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Financially Free Mindset

5 Transformational Mindset
Secrets To Live A Life Full Of
Copyright © 2020

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or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
publisher and author.

This book has been written for information purposes only.

Every effort has been made to make

this book as complete and accurate as possible.

Also, this book provides information only up to the

publishing date. Therefore, this should not be

as the ultimate source.

The purpose of this book is to educate. The author and the

publisher does not warrant that the

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Table of Contents
Book Summary ........................................................... 6
Introduction ................................................................ 7
Discovering Your Real Worth ..................................11
Think for Yourself .............................................................. 13
Self-Esteem ......................................................................... 13
Know Your Value ............................................................... 14
Do What You Love ............................................................. 15
Abundant Resources in the World ............................17
Optimism ............................................................................ 18
Be Proactive ........................................................................ 19
Learn ................................................................................... 19
Have a Plan ......................................................................... 20
Think Big ............................................................................ 21
Opportunities ...................................................................... 21
Courage ............................................................................... 22
Law of Attraction......................................................25
Better Yourself .................................................................... 26
Believe ................................................................................ 26
Vision Board and List of Goals .......................................... 27
Give It Your All .................................................................. 27
Toxic Relationships ............................................................ 28
Meditate .............................................................................. 29
Celebrate Your Wins .......................................................... 29
Minimalism ...............................................................31
Declutter.............................................................................. 32
Live Within Your Means .................................................... 32
Delayed Gratification .......................................................... 33
Stop Impressing Others ....................................................... 34
Giving .......................................................................37
Law of The Universe .......................................................... 38
Satisfaction.......................................................................... 38
Start Small........................................................................... 39
Group Giving ...................................................................... 39
Have a Goal ........................................................................ 40
10% Rule............................................................................. 40
Conclusion ................................................................42
About the Author ......................................................44
Book Summary
A life of abundance is a life where you have plenty of what you
need. Your finances and assets are there in plenty and you are
not at risk of bankruptcy. To achieve this, you need to learn how
to believe in yourself and to work towards your own abundance.
Keeping an open mind is crucial to this cause. An open mind
means you are open to positive thoughts and ideas that will
bring you growth.

There are many things that you can do to make sure you live
abundantly. These secrets are there to help you change your
lifestyle so you can get to abundance. There is no way you will
achieve abundance if you keep living the same as you did
before. These are 7 concepts that have been highlighted and
explained in the book:

• Know your worth and do not undermine yourself

• Acknowledging the abundance of resources in the world
• The law of attraction. How focusing on something will
attract it to your life
• Living a minimalist life where you live by what you
need and save the rest of your money to invest in your
life of abundance
• Giving back to society to help other people reach
• Being a good manager of what you have now so you can
handle the abundant when it comes
• Delaying gratification

Everything in your life is determined by your mindset. The
mindset is controlled by our attitude towards different
situations. Your mind has been created to pick up different
emotions that you feel after something happens. These emotions
determine your attitude towards them. Your attitude in turn
determines how you relate with them.

If your attitude towards something is negative so is your

mindset. We discussed in the book, “How To Tune Your
Mindset To Achieve Financial Freedom” how your mindset
determines what happens in your life. You will only be as
successful as you believe you can be.

Your mindset has two parts, the conscious and subconscious

mind. The conscious mind is controlled by the human senses,
that is, touch, sight, taste, hearing and smell. On the other hand,
the subconscious mind collects information on how we feel
about certain things from our conscious mind. It in impersonal
and has no way of discerning information to know what is true
and what is not.

So, the subconscious mind will manifest in your life everything

that you say to yourself. One key thing is the subconscious mind
will never give you anything in your life that you think of in the
negative. If you think about success and abundance negatively
then it will never happen for you.

You will only reach your true success when you reach your full
potential. If you do not know who you are and what you are
capable of doing you will only wander around the desert and
never get to your promised land.

When you discover who you are and where you want to go you
will get a clearer picture of your vision and goals. Your goals
are what help you reach your success. They are what help you
unlock your life of abundance.

It is possible to live a life full of abundance. This book is going

to equip you with five secrets that will teach you how to live an
abundant life. The secret to this is all in your mindset. You need
to cultivate the habit of thinking positively and seeing yourself
living a life of abundance. It is only in abundance that your
financial freedom will be secure. Other than that, a small dip in
the market can crumble your whole empire and have you back
at the bottom of the food chain.

