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Removable Dentures

Full or partial tooth loss, if left untreated, doesn't just affect a person's self-image — it can also increase the risk
of developing nutritional problems and other systemic health disorders. Fortunately, there's a reliable and time-
tested method for treating this condition: full or partial dentures.
Dentures are just one option for replacing missing teeth; some of the
others include fixed bridgework and dental implants. Each method has its
particular pluses and minuses, which should be carefully considered.
There are also several varieties of dentures available to address specific
issues, from partial dentures to implant-supported overdentures. The best
option for you will depend on your individual situation.

How Do Removable Dentures Work?

Full or partial dentures consist of a gum-colored base made of plastic
resin, which fits over the remaining alveolar (bone) ridge that formerly
held the teeth. The prosthetic teeth projecting from the base are
designed to look and function just like your natural teeth. Dentures are
held in place primarily by the suctioning effect of their close fit against the
alveolar ridges — that's why it's so important that they are fitted properly.
The upper denture also gets extra support from the large surface area of
the roof of the mouth (palate), which generally makes it extremely stable.
At first, wearing dentures may require some getting used to in terms of
talking and eating, as the dentures become “balanced” in the space
formerly occupied by the teeth. But over time, the muscles, nerves and
ligaments of the mouth learn to work in new ways, which allows these
functions to occur normally. Dentures also help support the facial
skeleton and the soft tissues of the lips and cheeks, which can help create
a more youthful appearance.

Types of Full Dentures

Immediate Dentures: These are usually a temporary means of helping you
transition to successful denture wearing. Because of the muscular
readjustment required, as well as the natural shrinkage of gums, the
dentures which are placed immediately after tooth extraction won't fit as
well as permanent dentures made when the healing is complete. They do,
however, provide you with new teeth right away, and give you time to
Conventional Full Dentures: After a period of time, permanent dentures
that conform to your mouth with near-perfect accuracy can be fabricated.
These are carefully crafted to look as much like your own natural teeth as
possible, and are able to function properly in your mouth for a long time.
Implant-Supported Overdentures: To increase the stability of a lower or
upper denture, it's possible for it to be securely anchored using two or
more dental implants. The upper jaw requires more implants (generally
three or more) than the lower jaw due to a lesser bone density. Many
people find this option offers a great balance of comfort, functionality and
Removable Dentures
Types of Partial Dentures
Transitional Partial Dentures: These relatively inexpensive removable plastic dentures serve as a temporary
tooth replacement and space maintainer as you wait for your mouth to heal from tooth extraction, for example.
Once the healing process is complete, dental implants can be placed.
Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs): Usually made of cast vitallium, these well-constructed, metal-based
removable partial dentures are much lighter and less obtrusive than those made of plastic. They are a little more
expensive than plastic dentures but will fit better.

How Dentures Are Made and Fitted

Making quality dentures is a blend of science and art. First, an accurate impression (mold) is made of the
alveolar ridges on the top and bottom of your mouth. The base of the denture is made from this mold in a dental
laboratory. Working together, the dentist and lab technician choose from among many different sizes and
shapes of prosthetic teeth to re-create a natural-looking smile. When everyone is satisfied with the result, the
temporary dentures are made in permanent form.
To enable normal speech and eating, it's crucial to balance your bite. This means that the upper and lower
dentures come together and properly stabilize each other. The form and function of the dentures are carefully
checked to ensure that they are working and fitting properly.

What to Expect After You Get Dentures

If you've recently lost your teeth and received an immediate denture, it's normal to find some tissue shrinkage
and bone loss occurring. Therefore, in several months you may find that your immediate dentures no longer fit
well. You will have two choices at this point: You can have your immediate (temporary) dentures re-lined. This
means that material is added under the denture's base to better conform to the new contours of your alveolar
ridge. A better option is to move to a set of conventional full dentures, which will last longer and fit better. With
proper care, dentures offer a functional, aesthetic and economical solution to the problem of tooth loss.

I. Answer the questions:

1. What does full or partial tooth loss lead to?
2. How many types of dentures are there?
3. What does the choice of denture depend on?
4. How do removable dentures work?
5. How many types of full dentures are there?
6. How many types of partial dentures are there?
7. How are dentures made and fitted?

