experience in Front-End UI technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap JS, Angular JS, ReactJS in developing dynamic and responsive
web pages and developed Single Page Applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular 8/9 and ReactJS.
 Built Restful web services using NodeJS and implemented the front-end using jQuery, AngularJS controllers, directives, and services. Created
Angular 9 components, implemented interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping, Ng For, Ng If, Router Outlet, binding the events,
 Built Angular 8 components, UI services to consume REST services using Component based architecture provided by Angular 8 and utilized the
features of Angular 8 for effective web design development.
 Knack in React JS framework to develop the SPA and working with React Flux Architecture and used React Router to turn application into
single page application using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router and Animations.
 Used ES6 new features such as Let, Const, Map function modules and other angular type script. Developed Angular components which are
compatible with latest versions of Type script, Angular CLI to create controllers and Angular components for Webpages.
 Expertise in Java programming and have good understanding on OOPs, Collections, Exceptions Handling, Input/output (I/O) System,
Annotations, Concurrency, Multi-Threading, Lambda and Generics.
 Deep understanding in implementation of the J2EE Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, Observer, Proxy, Demand, MVC, Session Facade
and DAO Pattern with exposure to UML Modeling.
 Used Mocha, Karma along with Jasmine for UI testing and used Junit and Mockito for Back-end code testing and to build applications and
performed unit testing for Angular components with frame works using Karma and Jasmine
 Wizard with Java 8 features such as, Default and Static methods, Lambda expressions, Optional Class, Collector Class, and Parallel sort in
Arrays and have Knowledge with Data Structures and Algorithms.
 Encountered in developing applications as Microservices using Spring Boot based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with ESB
(Enterprise Service Bus) and implemented unit test to solution using Oracle SOA Suite 11G and JDeveloper.
 Confronted in Microservices development using Spring Boot and deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and good understanding of
software architecture concepts, cloud-based solutions, and cloud-based service models such as SaaS, (PaaS) and (IaaS).
 Experience in Spring frameworks like Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring ORM, Transaction Management, Spring Security, Spring
Boot, and Spring Data also extensively used the Bootstrap framework and developed multiple UI components.
 Sophisticated in developing with various open-source frame works such as Spring (Core IOC, AOC, Security Boot) Framework and ORM tools
like Hibernate and IBatis, also used Hibernate to build the ORM layers.
 Designed the cucumber test cases and step definitions to perform integration testing and UAT testing. Developed automation framework
using Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG with Java and used Fiddler and POSTMAN to test Web API.

 Worked with Microservice architecture using Spring Boot to modularized code and implemented Rest APIs using Spring Rest and integrated
Swagger API for documentation.
 Implemented Selenium Web Drivers and Protractor for testing the UI components and involved in the setting up test automation and
developed Cucumber feature files and used Selenium for automated testing with TestNG.

