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Special Article

Preanalytics and Precision Pathology

Pathology Practices to Ensure Molecular Integrity of Cancer Patient Biospecimens
for Precision Medicine
Carolyn C. Compton, MD, PhD; James A. Robb, MD; Matthew W. Anderson, MD, PhD; Anna B. Berry, MD; George G. Birdsong, MD;
Kenneth J. Bloom, MD; Philip A. Branton, MD; Jessica W. Crothers, MD; Allison M. Cushman-Vokoun, MD, PhD; David G. Hicks, MD;
Joseph D. Khoury, MD; Jordan Laser, MD; Carrie B. Marshall, MD; Michael J. Misialek, MD; Kristen E. Natale, DO;
Jan Anthony Nowak, MD, PhD; Damon Olson, MD; John D. Pfeifer, MD, PhD; Andrew Schade, MD; Gail H. Vance, MD;
Eric E. Walk, MD; Sophia Louise Yohe, MD

 Biospecimens acquired during routine medical practice often determines treatment choices and may be used to
are the primary sources of molecular information about monitor therapy in real time. However, patient specimens
patients and their diseases that underlies precision medicine are collected, handled, and processed according to routine
and translational research. In cancer care, molecular clinical procedures during which they are subjected to
analysis of biospecimens is especially common because it factors that may alter their molecular quality and compo-
sition. Such artefactual alteration may skew data from
molecular analyses, render analysis data uninterpretable, or
Accepted for publication June 4, 2019.
Published online July 22, 2019. even preclude analysis altogether if the integrity of a
From School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University and Mayo specimen is severely compromised. As a result, patient care
Clinic School of Medicine, Scottsdale (Dr Compton); Consulting and safety may be affected, and medical research dependent
Pathologist, Boca Raton, Florida (Dr Robb); Versiti Diagnostic Labora- on patient samples may be compromised. Despite these
tories, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Dr Anderson); Molecular Pathology and issues, there is currently no requirement to control or record
Genomics, Swedish Cancer Institute, Seattle, Washington (Dr Berry);
preanalytical variables in clinical practice with the single
Anatomic Pathology, Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia (Dr
Birdsong); Advanced Genomic Services, Ambry Genetics, Aliso Viejo, exception of breast cancer tissue handled according to the
California (Dr Bloom); Gynecologic & Breast Pathology, Joint Pathology guideline jointly developed by the American Society of
Center, Silver Spring, Maryland (Dr Branton); the Department of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists
Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (Dr (CAP) and enforced through the CAP Laboratory Accredita-
Crothers); the Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of tion Program. Recognizing the importance of molecular data
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha (Dr Cushman-Vokoun); IHC-ISH
Laboratory and Breast Subspecialty Service, University of Rochester
derived from patient specimens, the CAP Personalized
Medical Center, Rochester, New York (Dr Hicks); the Department of Healthcare Committee established the Preanalytics for
Hematopathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Precision Medicine Project Team to develop a basic set of
Houston (Dr Khoury); the Department of Pathology and Laboratory evidence-based recommendations for key preanalytics for
Medicine, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York (Dr Laser); the tissue and blood specimens. If used for biospecimens from
Department of Pathology, University of Colorado, Aurora (Dr Marshall); patients, these preanalytical recommendations would ensure
the Department of Pathology, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton,
Massachusetts (Dr Misialek); the Department of Pathology, Walter Reed
the fitness of those specimens for molecular analysis and
National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland (Dr Natale); the help to assure the quality and reliability of the analysis data.
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Roswell Park (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2019;143:1346–1363; doi:
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York (Dr Nowak); the 10.5858/arpa.2019-0009-SA)
Department of Pathology, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics, Minneapolis,