II. True /False

1. Dentures become necessary if the patient has lost all or most of their natural teeth. T/F
2. They may bite as effectively as the patient's own natural teeth. T/F
3. Complete dentures are replacements for one or a few teeth. T/F
4. Partial dentures are removable full set of teeth for either the upper or the lower jaw. T/F
5. The immediate dentures will fit as well as permanent dentures over time. T/F
6. Implant-supported dentures provide the support needed to prevent bone loss. T/F
7. Over some time , the patient may find that their immediate dentures underwent shrinkage.
Removable Dentures
8. Dentures also require regular care and maintenance to ensure an overall healthy mouth.
III. Make up word combinations:
Treatment Treated Treated fractures, teeth, etc.

IV. Fill in the Gaps:

Bridgework, readjustment , shrinkage, functionality, a blend , mold, fitting, maintainer

1. Dentures are molded to fit your mouth and providing tooth ………………………...
2. Do not attempt to adjust the dentures yourself, as they can easily be made worthless by a do-it-
yourself ………………………...
3. Fixed…………………….. are cemented to the teeth on either side of the space with a special dental
4. Once the gums have healed, the dentist will cast a ……………………….. over the patient's oral
5. Polymerization ………………….. causes dimensional change of denture during the processing.
6. Removable partial dentures (or RPDs) can be a viable alternative to fixed …………………………. or
implants as a means of replacing missing teeth.
7. The overall objective when…………………….. complete dentures is to ensure that the patient is
8. Today's dentures feature ………………………….. of metal, plastic and acrylic material.

V. Choose the correct option:

1. Dentures customize the way you look, whether you want a "new" smile or want to re-create/
re-build / re-fill the one you had.
2. Sometimes that is the best way to secure/ to ensure /to provide that the implants remain
3. Although a bridge may seem expensive it should continue/last/persist many years.
4. Removable dentures can also attract/afford/allow a patient to maintain more youthful facial
Removable Dentures
5. Removable partial or full dentures restore/require/reconsider proper care to keep them
6. You will need to have your dentist regularly adjust/adapt/accost its fit.
7. Immediate dentures also protect your gum tissue as your mouth saves/heals/treats from
8. Small-diameter implants (SDIs) are effective in stabilizing/sanitizing/supervising removable
partial dentures.

VI. Make-up compound words:

1. Broken dentures don't have a handcrafted/……………………………. solution. You’d better address a

2. I think, an inserted /……………………………… bridge can provide you with a more comfortable
3. Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes
and expectations for an almost ideal…………………………………. recovery.
4. Soothe swollen gums with guaranteed/……………………………… remedies work best.
5. This is because dentures are personalized/…………………………………. to match the look of your
6. We are going to bond the same tinted/………………………………. resin over the tooth where the
gums are receding.
7. We could offer a more realistic/……………………. false teeth, to replace the lost ones.
8. With this denture on, I really feel that I have a more positive and higher opinion about myself/

VII. Fill in the prepositions:

“ I lost some front teeth ……………. a motorcycle accident when I was 20. I lost more teeth …………………
the years from the results …………….having perfectly good teeth ground down for bridges that
ultimately failed.

Now I have a nine tooth arch ………… both the top and bottom. Both of these arches are supported
……………. four implants for a total of eight implants.They are both built ………………a chromium cobalt
framework covered ……………… a material called Ceramage. This is a much stronger and durable
solution ………………. opposed to acrylic with no supporting framework. Of course you can go …………
porcelain fused…………………… gold but that's going to cost much more money.
Removable Dentures
I have my teeth removed once a year ………………….. cleaning. Proper dental hygiene is crucial.
My work was completed in 2015 when I was 52…………………… a cost of $46k. Best money I ever
spent. Zero regrets.
The single most important piece of advice I can give is……………. choose your dentist, periodontist
and/or prosthodontist very carefully. Do your research and then do some more research. This is so
important and cannot be overstated. “
I hope this helps,

VIII. Translate into English:

Proteze detasabile pe implanturi. Proceduri pentru inserarea implantelor.
Daca protezele sunt incomode, iar adezivul este neplacut, solutia protezelor detasabile pe
implanturi poate fi potrivita pentru tine.
Proteza detasabila pe implanturile dentare este o alta forma de lucrare protetica pe
implanturi, dar este detasabila pentru curatare, similar cu protezele actuale. Spre deosebire
de protezele mobile actuale, aceasta lucrare este mult mai stabila fiind sprijinita pe
implanturi, eliminand astfel necesitatea de a folosi adezivi pentru proteze.
Aceasta proteza detasabila, care este o alternativa la protezele traditionale, se pozitioneaza
pe doar cateva implanturi dentare. O proteza detasabila pe implanturi va arata si functiona
aproape ca dintii naturali.

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