 Implemented persistence logic using JDBC, JPA, Spring JDBC, Hibernate. Used Hibernate for Database persistence to perform CRUD operation
like insert, update, and retrieve.
 Good knowledge on OAUTH 2.0 to provide authentication and authorization to rest services by exchanging access tokens also have skilled in
using the JSON web tokens to securely communicate JSON objects.
 Implemented OAUTH 2 (Rest Service Authentication) in our application to communicate securely with other protected resources by
exchanging access tokens for authentication instead of using username and passwords.
 stunning conversance with messaging systems like Kafka, Kafka event sourcing, ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ and handling real time data
streaming solutions and handling messaging services using Apache Kafka.
 Experience with JAX-RS API (Apache CXF, Jersey) and Spring with REST APIs to create REST web services also developing webservices,
generate stubs, and consume existing services using WSDL, SOAP, and AXIS.
 Solid understanding of deploying the JEE components on the Apache Tomcat, BEA Web logic and IBM Web sphere, Jboss application services
and expertise in SOA, Webservices, CXF, XML technologies, XSLT and XPath.
 Pragmatic in building scalable web service architectures with various relational MySQL, Oracle DB including NoSQL databases like Cassandra
and MongoDB where data storage was scaled rapidly.
 Maintained and updated a GraphQL layer to allow retrieval and updates of user interactions with PostgreSQL database.
 Collaborated with the backend team to design, define, and implement GraphQL types and resolvers to provide the necessary data for
frontend development while maintaining minimal calls to the database.
 Maintained and updated unit and integration tests for both the GraphQL and lib level to validate behavior.
 Dexterous in using IDE tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA in Windows, Linux, and Unix environment and used Ant, Maven build tools
as well as developed Apache Maven Project management tool pom.xml file to automate build process for the entire application.
 Top-notch in using version control and configuration management tools like GIT and CVS. Used version control system like GIT, SVN
(subversion) and GitHub to access the repositories used in coordinating with CI tools and maintaining the version across the environments
different platforms
 Worked with Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub actions and GitLab CI to achieve CI/CD and used Maven as a build tool and integrated GIT into Jenkins
to automate the code check out process and deployed scripts using MAVEN as a built tool to move from one environment to other
 Used Splunk for the engineering dashboards used by the developers for easy track of application health and set up and maintained Logging
and Monitoring subsystems using Prometheus and Grafana.
 Proficient with container systems like Docker Orchestration and Docker Containerization using Kubernetes and Involved in deploying
applications in Amazon Web Services environment using Continuous Integration tools (Jenkins), Continuous deployment tool (Docker), Nginx
(HTTP Server) and Git (Source code management).
 Created continuous delivery process to include support building of Docker images and publish into private repository Nexus V3 and
containerized all ticketing related applications using Docker.
 Expertise in Amazon AWS Cloud administration which includes services like EC2, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, AMI, SNS, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Auto
scaling, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Security Groups.
 First rate with AWS CloudFormation and launch configurations to automate repeatable provisioning of AWS resources for applications.
Hosted the applications on Node.js server using express middleware.
 Worked to deliver scalable cloud solutions with Amazon AWS, GCP cloud services for customer buildouts and used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to
build and deploy applications.
 Building or maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes, Linux, Bash, Git, Docker on Google cloud Platform (GCP) and set
up and used GCP cloud CDN to deliver content from GCP cache locations drastically improving user experience and latency.
 Expertise in architecting and implementing Azure Service Offering, such as Azure cloud services, Azure storage, Active Directory (AD), ARM,
Azure Storage, Azure Blob Storage, Azure VMs, SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Key vault, Azure App Insights,
Azure Monitor, and Azure Service Bus.
 Used JIRA for bug tracking and implemented various JIRA plugins such as JIRA client, JIRA importer plugin, JIRA charting plugin, the connector
for Microsoft project and JIRA custom field.


Java/J2EE Technologies Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, RMI, EJB, Swing, AWT, Multi-threading, Java Networking
Programming Languages Java, Core Java, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++ ,Python
J2EE Frameworks Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, JSF, Spring Batch
Application/Web Servers WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat
ORM Frameworks Hibernate, JSF, IBATIS, Kafka, Spring Batch
Web Technologies JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XSLT, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, SASS,
HTML, AngularJS, Angular7+, Backbone.js.
Spring Framework Spring IOC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Security
Database Server Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, RDBMS, MongoDB, Cassandra
IDE Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, STS
Web Services REST, SOAP, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, WSDL, Axis2, UDDI, Apache CXF
Version Control GIT, CVS, SVN, ClearCase
Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle
Methodologies Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Rapid Application Development, Test Driven development
Modelling Tools Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose
Operating System Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX
Tools Apache Camel, ESB, Cucumber, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio
Testing & Logging Junit, Jasmine, JUnit, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG, Easy mock and Power mock,
Karma, Protractor, Mockito, Selenium, Jenkins, Docker


Client: Verizon November 2021 to Present

Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer

As a full stack Java developer part of technology solutions team, contributed to the development, implementation, and maintenance of enterprise-
wide business applications, integrations, and strategic initiatives utilizing both front-end and back-end technologies, developing APIs and
microservices maintained in a hybrid environment as well as developing test cases.