Minnesota (Dr Olson); the Department of Pathology, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri (Dr Pfeifer); Lilly
Research Labs, Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana (Dr Schade); the Department of Medical and OVERVIEW: THE CRITICAL ROLE OF PREANALYTICS IN
Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapo- THE MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF PATIENT
lis (Dr Vance); Medical & Scientific Affairs, Roche Tissue Diagnostics, BIOSPECIMENS
Tucson, Arizona (Dr Walk); and Special Hematology MMC, University of
Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis (Dr Yohe).
Dr Schade is a full-time employee and shareholder of Eli Lilly and
Company. Dr Walk is a full-time employee and shareholder of Roche
B iospecimens acquired during routine medical practice
are the primary sources of the molecular information
about patients and their diseases that underlies precision
Tissue Diagnostics. The other authors have no relevant financial medicine. These molecular data inform both patient
interest in the products or companies described in this article.
Corresponding author: Carolyn C. Compton, MD, PhD, Arizona
State University, School of Life Sciences, 1475 N Scottsdale Road,
Suite 361D, Scottsdale, AZ 85257 (email: Carolyn.compton@asu. Also see p. 1300.
1346 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
management decisions for clinical care and the development proposed set of practice recommendations. To ensure that
of new diagnostics and therapeutics in translational the recommendations were informed by data that were
research, including correlative science studies within clinical current and correct, a review of relevant biospecimen
trials. Although the molecular data from patient specimens research literature published from 2013 to 2018 was
may be put to a wide variety of downstream medical and undertaken. The review process was limited to primary
scientific uses, it is typically derived from clinical samples data on the effects of preanalytical factors on human
acquired in the course of routine patient care. biospecimens and was further limited to preanalytical
Clinical specimens are collected, handled, and processed factors for either formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE)
according to routine procedures in the practice of tissue or blood/plasma biospecimens that impacted analysis
medicine, surgery, interventional radiology, and patholo- data for either nucleic acids or proteins. It was reasoned that
gy. All procedures, practices, and environmental factors to these 2 types of patient specimens are the ones most
which the biospecimen is subjected before a laboratory commonly used for molecular testing and that nucleic acids
analysis are known as preanalytical factors. Artefactual and proteins are the most commonly analyzed classes of
alterations caused by these factors may skew the data from biomolecules in clinical practice. New data were compared
molecular analyses, render the analysis data uninterpret- against existing data known to the PPMPT and determined
able, or even preclude analysis altogether if the integrity of to be either consistent or inconsistent with the proposed
a specimen is severely compromised.1–11 As a result, recommendations.
patient care and safety may be affected12–15 and medical The work of the PPMPT has confirmed from the
research dependent on patient samples may be compro- published literature that a small number of key preanalyt-
mised.2,5,7,8,16–18 ical factors are critical to ensuring the molecular integrity of
Despite these issues, there is no requirement to control or patient biospecimens for molecular analysis. The recom-
record preanalytical variables in routine clinical practice in mendations developed by the PPMPT are based solely on
pathology with the single exception of breast cancer tissue human biospecimen research data. They are focused on
that is to be assayed for estrogen/progesterone receptor controlling and documenting these variables, for speci-
expression and/or HER2 protein overexpression. In that mens from cancer patients as a first step and ultimately for
single context, the preanalytical steps of cold ischemia time, all specimens destined for molecular analysis. The practice
formalin fixation method, and total time in formalin are metrics set forth in the recommendations are concordant
