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Name : Septian Nofyaldo

Id : 2132029

Final project : writing essay about personal essay

"As I stood at the top of the mountain, looking out at the breathtaking view, I couldn't help but think
about how far I had come. Just a few years ago, I was a struggling college student, unsure of what my
future held. But now, as I stood on top of the world, I knew that anything was possible."

"I still remember the day that I decided to take a risk and pursue my dream of becoming a mountain
climber. I had always been an avid hiker, but the idea of tackling a mountain seemed daunting.
However, I knew that I had to try.

So, I started small, tackling smaller peaks and learning as much as I could about climbing techniques and
safety. As I gained more experience, I started to dream bigger and set my sights on some of the world's
most challenging mountains.

It wasn't easy. There were times when I wanted to give up, when the cold, the altitude, and the physical
demands seemed too much to bear. But I kept going, driven by my passion and my determination to

And finally, after years of hard work and dedication, I reached the top of my first major mountain. The
feeling of accomplishment and pride was indescribable, and I knew that I had found my true calling."

"Climbing that mountain was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. It
taught me that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and never give up. And it gave me the
confidence and courage to tackle any challenge that comes my way."

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