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World Literature

▪ Believed to be the beginning of French literature

▪ Manuscript dates back to 1100 AD, original poem is much older
▪ No known author
▪ Focus on loyalty and valor (chivalry)
▪ Expressed character of a people
▪ Historically based
▪ Performed long before it was written
▪ King Charlemagne ruled the Franks (768-814)
▪ The Song of Roland is a poem which took a minor event from his rule.
▪ The battle with the Moors in Spain
▪ A 36 year old Charlemagne intervened
▪ On the return to France Charlemagne’s nephew and leader of the rear guard,
Roland, was attacked
▪ The entire rear guard perished
▪ Based on the actual August 15, 778 Battle of Roncevaux described in Einhard’s The
Life of Charlemagne in which Christian Basques ambush Charlemagne’s rearguard
while traveling through a Pyrenees mountain pass, the Roland is a highly fictional,
dramatized retelling of a relatively minor event in the emperor’s biography. In the
retelling, the Basques are transformed into Muslims.

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