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Dance Opportunity #4 (62 points) You will be given a packet of 8 essays, which will include: - Annie Dillard: “Living Like Weasels” - Ted Nugent: “Gun-free Zones Are a Recipe for Disaster” - Annie Dillard: “So This Was Adolescence” - Tom Plate: “Let’s Lay Down Our Right to Bear Arms” saeeiiBostmeniGohinttsasity— - Neil Postman: “The Parable of the Ring Around the Collar” - Neil Postman: “Megatons for Anthromegs” =. Annie Dillard: “So This Was Adolescence” T Henri Poincare: “The Relativity of Space” (longer: available upon request) - Arthur Schopenhauer: “On Authorship and Style” (longer: available upon request) Instructions 1, Read 2 of the above articles 2, Document and understand 5 words you'd like to incorporate into your writing Lexicon and how—10 points 3. Identify one innovative technique (je. “a cool thing”) each of your 2 texts employs to make itself more powerful / persuasive / stylish / impressive, etc., and explain how you’d endeavor to do that same innovative technique in your writing-—16 points 4. Write a Question 2 essay response on how one of the above articles employs rhetorical strategies to convey its argument or message to its audience, but make sure you yourself employ one of the “innovative techniques” you mentioned in #4, and make sure you yourself use 3 of the new words you identified in #2—graded out of 9 points, weighted out of 36 points (40 min, just like in class), written on AP paper - NOTE: if you don’t have this part, it’s 0/62 Second note: You will have no homework on 11/18 and 11/19; the project is due 11/20 ANNIE DILLARD Page 1 of 3 ANNIE DILLARD LIVING LIKE WEASELS. A weasel is wild, Who knows what he thinks? He sleeps in his underground den, his tail draped over his nose. Sometimes he lives in his den for two days without leaving. Outside, he stalks rabbits, mice, muskrats, and birds, killing more bodies than he can eat warm, and often dragging the carcasses home. Obedient to instinct, he bites his prey at the neck, either splitting the jugular vein at the throat or crunching the brain at the base of the skull, and he does not let go. One naturalist refused to kill a weasel who was socketed into his hand deeply as a rattlesnake. The man could in no way pry the tiny weasel off, and he had to walk half a mile to water, the weasel dangling from his palm, and soak him off like a stubborn label, And once, says Emest Thompson Seton--once, a man shot an eagle out of the sky. He examined the eagle and found the dry skull of a weasel fixed by the jaws to his throat. The supposition is that the eagle had pounced on the weasel and the weasel swiveled and bit as instinct taught him, tooth to neck, and nearly won. I would like to have seen that eagle from the air a few weeks or months before he was shot: ‘was the whole weasel still attached to his feathered throat, a fur pendant? Or did the eagle eat what he could reach, gutting the living weasel with his talons before his breast, bending his beak, cleaning the beautiful airborne bones? Thave been reading about weasels because I saw one last week. I startled a weasel who startled me, and wwe exchanged a long glance. ‘Twenty minutes from my house, through the woods by the quarry and across the highway, is Hollins Pond, a remarkable piece of shallowness, where I like to go at sunset and sit on a tree trunk, Hollins Pond is also called Murray's Pond; it covers two acres of bottomland near Tinker Creek with six inches of water and six thousand lily pads. In winter, brown-and-white steers stand in the middle of it, merely dampening their hooves; from the distant shore they look like miracle itself, complete with miracle's nonchalance. Now, in summer, the steers are gone. The water lilies have blossomed and spread to a green horizontal plane that is terra firma to plodding blackbirds, and tremulous ceiling to black leeches, crayfish, and carp. This is, mind you, suburbia. It is a five-minute walk in three directions to rows of houses, though none is, visible here. There's a 55-mph highway at one end of the pond, and a nesting pair of wood ducks at the other. Under every bush is a muskrat hole or a beer can. The far end is an alternating series of fields and woods, fields and woods, threaded everywhere with motoreycle tracks-in whose bare clay wild turtles lay eggs. So, I had crossed the highway, stepped over two low barbed-wire fences, and