 Worked in all phases of SDLC involving specifications, gathering Requirements, Designing, Development, Testing, Deploying, and Maintaining
the application by using Scrum Methodology in Agile environment.
 Responsible in web application vulnerabilities (OWASP TOP 10, SANS, NIST) to review application source code to find its security
vulnerabilities (CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection, Privilege Escalation, etc.) and recommend remediation and OWASP Top 10 Issues identifications like
 Developed user interface using Angular and implemented services to pull JSON data which is exposed through REST services and Implemented
Angular JS component router for navigation and the services to connect the web application to back-end APIs.
 Implemented Single Page Application [SPA] functionalities using Angular Routing and used Angular Lazy Loading, to increase the performance
of the application.
 Developed an Angular 4 observable Indexed DB API service to store local data and use the JWT token granted through OKTA authentication.
 Created NodeJS based Lambda functions to read data files from AWS S3 triggered and run these functions on AWS Lambda and utilized
features of Java 8 such as Lambda expressions, Default and Static methods in Interfaces, Stream API, Optional Class, Concurrency
Enhancement, Nashorn JavaScript Engine, and Parallel Sort in Arrays.

 Using Java 11 in finalization of the HTTP client API and added the ability to launch single file source code programs. Using Java 11 in
finalization of the HTTP client API and added the ability to launch single file source code programs.
 Using mobile - optimized Progressive Web App used Service Worker, Indexed DB, and Cache API for a seamless offline experience.
 Running the Java file with single command and working with JAVA 11 in adding new methods to the string classes and optimized the existing
string and array intrinsic on ARM64 or AArch64 processors.
 Utilized Swagger framework for building the REST APIs and Created/updated the swagger files to configure the definition objects or
parameters of service end points and worked on swagger to markdown tool, where it parses the swagger to markdown pages.
 Worked with JAX-RS API (Apache CXF, Jersey) and Spring with REST API to create REST webservices also developing webservices, generate
stubs, and consume existing services using WSDL, SOAP, and AXIS and Used JAXB for marshalling and unmarshalling of work order, billing XML
documents, and JAXP for processing.
 Designed Spring Boot service to process the legacy manifest, Consignee shipper scans and package exceptions using distributed environment
using Open shift pods and actively involved in coding using Java 1.8, Spring to develop features from end to end.
 Designed JUnit test cases for various services to assert the final message integrity as a part of Dev testing Deployed the Dockerized Spring
Boot application that is intended to run on dev local machine.
 Migrated Java applications from mainframes to java 8 using Spring MVC, JSP, CSS, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery also rendered the java scripts
like jQuery with AJAX to make asynchronous calls.
 Integrate the web services using Apache Camel routing and Spring and used Apache Kafka confluent distribution both as a traditional
messaging message and stream platform while maintaining Kafka Cluster by created Topics to partition for point-to-point messaging.

 Co-acted with Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Default and Static methods in Interfaces, Streams API, Optional Class and Parallel sort
in Arrays, Collection API improvements. 
 Wrote Kafka producers to stream the data from external Rest APIs to Kafka topics and used Apache Kafka confluent distribution both as a
traditional messaging message and stream platform while maintaining Kafka Cluster by created Topics to partition for point-to-point
messaging and used Kibana and elastic search to identify the Kafka message failure scenarios and implemented to reprocess the failure
messages in Kafka.
 Conspired in querying MySQL 5.0 Optimizing SQL queries, MSQL functions, indexing, PL/SQL procedures and exception handling, Stored
procedures. Deep understanding in developing stored procedures, functions and comfortable using databases Oracle, MySQL, complex SQL
statements, Joins, and stored procedures to fetch the data from the database.
 Write and retrieve files to and from S3 bucket for User Interface to render data faster that involves complex and time-consuming server-side
logic and microservices that were developed using Spring Boot are deployed on Amazon EC2 container services using AWS admin console.
 Designed Microservices to fetch from legacy and upload in couch base from/to multiple buckets using Couch base SDK Java client and
created/updated the swagger files to configure the definition objects or parameters of service end points.
 Used these generated markdown pages to build a developer portal website using Jekyll which uses Ruby to parse the markdown pages to a
static website and used Bitbucket and sent PRs for review.  
 Implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Microservices and Hibernate ORM and hands- on in Object Relational Mapping (ORM) using
Hibernate 4.x, Hibernate OGM, MyBatis, and Spring Data JPA frameworks.

