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Clinical Field Experience A: Leadership Assessment

Erin Druce

Grand Canyon University

EAD 533

Dr. Scott Reisbord

February 1, 2023

Clinical Field Experience A: Leadership Assessment

Summary of Post Observation Conference

I was able to observe an auxiliary leadership meeting at Eagle Valley Elementary School.

This is a non-academic leadership meeting that consists of the principal and vice principal, the

head custodian, head nutrition staff, head admin secretary, secretary, and others. During this

meeting I was focusing my observation on our head administration secretary. While working

with the group she was very professional, listened to everyone and asked follow up questions.

She participated in the conversation and offered pertinent suggestions for the team to try to help

solve some upcoming problems.

PSEL Standards 1 and 6-Implications for Future Practice

In considering the implications as a future administration, I now know that I should hold

non-academic leadership meetings and what that means for the school. These team members are

integral people in the school and having meetings together “is developing the capacity and

leadership of other members of the school community” (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2015, 6g, p. 14). These bi-weekly meetings also build a shared understanding of

the school’s mission, vision, values and goals and brings all of these leaders back to the same

focus each week and supports them in the goals (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2015). This meeting was something I had not considered went on in a school and

will definitely be implementing it in my future practice.



National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders.


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