traced the motoreycle path in all gratitude through the wild rose and poison ivy of the pond's shoreline up into high grassy fields. Then I cut down through the woods to the mossy fallen tree where I sit. This tree is excellent. It makes a dry, upholstered bench at the upper, marshy end of the pond, a plush jetty raised from the thomy shore between a shallow blue body of water and a deep blue body of sky. ‘The sun had just set, I was relaxed on the tree trunk, ensconced in the lap of lichen, watching the lily pads at my feet tremble and part dreamily over the thrusting path of a carp. A yellow bird appeared to my right and flew behind me. It caught my eye; I swiveled around—and the next instant, inexplicably, I ‘was looking down at a weasel, who was looking up at me. 11/13/2012 ANNIE DILLARD Page 2 of 3 Weasel! I'd never seen one wild before, He was ten inches long, thin as a curve, a muscled ribbon, brown as fruitwood, soft-furred, alert. His face was fierce, small and pointed as a lizard’s; he would have made a good arrowhead. There was just a dot of chin, maybe two brown hairs’ worth, and then the pure white fur began that spread down his underside. He had two black eyes I didn't see, any more than you see a window. ‘The weasel was stunned into stillness as he was emerging from beneath an enormous shaggy wild rose bush four feet away. I was stunned into stillness twisted backward on the tree trunk, Our eyes locked, and someone threw away the key. Our look was as if two lovers, or deadly enemies, met unexpectedly on an overgrown path when each had been thinking of something else: a clearing blow to the gut. It was also a bright blow to the brain, or a sudden beating of brains, with all the charge and intimate grate of rubbed balloons. It emptied our lungs. It felled the forest, moved the fields, and drained the pond; the world dismantled and tumbled into that black hole of eyes. If you and I looked at each other that way, our skulls would split and drop to our shoulders, But we don't. We keep our skulls. So. He disappeared. This was only last week, and already I don't remember what shattered the enchantment. I think I blinked, I think I retrieved my brain from the weasel's brain, and tried to memorize what I was seeing, and the weasel felt the yank of separation, the careening splash-down into real life and the urgent current of instinct. He vanished under the wild rose. I waited motionless, my mind suddenly full of data and my spirit with pleadings, but he didn't return, Please do not tell me about “approach-avoidance conflicts." I tell you I've been in that weasel's brain for sixty seconds, and he was in mine. Brains are private places, muttering through unique and secret tapes- but the weasel and I both plugged into another tape simultaneously, for a sweet and shocking time, Can I help it if it was a blank? What goes on in his brain the rest of the time? What does a weasel think about? He won't say. His journal is tracks in clay, a spray of feathers, mouse blood and bone: uncollected, unconnected, loose leaf, and blown. T would like to learn, or remember, how to live, I come to Hollins Pond not so much to learn how to live as, frankly, to forget about it. That is, I don't think I can learn from a wild animal how to live in particular~shall I suck warm blood, hold my tail high, walk with my footprints precisely over the prints of my hands?--but I might learn something of mindlessness, something of the purity of living in the physical sense and the dignity of living without bias or motive, The weasel lives in necessity and we live in choice, hating necessity and dying at the last ignobly in its talons. I would like to live as I should, as the weasel lives as he should, And I suspect that for me the way is like the weasel's: open to time and death painlessly, noticing everything, remembering nothing, choosing the given with a fieree and pointed will. I missed my chance, I should have gone for the throat. I should have lunged for that streak of white under the weasels chin and held on, held on through mud and into the wild rose, held on for a dearer life. We could live under the wild rose wild as weasels, mute and uncomprehending. I could very calmly go wild. I could live two days in the den, curled, leaning on mouse fur, sniffing bird bones, blinking, licking, breathing musk, my hair tangled in the roots of grasses. Down is a good place to go, where the