 Extensively Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration tool to deploy Spring Boot Microservices to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
 Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’S and used JWT token bearer authentication for
REST services and integrated AWS Code Pipeline with third-party services like GitHub, or AWS Code Commit or Amazon ECR.
 Worked on Bigdata Integration and analytics based on Hadoop, SOLR, Spark, Kafka, storm, and web methods and utilized Kubernetes for the
runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy and Orchestrate Docker containers and configure the pods to run the
application. Also used Docker image registry to deploy the code from Git to Open Shift using Jenkins pipeline.

 Collaborated in working with distributed caching using Hazel cast and deployed the Services onto the OpenShift to run docker containers, via
Kubernetes on cloud infrastructure and configured the Hazel cast network using declaratively (XML) and programmatically (API) and use the
Hazel cast management center to monitor and manage nodes that are running.
 Developed backend services to fetch data from Oracle 12c using JDBC templates and using AWS lambda and used other AWS services like
AWS API Gateway to configure restful endpoints and AWS Lambda to write backend logic and used Dynamo DB which is used for database
 Planned, deployed, monitored, and maintained Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure consisting of multiple EC2 nodes and VMWare as required
in the environment and automate cloud deployment using Chef.
 Worked with Microsoft Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Application Insights, Document DB, Internet of Things (IoT), Azure Monitoring,
Key Vault, Visual Studio Online (VSO) and SQL Azure.
 Implemented Kafka procedure and consumer applications on Kafka cluster set up with help of zookeeper and developed Rest services using
JSON for storing and exchanging information between browsers and servers.
 Involved in batch processing using spring batch framework to validate feed files and load data into corresponding EBX5 tables.

Environment: Java 1.8, Angular6/7, Node JS, Spring Boot, Apache Camel, Kafka, Hazel cast, Bindy Parser, JWT, Spring Batch, JSON, Object Mapper,
Couch Base SDK, TFS, GitHub, Jenkins, Docker, Open Shift, Windows, LINUX, IntelliJ, Cucumber, Maven, Swagger, Postman, REST services, JUnit,

Client: Marsh April 2021 to November

Role: Java Full Stack Developer
Location: Remote - USA

Marsh is a global professional services firm, with operations in insurance broking and risk management and is a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan. As
part of the Product Engineering Team, I worked on the development of custom applications which were key to the configuration of the insurance
products, which includes enhancing the UI interface, development of microservices as well testing of APIs.

