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Yore location is a village / township.

Villagers are living well and has a strong kinship, so that it is not strange if all the citizens of the village is personally acquainted with each other. Until one day an unexpected event occurs. A father to impregnate his own son. The incident became known around the community and make all citizens angry. They condemned the father and child and drove them from the village. Since the forced and embarrassed the father and son left the village. When they stepped away from the village of a strange incident occurred. It was said that immediately places them (father and son) split due to the devastating earthquake stand suddenly. The ruler's wrath and punish the father, son, along with the village into two lakes. One large lake that was later called big tolire (Lamo) which describes the father. Another of the smaller lake called small tolire (ICI), which reflects the child. Until now the lake is still there today. According to the depth of the lake Tolire unmeasured It was said that the villagers are now turned into a white alligator is protecting the lake until now. Locals believe the lake is inhabited by hundreds of white crocodile measuring about 10 meters that often revealed itself. That is why visitors are prohibited from bathing, swimming and even fishing in the lake Tolire, because they believe that whoever disturb the lake will fall prey to the white alligator. White crocodile can only be seen by certain orang2 which has a pure heart, so not everyone can see it. But there are few tourists can see the White Crocodile. Once upon a time a migrants from abroad do not believe in the existence of these legends. He was forced to swim in the lake to prove the truth of the legend, despite being banned residents. He too finally swim in the lake and just disappear. Residents believe that nomads have been preyed upon by a white alligator. This lake also store other oddities. He says if we throw objects into the lake no matter how hard the thing will never touch the surface of the lake. Most tourists who come to the lake is not only enjoying the scenery but also want to try the truth of a local legend. As a result of pebbles around the lakes is sold specifically to be thrown into the lake. Sure enough, there is no single person who managed to touch the surface of the lake. Like a stone thrown by the force retained a certain gravity. According to local residents who hold the power Crocodile Putihlah batu2 is to not hit the surface of the lake.

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