mind is single. Down is out, out of your ever-loving mind and back to your careless senses. I remember muteness as a prolonged and giddy fast, where every moment is a feast of utterance received. Time and events are merely poured, unremarked, and ingested directly, like blood pulsed into my gut through a jugular vein. Could two live that way? Could two live under the wild rose, and explore by the pond, so http:/ 11/13/2012 v ANNIE DILLARD Page 3 of 3 that the smooth mind of each is as everywhere present to the other, and as received and as unchallenged, as falling snow? We could, you know. We can live any way we want, People take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience--even of silence--by choice. The thing is to stalk your calling in a certain skilled and supple way, {0 locate the most tender and live spot and plug into that pulse. This is yielding, not fighting. A ‘weasel doesn't “attack” anything; a weasel lives as he's meant to, yielding at every moment to the perfect freedom of single necessity I think it would be well, and proper, and obedient, and pure, to grasp your one necessity and not let it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death, where you're going no matter how you live, cannot you part. Seize it and let it seize you up aloft even, till your eyes burn out and drop; let your musky flesh fall off in shreds, and let your very bones unhinge and scatter, loosened over fields, over fields and woods, lightly, thoughtless, from any height at all, from as high as eagles. 11/13/2012 Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster POSTED: 9:51 p.m. EDT, April 20, 2007 By Ted Nugent Special to CNN ‘Adjust font size: Editor's note: Rock guitarist Ted Nugent has sold more than 30 million albums. He's also a gun rights activist and serves on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. His program, "Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild," can be seen on the Outdoor Channel. Read an opposing take on gun control from journalist Tom Plate: Let's lay down our right to bear arms WACO, Texas (CNN) -- Zero tolerance, huh? Gun-free zones, huh? Try this on for size: Columbine gun-free zone, New York City pizza shop gun-free zone, Luby's Cafeteria gunfree zone, Amish school in Pennsylvania gun-free zone and now Virginia Tech gun-free zone. ‘Anybody see what the evil Brady Campaign and other anti-gun cults have created? | personally have zero tolerance for evil and denial. And America had best wake up real fast that the brain- dead celebration of unarmed helplessness will get you killed every time, and I've about had enough of it. Nearly a decade ago, a Springfield, Oregon, high schooler, a hunter familiar with firearms, was able to bring an unfolding rampage to an abrupt end when he identified a gunman attempting to reload his .22-caliber rifle, made the tactical decision to make a move and tackled the shooter. A few years back, an assistant principal at Pearl High School in Mississippi, which was a gun- free zone, retrieved his legally owned Colt .45 from his car and stopped a Columbine wannabe from continuing his massacre at another school after he had killed two and wounded more at Pearl. At an eighth-grade school dance in Pennsylvania, a boy fatally shot a teacher and wounded two students before the owner of the dance hall brought the killing to a halt with his own gun. More recently, just a few miles up the road from Virginia Tech, two law school students ran to fetch their legally owned firearm to stop a madman from slaughtering anybody and everybody he pleased. These brave, average, armed citizens neutralized him pronto. My hero, Dr. Suzanne Gratia Hupp, was not allowed by Texas law to carry her handgun into Luby's Cafeteria that fateful day in 1991, when due to bureaucrat-forced unarmed helplessness she could do nothing to stop satanic George Hennard from killing 23 people and wounding more than 20 others before he shot himself. Hupp was unarmed for no other reason than denial- ridden "feel good" politics She has since led the charge for concealed weapon upgrade in Texas, where we can now stop evil. Yet, there are stil the mindless puppets of the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun organizations insisting on continuing the gun-free zone insanity by which innocents are forced into unarmed helplessness. Shame on them. Shame on America. Shame on the anti-gunners all No