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AP4041 - Dilemas éticos del liderazgo público

Managing in the public sector : a casebook in ethics and leadership Sharp Brett S Longman 2011

Transforming leadership : a new pursuit of happiness Burns James MacGregor

The Prince Machiavelli, Niccolò

EO4021 - Métodos cuantitativos para la inferencia

Probability and statistics DeGroot, Morris H
Introductory econometrics : a modern approach Woolsridge, Jeffrey M
Probability and statistics for data science : math + R + data Matloff, Norman S

TC4025 - Ciencia de datos

Introductory econometrics : a modern approach Woolsridge, Jeffrey M
Methods matter : improving causal inference in educational and social science research Murnane
Richard J Oxford University Press 2011
Forecasting : principles and practice Hyndman, Rob J OTexts 2014

AP4040 - Elección pública aplicada

Analyzing politics : rationality, behavior and institutions Shepsle, Kenneth A W.W. Norton 2010

Designing for Policy Effectiveness. Defining and Understanding a Concept Peters, B. Guy, Giliberto
Capano, Michael Howlett, Ishani Mukherjee, Meng-Hsuan Chou y Pauline Ravinet Cambridge University
Press. 2018
Policy convergence as a multifaceted concept: the case of renewable energy policies in the European
Union Strunz, Sebastian Journal of Public Policy 2018

EO4024 - Precios y comportamiento de los agentes

Principles of microeconomics Mankiw, N Gregory Cengage Learning 2018
Microeconomía intermedia : un enfoque actual Varian, Hal R Antoni Bosch editor 2010

Microeconomía Stiglitz Joseph E

RE4020 - Economía para el desarrollo

Economics of development Perkins Dwight H W.W. Norton & Co. 2006
Development economics : theory, empirical research and policy analysis Schaffner Julie

Economic development Todaro, Michael P Pearson 2015

TC4026 - Aprendizaje máquina para la toma de decisiones
An introduction to statistical learning : with applications in R Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor
Hastie Robert Tibshirani Springer 2013
Pattern recognition and machine learning Bishop Christopher M
Big data: New tricks for econometrics Hal R. Varian∗ Journal of Economic Perspectives 2014

RE4021 - Planeación por escenarios

Scenario planning in organizations: how to create, use and assess scenarios Chermack, Thomas J
Berrett-Koehler 2011
Scenarios : the art of strategic conversation Van der Heijden Kees
Strategy for a networked world Ramírez, R., & Mannervik, U. Imperial College Press 2016

RE4022 - Métodos de futuros

Foundations of futures studies : human science for a new era Bell Wendell
Futures research methodology [electronic resource] American Council for the United Nations University

Teaching about the future. Basingstoke Bishop, P. C., & Hines, A Palgrave Macmillan 2012

RE4023 - Modelación de sistemas

Business dynamics : systems thinking and modeling for a complex world Sterman John Irwin/McGraw-
Hill 2000
Mathematical epidemiology Fred Brauer, Pauline van den Driessche Jianhong Wu (eds.) ; with
contributions by L.J.S. Allen ... [et al.] Springer 2008
System Dynamics Modeling with R. Springer Jim Duggan editorial board 2016

RE5019 - Proyecto integrador

Social research methods Bryman Alan
Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches Neuman, William Lawrence

Research Methods. A Practical Guide for the Social Sciences Matthews, Bod Pearson Education Limited


RE4024 - Planeación estratégica

Strategy maps : converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes Kaplan Robert S Harvard Business
School Press 2004
The fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization / Peter M. Senge. Senge, Peter M.
New York : Doubleday/Currency, 2006, c1990.
Scenarios : the art of strategic conversation Van der Heijden Kees

RE5020 - Innovación y prospectiva

Strategic management of technology and innovation Burgelman Robert A McGraw-Hill Irwin 2009

Managing innovation : integrating technological market and organizational change Tidd, Joseph

Technology Forecasting for Decision-Makers Joseph martino Elsevier 1983

RE5021 - Temas emergentes de prospectiva estratégica

Strategic reframing: the Oxford scenario planning approach Ramírez, R., & Wilkinson, A. Oxford
University Press. 2016
The Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) Reader Inayatullah, S. Tamkang University Press. 2004

Transformative scenario planning: working together to change the future Kahane, A. Berrett-Koehler
Publishers 2012

RE5022 - Transformaciones y megatendencias

Megatendencias para el siglo XXI : un estudio Delfos Bas Enric
Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy O'Neil,
Cathy Penguin 2017
Cambio social. Nisbet, Robert Alianza 1993

RE5023 - Series de tiempo

Forecasting : principles and practice Hyndman, Rob J OTexts 2014
Time series analysis : forecasting and control Box George E. P
Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and ways forward Makridakis S PLOS
ONE 2018

TC5032 - Visualización de datos
Interactive data visualization for the web Murray Scott O'Reilly Media 2013
Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design Kirk, A. SAGE Publications Ltd 2019

Practical Tableau: 100 Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies from a Tableau Zen Master Sleeper, R. O'Reilly
Media, Inc. 2018

TC5033 - Métodos avanzados de aprendizaje máquina

The elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference and prediction Hastie Trevor

Machine learning with R : discover how to build machine learning algorithms, prepare data and dig
deep into data prediction techniques with R Lantz, Brett PACKT Publishing 2015

Pattern recognition and machine learning Bishop Christopher M Springer 2006

TC5034 - Métodos para el análisis de decisiones bajo incertidumbre

Shaping the next one hundred years : new methods for quantitative long-term policy analysis Lempert
Robert J
Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice Marchau, Vincent Springer 2019

Developing a Robust Water Strategy for Monterrey, Mexico Molina-Perez, E RAND Corporation 2019

Este documento presenta información sobre la bibliografía de los cursos de la Maestría en Prospectiva Estratégica
del Tecnológico de Monterrey.
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derivadas de la información aquí presentada.

Cuidado de la edición y publicación:

Dirección de Normatividad Académica de la Vicerrectoría Académica y de Innovación Educativa.
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.

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