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Advent is a time of waiting and prayerful preparation.

Were member the first coming of Jesus and we prepare for His coming
again in glory.
The Advent season begins four Sundays before Christmas.

understand that Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of Jesus
recognize that Jesus is God who became Man;

do something good to others as a way of preparing the way for Jesus;
strive to imitate Jesus by becoming obedient to the Father;

thank Jesus for coming into our hearts; and
thank God for becoming like us in Jesus.

This is the beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. It is written in the book of Isaiah, the prophet, “I am sending my
messenger ahead of you, to prepare your way. Let the people hear
the voice calling in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord, level his
The word advent stems from a Latin word
adventus, that means “coming” or “arrival.”

The symbol for advent is the Advent Wreath.

The Advent wreath is circular, representing God's infinite love, and is

usually made of evergreen leaves, which "represent the hope of eternal
life brought by Jesus Christ".

Many Advent wreaths also have a white candle in the center to

symbolize the arrival of Christmastide, sometimes known as the "Christ

The candles also have their own special significance.

The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent, and one candle is
lit each Sunday.

The first candle symbolizes hope. We wait in hope for the

Messiah’s arrival. The purple color symbolizes royalty,
repentance, and fasting.

The second candle represents faith. The second candle is also

purple to symbolism preparation for the coming king.

The third candle symbolizes joy. In liturgy, the color rose signifies
joy. This candle is colored pink to represent joyfulness and

The fourth candle represents peace. This color is also purple to

represent the culmination of love through the Messiah.
The (optional)fifth candle represents light and purity and is called
"Christ’s candle."

It is placed in the middle and is lit on Christmas Day.

This candle is white to represent pure light and victory.

CLVE (2nd Grading) week 7


first sacrament that we receive. This sacrament is given to us by Jesus

to make us members of God’s family.

Matthew 28:16-20 Belonging to God’s family.

What did Jesus say to His disciples?
“Go out and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Catechism for Filipino Catholics 1605

 In the Sacrament of Baptism, we become member of God’s
 God’s family is what we call the CHURCH. The Church is not just
a building; it is a group of people baptized in God’s name.
 The Sacrament of Baptism make us close to God the Father, who
loves us and give us life.
 In this sacrament, we become childen of God and He isour
heavenly Father.
Why does Jesus wants us to be baptized?
The Sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament that we receive.
It makes us members of God’s family.

What does it mean to belong to God’s family?

Belonging to God’s family means God is present within us in His grace
and therefore we should respect and love each member of God’s


Saint Therese wanted to be close to God by doing simple little things
very well.
She loved to go to church. She would try never to complain or use
angry words. She obeyed her father and took care of him. Every little

act she did was for Jesus, even something simple as picking up a pin.

Prayer to St. Therese: St. Therese, you were really a good child of God.
Help us to do good things to show our love for God. St. Therese, Pray
for us.

CLVE (2nd Grading) week 8

At the end of the lesson, the
recognize that God the Father sent His Son Jesus to become one of
them and adopts them as His brothers and sisters;
love and share what they have to their brothers and sisters;
thank Jesus for making them God’s adopted children in the Sacrament
of Baptism.

In the family, we love to hear the good things our parents,
brothers and sisters say about us. These good words make us feel
special and loved.

We feel the beautiful

relationship with our brothers
and sisters. We feel we truly belong to our family.
The Baptism of Jesus -Matthew 3:13-17
Jesus, coming from Galilee, appeared before John at the Jordan to be
baptized by Him. “Why do you come to me for baptism? It is I who need
to be baptized by you.” Jesus said, “You must baptize me.” So John
baptized Jesus. When Jesus came out of the water, the Spirit of God
descended like a dove upon Jesus. Then, a voice from heaven said:
“This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are marked with a cross as a sign of

being children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.

Jesus is the beloved Son of God.