one was foolish enough to debate Ryder truck regulations or ammonia nitrate restrictions or a “cult of agriculture fertilizer" following the unabashed evil of Timothy McVeigh's heinous crime against America on that fateful day in Oklahoma City. No one faulted kitchen utensils or other hardware of choice after Jeffrey Dahmer was caught drugging, mutilating, raping, murdering and cannibalizing his victims. Nobody wanted "steak knife contro" as they autopsied the dead nurses in Chicago, Iinois, as Richard Speck went on trial for mass murder. Evil is as evil does, and laws disarming guaranteed victims make evil people very, very happy. Shame on us. Already spineless gun control advocates are squawking like chickens with their tiny-brained heads chopped off, making political hay over this most recent, devastating Virginia Tech massacre, when in fact itis their own forced gun-free zone policy that enabled the unchallenged methodical murder of 32 people. Thirty-two people dead on a U.S. college campus pursuing their American Dream, mowed-down over an extended period of time by a lone, non-American gunman in possession of a firearm on campus in defiance of a zero-tolerance gun ban. Feel better yet? Didn't think so. ‘Who doesn't get this? Who has the audacity to demand unarmed helplessness? Who likes dead good guys? Il tell you who. People who tramp on the Second Amendment, that’s who. People who refuse to accept the self-evident truth that free people have the God-given right to keep and bear arms, to defend themselves and their loved ones. People who are so desperate in their drive to control others, so mindless in their denial that they pretend access to gas causes arson, Ryder trucks and fertlizer cause terrorism, water causes drowning, forks and spoons cause obesity, dialing 911 will somehow save your life, and that their greedy clamoring to “feel good” is more important than admitting that armed citizens are much better equipped to stop evil than unarmed, helpless ones. Pray for the families of victims everywhere, America. Study the methodology of evil. Ithas a profile, a system, a preferred environment where victims cannot fight back. Embrace the facts, demand upgrade and be certain that your children’s school has a better plan than Virginia Tech or Columbine. Eliminate the insanity of gun-free zones, which will never, ever be gun-free zones. They will only be good guy gun-free zones, and that is a recipe for disaster written in blood on the altar of denial. |, for one, refuse to genuflect there, ‘Apaurawey we8aq uayo 1 pue—jparseuiap aumeass ous saye pumiaxe Sutatap 40 ‘sa994 fooups ve wITy eq oun Smiddiyn—solo uno Aw wy spew j ajoeizads Supyuts seas { pus ‘our punose rid e Sus 4 waosTu Aus yam woouaye Atz49 poq Au! paddiyn fm yeuy syeds ino BupooYs sea | “Sara sal] © payed Koup YOK Sea Tw 1 so1uje uo Supp yyostus oseadde op "3U [IP{on payuem suaepear 30 s4e2w0s [Pj 01 SurStoy pu pero josh UaBus sem 7 seep ut ule Act pasa | “ypury ux punose sjdood stn 998 pines “2un payne 20 aut ye pasoyeq pus ‘santa. 30 spun 10A dus s2m0] 4UpITOD | “s1¥a Au punose deim oy asore day ‘sures yoy day Zuo] os parse] sSurqeey mon -paustuea nous Aus 12M rsa dg —wolses20 sit 0) parins pur Aq powso) y>e2—pooupiyp Ajze9 Jo spout fc, WASRHL Possbun pu pauedop sSuysn Jy args) sssed you a 0} Jaqjour wap puie ey | pooupmys Ge G powelq pur ‘eoowy yon tH sBunp asow paxouddestp Ajjezom | poysnd 21 0 BuiKes u3eq peu aidoad ,yjasinod we, eam Ji se *O8ue Bigne8 sea 1p} uu (a8uny yay sem | pazoq sem [UY aI 1 “poisnogs sejssieat on hem amp py os Jo} 38 91g 8 34q | Sunnsun PapOoy pire #34 pure 230) da ux auf ‘stooms 0; 3}geumn djsnonuputes pu Surwooms dysnon F [$1894 m3 Jog “pauooms oym S¥00q tt dood say smo7 0} pustzog Ati yak Bulouep 10 “ireyRio pus Sumo sem Tg US ® ot med a68y © ped sau e uo 325 u2aq Aqqndzosedu ey ME PUR use ea Mou BumwOD NaI T UREN SENT UOUAA a}ou Auer a1290} 01 siskyeure stdossosioads a8) pow yf “lode pdousuen asnws | 3yGnoy ru aye sxpoypn AUIDS9p ag ‘ISD -umop i 1 sexs diene stip uy pooy pod sda Hoq0—s0A8120 tl aspa Bury ‘asje Burtpatos 10 21B00m-218004 p: Lsimuoso Suryseso stun Suyéejd ausem | way “sButzs pure shay tu ‘sinoy Aueut OF J0y ppnoj of 237240) purer ain paderd | uauased yp UF ow Ing ‘suoIsSas Usaauog uIpung auf ‘ou snouLIOUa UE YoOq Yns 2u6 peat | “uleBe utog pue 84s 341 01 9peq safled Jo aqed aig paxous AjuO 1N9 “ysIUY WEBIP f SOUaraKOI UAE YALA 94009 Maj auOs