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Name: Wulan Sri Ayu Kartika Kirana

NPM: 2021710004

TOEIC Assignment 4

Practice 1

1. D. the bike is leaning against the wall

2. A. the man at the podium is making a speech
3. B. the table is set for breakfast
4. C. the construction workers are walking across the beam
5. A. he is hammering a nail into the wall
6. D. she is getting her hair done
7. B. the hotel is ready for occupancy
8. C. the tourist is pulling his suitcase behind him
9. A. a small bridge passes over the canal
10. B. they holding a box

Practice 2

1. B. The man writing something on his laptop

2. C. horse is jumping over a block
3. C. the women on the right have longer hair
4. A. the woman is making a phone call
5. B. the traffic lights are held by the same cable
6. C. the watermelon is split in half
7. C. there are only a few cars moving on the road
8. A. the women a sitting on the curb
9. A. the people crossing the road
10. C. the table is ready to host people

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