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Faculty of Economics & Business Administration

Department of Postgraduate Studies

How to write a research proposal?

The proposal should range between 2200 and 3000 words (4-6 pages; excluding the
reference list/bibliography) and should include the following:
 Title sheet
This should include the student name, the degree programme and the proposal title.
The title should be succinct and provide a clear indication of the proposed research
topic or main question.

 Introduction (200-400 words)

This section should introduce a brief explanation of the proposal and present the
questions and theoretical issues to the research. It should also highlight the
motivations for pursuing this study and its significance.

 Literature Review (1,000-1,300 words)

It should provide a concise in-depth examination of key arguments and findings of
recent significant literature and research pertaining to the area of the research in

 Research Method (1,000-1,300 words)

This section should briefly describe the proposed research methods, including details
of methods of data collection and analysis; what research methods to use and how it
shall be conducted? What form will the resources take? Where are they located? Will
there be any constraints of access? The student should be able to justify the specific
approach selected to achieve the research questions and demonstrate the proposed

 References
It should list all the literature cited in the proposal that support the research topic.
Use of the APA style of referencing is preferred.

Note that the university takes seriously the statement that the proposal is the
own work of the student and has not been written for him/her, in whole or in
part, by any other person. Furthermore, any quotation or paraphrase from
published or unpublished work of another person has been firmly
acknowledged in the work which the student submits.

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