You need to have an open mind about your success and

abundance. The disadvantages of having a closed mind is you
will not believe in yourself and in turn will not believe that you
can actually have a life of abundance. If you are already feeling
doomed about your life as it is and do not believe anything good
is going to come up then you have closed mind.

This is the same as rooting for your own failure. You do not
believe that you will ever have resources at your disposal in
plenty. Remember that your subconscious will never give you
anything you think about in the negative. So, you will never
unlock your true potential and enjoy a life of abundance. Every
project you start will be doomed from the start. The resources
will be available to you but your mind will be closed off to
seeing how you can effectively put them into use to produce

Read on to know how these secrets will help you change your
mind on abundance and financial freedom. After reading this
book you will have all the necessary information needed to help

you start living your life as a winner and believing that all you
need to live abundantly is in your mind. It is achievable.

You need to make the choice to change your life now. This is
something you need to do for yourself. the world was created
with enough resources for everyone to live a life of plenty and
enjoy success with their financial freedom.

As mentioned in the previous book, if God created the world

with enough oxygen for everyone to breath freely then He
surely made sure the world has enough resources for everyone
to live a life of abundance. There is abundant oxygen in the
world for everyone to breath freely. If He thought about this
detail then He surely made sure everything else is available.

Quit making excuses and start today. The world today is

dynamic and things change by the second. If you do not get in
the game now nobody will wait for you to catch up later. Your
opportunity is now. Grab it and ride with it. Have a positive
attitude and use the secrets in this book to make sure you live

Discovering Your Real Worth
“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have
first proven acceptable to ourselves.”

Malcom X

Knowing your real worth means you are aware of what you are
truly capable of and how your capabilities can make a difference
in the world. Your skills and expertise are your capability. You
need to know how to put them into good use to start your own
life of abundance.

Look at the life of Jeff Bezos for example, he is the owner of

Amazon and one of the richest men in the world. Jeff started
Amazon in his garage in 1994. Amazon started as an online
bookstore and over the years has grown to trade in several other
commodities. We all know about Amazon and have used it one
way or another. Either to sell or products or buy.

What you should learn from Bezos is he knew what his real
worth was. And he understood that he would need reach his true
potential from his job. After he graduated from Princeton in
1986 with a degree in engineering and computer science, he got
a job on Wall Street for 8 years before quitting his job and
starting Amazon in his garage.

Bezos believed in himself and his business. He dedicated his
time and other resources to it and secure its growth. By doing
so he secured his life of abundance. He is now one of the richest
men in the world and has a lot of resources at his disposal. One
can say that apart from enjoying financial freedom he is living
a life of abundance.

• What do you say to yourself?

• What do you think about yourself?
• Do you believe in yourself and what you do?
• Have you discovered how to use your knowledge, skills
and expertise to work for you? If not, what are you
waiting for?

Knowing your worth means that you will be selling your value
for what it is worth. If you do not know what you can bring to
the table you will only get jobs where you will be paid the bare

I know of a lady that phoned me in the middle of the night to

tell me that she was quitting her five jobs to start her online
freelance writing business. When I inquired why she made the
choice to do quit from her only source of income she told me
that she had just realized her true worth. And she was making
the choice to attain her full potential. At her job, she worked as
a waitress and her boss paid her per the hour. So, the only way
she could earn more is if she was picking up more shifts. She
had graduated with a degree in English and had the passion for
writing since she was a little girl.

What she did was realize her true worth and have a positive
attitude that her knowledge and skills would help her live a life
of abundance. She decided to stop sleeping on her capabilities
and to put them into use. Because it was up to her to decide

whether she was going to live paycheck to paycheck for the rest
of her life or she was going to live a life of abundance. Before
when she was working on hourly basis her paycheck determined
her future. But now that she moved to doing her own thing, her
skills and hard work are what will give her abundance.

It does not mean that you have to quit your job and start your
own business. While this is an ideal plan, you should make sure
that your worth is known at your work place. Make sure you are
an asset of the company and it reflects in your pay.

