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This​ ​Nutrition​ ​Plan,​ ​is​ ​a​ ​step-by-step  

plan​ ​to​ ​boost​ ​your​ ​Testosterone  
and​ ​Maximize​ ​your​ ​Masculinity.  

What brought me here? I had had enough of subpar sex. Be it because of a low libido or because my
erections were nowhere near as hard as they used to be, I knew something was wrong. After going to a
lab,​ ​I​ ​found​ ​out​ ​that​ ​I​ ​had​ ​the​ ​T​ ​levels​ ​of​ ​an​ ​average​ ​92​ ​year-old​ ​man.​ ​Something​ ​had​ ​to​ ​change.

I spent months and months devouring everything I could about Testosterone: medical textbooks,
academic manuscripts, books and online courses, etc. A year ago, I had spent night and day writing my
Neuroscience PhD thesis at McGill University and the time and effort it took to understand the inner
mechanics​ ​of​ ​Testosterone​ ​was​ ​more​ ​rigorous.


Why​ ​Should​ ​You​ ​Care​ ​About​ ​Testosterone? 
Testosterone is linked to a variety of psychological and biological effects in men. Confidence, alertness,
aggression, clarity of thought, competitiveness, libido and stamina, muscle mass, obesity, even the bass
in​ ​your​ ​voice.​ ​The​ ​list​ ​is​ ​long.​ ​Testosterone,​ ​plainly​ ​put,​ ​is​ ​the​ ​MAN​ ​chemical.

Studies have shown that men today have 30-40% lower Testosterone levels than men did just 25 years
ago. What happened? The fact is that modern life is radically different from how we had lived just 25
years​ ​ago,​ ​let​ ​alone​ ​ten​ ​thousand​ ​years​ ​ago​ ​in​ ​the​ ​wild.

We were built for hunting dangerous animals and fucking our women senseless. Instead we spend our
days​ ​sitting​ ​and​ ​staring​ ​at​ ​various​ ​screens,​ ​eating​ ​processed​ ​garbage,​ ​and​ ​masturbating​ ​to​ ​porn.

The truth is that women can tell the difference. They still want strong masculine men who fully satisfy
their needs in bed. Several scientific studies have clearly shown that women consider men with higher
testosterone​ ​significantly​ ​more​ ​attractive​ ​than​ ​those​ ​with​ ​lower​ ​testosterone.

If you want to win at life AND in the bedroom, and if you’re currently struggling with low T without even
knowing​ ​it,​ ​Testosterone​ ​is​ ​the​ ​problem​ ​and​ ​the​ ​solution.

Let’s discuss a few basic facts: Testosterone is a hormone (chemical messenger) which is synthesized in
the leydig cells of the testicles. There are essentially three forms of testosterone: ​total testosterone, ​free
testosterone and ​bioavailable testosterone. Total testosterone consists of both free testosterone as well
as ​bound testosterone. Bioavailable testosterone is the sum of free testosterone and ​weakly-bound
testosterone​ ​and​ ​is​ ​available​ ​to​ ​us​ ​when​ ​we​ ​engage​ ​in​ ​sexual​ ​activity​ ​or​ ​any​ ​other​ ​masculine​ ​behavior.

I have designed my diet and lifestyle system to ​boost bioavailable testosterone​. It is a simple 7-step
daily​ ​process​ ​which​ ​I​ ​recommend​ ​you​ ​try​ ​for​ ​at​ ​least​ ​21​ ​days,​ ​if​ ​not​ ​the​ ​rest​ ​of​ ​your​ ​life.

My own personal experience: In a very short time, my erections are harder than ever, energy levels are
at all time highs, and I feel, think and act more Alpha. For the first time in a long time, I feel masculine
24/7.​ ​Thanks​ ​for​ ​participating​ ​and​ ​I​ ​hope​ ​this​ ​plan​ ​becomes​ ​as​ ​transformational​ ​for​ ​you​ ​as​ ​it​ ​was​ ​for​ ​me.

Dr.​ ​Farhan​ ​Khawaja,​ ​PhD

​ ​Quick​ ​Startup​ ​Guide 

Day​ ​0:​ ​The​ ​day​ ​before​ ​starting​ ​the​ ​-​ ​Take​ ​3​ ​pictures​ ​of​ ​yourself​ ​(front,​ ​left​ ​and​ ​right;​ ​shirt​ ​off).

7​ ​Day​ ​Grocery​ ​List​ ​-​ ​Nuts:​​ ​30​ ​raw​ ​Brazil​ ​nuts,​ ​70​ ​raw​ ​almonds,​ ​70​ ​cashews​ ​|​ ​Eggs:​​ ​14​ ​large​ ​eggs

Animal​ ​meat/good​ ​fats:​​ ​7​ ​steaks,​ ​4​ ​chicken​ ​breasts,​ ​3​ ​salmon​ ​fillets,​ ​butter​ ​(both​ ​regular​ ​and​ ​peanut)

Vegetables:​​ ​2​ ​bunches​ ​of​ ​both​ ​kale​ ​and​ ​asparagus;​ ​4​ ​hands​ ​of​ ​spinach​ ​and​ ​3​ ​heads​ ​of​ ​broccoli

Fruits:​​ ​7​ ​lemons,​ ​4​ ​pints​ ​of​ ​blueberries,​ ​4​ ​apples,​ ​7​ ​avocadoes

Slow​ ​carbohydrates:​​ ​5​ ​servings​ ​of​ ​each​ ​of​ ​the​ ​following:​ ​brown​ ​rice,​ ​sweet​ ​potatoes,​ ​kidney​ ​beans

