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The main purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of

the concepts and principles discussed in torts, using creative and innovative
ways that reflect the skill sets tied to the broader objectives of application of
law in a business environment. 

1.  Choose any Canadian case from the website that relates to tort law in a
business context. The case could be any concepts we have discussed during
intentional and unintentional torts, such as assault and battery, slip and fall,
false imprisonment, negligence, product liability, remedies available to the
wronged party (plaintiff), defenses available to the defendant, etc. You can be
creative when searching. Please note that the case must be a Canadian

2. Write a 5-page case brief highlighting the following: 

 Who was involved in the case? [case name and citation] 

 What happened in the case? [facts]
 What are the legal issues the court must decide? [issues]
 How did the judge decide the case? [decision]
 What is the explanation the court gave for its decision? [reasons]

3. Please observe the following specifications:

 Double-spaced (not 1.8 or 2.1)

 Font = Arial
 Size = 12
 Margins = 1 inch 

4. Ensure that your paper is properly edited for typos, spelling, and grammar.
Marks will be deducted for any of these.

5. Properly source any material you use, using any format style you like, as
long as it is used consistently. Please ensure that you do not deliberately or
inadvertently plagiarize any materials. Review the school’s policies on
plagiarism if you are unsure what this means. Marks will be deducted for any
material that appears to be plagiarized. Students risk a mark of zero and
potentially further consequences related to misconduct for any incidents of

Case assigned-Frame v. Smith, 1987 CanLII 74 (SCC), [1987] 2 SCR 99
you can also use this link -

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