Think for Yourself

Start by thinking for yourself. Have an image of who you are
and what you can do. Let this image not be other people’s
opinions of what you can do or who you are. You are the only
one that knows yourself. stand by this thought of yourself.

Thinking for yourself means you are making your own life
decisions and you are not doing anything you have no desire to
do because other people want you to. Do not let other people
make decisions on your behalf and impose them on you. The
whole idea of living a life of abundance is having control over
every step in your life to get you there. Other people’s choices
may lead you the other way. They may be leading you away
from your life of abundance.

Having a high self-esteem means believing in yourself. And if
you believe in yourself then you discover your real worth. You
need to have faith in your skills and believe that you will live a
life of abundance. Not everyone out there will believe in you.
They will try all ways to show you how you will not make it.

Many will shut you down and not give you the opportunity to

If you do not believe in yourself all this negativity will get to

you and make you give up. You need to have a high self-esteem
and confidence in yourself. Start seeing yourself already living
a life of abundance and that your hard work got you there. Be
confident that you can make it and stand by what you believe.

Know Your Value

Know the value of what you are bringing to the table. The
reason most people never unlock their life of abundance is they
do not know their value. Especially if you are employed you
may never know how much your skills benefit the company.

This becomes worse when you have the mentality that you need
the job to survive. If you have survived in your position for a
long time it is because they need you to keep running the
business smoothly. Meaning that whatever you are bringing to
the table is highly valuable.

It is time you discover this value and use it to get you to

abundance. It is okay to go back to school to gain more
knowledge and increase your value. Education is the best way
to do this. After that get experience. You may have all the
knowledge in the world but if you do not practice it you will not
know how it works.

There are other ways you can increase your value like,

• attending webinars and seminars,

• reading books related to your field of expertise,
• getting advice from successful people in your field,

Do not self-destruct. Once you find out what your value do not
doubt it. do not talk yourself out of it and say things like “I do
not think I am worth all that”. I used to self-destruct. Each time
I saw just how much my input at my place of work was I would
tell myself that I was not all that. This held me back from
applying for promotions and asking for a raise. I was convinced
that I was not good enough and was constantly seeking people’s
validation so I could get confidence to perform tasks given to

You have to be your own cheerleader. Be confident in yourself

and believe that everything you do turns out perfect. Put in the
work that is required and take your time to make sure your work
is always the best.

Do What You Love

It is easier to discover your true worth when you are doing
something that you love. You will be putting your energy and
resources and practicing your skills on an activity you enjoy.
And the results will be good.

Because you love doing this, your confidence in your skills and
input will be high. I know many people who left what they were
doing and started a whole new career entirely. There is nothing
you can do in this world that cannot lead you to a life of
abundance. As long as you value yourself and have a positive
attitude you will get to the level of financial freedom you desire.
And all things will be at your disposal.

Abundant Resources in the World
The secret to having it all is believing you already do.


The world is full of all the resources that you need to succeed.
And there is enough for everyone. There is no need to envy
others who have the resources with them. You do not need to be
competitive with them and try to take what they have. If you
understand the abundance that is in the world you will know
that you can find your own resources and use them to succeed.

Like with oxygen, God made sure to fill the earth with all the
resources that everyone will need to live a life of abundance. He
gave everyone 24 hours in a day. How you spend your resource
of time dictates a lot of things in your life. It determines how
much you accomplish.

You just need to believe that all you need is already available.
Then go out, get it and bring it home with you.

It is common to make excuses like, “I do not have the capital to

start my business” and “he is successful because he has an
inheritance or trust fund”. If you have understood the
abundance of the world then such things will not affect you.
Your focus will be attracting the abundance of the world to
yourself to make more.

In order to understand that the world is full of abundant
resources you need to shift your mindset from a scarcity mindset
to an abundant mindset. You have to stop thinking like a person
who has nothing and start believing that everything you need to
live a life of abundance is yours. Believe that it is within your
reach and you can use it to bring growth to your life.

Become optimistic. Always believe that the best is yet to come.
Even when you face situations where the worst seems to have
come, think positively and believe that resources needed to
make a difference are coming.

Thinking like this will help you remove all negative thoughts
from yourself. Your focus should always be on what you are
feeding your subconscious mind. If you allow negative thoughts
into your life then negativity will be a reality in your life.

