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Team Work and Leadership

Reflective Paper

Piyush Varma
Q.1) Analyze the above caselet from a leadership standpoint and recommend the steps
Jordan should take to successfully lead this group? How do you think Jordan should
handle David, so that he does not adversely influence the group against him in his new job
as a leader. Keep in mind the Leadership models you have studied during the Course, and
then suitably elaborate and justify your response.

If Jorden wants to be successful in his new leadership position, he has to deal with David in
a diplomatic manner on all of these fronts, as seen in the previous scenario. A strategic
approach to leading a team should include giving employees more autonomy in the
decision-making process for everyday tasks. As a leader, it is always a means to advise the
employees on how to improve and create way for them to better decision making in their
working environment. Additionally, it is a way to aid them in the training and growth of
their job. It is important for him to establish a network and engage in one-on-one
communication in order to learn more about his colleagues and the environment in which
they operate. Jordan should also take a technique to test how comfortable the team is and
how pleased they are. He should urge the team to utilize the IMD approach of opening each
slide with a designated slide. Jordan should also take a technique to measure how
comfortable the team is. If he asks his co-workers to rate their energy levels and moods
while working on a daily basis using a 22 grid, it will give him confidence about the working
environment on that particular day. The markings should be done in secret, and the team
should learn whether the co-workers are unhappy, enthusiastic, or lethargic in their working
environment. In the same vein as the last suggestion, this may be an excellent way to have a
confidential conversation about the feelings. What David has done should be accepted by
Jordan, in my opinion. Jordan should make an effort to show David that he values
authenticity in their relationship. As a result of the fact that many people consider their
homes to be their "safe habitat" or "comfort zone" when they are at work, research
suggests that this may contribute to an increase in honesty on the job. When employees are
separated from one another by a screen, they feel more at ease expressing their views and
emotions. "People are generally more candid" as a direct consequence of the greater
feeling of security.
Q.2) Jennifer approached you to guide her to successfully lead the team (including Emma).
What do you think Jennifer should have done to handle the situation effectively? Going
forward, recommend the various actions Jennifer should take in order to succeed in her role.
As per the Situational Leadership Model, what leadership style would work best for Jennifer
to handle Emma? Justify your response suitably.

The ability to exercise influence on a group's core supporters and to provide them with direction is
an essential component of leadership. This is essential since it boosts production, which, in turn,
contributes to the overall success of the organization. In order for a collective endeavour to be
successful, it is necessary to have a leader who is able to point the group in the appropriate direction
and ensure that everyone stays on target. Everyone on the team need to have some say in the
purpose and strategic goals of the business, and issues and suggestions ought to be discussed
openly. In particular, I believe that Jennifer would do well to be decisive, cultivate an environment
that is conducive to learning and development while also making herself an active participant in the
process, monitor the progress of the team, and exercise patience, especially in the context of
improving the team's capabilities and performance. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed the
idea of situational leadership throughout the course of their work on the management of
organizational behaviour. The phrase "situational leadership" refers to a management technique in
which leaders alter their tactics depending on the particulars of the situation and the needs of the
members of the team. This strategy is also known as "adaptive leadership." According to the notion
of situational leadership, several forms of leadership, such as directing, mentoring, participating, and
delegating, are all viable options.
When dealing with Emma, Jennifer needs to adopt a leadership approach that is more along
the lines of coaching. It gives the impression that a team leader is active in the day-to-day activities
of an employee. Workers who already possess a certain degree of expertise may benefit the most
from effective coaching since it is tailored to their specific needs. In this scenario, the leader is
required to invest a significant amount of time and effort into the growth of the employee, while at
the same time placing an emphasis on the connection and trust that exists between the leader and
the employee. In addition, the leader has to provide more advice and listen to it more. This style of
leadership places a major emphasis on creating an environment that is conducive to the personal
development of each member of the team. It's possible for a leader to inspire the people of their
team by offering more recommendations and less guidance. They are more motivated to continue to
improve when they are recognised.
Given the circumstances, Jennifer has to make an effort to get acquainted with Emma. Due
to the fact that she is reluctant to change, she needs to take a cue from the other members of the
group and assign Emma a greater portion of the job while also making suggestions about the ways in
which Emma may develop. If you provide her some suggestions, she'll have extra options to boost
the way she does her job duties. Coaching for leadership is beneficial since it contributes to the
creation of a more productive atmosphere in the workplace. The accomplishment of the procedure
ensures an elevated level of engagement and devotion from the leader.
Q.3) What do you think would be Andrea’s leadership style as per the Blake and Mouton
model? Why? What do you think Andrea should do in this situation, and how do you think she
should tackle George, so that he does not come in the way of her successfully leading the
team? Think from a practical and real-world standpoint, and provide suitable justifications for
your decision.

According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Style Model, the paternalistic management style is
defined as the managerial style that is a mixture of autocratic and a county club leadership
management, and it constitutes a leader who is both motivating to others and very firm with their
own decisions. Andrea is a great example of a leader who exhibits both of these characteristics, so
the paternalistic management style is a good fit for her. However, the manner in which Andrea leads
may result in conflict with the members of her staff if it turns out that some of them are unreceptive
to the attempts, she makes to develop a connection with them and forward the interests of the firm.
To quickly and peacefully handle the problem or issue at hand, I believe Andrea should have
a one-on-one conversation with George about it. George and Andrea's issues need to be resolved as
soon as possible to prevent more tension inside the company. To stop workers and management
from talking behind backs about it. In the workplace, George acts as a bully and a gossip while also
encouraging a hostile work environment for his superior, Andrea. Andrea needs every one of her
workers to be completely honest with her so that she can figure out what they need from her in
order to have a productive working relationship. Moreover, she should work on bettering herself;
she already has the talents, but she isn't very good at managing her staff. That manner, neither the
male nor female members of her staff will be underestimating her talents as a leader. Andrea,
thinking not only of herself but also of other workers who could be subjected to similarly unpleasant
or inappropriate conduct in the future, should develop rules and regulations governing improper
behaviour in the firm. However, because we are addressing Andrea's predicament, the most
effective course of action would be for her to speak with the relevant individual(s). As manager,
Andrea is also allowed and has the right to issue warnings and/or punishments to her subordinates.
Andrea has to report George and any other subordinates who are disrespectful or inattentive to his
supervisor and ask for guidance or assistance in managing her colleagues if she is having trouble
doing so. Most managers struggle to keep their employees happy and motivated, but experts say
that to really succeed in this area, you need to put yourself in their shoes. If you want people to
follow you, you must show them that you are willing to follow them. Andrea must not just be the
one who issues orders to her staff if she is to be a great leader; she must also set a good example by
actively participating in their job.

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