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A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else

21.02.2023 0:38


Life > Sex & Relationships

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish Where You Enjoy Watching Your Partner
Have Sex With Someone Else
'Cuckolding' is a taboo fetish the rise. But what is it, and why do people enjoy it?

_ By Girl on the Net 27 Feb 2020 Stránka 1 z 11

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else 21.02.2023 0:38


At the most basic level, a cuckolding fetish is about a guy getting turned on by his wife or girlfriend sleeping with someone
else. Sound like your worst nightmare? Not everyone agrees. In November the Independent reported reported that Google
searches for 'cuckolding' hit a peak, and according to Google Trends, the UK is second only to the Netherlands in searches for
the kink.

Why would someone be into cuckolding? As with any sexual fetish it's hard to pin down one particular reason, but
psychologists have suggested that sexual jealousy - and getting aroused by it - might be linked to biology. In his book
Insatiable Wives, psychologist Dr David Ley outlines the possibility that watching your wife with someone else will turn you
on so you can compete and 'beat' their sperm for fertilisation ("This fantasy has been around as long as marriage and
sexuality," he says, pointing out that references to the kink have existed since the 13th century. "But we're hearing more and
more about it these days, and more people are rejecting the social stigma against this fantasy.") But others point out that
these kind of biological explanations for fetishes can't account for the complex social factors that can feed into kinks too. Ley
also explains that the sheer taboo nature of the fetish - society after all deems adultery a sin - might be a core reason for the


In his book 'Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help Improve Your Sex Life’, Justin
Lehmiller surveyed thousands of Americans and discovered that 58% of men and around a third of women had thought Stránka 2 z 11

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else 21.02.2023 0:38

about cuckolding. "Men are more likely to fantasise about cuckolding, and they do it more often - but there are a number of
women who have these fantasies as well, which points to the need for more research focused on women's cuckolding
desires," Lehmiller told CNN Health in 2018. Dr. David Ley believes that people are drawn to the fantasy because it
represents a taboo. "In a society or culture that idealises monogamy, the cuckold fantasy is a current narrative that is
available to people to conceptualise their sexual fantasies," he told the same outlet.

From my point of view, ]nding a partner who gets turned on by watching me shag other people sounds like the sex
equivalent of winning the lottery. I get to sleep with whoever I like, then immediately shag my boyfriend while we relive the
juicy details? Sign me up. Unfortunately, I've had a go at ful]lling a couple of cuckolding fantasies and the reality is much
more complicated than the sexual free-for-all that exists in my own head.
finding a partner who gets turned on by watching me shag other people sounds
like the sex equivalent of winning the lottery
There are lots of ways to indulge a cuckolding fetish – you don't have to leap straight in with a badly-spelled Craigslist ad.
Some people get off just on hearing their partner talk about past sexual encounters, and in fact this is a great way to test the
waters of your burgeoning cuckold fetish. In the past I've been with guys who enjoyed hearing tales of past shags, either as
part of foreplay or during sex itself. Naturally jealousy is always a risk, so if you're really nervous about how you might feel,
asking your partner to make up a story can be quite a good way to start. You can then move on to real-life encounters,
getting her to tell you about hot sex she had with an ex – as long as you pick one you're not likely to get into a ]ght about

Beyond simple storytelling, you could also try sending your partner out on a sex mission, then hearing all the juicy details
when they get home. I used to regularly see a few guys for spanking and BDSM, and on a few occasions my boyfriend would
sit outside in the car until I was ]nished, thoroughly beaten and ready to tell him every detail of what happened inside. This
option does throw up some ethical questions, such as how much do you tell the third party about what's happening?
Personally I'd recommend telling them exactly what's going on – full disclosure saves a world of trouble down the line. And
who knows? If you decide to take things further they might be up for joining in.