Do not be jealous of other people’s success. When you

understand that the world was created abundantly to make sure
there is enough resources for everyone, you will not waste your
time being jealous of what other people have. Rather you will
spend your time working on ways you can get what belongs to
you. There are resources out there with your name on them.
Stop focusing on what other people have and you do not. Go get
what is yours.

Instead of being jealous celebrate other people’s wins. Be happy

for them and their achievements. This positive attitude will be
registered by your subconscious mind and a life of abundance
will be manifested in you. Your positivity will unlock your
abundant resources.

Be Proactive
Do not sit back and just wait for things to happen. Go out and
make them happen for yourself. Do not allow laziness into your
life. There are abundant resources in the world available for you
to live a life of abundance and financial freedom. So, go out, get
the resources and use them.

These resources are not technical that using them is going to be

a heavy task. What is abundant to you is what you need. That is
why the universe is making it readily available to you. Because
you can employ your knowledge, skills and expertise with them
and come up with an end product that will bring you a lot of

Plan on how to use these resources for long-term gains. This

will ensure that your abundance does not run out after a short
while but it is able to sustain you for a long time.

Have a passion to learn. Always yearn to learn something new
each day. Knowledge will help you build your skills. The
knowledge you gain will make you aware of the resources
around you. For example, if you learn the importance of time
you will no longer waste even a second on things that are not

You will learn new skills or brush up on your existing ones. The
skills will be used to turn the resources into products that will
earn you profits and bring you abundance. Now that you are
becoming aware of the abundance that surrounds you, it is
important to learn what to do with the resources. They are
useless to you if you do not exploit them for your own gain.

Read books, attend trainings or webinars, ask questions, or
enroll for a course. Whatever it is you do just make sure you are
learning something. We live in a dynamic world and things are
changing by the second. The method you may be using to
exploit a resource could be slow and a better one could have
come up. Or maybe a better method has not yet been discovered
but you can because of the new knowledge you have.

Through learning you will be able to grow yourself and secure

a life of abundance.

Have a Plan
Being aware of the abundance around you is one thing, having
a plan on how to exploit them is another. There are a million
and one ways you can put a resource into use. But all of them
cannot work at once. What you need to do is have a plan.

A plan will keep you organized. It will make sure you are
following the necessary steps to make sure the resources bring
you maximum positive returns because no step will be missed.
A good plan will demystify the technicality of the process.
Sometimes looking at the work that needs to be done with the
resources to get to abundance can be discouraging.

Your plan will help you keep a positive attitude. It will help you
break down how you are going to work on the resources until
you get to the final product. You will not concentrate your mind
on the technicality of the whole process, but you will be focused
on completing each step. The steps will be broken down into
simple digestible tasks.

Think Big
Now that you are aware of the abundance around you what is
your plan? Is your plan for short-term gain or long-term
abundance? Are your methods and efforts the best you can give?

You need to think big. These resources have the capability of

making you live a full life of abundance. Don’t you want to be
financially free? And live a life with no debt or wondering
where money for something will come from? Then you need to
dream big about what you will do with the resources.

Start by believing that these resources have the capability of

giving you a life of abundance. Then think of ways they can do
this for you.

Remember that the resources available to you are also available

to other people. You have to be very creative and unique with
your plans to make sure you are the best in the game. If you
think like everyone else and work the same as they do, all of
you will be competing on the same level. But when you increase
your stake and better your game you will be competing in the
same market as them but at a higher level.

With abundance comes opportunities. All the resources around
you are giving you different opportunities. There are many ways
you can exploit them for your gain. These resources have the
capability of taking you to heights you could not have imagined.
They have the opportunity of making you have plenty and
securing you a life of financial freedom.

Think positively about the opportunities. Take each opportunity
seriously and decide to work with it until you have fully
exhausted all the benefits it has to offer. Your subconscious
mind is registering all the positive energy you are feeding
yourself. And it will manifest positive results into your life.

Do not fear but be courageous. Have faith in the abundant
resources that you have. Be hopeful in them and believe that
they can get you the perfect results you so desire. Have courage
that you will not listen to the negative comments other people
give about your hustle.

Learn to block out the negativity and to will the fear away. Fear
will make you hold back from performing many tasks or taking
steps that would have led to your success.