addressed in the guideline jointly developed by the with other preanalytical guidelines from authoritative
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the national and international sources (Tables 1 and 2) and
College of American Pathologists (CAP)19 and are included are believed to be practicable and attainable in most
in the Accreditation Checklist of the CAP Laboratory pathology practice settings. The recommendations mirror
Accreditation Program (LAP).20 much of what has already been achieved in implementing
Several national and international standards organiza- the ASCO-CAP guidelines for breast cancer,19 an impor-
tions have published guidelines for the preanalytical steps tant initial step for the pathology community in demon-
that are recognized to be critical for valid, reliable strating the feasibility of controlling and documenting key
molecular testing (Tables 1 and 2),21–35 but compliance preanalytical factors. It is acknowledged, nevertheless, that
with any of these guidelines is voluntary unless they are implementation of the recommendations presented herein
part of an accreditation program such as International
may require changes in workflows, schedules, or staffing
Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 15189 Med-
and that additional costs may be incurred by the
ical Laboratory Accreditation (
related-accreditation/iso-15189-medical-labs, accessed May
It is the position of the PPMPT that the reliability of
24, 2019). As a result, existing guidelines for biospecimen
acquisition, handling, and processing are inconsistently molecular analysis data is dependent upon the quality of
applied, either in clinical practice or research settings.36 the source analytes from biospecimens. Fundamentally,
Compliance is further reduced because most authoritative biospecimen quality is an issue of patient safety because its
guidelines are proprietary21–23,25–35 and are not freely available compromise can alter the molecular data on which key
to all members of the biomedical community. patient management decisions are based. Additionally, in
Recognizing the widespread and growing importance of translational research, it would be expected to impact the
molecular data derived from patient specimens, especially validity and reproducibility of study data. Systematic
those from cancer patients, the Personalized Healthcare implementation of key, preanalytical procedures in routine
Committee (PHC) of the CAP established the Preanalytics pathology practice would ensure a baseline level of quality
for Precision Medicine Project Team (PPMPT) to develop a for patient biospecimens where none currently exists and
basic set of evidence-based recommendations for preana- would provide a new level of confidence in the veracity of
lytics for both tissue and blood specimens that could be analysis data. Documentation of the preanalytical history
implemented in routine pathology practice. If such of patient specimens would further enable objective
practices were to be widely used, it is envisioned that estimation of the fitness of a given sample for either
the preanalytical factors having the strongest detrimental real-time or future testing. Ultimately, as with all
effect on the molecular integrity of patient biospecimens procedures that directly contribute to the quality of
would be both controlled and documented, and the fitness pathology practice and are essential to the generation of
for molecular analysis of patient specimens would be valid analysis results, laboratories should support imple-
assured. mentation of these preanalytical practices and strive to
The PPMPT process was grounded in published human achieve them over time, realizing that routine practice of
biospecimen research data that had been previously known even a subset of the standards will improve the baseline
to or identified by PPMPT members and was the basis for a quality of specimens.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1347
Table 1. Preanalytical Recommendations for Tissue for Molecular Analysis From National and International
Authoritative Sources
CAP General
2014 2011 2005 2016 2015
Biomolecule/biomarker Breast biomarkers Proteins: IHC DNA, RNA, Molecular analysis General surgical
protein pathology
Preanalytical parameter
Cold ischemia time, min 60 min or less As short as 60 min or less As short as possible, ,12 h
possible (min) optimally less
than 20 min but
no more than 1 h

