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3, Indicate the changes (using shorthand representation) that would you need to make to the Premiere Froducts database design in the event that the original Requirement 3 is changed as follows, For apart, store the part's number, description, item class, and Inber of the warehouse, the deseription of the price. In addition, for each warehouse in which partis located, store the n her oF units of the part stored in the warehouse. Draw an ER diagram for the new design. warehouse, and the n Solution Store given data in warehouse As per the User Views and Requirements provided, the Cummulative Designs for given entities are as shown below 4.For Sales Rep: Rep (ReoNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, Zip, Commission, Rate) 2.For a Customer Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, Zip, Balance, Creditl imit, RepNum) 3.For a Part Part (PactNum, Description Ontand, Class, Warehouse, Price) For Orders: Order (OrdetNum, OrderDate, CustomerNum) OrderLine (OrdernNum, ParNum, NumOrdered, QuotedPrice) For part, store the parts Num description, item class, price. In addition, in each warehouse in which the part is located store the number of the warehouse , its description , umber of units of the part stored in the warehouse Part (Partum, Deseription, Class, Price) Create a separate table warehouse with the required fields and include a foreign key pointing to the PartNum of the Part tabie to identify unitsOfand quantity for the part stored in the warehouse. Warehouse(wareHouseNum, Description, UnitsOnHand, PartNum) Now add this to the exsting DEDL statements to make the necessary changes. 4.For Sales Rep: Rep (RepNum, LastName, FirstName, Street, City, State, Zip, Commission, Rate) 2.For a Customer: Since a customer can be represented by many SalesReps a many-many relationship is created between the entities. And hence the SalesRep column is not necessary to be included in the Customer View As it can be mapped directly from the CustomerRep view. Customer (CustomerNum, CustomerName, Street, City, State, Zip, Balance, CrecitLimit) 3.CustomerRep: CustomerRep (CustomerNum, RepNum) Since there are no attributes that depend on a the combination of both the primary keys of tables Customer and SalesRep ,the CustomerRep table contains only the primary keys of the table Part (PartNum, Description, Class, Price) Warehouse(wareHouseNum, Description, UnitsOnHand, Partum) For Order: Order (OrderNum, OrderDate, CustomerNum, SalesRep) Ordlortine (OrdernNum, PartNum, NumOrdored, QuotedPrice) ‘The resultant Information level Design is as under Rep LastName FirstName street City state zp Commission fate Customer customertiame street cry State 2ip Balance Credituimit RepNumi(FK) OrderDate CustomerNum(Fk) NumOrdered QuotedPrice Warehouse Description unitsOnand PartNum(FK) Description Class Price

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