I was scared when starting my business years ago. Everyone

around me that I told my business plan spoke negatively about
it. I was constantly told how my products would not sell in the
market and all I would do was suffer losses. The first mistake I
did was seek other people’s validation for my dreams. The
dreams were mine, I was the one that was visualizing them, why
did I need anyone to validate something they have not seen?

So, what I did is I stopped telling people my plan. But before

this I had taken a long time to put my plan into action. I was so
fearful that I sat on my million-dollar ideas. Each time I wanted
to get up and work on my ideas I was immediately shut down
by the negative comments I got.

But guess what, when I changed my attitude and started

believing that what I was doing would work I got out of my

comfort zone and started working. I implemented my plan step
by step taking note of what was working better for me. Within
two years, my company was earning good profits and the people
that dismissed me wanted to know how they could get into such
business. See I was so good my success made them recall all the
mean things they said to me.

Like me, fear will only make you stay in your comfort zone.
You need to get out of the comfort zone now. Do not
procrastinate this. Your comfort zone is an enemy to your life
of abundance. You need to be an aggressive person that is
always exploring new ventures if you want to live a life of

Law of Attraction
The law of attraction works when you have the ability to attract
into your life whatever you want. Mostly you attract into your
life the things you have been focusing on. You have to train
your mind to think abundantly and positively for you to attract
the abundance and positivity into your life.

At some point in our lives all our thoughts become a reality. Just
like how a planted seed germinates and grows. Whatever you
fed it when the seed was still in the ground will determine the
quality of the plant produced. The effect of having positive
thoughts and feeling defeated in life is you will always have a
negative outcome in everything.

When I started my business, I never thought I was good enough.

I did not believe that I would meet any of my goals. What I did
was I self-destruct. In my mind I always imagined clients
coming and making a promise to work with me then at some
point they realize that I have nothing to offer then move.

This fear was keeping me from working hard on my pitch. Each

time I was talking to a client I saw them backing out at the last
minute so I did not bother to put in much effort convincing
them. And my thoughts became my reality. Every client that I
had pulled out at the last minute. I was attracting failure into my
life and my business and failure is the result I got.

You have to learn how to think abundantly. Always think of
benefiting a lot from everything you do. See yourself making
the biggest profits and getting the biggest bonus. Imagine
yourself getting the big tender and signing clients with big
accounts to your business. Success begins in the mind. You
need to sow the seed of abundance in your mind for it to
manifest in your life.

Better Yourself
The best things in life happen to those that are prepared for
them. If you want to attract abundance into your life you need
to make sure you are well prepared for it. with abundance comes
responsibility. The first thing you need to learn is becoming a
better manager. If you are a bad manager your abundance will
be your downfall. You will get the stress of handling all that has
been given to you and you will end up wasting it.

Grow your skills and have better ways working towards your
abundance. Make sure that your way of working towards
abundance is not leaving you in a bad position emotionally,
physically and financially. Abundance is not going to benefit
you if you are jeopardizing your health and making huge losses
just to get it.

Becoming better also means preparing for the abundance that is

about to come into your life. You have to be well prepared so
you can receive what you are attracting.

You have to believe in your abundance. Believe that you can
succeed and live a life of abundance where you will not be

worried about your financial future. Instead, you will be
working towards making more of the plenty that you have.

You will not reach abundance in your life if you do not believe
you can. Remember your subconscious mind, which plays a
major role in your life of abundance, will never manifest in your
life anything that you think about in the negative.

Believe in your skills, your plan, and that you will reach
abundance. This way you will be able to block out all negativity
and work hard towards your life of abundance.

You attract into your life what you believe in.

Vision Board and List of Goals

Have a vision board where you map out all your dreams. Let
your vision board contain all the things that you want to have.
Then have a list of goals. Your goals are what you want to
achieve from a particular endeavor.

Have a list of both short-term goals and long-term goals. All of

these have to be in line with your dreams that you have mapped
up on your vision board. The short-term goals should help you
achieve your long-term goals. For example,

Vision Board Long-Term Goal Short-Term Goal

Best Law Firm in Offer top-notch Assemble a team of

the Country legal services the finest lawyers
Give It Your All
Give your work your all. Make sure that what you are working
on is bringing you great results. Ensure all resources are being

exploited to utilize their full potential. Do not be comfortable
when something starts working. Instead work harder to make
sure it keeps working. So you will be enjoying the fruits of your
labor many years down the line.

