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Smart Alec a 

Sweet Sue čakajú na zločincov.

Sweet Sue je tam od pol ôsmej. Keď príde Alec
odíde na prestávku. Sweet Sue sa išla najesť na
strechu. Smart Alec jej zavrel dvere. Chcela sa
dostať naspäť cez okno. Ale Smart Alec zavrel
okno, keď odchádzal. Hasiči prišli pomôcť Sweet
Sue. Ona bola nahnevaná na Aleca, ale on nevedel

Smart Alec and Sweet Sue are waiting for some

criminals. Sweet Sue has been there since half past
seven. When Smart Alec came, she went back to
the office for the lunch. She has gone to eat her
lunch on the roof. But Smart Alex closed the door
to the roof. She wanted get in through her window.
But Smart Alex closed the window too. Fire
brigade came and rescued Sweet Sue from the
roof. She was angry, but he didn´t know, what has
he done.

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