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Minimum value $150m Maximum value - no maximum

The assets MUST be in a bank and have an updated SKR's.

• By placing the SKR into a PPP, possession of the assets does not change - it is the SKR that
supports the trade credit lines.

• Valuation of the assets is done by the Settlement Bank. Assets are held by owner control.
Typical terms are:

• Initial loan to value 10% + bullet for 10 days

1. Skr from the storage facility must be provided. In some cases, an MT 110 must be
provided to show proof of ownership and where the assets are stored.

2. The assets are blocked only during the time slots for 52 weeks.

3. Payments are made every Friday.

4. OWNERS/TRADING PARTNERS and INTERMEDIARIES always get paid at the same

time each week.

5. The Owner/ TRADING PARTNER never releases their assets/funds.

6. The owner always keeps possession of their assets.

Return :- 50 % per week

Note :-

Please note that each file will be evaluated and undertaken on a case-by-case basis.

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