The idea is to start living a life of abundance and to live it

forever. Not to just start living it and then go back to a life of
financial captivity.

When you are focusing your time and resources on something

you are attracting it into your life. If you work hard on your
business to bring you good results you will be focusing on the
benefits you will get from it and this way you will attract the
benefits to your life.

Toxic Relationships
These are the root cause of all negative things in your life. It is
from toxic relationships that you build the habit of becoming a
negative person. If you focus on negativity you will attract
negativity into your life and you will not reach abundance in
your life.

It is common to think that you can maintain being positive while

having toxic relationships in your life. Sometimes these
relationships have been with us for so long that thinking of
doing away with them seems impossible. But it is doable.
Getting rid of them means inviting positive relationships that
will give you opportunities for growth.

A toxic relationship will suffocate all good things out of your

life. It will such out all the positivity and take away the
opportunity to live a life of abundance from you.

Do not feel guilty when cutting such ties, rather be happy. You
will never know how toxic a relationship is until you have had
a breath of fresh air. These relationships have been holding you
back from experiencing your true potential. Break off from their
chains and move towards your growth and abundance.

Meditating is a good way of focusing on what you want and
attracting it into your life. Take time to meditate on your dreams
and see yourself as having achieved them. Meditate on your
vision board and dare to dream big. You will only be as
successful as you believe you can be. There are enough
resources for everyone to make it big in the world. Do not limit
yourself when you dream. But dream big and see yourself
accomplishing it all.

Meditate on the good things in life and attract them to yourself.

Focus your attention on abundance and call it into your life.

Celebrate Your Wins

When you celebrate all wins in your life you are attracting a
lifetime of many wins. You will be focusing on all your success
and attracting more success into your life in the process.
Celebrate the win no matter how small.

Do not let a win go unnoticed to you, do not dwell on it but take

a little time to celebrate the achievement.

If you want to live a life of abundance you should teach yourself
to live by what you need. This is living as a minimalist. Most
people make this lifestyle look bad. They make it took like you
are living on survival basis and being selfish to yourself. This is
far from the truth.

Being a minimalist means you are being generous to yourself

by focusing on getting only what you need and brings you
growth. You are shutting out everything else that is not good for
you are focusing on what will make you better.

As a minimalist you need to figure out what you want and what
you need. Your needs are the things that you need to live your
life comfortably while wants are extra luxuries in life that you
can live without. It is very easy to focus on getting your wants
and forget about your needs. And this is how you live a life of
financial captivity. You are working on satisfying your wants
which are just running you dry.

If you focus on your needs only you will have some resources
left over that you can use to invest in assets that will earn you

Start by taking out everything in your life that you do not need.
All it is doing for you is succeeding to distract you and cause
you stress. You are living your life to make these things
comfortable instead of them keeping you comfortable. Do you
see the irony in that?

When you take out all the distractions you will have enough
time and money to focus on what is important. You will be
focusing on how to bring abundance into your life.

You need to take out everything that you do not need to you
have space for the abundance that is coming your way.

There are many ways you can declutter. And decluttering

includes items, people, and activities that you do not need. You
can decide to go cold turkey and do away with all of them at
once. Most times this works for items that you do not need. It is
easier to pick them all out and find a way to get rid of them like
gifting them to people that actually need them or selling them.

For people and activities, you can ease your way out of them.
Spend less time with them or performing the activity and attend
fewer occasions. With time you will find yourself having moved
on to other things.

Live Within Your Means

This gives you the opportunity to utilize what you have to get
what you need while using what’s left in making investments.
If you want to live a life of abundance you need to teach yourself
how to live by what you make. The moment you start going

beyond you are inviting debt and financial captivity into your
life. And you will not get to abundance.

Living beyond what your income can pay for means you are
taking out loans and maxing out your credit cards. So, instead
of saving up and using the money to invest in things that will
bring you more, you are using the money to make buy luxuries
that are not helping your life in any way.

Say no to things and activities that will not get you to your
financial freedom. Work on getting to abundance and say no to
anything that will make you not achieve it. Nobody should
victimize you for making this choice.