Handling and processing — — — — Room temperature

temperature (228C–258C)
Total time in formalin, h 6–72 h Greater than 8 h; Not to exceed — A minimum of 6 h;
no longer than 72 h (for a maximum of 48
12–36 h nucleic acids) h (actual time
should be
Type of fixative 10% Neutral 10% Neutral 10% Neutral — 10% Neutral
phosphate- phosphate- phosphate- buffered formalin
buffered formalin buffered formalin buffered formalin

Volume ratio of formalin — .10:1 — — 15–20:1

to tissue
Type of paraffin (low melt — 558C–588C — — —
,608C versus high
melt 608C)
Quality of tissue-processing — Changed in a Per manufacturer’s — —
fluids timely fashion specifications
Thickness of tissue section — 2 mm or less — — 4 mm
into cassette
Temperature of block — — — Temperatures below —
storage 808F (278C)

Abbreviations: ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; BBRB, Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch; CAP, College of American
Pathologists; CEN/TC, European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee; CLSI, Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute; IHC,
immunohistochemistry; ISO/TC, International Standards Organization/Technical Committee; NCI, National Cancer Institute; Surg Path, Surgical

THE RAPID GROWTH IN DEMAND FOR MOLECULAR decrease toxicity of treatment, decrease the costs of care
TESTING AND THE RATIONALE FOR CHANGE IN overall, and increase value in health care delivery.37
PATHOLOGY PRACTICE The rapid development of powerful molecular analysis
platforms during the past 2 decades has steadily increased
The concept of ‘‘personalized’’ or ‘‘precision medicine’’ is
the speed and accuracy of molecular testing while decreas-
based on rational management of therapy tailored to the
ing operational costs, expediting widespread uptake in
unique biomolecular features of both the patient and his/her
cancer medicine. According to the Personalized Medicine
disease. It represents disruptive innovation in medical care Coalition, there are currently more than 60,000 molecular
that has, historically, been based largely on a generic genetic tests on the market, with 8 to 10 new products
approach to both diagnosing and treating disease. In cancer entering the market every day.38 Multiplex technologies
care, precision medicine entails analysis of a patient’s tumor such as next-generation sequencing for nucleic acids and
in the molecular pathology laboratory and, based on the mass spectrometry for proteins, once residing solely in the
results, implementation of a therapeutic strategy tailored to research domain, have swiftly moved into the clinical care
the tumor’s particular molecular aberrations. For cancer and arena.
other diseases that are inherently heterogeneous, molecular The widespread availability of high-throughput molecular
assessment is used to subclassify patients into more analysis technologies and services, the expanding arsenal of
homogeneous groups according to prognostic implications, targeted and immune oncology therapeutics, and the
whether or not there is a targeted or immune therapy biomarker tests that aid in predicting treatment success or
available for any given subgroup. Although yet to be proven toxicity risk have accelerated the demand for molecular
broadly across the medical landscape, it is presumed that a analyses of many types. Molecular test results may guide
molecularly tailored approach will increase effectiveness and clinical decision-making and the appropriate use of specific
1348 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
Table 1. Extended


ISO/TC-212 ISO/TC-212 CEN/TC 140 CEN/TC 140 CEN/TC 140

2016 2016 2015 2015 2015
Isolated RNA Isolated DNA Isolated protein Isolated RNA Isolated DNA

60 min or less Avoid cold ischemia As short as possible Avoid cold ischemia when Avoid cold ischemia when
when possible. (document actual possible (directly into possible (directly into
Document actual cold ischemia time standard buffered standard buffered formalin).
cold ischemia time and warm ischemia formalin). If unavoidable: If unavoidable: as short as
and warm ischemia time) as short as possible. possible. Documentation
time Documentation required required
— Room temperature Room temperature Room temperature (188C– Room temperature (188C–
(188C–258C) (188C–258C) 258C) 258C)
,72 h (old) 24–36 h 12–24 h 12–24 h Less than 24 h, eg, 12–24 12–24 h for tissue thickness of
(revised 2016) h for tissue thickness of 5 mm. Optimal duration
5 mm. Documentation can vary depending on
required tissue type and size.
Documentation required
10% Neutral 10% Neutral buffered 10% Neutral buffered 10% Neutral formalin 10% Neutral formalin solution
phosphate-buffered formalin (pH and formalin (pH and solution pH 6.8–7.2 pH 6.8–7.2 (type of buffer
formalin concentration concentration (type of buffer not not specified)
checked daily before checked regularly) specified)
use and with each [type of buffer not
new batch) [type of specified]
buffer not specified]
— 15–20:1 At least 10:1 4:1 at least; optimal 10:1 4:1 at least; optimal 10:1

— Low melt Low melt Low melt Low melt

Well maintained Per manufacturer’s Per manufacturer’s Per manufacturer’s Per manufacturer’s
specifications specifications specifications specifications
4–5 mm 5 mm 5 mm Max. 5 mm Max. 5 mm

— Room temperature Room temperature Room temperature (188C– Room temperature (188C–
(188C–258C) or lower (188C–258C) or lower 258C) or lower 258C) or lower