 Designed web pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.JS, React.js, Redux and developed controllers, services, and DAO layers for the
backend using Spring, Hibernate Frameworks and Designed Methodologies like MVC, DAO, OOP, and OOD. Involved in implementation of
application using conventional design practices (Web-Service Oriented Architecture, MVC-Model View Controller).
 Instructed application team in secure programming during all phases of application lifecycle (SDLC) based on OWASP standards and Provide
OWASP Top Ten training to QA Engineers and Software Developers.
 Identifying the critical, High, Medium, Low vulnerabilities in the applications based on OWASP Top 10 and SANS 25 and GSEC prioritizing them
based on the criticality.
 Analyzing the enterprise's information security environment and recommending security measures to safeguard applications and information
assets using threat modeling, OWASP, CWE.
 Modularized front-end CSS and JS code with Sass. Built a real time mouse/click user analytics web service with Node.js and Worked on ReactJS
Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML5 tags. Created
reusable and testable ReactJS functional and class components using es6.
 Worked in using ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept where used React flux architecture to create
data layers in the application and to bring the model view controller architecture for the application.
 Involved in pre-testing the Web- Service calls with Postman (plug in for chrome) and Used Rest client – POSTMAN and SOAPUI tools to test
REST API services and designed and developed REST APIs to retrieve configuration JSON data and testing the connection using POSTMAN
 Used JUnit framework for unit testing and integration testing and documented how spring batch is useful for the current project and unit tests
using JUnit, Mockito and Groovy.
 Implemented gate way ZUUL in spring cloud which define the routing different micro services and set up ZUUL API gateway, Implemented
Eureka naming server and distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.
 Designed and created store, actions and reducers using Redux unidirectional data flow and Worked with Redux architecture using complex
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in improving the performance of the websites using ReactJS components, Forms, Events,
Keys, Router, Redux, Animations and Flux concept and in ReactJS using React Flux architecture and understood ReactJS principles such as
one-way data flow, virtual DOM, JSX, and React Native for designing interactive User Interfaces also familiar with creating Custom Reusable
React Components Library.
 Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application developed using Agile methodology and
Active participation in all phases of SDLC including analysis, design, coding, testing and expertise in integration using J2EE architecture. Used
the various Complex data structures in collections Framework in Java/J2EE for building the Business Logic.
 Developed scripts for Data Modeling and Data Import/Export for deploying, managing, and developing the MongoDB clusters while
developing the JavaScript for using DML operation with MongoDB.
 Implemented modules into NodeJS to integrate with design and requirements and React modules and implemented client-side Interface using
React JS andconsidering React.js in the MERN stack development, JavaScript framework used to develop dynamic client-side applications.
 Implemented the function to send and receive AMQP messages on RabbitMQ synchronously and asynchronously and Designed RabbitMQ
queues and exchanges and binding relation between them, reading and downloading the RabbitMQ queue using multithreading by allowing
N number of threads to record data in the file.
 Used AWS Lambda to run the code in the AWS and Deployed Spring Boot based micro services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container
services and using AWS admin console and used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka cluster setup.
 Implemented features like logging, session validation using Spring AOP module and Spring IOC and Extensively worked on developing REST
based Webservices and consumed them as needed.
 Consumed JSON RESTful Webservices and sent responses with Spring MVC and used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of
the application and designed the N-Tier architecture for the application following Spring MVC pattern.
 Developed DAOs layer using Cassandra big database and implemented RESTful web services that persists high-volume of data.
 Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic and involved in creating the  Hibernate POJO Objects
and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
 Implemented Spring JPA Repository for the persistence layer of the application (this layer communicates with the application DB - Oracle DB)
and Created the Application using React.js and Node.js libraries NPM, gulp directories to generate desired view and flux to root the URLs.
 Used Spring MVC with Annotations in integrating different layers within the application and the configured for Spring MVC File Download and
ORM frameworks Hibernate and implemented Spring controllers as per application requirements by extensively using the Hibernate QL.
 Implemented ORM using JPA and Hibernate framework also worked on Integration of Spring and Hibernate frameworks using Spring ORM
with the Spring framework to communicate with the back-end process.
 Developed Spring MVC, Dependency Injection (DI) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) features along with Hibernate and developed
the Agent Verification System by using the Spring MVC framework.
 Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business. Used Hibernate framework to map the java object to table in
oracle database and worked with NPM commands and using package. JSON for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies
of Node.js applications.
 Implemented basic token-based registration/ login/outflow of the React Router V4 and used the JWT for the server-side user authentication.
 worked in installation of Splunk, setting up all the required attributes and monitored the infrastructure implementation in using Splunk and
Grafana for creating dashboards and monitoring the logs and metrics.
 Used Maven build tool for creating JAR files and automate the process of building Docker Images and pushing them to Docker Private
Registry also packaged the application in the Docker containers and deploy that onto the server.
 Worked on deploying the applications in AWS Elastic Block storage and different volume types based on requirements where EC2 instances
and create snapshots for the EBS volumes.
 Set up Firewall rules to allow or deny traffic to and from the VMs instances based on specified configuration and used GCP cloud CDN (content
delivery network) to deliver content from GCP cache locations drastically improving user experience and latency.
 Used JIRA tool for issue/bug tracking monitoring of work assessment in the system and fixed defects identified in production/QA environments
also proficiency in administration and support upfront with Atlassian Suite viz Confluence, Cloud JIRA, and Bit-Bucket.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Spring 3.5, Spring MVC, Kafka, Spring Security, Spring batch, Hibernate 4.0, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.JS, React.js,
Redux, AWS (EC2, EBS, S3), Cassandra, RabbitMQ, Splunk, Junit, Maven.

