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1. For meta-cognitive functions, which will work best?

a. Conferencing c. Inductive reasoning
b. Reflecting d. Role-playing

2. For which can the Venn diagram be used?

a. Sequencing events c. Presenting attributes

b. Comparison d. showing cause and effect

3. Which technique is an application of B.F. Skinner’s theory on operant conditioning?

a. Mastery learning
b. Project method
c. Computer-assisted instruction
d. Process approach

4. Which is a graphic presentation of numerical data?

a. Attribute wheel b. Venn diagram c. Spider map d. Histogram

5. A teaching method which starts with the details of a lesson towards the generalization is called

a. Debate b. Indirect c. Deductive d. Inductive

6. The principle behind the procedure when a teacher gives the right answer after a test in
reading comprehension is: Knowledge of results ___________.

a. is a deterrent to the occurrence of plateaus in learning

b. reduces the time wasted in getting the correct answer
c. is a great incentive to learning among the children
d. insures the correct responses in future test of reading comprehension

7. Learning is any change in the behavior of an organism, is the main educational idea of the

a. Connectionists b. Gestalt c. Behaviorists d. Mind theorists

8. Learning is an active and dynamic process in which the learner must be definitely be involved
in the teaching – learning activities, is the basic tenet of –

a. Progressivism b. Essentialism c. Gestalt d. Behaviorism

9. The class of Mrs. Tan is a model class. She uses the question – and – answer method of
recitation. Which of the following actions of the teacher can make her teaching more effective?

a. Repeat correct answers of the pupils

b. Approves of pupils answering in chorus
c. Answer question asked by her pupils
d. Gives appreciative consideration to all pupils’ answers

10. Your pupils tell you that they have heard a lot said about efforts of the government to keep
intact some historical landmarks. As their teacher, you believe that your pupils are curious about
the historic value of some places or events. What would you do about this?
a. Find out what radio or TV programs are about such historic landmarks
b. Assign readings to pupils in your Social Science class about historical spots of the country.
c. Ask pupils to get brochures and magazines from travel agencies about historical places in
the country.
d. Arrange fieldtrip to the nearest historical landmark.

11. The effectiveness of an assignment can be determined largely on the basis of the

a. quantity and quality of the reference materials used

b. amount of effort exerted to prepare the assignment
c. extent to which the immediate interest of the learners is considered
d. the results of the independent work of pupils

12. Lesson plans should be written to __________.

a. assure a logical approach to the lesson being followed

b. keep the record of the lessons that have been covered in class
c. make it possible to check for adequacy and completeness
d. guide the teacher on what to say

13. Even carefully prepared audio – visual aids cannot take the place of good teacher because

a. audio – visual aids cannot teach by themselves

b. they only serve as crutches for learning
c. the pupils are not involved in the preparation of these teaching aids
d. even the best of these instructional aides are likely to be wasted if the teaching is dull.

14. The modern concept of discipline is directed to the development of constructive attitudes and
habits of conduct, rather than to the regulations of control. What does this suggest?

a. Freedom to do what one likes to do.

b. Freedom to do right, and responsibility for doing wrong
c. Self – control and external control
d. Preference to negative incentives for learning

15. The teacher in the classroom is at the helm of all activities. These activities will succeed
depending on how well ___________.

a. he makes decisions
b. he can steer and guide pupils properly
c. he implements suggestions on how to manage a class
d. he employs techniques he learned from books

16. The modern concept of discipline is directed to the development of constructive attitudes and
habits of conduct, rather than to the regulations of control. What does this suggest?

a. Freedom to do what ones like to do

b. Freedom to do right, and responsibility for doing wrong
c. Self – control and external control
d. Preference to negative incentives for learning

17. The teacher in the classroom is at the helm of all activities. These activities will succeed
depending on how well __________.

a. he makes decisions
b. he can steer and guide pupils properly
c. he implements suggestions on how to manage a class
d. he employs techniques he learned from books

18. This law of learning states that when an organism is prepared to respond to a stimulus,
allowing him to do so would be satisfying while preventing him would be annoying.

a. Law of Effect c. Law of Recency

b. Law of Exercise d. Law of Readiness

19. The best way to deal with a group of children who have become inattentive and restless is to

a. be nice to them and ask them to sit still and be quiet

b. stop the class activities until they sit still
c. introduce some changes in the class activities
d. assure them that something pleasant will be given for behaving well

20. Which strategy would be most effective in providing feedback on a test in problem-solving?

a. Teacher corrects the papers in the presence of individual students.

b. Students correct their own test papers.
c. Teachers correct papers and return them at the end of the week.
d. Students who do well in the test serve as tutor to those who perform poorly.

21. A type of motivation which is based on rewards and punishments is called _________.

a. Extrinsic b. Materialistic c. Intrinsic d. Psychological

22. Which of the following will NOT contribute to the success of an appreciation lesson?

a. Knowledge on the part of the teacher of what is to be appreciated

b. Appreciation of the piece by the teacher himself
c. Requiring children to discuss the parts worth appreciating.
d. Stimulation of the children to appreciate the piece

23. The project method emphasizes purposeful activity that is self – directing and self –
propelling. As a learning activity the project method has the following characteristics EXCEPT
one. Which is this?

a. The activity should work toward a definite attainable goal.

b. The pupil should plan, direct and execute the activities
c. The activity should be a purposeful, natural, lifelike and significant
d. The activity will remove a difficulty through a process of reasoning

24. In the Herbartian method, the step “comparison and abstraction” aims to ______.

a. recall previous experience c. present a problematic situation

b. arouse interest d. develop analytical skills of students

25. The newer the broader concept of method places more stress on the why rather than the how.
This is in the line with the suggested reforms in teaching methodology ___________.

a. that should be standardized

b. which is the typical or ideal that will be good for any subject
c. which advocates teaching strategies that are inquiry and problem oriented
d. that there is one single method

26. The primary purpose of questioning as a teaching technique is to ____________.

a. identify pupil’s weakness in problem solving
b. facilitate exchange of ideas
c. stimulate thinking on the part of the children
d. determine the extent for which the child has acquired certain knowledge and skills

27. Which of following is NOT true of the case study method?

a. Basically, the case study method is the group discussion method using cases as subjects for
b. An evaluation need not necessarily follow the presentation of cases
c. The method of instruction presents specific situations of problem to stimulate discussion.
d. Discussants are best motivated when presented with lifelike situations

28. Which of the following practices is NOT a characteristic of good teaching/learning?

a. Evaluation is made an integral part of the teaching procedure

b. Students are governed by rigid and fixed standards
c. Learning experience in the classroom consists of lifelike situations
d. Students are given more opportunity to act or to experience learning

29. Good teaching and good learning may have some principles in common, yet some may apply
more to one than the other. Which of the following applies more to good teaching than to good

a. Evaluation of the integral part of the teaching – learning process

b. Appropriate application of the laws of learning in the classroom activities
c. Advance planning of activities and experiences in an inter – related and meaningful manner
d. Development of desirable study habits

30. The project method is considered valuable for the following reasons EXCEPT one. Which is

a. It provides a motive of learning.

b. It trains pupils to be responsible and to develop initiative
c. It develops such attitudes as alertness, open – mindedness and tolerance
d. Movement among the pupils is not free and discussion is almost nil

31. Punishment and blame facilitate learning when they _______________.

a. immediately correct the error c. are administered after an error is committed

b. are associated with the deed d. have been found most effective

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