therapies. In the case of companion diagnostics, molecular economic societal costs of nearly $1 billion.48 The accuracy
testing is the sine qua non of therapy allocation. of a molecular test result may impact patient management
For many diseases, assessment of diagnostic, prognostic, in a variety of ways, and erroneous, false-positive or false-
and/or predictive molecular markers has become standard negative test results may have significant, even catastrophic,
procedure and is encouraged or dictated by practice consequences for a patient in the setting of precision
guidelines from the CAP,19,39–41 ASCO,42 the National medicine. Therefore, significant effort must be made to
Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN),43 the European ensure the accuracy of test results generated in the
Society for Medical Oncology,44 and other professional pathology laboratory.
groups. Blood specimen analyses for circulating cell-free In routine pathology practice, standards that apply to the
DNA and RNA from tumors, which have become known as analytical validity of the test itself, the quality of the
‘‘liquid biopsies,’’ are moving rapidly into clinical use and laboratory in which the test is performed, and the
are currently under investigation for a wide variety of clinical proficiency of the professionals performing the test are all
decision-making applications.45 Thus, guidelines for the rigorously enforced. Nevertheless, there is considerably less
testing of circulating tumor DNA in cancer patients have focus on the fact that the accuracy of the test result still may
recently been developed by the CAP and ASCO.46 be compromised if the quality of the biospecimen under-
going testing has been corrupted by preanalytical factors.
THE SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM AND THE PRESSING Therefore, to assure that analysis results are both reliable
NEED FOR A SOLUTION and biologically meaningful, the integrity of the biospeci-
As the use of molecular data from patients continues to men must be safeguarded through the critical steps of
expand, the stakes for accurate test results increase.47 For acquisition, transport, stabilization, processing, and storage.
example, it has been estimated that false-positive and false- According to current data, error in the preanalytical phase
negative HER2 test results alone affect approximately 12,000 of patient specimen testing is the most common source of all
patients with breast cancer annually, resulting in total mistakes occurring in the pathology laboratory. An esti-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1349
Table 2. Preanalytical Recommendations for Blood for Molecular Analysis From National and International
Authoritative Sources
2018 2017 2010 2016 to Phlebotomy 2017
Guideline Liquid Biopsies (cell- Collection of Venous Handling and Best Practices for General Collection of
free DNA from Blood Specimens Processing Blood Biospecimen Blood Samples
plasma) Specimens for Resources:
Common Laboratory Molecular
Tests Analysis of
Preanalytical parameter
Time to first 6 hours or less if EDTA — Within 48 hours of — —
processing tube used; 48 hours collection
step (min) or less if cell-
stabilization tube
Method of EDTA or cell- — — — Correct tube for the test
acquisition: stabilization tube intended
tube type
Method of — Per stated volume in Per stated volume in — Per stated volume in
acquisition: tube manufacturer tube manufacturer tube manufacturer
tube fill instructions instructions: neither instructions: neither
underfilled or underfilled or
overfilled overfilled
Method of — — At least 5–10 times — 8 times excepting
acquisition: excepting sodium sodium citrate tubes
tube inversions citrate tubes (3–4 (3–4 times)
Method of — 1. Blood culture tube — — 1. Blood culture tube
acquisition: 2. Sodium citrate tube 2. Nonadditive discard
draw order 3. Serum tube tube
4. Heparin tube 3. Sodium citrate tube
5. EDTA tube 4. Serum tube
6. Sodium fluoride/ 5. Heparin tube
potassium oxalate 6. EDTA tube
glycolic inhibitor 7. Sodium fluoride/
tube potassium oxalate
glycolic inhibitor
8. ACD tube

Method of Sequential spins at low — Temperature-controlled — —

processing: speed (not defined) centrifugation at
centrifugation then high speed (not 208C–228C at g-force
defined); (one cited determined by
reference specifies manufacturer
2000 rpm 3 2 recommendations for
followed by 13,500 blood collection
rpm 31 spin) device used

Method of Room temperature — Room temperature — —

processing: (228C–258C) (228C–258C) unless
temperature chilled centrifugation
is required (eg,

Storage No more than 1 freeze- — No more than 1 freeze- Aliquot specimens —

conditions: thaw cycle: thaw cycle: 1 or to avoid freeze-
freeze-thaw recommend more aliquots in thaw cycles
cycles aliquoting processed polypropylene tubes
plasma before or straws
Abbreviations: ACD, acid-citrate-dextrose; ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; BBRB, Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research
Branch; CAP, College of American Pathologists; CEN/TC, European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee; CLSI, Clinical & Laboratory
Standards Institute; ISO/TC, International Standards Organization/Technical Committee; NCI, National Cancer Institute.

