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Fresh from the Country by Miss Read 

This book looks like a guide for young teachers from 50s in the UK.
Miss Read in this humorous and charming story draws us magically into the world of the
primary school. Anna Lacey, a young country girl, is given her first job in Greater London(Elm
Hill), and as she learns to cope with the challenges of her new life, we share with her the delights
and pleasures of teaching "those dear, devilish, delicious, disarming, infuriating and exhausting
creatures" who are her young pupils.
But frankly speaking I would tend to say that it is cheap reading or pulp novel. The book
is tedious and the most uninteresting and disgusting story I have ever read. It is irrelevant
and outdated, because this story is very old. It is full of stereotypes and “interdictions” for
lives of young teachers. I would never recommend you to read this book.
Olha Komar

Until the light goes out forever

Famous Ukrainian writer traveler, columnist for men's magazine "XXL". Author of 9 novels and
a series of travelogues. His works have been translated into Polish, Russian, German and Czech.
The author's new book, "Until the Light Goes Out Forever," is interactive, it has augmented
reality. Through a special mobile app, the reader can chat with the characters of the book, ask
what is interesting or disturbing
Max Kidruk presented the best-seller "Until the Light Goes Out Forever" in the framework of
the All-Ukrainian Tour on October 21-22, 2019 in Sumy. The presentation took place at two
locations – the Congress Center and Central Library of SumDU.

The writer fascinated the guests of the presentation with the history of creating a new book,
presented prototypes of their characters. Max Kidrook is trying to promote reading, so the book
"Until the light goes out forever" is an experiment for himself. The publication is interactive, has
augmented reality. Through a special mobile application, the reader can read the heroine's diary,
chat with the characters of the book, ask what is interesting or disturbing. The author is
convinced that the book should be closer to modern reader, so his future books will also be with
the mobile app.

I would highly recommend you this book for pleasant reading.

Olha Komar

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