peas] “kaury 05 524 eum du8s aso 240 OU LeMR aetidins Aur ‘uoKp Lraq a] “2uH0g 94 01 duury 001 asom Bury Suny WupIno> [ step a suinaULOg “ueap0 ayy y>eq 183 1 'sS0upyia Au Jo prude suo2ouut axp pus sjasd pit 0} Sip atezadsop e se Jools Jaye Low tin (PEGA BUS Wes ET min ay 20uarsalopy SHA SILT OS quviiid SINNY ys Aus sured ‘uaxa MoxBino pjnom | 7p ‘uaspRYP 01 reYMoad worssed e Aquo ‘aarye Jfasdus Supury moqe qwapre'os wo9q pry | azaypa “iouE|d snoysea paw ayBi3q Oy 2up TP S294 2p2A0] os Py | KP 24910} pHOM aap aso} uoMp [ISM SI 5 spaisnfpe pey damp ep asatp yBnomp passed pry stiqz0 ajqedeoseut ‘wratp punoze pofoxys pliom ip steak Aueut 0: 19} uns ain pasdypa sanjos uno samp sdeqag sAssaydjay ‘Aiqetaae—t39) Tp uo paip pey 2us pumore ajdoad axp moy stip sy 2oU20sa]ope sea sp OS ‘ysny aupqnom oym Sop Supjreq © ‘sie umo Aur waamiag Bupjueq Bop e sem | “yed ‘umo Au Sepporq zaplnog e sem | If plone yupIno> | YBTUE | sv aAZBMS ING -o5j2 Sunyplasa2 jo'doa uo sinus Buoyant] AsoAa sToskur yes [eap 01 Jesus woxpas 03 Sed inoge yurYA 03 eM 3EpIp | asus 2805 01 Moy soquisun2s 3,upmnoo | ‘2x0u8} 10u pnoo J 199/G0 rep sem sjsu | ‘AEM unto Au uy sea] Mont ep A949 Jo ysow ‘Bu}op ‘Buu ‘mofpsuosyasun ‘jesus oy uaredsuen wa9q pey'] Yaquiauses pinod ] se Suo] se 30, “Moy 03 peut 003 sem pooyg At a4upmnos | ‘dood a,upyrioa J -pooig Aaa Aur pafBop paney »oe[g “a 1 padeoy sea pret] pure sxopinoys Aww aAoge axaydsoune jo 4232U n> Aang “2UpeaIq 3,upMOD | ane Os Sem 3ED qu Ay “9Ay] 01 aDeFIMS Aut ‘uo waAa yo] WOON OF seat 2724, "295 3,upIMOD | os ‘sada Aus PUTYG aDEdS 24 jonefMumaoe afqeiaforUT .sieaA Aureus os Ypte 9UY PaqTy OS YET “yo] BACy o1.s9A0u pausoas Yp>eD ‘pareaddvas wopasoq 10 afes USM Ys “pons z[ds sy00q uu a|doog ‘yeskui yam op prnoys J 1eYA 10 08 pmroys | arayA MOL 2UPIP ‘pre 20) dtp punoze paxoo] | paxpx> os 108 | ooy woosBuyurp Peyst Plate: Let's lay down our right to bear arms POSTED: 4:35 am, EDT, April 21, 2007 8y Tom Plate Special to CNN Adjust font size Editor's note: Tom Plate, former editor ofthe editorial pages of the Los Angeles Times, isa professor of communication and policy studies at UCLA, He is author of a new book, "Confessions of an American Media Man.” Read an opposing take on gun control from Ted Nugent: Gunfree zones are recipe for disaster LOS ANGELES (CNN) ~- Most days, itis not a all hard to feel proud to be an American, But on days such as this, it is very difficult. ‘The pain that the parents of the slain students feel hits deep into everyone's hearts. At the University of California, Los Angeles, students are talking about ile else. Its not that they feel especially vulnerable because they are students at a major university, as is Virginia Tech, but because they are (to be blunt citzens of High Noon America, “High Noon” is a famous fm. The 1952 Westem told the story of a town marshal (played by the superstar actor Gary Cooper) who is forced to eliminate a gang of killers by himself, They are eventually gunned down. ‘The use of guns is often the American technique of choice for all kinds of conflict resolution. Our famous Constitution, ‘about which many of us are generally so proud, enshrines ~ along with the right to freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly ~ the right to own guns. That’s an apples and oranges lst if there ever was one, Not all of us are so proud and triumphant about the gun-guarantee clause. The right to free speech, press, religion and assembly and so on seem to be working well, bt the gun part, not so much. Lot me explain. Some misguided people will focus on the fact that the 23-year-old student who killed his classmates and others at Virginia Tech was ethnically Korean. This is one of those observations that's 99.99 percent irrelevant ‘What are we to make ofthe fact that he is Korean? Ban Ki-moon is also Korean! Our brillant new United Nations secretary general has not only never fred a gun, it looks lke he may have just put together a peace formula for cv war-wracked Sudan ~ a formula that escaped hiis predecessor. So lot's just disregard all the hoopla about the race of the student responsible for the slayings. These students were rot killed by a Korean, they were killed by a 9 mm handgun and a .22-calber handgun, Inthe nineties, the Los Angeles Times courageously endorsed an all-but-complete ban on privately owned guns, in an effort to greatly reduce their availabilty. By the time the series of editorials