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CONSONANTS = HANGUL ec a r/l PLAIN g/k n/n d/t m/m_ b/p a A °o x s/t -/ng j/t 1 kk/k — tt/— pp/- aA ss/t IK i Some consonants sound differently at the begin- ning and end of syllables. ASPIRATED k/k tt p/p x ch/t For example, * sounds like ch when it’s the first letter in a syllable, and like t when it’s the last. VOWELS k a 1 eo { yeo F ya father yard o dog young home kL yo yo T u moon ae yae e oe wi ye HoH Ww a ab om 4 at ul face yay face yay wet weed gooey water wonder wet ac wo all wa wae These charts use Revised Romanization. The examples under each romanized vowel are based on American-English pronunciation; they are not exact equivalents.

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