When you start making more because your business is

becoming successful then you should spend less. Remember
your aim is to reach abundance and financial freedom. This will
not happen if you are constantly living beyond what your salary
can pay for. Run away from debt. With bad credit, nobody will
want to invest in you and your business and give you the
opportunity for growth.

Delayed Gratification
The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the
short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term,
is the indispensable prerequisite for success

-Brian Tracy

Delaying gratification is forgoing short-term luxuries so you

can achieve long-term abundance. You are stopping yourself
from enjoying the little resources that you have made so you can

invest the profits to collect even more profits. This is the best
way to ensure you will get to abundance.

For example, you can forgo buying a new car and investing the
money in the stock market or starting another business. The
profits you will get from this will bring you your abundant life.
You will even be able to buy a bigger and better car.

When you are dedicated to living a life of abundance you always

have to think of how your current decisions will affect you in
the long run. Look at the bigger picture not just the immediate

You will be able to weigh out your options and see where you
can let temporary pleasure go so you can enjoy a lifetime of

In short, delaying gratification is passing on your wants and

investing the resources in your future so you can get and make

Stop Impressing Others

Live your life for yourself. Work on getting to abundance for
yourself. Do not constantly consider about what people around
you think. It is not your job to keep impressing them. Your job
is to make sure you are living abundantly and making plenty for

You owe it to yourself to live a great life. No one will give it to

you. It is up to you to go out and get it. If you waste your time
impressing other people and not doing things for yourself
because they do not approve you will remain enslaved.

Living to impress others means that you will be helping them
achieve their own dream at the detriment of yours. You will not
be living your life for you and to make yourself better. Many
good things and ideas in your life will not be started because
you do not want to do anything to ruin your relationship with

These are toxic relationships that you certainly do not need.

What you need is to cut them out of your life and make positive
strides towards your abundance. Make relationships with
people that will help you attain your abundance and financial

The value of man resides in what he gives and not what he is
capable of receiving.

-Albert Einstein

The resources in the world have to find a way of making it back

when you use them. Just like how plants give oxygen to make
sure there is enough for human and other animals to have to

You need to know how to serve others with what you have. All
you have collected in life that is forming your abundance has
been given to you because you proved worthy of it. It is now
time to give back and create the same opportunities that were
created for you to other people.

Good things will locate you when you put yourself in the world
through giving. The quality of your success will become better
when people around you are successful too.

By giving, I do not mean that you give out all you have and
remain with nothing. Giving to help others means dedicating a
percentage of what you have to help other people be on their
way to success. You are not paying for their success but
facilitating it.

Law of The Universe
The universe will always find a way of restoring what has been
used. It is better to give to make sure that the resources you used
are going back to help other people. Your money will be more
useful when it is not sitting in the bank but it is out working for
the greater good. And you will receive abundantly.

But do not give with the intention of receiving. This is being

selfish. Give with the intention of helping others and do not look
at what you stand to gain. Let what comes back to you come
back subconsciously. Meaning you are not the one controlling
it but your subconscious is increasing what you have because of
the good deeds you are doing.

When you give do it with an open and clean heart. Do not hold
back but give with all your heart. Be happy as you do it so you
can be blessed with more. If you hold back when giving so will
the universe hold back when you are receiving.

The joy that will come with giving to others and knowing that
what you gave helped them succeed will give you satisfaction.
You may have had it rough when you started out because people
kept turning you down and discouraging you. Through your
journey you will have learned a lot of ways to keep winning. It
is good to help other people that are struggling out there make
it to success too.

Take them away from the misery of being shut down every time
and being discouraged. Believe in them and their abilities just
like you would have wanted other people to believe in you when
you started. And this way you will become satisfied when you

see other people succeeding because of your help to them. It is
like investing in an asset and watching it grow to make amazing

Start Small
Give what you can even if it looks too small and insignificant.
What seems small to you can take someone to another level in
their startup. It may be what gives them hope to keep going.

You do not need to wait until you have collected a lot of wealth
for you to start giving. Make it a habit to give something from
what you have. Once you learn this habit it will become easier
for you to give later when you have plenty.