Supplements:​​ ​Vitamin​ ​D3,​ ​4​ ​dark​ ​chocolate​ ​bars​ ​(at​ ​least​ ​80%​ ​cacoa),​ ​1​ ​bottle​ ​ZMA

* It is recommended that everything be organic, butter/beef come from grass-fed cows and fish be

Green​ ​juice​ ​ingredients:​​ ​water,​ ​kale,​ ​0.5​ ​apple,​ ​½​ ​pint​ ​blueberries

Seasoning (NOTE: cook everything in butter): ​either make your own with {salt, garlic, ginger, chillies,
lemon}​ ​or​ ​buy

5 Simple Exercises: ​squats, deadlifts, benchpress, overhead press, barbell row (also called bent-over

5 sets; 5 reps; if prev. set is too easy, 60s break; if difficult, 2min break; jog to warm up, stretch at end of

Day​ ​1:​​ ​4-6​ ​sprints​ ​30s​ ​each;​ ​walk​ ​4​ ​min​ ​in​ ​between,​ ​squats(5x5),​ ​overhead​ ​press(5x5),​ ​barbell​ ​row(5x5)

Day​ ​2​ ​(rest​ ​day):​​ ​30​ ​min​ ​walk

Day​ ​3:​​ ​4-6​ ​sprints​ ​30s​ ​each;​ ​walk​ ​4​ ​min​ ​in​ ​between;​ ​squats(5x5),​ ​bench​press​​ ​(5x5),​ ​deadlift(1x5)

Day​ ​4​ ​(rest​ ​day):​​ ​30​ ​min​ ​walk​​ ​|​ ​Day​ ​5:​​ ​Repeat​ ​Day1​​ ​|​ ​Day​ ​6,7​ ​(rest​ ​days):​​ ​30​ ​min​ ​walk


Same​ ​as​ ​above​ ​but​ ​switch​ ​Days​ ​1​ ​and​ ​3

|​ ​Week3:​ ​Same​ ​as​ ​week​ ​1​ ​|​ ​Keep​ ​alternating​ ​between​ ​wk1​ ​and​ ​wk2

** Weights: ​For beginners, lift only the bar (no weights) during the first week. Then add 5 lbs. (2.5 kg)
each​ ​week.

7​ ​simple​ ​steps​ ​each​ ​day:

1)​ ​Wake-up​ ​protocol:​ ​Sleep​ ​8-9​ ​hours

2) Meal #1 (see below) with Vitamin D3 (1 dropper) ​3) Meal #2 (see below) | ​4) Train (example times:
7:30 or 9:30 pm) ​5) Meal #3 (see below) w/ Vit D3 (1 dropper), ZMA cap ​6) Snacks ​7) Sleep protocol:
sleep​ ​in​ ​dark​ ​room​ ​(black-out​ ​curtain)

***​ ​Eat​ ​all​ ​your​ ​meals​ ​and​ ​snacks​ ​in​ ​a​ ​window​ ​of​ ​8​ ​hrs​ ​(so​ ​fast​ ​for​ ​16​ ​hrs).

MEAL​ ​#1​ ​(example​ ​times:​ ​12:30,​ ​2:30​ ​pm) MEAL​ ​#2​ ​(4:30,​ ​6:30​ ​pm) MEAL​ ​#3​ ​(8:30,​ ​10:30​ ​pm) SNACK​ ​(within​ ​8-hr​ ​wind)

1 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp salmon​,​ ​broccoli,​ ​1 steak,​ ​sw​ ​pot,​ ​asparag, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

2 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp steak​,​ ​asparagus,​ ​1 chicken​,​ ​rice,​ ​broccoli, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

3 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp salmon,​ ​broccoli,​ ​1 steak​,​ ​beans,​ ​asparag, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

4 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp steak​,​ ​asparagus,​ ​1 chicken,​ ​rice,​ ​broccoli, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

5 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp salmon​,​ ​broccoli​,​ ​1 steak​,​ ​sw​ ​pot,​ ​asparag, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

6 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp steak​,​ ​asparagus,​ ​1 chicken,​ ​rice,​ ​broccoli, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

7 2​ ​eggs​ ​cooked​ ​in​ ​butter,​ ​celery​ ​with​ ​2​ ​tbsp chicken​,​ ​broccoli,​ ​1 steak​,​ ​beans,​ ​asparag, 10​ ​cashews,​ ​gr​ ​juice,​ ​3
peanut​ ​butter,​ ​10​ ​almonds avocado spinach,​ ​½​ ​choco​ ​bar brazil​ ​nuts

*​ ​Follow​ ​the​ ​above​ ​7-day​ ​meal​ ​plan​ ​every​ ​week;​ ​Drinks​ ​LOTS​ ​of​ ​water​ ​(1.5​ ​–​ ​2.0​ ​gallons​ ​per​ ​day)

Every​ ​21​ ​days​ ​–​ ​Take​ ​front,​ ​left​ ​&​ ​right​ ​pics​ ​(shirt​ ​off).

Change​ ​is​ ​NOT​ ​easy.​ ​If​ ​you​ ​want​ ​to​ ​massively​ ​change​ ​your​ ​life,​ ​you​ ​have​ ​to 
unconditionally​ ​want​ ​it​ ​first,​ ​and​ ​execute​ ​second.​ ​Thanks​ ​for​ ​taking​ ​part​ ​and 
all​ ​the​ ​best!  

–​ ​Dr.​ ​Khawaja 

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