If you do decide to live out a cuckold fantasy, you'll naturally need one extra person and a hefty dollop of courage. I could be
prescriptive here and tell you exactly how your cuckold fantasy might go down, but in truth these encounters can be as
varied as any other kind of sex. A quick trawl of Craigslist shows couples who are looking for anything from 'horny guys in
uniform' to a simple 'porn star cock' or the more detailed 'verbally abusive dom top hunk who's looking for married couples
to worship him.' Good news for potential cuckolders - if you fancy being the extra in someone else's fantasy there are lots of
couples out there who'd love to have you. Standard threesome rules apply here, such as 'be nice' and 'try not to get jizz on a
stranger's sofa' but alongside these it's also worth clarifying with the couple exactly how they see things going down. Will her
husband or boyfriend just be watching from afar? Or will they get involved, offering suggestions or directing the action? If
you're part of the cuckold couple, clarify all these things with your third before you get started – there's nothing more
awkward than you chipping in with suggestions like an enthusiastic threesome director if they'd planned for you to stay
quiet. Stránka 3 z 11

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else 21.02.2023 0:38


We've grown up being told that sex should be between two people, not two
people and a guy called Brian
Alongside awkwardness, a cuckold fantasy that sounds fun in theory can be horrible in practice if jealousy gets in the way.
Most of us have grown up being told that love and sex should be between two people, not two people and a guy called Brian
that you met on the MF4M section of Craigslist. When we see our partners enjoying sex with other people, there's a lot of
societal pressure that's primed us to react with horror – demanding an immediate break-up followed by a three-month
rebound sex-fest to recover. If it weren't for these ingrained assumptions, cuckolding wouldn't have quite the same fetish
status as it has, because breaking these taboos about monogamous sex is often the whole point.

There's a word for the joy you feel at seeing your partner happy: compersion. It's often used by polyamorous people to
explain the warm-and-fuzzy feelings they get from seeing their partner happily dating other people. It's not directly tied to
sex – it's all about emotion. Cuckolding, on the other hand, is rooted in something closer to sexual humiliation. It relies on
the idea that it is appalling for one man to 'take' another man's wife. The word comes, quite pleasingly, from the word
'cuckoo', because a cuckoo lays its eggs in another bird's nest, thus sneakily getting its chick raised by someone else.
cuckolding is often wrapped up in offensive or troubling assumptions
So let's address the elephant in the room: cuckolding is often wrapped up in offensive or troubling assumptions. Firstly, the
idea of ownership – that a guy should control his girlfriend or wife, and that if she strays it's not just upsetting to him as a
person, but damaging to him as a man, because 'his' woman is getting pleasure elsewhere. It's why the word 'cuck' is now
often used by alt-right nobheads as a term of abuse. A 'cuck' is similar to a beta male – someone who is too weak to control
his woman the way screaming right-wingers think he should. (There's a female equivalent, with an equally unsexy-sounding
name – cuckqueaning).

More disturbingly, cuckolding is also sometimes wrapped up in race. My trawl of Craigslist found a number of ads that
speci]ed wannabe cuckolds looking for 'BBC' - a racist term popularised by porn, meaning 'big black cock.' Why? Well, the
awkward answer is that just as we have ingrained sexist views about men needing to 'own' or control their female partners, Stránka 4 z 11

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else 21.02.2023 0:38

so we also have ingrained racist ideas that feed into people's sexual fantasies. Probably another reason why the alt-right has
picked 'cuck' as its insult of choice.

But while it's worth noting the negative connotations surrounding this fetish, it doesn't mean that anyone who has
cuckolding fantasies will be experiencing the same thing. Depending on the nuance of your kink, you may be more of a
'hotwife' fetishist than a cuckold. 'Hotwife' as in 'I have a really hot wife, would you like to shag her?' While cuckolding relies
on the idea that men 'own' women and are therefore humiliated if their wife sleeps with someone else, 'hotwife' fetishists are
more into the idea that offering your wife up for sexual encounters is a matter of pride. It still leans heavily on the idea of
'giving' your partner away as a gift, but it avoids the awkward humiliation aspect. Beyond 'hotwife', there's swinging of
course - a mutual sexual free-for-all, where everyone gets a turn to play.


Over the course of his research, Dr. David Lay found no reason to dissuade people from fantasising about to embarking upon
cuckoldry. “Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behaviour,” Ley
told CNN. “It doesn’t appear to be evidence of disturbance, of an unhealthy relationship, or of disregard for one’s partner.”

Whatever your fascination with cuckolding – and I assume you have one because you read to the end – there are many
different ways to indulge it. From storytelling with your partner to full-on cuckold threesomes arranged with a willing third.
And while cuckolding has an awkward history, and an even more awkward present, you don't have to be tied to the dodgy
assumptions that a lot of cuckold porn rests on. Just follow the same rules you would for any other great sex: good
communication, mutual respect, and regular checking in to make sure you're all still having an awesome time. It's way more
work than just buying a lottery ticket, but the payoff could be totally worth it.

Girl on the Net is a sex blogger and author.

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