Group Giving
When you decide to give towards something it is good to get
others involved to make more of what you are giving. For
example, if someone needs $100 to get their business on the
road but you can only give $40, it is okay to get your friends
involved and have them contribute so you meet the goal.

This is how Kiva was started. Kiva is an organization that gives

money to small startups and students to grow their business.
After they have made some money from the business they pay
back and the money goes to help another person. This
organization was started by Stanford students in a dorm room
where they came together and decided to help young
entrepreneurs grow their business.

Their effort of coming together is what made the difference

because they were able to collect a lot of money and help young
start-ups with enough money that they needed. Kiva also gives

you the opportunity to form groups and collectively give funds
to help people.

Have a Goal
Do not give blindly. Have a goal for your giving. Your goal
should not be to get something yourself but to make sure the
money you are giving is being used positively to make a

People give for many reasons. You may be giving according to

your religious beliefs or you are giving to help fund a research
facility or charity organization. Whatever works for you is fine.
But do not give people the opportunity to waste your hard-
earned resources.

Give towards something that will bring positive change. Give

to people that will put the resource into good use. And the
money is being used for what you intended. It is okay to track
how your money was put into use. This way you can watch it
transform other people’s lives into success.

It is okay if you give and do not care how the money is put into
use. Just make sure it is not being wasted.

10% Rule
The 10% rule is about giving 10% of your income to helping
other people that need financial help. You can make a habit of
this. Always give 10% of your income to helping other people
grow and become better.

To make sure that you are always giving away 10% of your
income you should take out this 10% immediately you receive

your pay. Do not wait to use the money on paying bills and
buying your needs so you can give out the 10%.

By doing this you are likely to use up all the money and end up
not helping at all. Take out the 10% first and give it to a noble
cause then come back and do what you want with the rest. Just
like you take out your savings first from your income so should
you take out your giving fee.

When you are giving this money remember to give people that
will put it into good use. This point cannot be stressed enough.
You have been blessed with what you have. It is your duty to
make sure it is being used for good and not bad.

Living a life of abundance is not impossible. It is mostly
possible than it is impossible. What it calls for is for you to
change your attitude and put your head in the right place. Your
subconscious mind is there registering all the positive things
that you are doing. It is seeing how you are focusing your mind
and your whole life to abundance and it will manifest abundance
in your life.

But for you to get to this level a lot of things need to change in
your life. You need to make the decision to live like this forever.
Because your main goals are to live a life of abundance and
financial freedom and never to go back to financial captivity.
You are working to protect your abundance and to make sure it
is not taken away from you.

There are enough resources in the world for you to use and earn
your abundance. Never think of yourself as doomed because
you probably do not have the capital to start your business. This
kind of negative thought will be registered in your subconscious
mind and this will become your reality. But if you believe that
there is everything that you need to succeed out there then you
will go get it and you will find it.

Do not sit and become someone with unrealistic dreams of

winning a big jackpot and becoming rich instantly. Even if this
happens to you, if you do not know how to manage the little that
you have you will be careless when the abundant comes.

Tell yourself each morning and throughout the day that you are
worthy. Remind yourself that you have what it takes to become
successful. You have the skill and the brain to use the resources

that are present in the world for your own benefit and to achieve

Embrace learning new things and always find a way to grow

your knowledge and better your skills. Read books and take
classes that will teach you something you do not know. No form
of information is useless. It has the power of helping you grow
and become even better. We live in a dynamic world and you
should always be active to learn something new every day so
you can keep up with the changing world.

It is also important to live your life by what you need so you can
have enough to invest. Instead of focusing on the luxuries of the
world which will only bring you happiness for a minute and
leave you in a tomb of debt, it is better to invest that money. The
investment will earn you profits that will add up to your

Do what you need to live abundantly. Use the secrets

highlighted in each chapter to help you shape your life towards
abundance. And keep a positive attitude all through.

About the Author
Ahmed Hesham is an entrepreneur living in Egypt who loves
sharing knowledge and helping others on the topics of Mindset
& Personal Development.

Ahmed Hesham is a passionate person who will go the extra

mile and over-deliver.

Ahmed Hesham words of wisdom:

"I believe that knowledge is power. Everyone should improve

themselves and/or business, no matter what stage in life they're
in. Whether it's to develop a better mindset or to increase
profits.Moving forward is key."


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