had concluded, the newspaper had received more angry letters and fiery faxes from the well-armed U.S. gun lobby than on any other issue during my privileged six-year tenure as the newspapers editorial page editor. But the paper, by the way, also received more supportive leters than on any other issue about which it editoralized uring that era. The common sense of ordinary citizens told them thal whatever Americans were and are good for, carrying around guns like costume jewelry was not on our Mature List of Notable Cultural Accomplishments, | Guns don' kill people,” goes the gun lobby's absurd mantra, Far fewer guns in America would togiclly result in far fewer deaths from people pulling the tigger. The probability of the Virginia Tech gun massacre happening would have been greatly reduced if guns weren't so easily available to ordinary citizens, Foreigners sometimes believe that celebrities in America are more often the targets of gun violence than the rest of us. Not tue. Celebrity shootings just make better news stories, so perhaps they seem common. They/re not. All of us are targets because with so many guns swishing around our culture, no one is immune ~ not even us non-celebriies. O When the great pop composer and legendary member ofthe Beatles John Lennon was shot in 1980 in New York, ‘many in the foreign press tabbed ita war on celebrities. Now, some in the media will declare a war on students oF ‘some-such. This is all misplaced. The correct target of our concem needs to be guns. America has more than it can possibly handle. How many can our society handle? My opinion is: as close to zer0 as possible Last month, | was robbed at 10 in the evening in the alley behind my home. As | was carrying groceries inside, a man vith a gun approached me where my car was parked, The gun he carried featured one of those red-dot laser beams, which he pointed right at my head. Because I'm anything but a James Bond type, | quickly complied with allof his requests. Perhaps because of my rapid response (itis called surrender), he chose nat to shoot me; but he just as easily could have. What was to stop him? ‘his occurred in Bevery Hill, a low-crime area dotted with upscale boutiques, restaurants and businesses --a city best known perhaps for its glamour and celebrity sightings, Oh, and police tell me the armed robber definitely was not Korean. Not that! would have known one way or the other: Basically the only thing | saw or can remember was the gun, with the red dot, pointed right at my head, ‘Anear-death experience does focus the mind, We need to get rid of our guns. What is your take on this commentary? E-mail us The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the writer. This is part of an occasional series of commentaries on that offers a broad range of perspectives, thoughts and points of view. Read Ted Nugent's take on gun control here: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster pry ui—kes uemersox e—Bupres poxepas wos WI paid | ap st 9jdnoo pourew y “pus ue pue ‘a[ppra: e “Burumnoq e sey Ar01s ayy, “[euompen Ajqezzo;t09 “peoput “St TeTIOD oy punozy Sury axp jo a]qezeg ayp jo amusnns oapesreu ay] 9801 uonesydxe si ‘snondiqureun sjoquids sur Syn 2q azmonns paneneu sit qeys Sune vontpen—Buo] 2q 03 post rou soop 9[qezed e ‘pimp puv ‘uonsensip 03 a1qeiaua Aqysry sp 1ou st uoneSo1u09 a1p jo ueds uoRUaNe axp “Pucrss | “pas Aastep anoge Aquo SuLXdno90 “OY st xeIJOD 2m PUROIY Bury 9y2 jo a]qereg au “PIM uraq oY, 27U: 4 ‘ya jo asou Burureatios ad&ioys = ore ue star des 02 St YpIyAN go ajqezeg aya se yaa aumadus u punosy Suny ayp jo ayqesed ap ‘ojdurexa 305 ‘raprsuoD “ “Aqoy aup Jo suopeSyqo amp axe 1eqa Due [109 Jo siooz ap aze aeyat 3s988ns Ospe ADU, "uOALDEY JO. pue ‘uonduiapos 03 Aes atp yo suonewapar “ts 30 3650 preatog ind Aaup ‘sayquzed sn Te ayrT “AB0joatp auozyoo & punore pazrueBi0 sajqeze jo Wao} 213 2x22 s[erorourutoo worstaa|as WEuI0dun jo Gpolew pang “poyoant A8oj0aqp Nop OU “aaisuayjo pur ypIYs oq AECE sau YSNoWy, “sis09 31 Tey pue ‘pauTEIgo aq wed at asaya “ST ay ya pjoa aze nod S[Ips 01 Surpouos sey auosuTOg “FEIN | Ajpmiuo ore zexp s[etsaumA0D voIstaafar aze azaup os “S71 | [eonseisa[209-Wou 0} uoptaNe s,uoneBazZu0 ayp [IED SAA -auios [jim s0xsed aya YoY ut se asMf “wuoIWOD snowstyaz SEF | jepsoumuioo worstag|a2 Azox9:3eyp res B20} “TEP 101 OP | “ase Burqpautos 03 uo aaous AU! 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