God revealed this truth at Jesus’ baptism at the River Jordan.
In the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest marks us with a crossand we
receive the Holy Spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit means we share in
God’s life and this makes us children of God.
It is very important that we know how to make the sign of the Cross

For Roman Catholics thesign of the cross ismadeusing your right

hand, you should touch your forehead at the mention of the Father;
the lower middle of your chest at the mention of the Son; and the left
shoulder on the word "Holy" and the right shoulder on the word "Spirit."
Francis was born in a castle in France in 1567. When he was baptized,
his mother said, “Now my son, you are the friend of the angels, the
brother of Jesus, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and a member of the

Church. You must belong to God forever. Francis was inspired to

follow Jesus. He wanted to go everywhere to look for the poor and the
sinners so that he might win them for Jesus.
Francis became a priest and brought many back to God by his preaching
and kindness.

Prayer to Saint Francis:

Saint Francis de Sales, you showed
by your actions how to be a
true brother of Jesus. Teach us to
be like you.
Saint Francis, pray for us.

CLVE (2nd Grading) week 9

The Coming of the Holy Spirit –Acts 2: 1-6, 38

When the feast of the Pentecost came, the apostles stayed in one place
and prayed. Suddenly, from up in the sky, there came a noise like a
strong driving wind which was heard all through the house where they

Tongues as of fire appeared, which came to rest on each of them. All

were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak about Jesus and
became brave in proclaiming their faith in Him.
Peter spoke openly to the people. He said, “we have received the Holy
Spirit as Jesus promised. We have come to tell you the good news about
Jesus.”…..”Be sorry for your sins, make up for them and be baptized.”

The Holy Spirit inspires us to have faith in God, to hope in His love and
mercy, and to love Him as our Father.
Faithmeans that we believe in God.
We hopethat God will empower us to be with Him in heaven.
To loveis the greatest and the best power we receive. With this power,
we are able to love God and others.

In the sacrament of baptism, the priest says, “I baptize you

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Pentecostis the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles of
Peteris the leader of the apostles. He became the first Pope.


Saul was an enemy of the Christians. He hated the Christians and placed
them in prison. One day, on his way to Damascus, a very bright light
shone around him. He fell to the ground. Then, he heard a voice saying,
“Saul, Saul, why are you making me suffer?”
He said, “Who are you, Sir?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you
are hurting. Now get up and go to the city and you will be told what you
must do.” When he got up, he could not see and was brought to the city
with his soldiers.
Three days later, a man named Ananias entered the house, laid his hands
on him and said: “Brother Saul, Jesus sent me to you that you may see
again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to welcome you to
his community.”
Saul was able to see again and was baptized. He was named Paul. From
that event, Paul became an active follower of Jesus and taught others
about him.
(Acts 9:1-20)

CLVE (2nd Grading) week 10


At the end of the lesson, the Paulinianswill be able to:

recognize that Jesus helps them to say “Yes” to God and say “No”
to temptations;
enumerate ways to show that Jesus lives in them by being good in
thought, word and deed;
pray to Jesus to help them to do good;

thank Jesus for sharing His goodness in the Sacrament of


Who is the person with whom you always want to be?

Why do you like to be with him or her?
Does he or she help you to be good?
What are his or her good qualities that you want to imitate?

Galatians 3:26-27
Through faith you are all children of God in Jesus Christ.
All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with
If you belong to Christ, you will receive what God has promised.
Through faith you are all children of God in Jesus Christ.
All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with
If you belong to Christ, you will receive what God has promised.

Sin –not doing what God wants but

doing what we want;
it is saying “No” to God

In the Sacrament of Baptism, we receive the goodness of God and we

are taught to be good in thought, word, and action.
Feast: JUNE 15
Saint Germaine Cousin was a child of a poor farmer. Her mother died
when she was an infant.
Her father married again and her stepfamily was very cruel to her. She
had to sleep in the shelter for sheep.
She was burned with hot water once, and was beaten at times. She could
hardly get enough food to eat. Despite the bad things that the second
family of her father had done to her, Germaine did not try to get back at

One day, Germaine’s stepmother thought she was hiding food in her
apron. When the stepmother opened Germaine’s apron, she saw
bright, beautiful flowers. Germaine gave the flowers to her stepmother
and said, “Please accept these flowers, Mother. God sends them to you
as a sign of His forgiveness.”

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