Client: Aviva September 2018 to December 2020

Role: Java Developer
Location: Hyderabad

Aviva USA is a sales provider of indexed annuities and indexed life insurance. Worked as a Java developer with the Entity team for creation of
RESTful webservices. Helped the team in developing the business logic and managing the frontend and determined scope and impact of project
risks and issues.

 Wrote XML validation components using DTD, XML Schema and used web services to extract and communicate the records using
XML and REST. Configured and deployed the J2EE application on web logic Application Server.
 Achieved Optimized performance by Angular 4 lazy loading and Injected Angular 4 built in HTTP service to custom services to
communicate with back end with RESTful APIs and Used pipes to format and sort data displayed in the templates.
 Used Angular CLI to generate components services and compiled in different environments and leveraged Angular JS controllers to
maintain each view data also implemented Angular service calls using Angular Factory.
 Developed application using the STRUTS framework that leverages the Classic Model View Controller architecture also used the
WSAD 5.1.2 for writing code for the JSP, STRUTS and EJBs.
 Developed the UML use cases, and Sequence diagrams and development of server-side modules using J2EE, Struts, EJB and Utility classes.
 Worked with IDE and Eclipse Indigo and deployed into JBoss application server with Tomcat server and used Maven built tool to achieve more
functionality for build process and used Visual source safe for the source control.
 Responsible for client-side validations and server-side validations in JSP and designed and developed Microservices business components
using Spring Boot where used Struts tag libraries, JSTL and created web interfaces using JSP technology.
 Development of test cases for unit testing in a Test-Driven Development and Implemented the JMS for asynchronous message communication
and used JDBC to invoke stored procedures and database connectivity to oracle and deployed application in WebSphere application server.
 Wrote SQL queries and PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, triggers, cursors sequences and indexes which are going to be invoked by the
batch process and involved in creating basic SQL for CRUD operations and advanced SQL for procedures.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Struts, MVC, REST, EJB, Java Beans, Oracle, ANT, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML Struts, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets,
SOAP UI, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server, Sublime, EJB, NetBeans.

Client: Citi Bank May 2014 to August 2018

Role: Java Developer
Location: Hyderabad

Citibank, N. A. is the primary U.S. banking subsidiary of financial services multinational Citigroup. Worked as a Java Developer with control and risk
implementations team and developed webservices and APIs. Also, collaborated with team to optimize testing, defect isolation, and defect tracking.

 Developed responsive webpages using Adobe AEM, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSON and Help determine feasibility, requirement impact on
systems, and work estimates based on business requests.
 Manage TFSB webpages to support the digital banking knowledge and meet customer needs across multiple channels, products, and
 Design, develop, and deploy Java microservices for a suite of applications supporting insurance companies and enterprise customers
 Coordinate with the development team to identify automation opportunities and improve technical support for end users
 Perform code optimization, conduct unit testing, and develop frameworks using object-oriented design principles.
 Developed a scalable and maintainable application using J2EE Framework, Hibernate, MVC Model, Struts, and J2EE Design Patterns and
developed the Action Classes which is in between view and model layers, Action Form Classes which is used to maintain session state of web
application, created JSPs (Java Server Pages) using Struts tag libraries and configured in struts-config.xml, web.xml files.
 Created tables in database and mapped the POJO using the *. Hbm.xml files and new Soap services using JAX-WS specifications and wrote
JUnit test cases for testing.
 Coordinated with QA testers for end- to – end unit testing and postproduction testing and continuous optimization of the previously written
code also developed systems in Java platform and use of framework such as Spring MVC, Maven, AndroMDA.
 Developed complex service components for Data Access Layer, DAO classes to interact with the backend using Java and the Hibernate
Framework and programmatic usage of RDBMS and NOSQL database APIs including Hector and Cassandra clients.

Environment: Java, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, SOAP UI, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server, Sublime, EJB, NetBeans

Master of Science in Information Systems Jan 2021 to May 2022
Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA

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