1350 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
Table 2. Extended

ISO/TC 20658 World Health CEN/TC 16835-1 CEN/TC 16835-2 CEN/TC 16835-3
2017 Organization 2010 2015 2015 2015
Medical Laboratory - Guidelines on Drawing Isolated Cellular RNA Isolated Genomic DNA Isolated Circulating Cell-
Requirements for Blood from Venous Blood from Venous Blood Free DNA From Plasma
Collection, Transport, (RNA from blood cells) (DNA from blood cells) From Venous Blood
Receipt, and
Handling of Samples

— — As short as possible - As short as possible - As short as possible -

immediately if using immediately if using immediately if using
tubes without cellular tubes without cellular tubes without cellular
RNA stabilizers DNA stabilizers DNA stabilizers
(document actual time) (document actual time) (document actual time)
— — Blood collection tube EDTA (preferable to ACD) or Tube with cellular DNA
with or without ACD tube or tube with stabilizers recommended;
cellular RNA stabilizers cellular DNA stabilizers otherwise use EDTA tube
— — Per stated volume in tube Per stated volume in tube Per stated volume in tube
manufacturer manufacturer instructions manufacturer instructions

— — Per manufacturer Per manufacturer Per manufacturer

instructions instructions instructions

— 1. Blood culture tube — — —

2. Nonadditive discard tube
3. Sodium citrate tube
4. Serum activator tube
5. Serum separator tube
6. Sodium or lithium
heparin tube
7. Lithium heparin with gel
8. EDTA tubes
9. ACD tube
10. Sodium fluoride/
potassium oxalate
glycolic inhibitor
— — — — When using tubes with
cell-free DNA stabilizers:
follow manufacturer
instructions; when using
EDTA tubes, use
sequential 10-min spins
at low speed (1600g–
2500g) at 28C–88C and
high speed (14,000g–
16,000g) at 28C–88C
— — Per tube manufacturer Per tube manufacturer Centrifugation at 28C–88C;
instructions (temporary instructions (temporary DNA isolation per kit
storage before storage before processing manufacturer
processing at 28C–88C at 28C–88C as long as 3 recommendation
when using tubes days when using tubes
without cellular DNA without cellular DNA
stabilizers) stabilizers if high-
molecular-weight DNA
is needed)
— — — — No more than 1 freeze-
thaw cycle: recommend
aliquoting processed
plasma before freezing

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1351
mated 60% to 70% of laboratory-associated errors are due sional societies that set and enforce standards of care,
to preanalytical factors, the most common of which are including the CAP.
mishandling during collection, transport, processing, and The goal for the group was to come to agreement
storage of specimens.9,49–52 Although most of the data on regarding the specific variables in patient specimen acqui-
this subject are related primarily to blood rather than tissue sition, handling, processing, storage, and transport that
specimens, there is little reason to believe that tissue-related cause most of the quality compromise and molecular
preanalytical factor problems are less frequent or less alteration in patient tissue and blood specimens and
detrimental. adversely affect DNA, RNA, and/or protein analysis results.
Compounding the issue for tissue specimens is the lack of Input was based on the experience and knowledge of the
any requirement to track or record the preanalytical history stakeholders and published data in biospecimen science.
of a biospecimen. The critical preanalytical variables for the The effort was focused on tissue and blood, the specimen
vast majority of patient specimens are both uncontrolled and types most commonly used for molecular analysis, and
undocumented, and the provenance of samples undergoing nucleic acids and proteins, the most commonly assayed
molecular analysis is, therefore, typically unknown. As a biomolecules in both clinical and investigational biomedi-
result, molecular analysis of patient specimens of question- cine. Next-generation sequencing and mass spectrometry
able or unacceptable quality may be performed without the platforms were chosen as the technology-specific reference
knowledge of the tester, producing data of questionable or points, but it was agreed, in principle, that the preanalytical
unacceptable quality without the knowledge of the inter- steps that most affect the biomolecules analyzed on these
preter of that data. This is especially problematic for platforms would be pertinent to virtually all nucleotide or
translational research laboratories. These laboratories do protein analysis methodologies.
not routinely perform clinically mandated quality control The Pareto Principle or ‘‘80/20 Rule’’ of inputs and outputs
that may reveal poor specimen quality before testing. provided a guiding framework for the discussion.66 Specif-
Alternatively, in either the clinical or the research laboratory, ically, it was assumed that 80% of the problems in the
the data generated may be completely uninterpretable or outputs of a system emanate from 20% of the inputs.
inconclusive, and the value of the test is knowingly lost. Accordingly, the goal was to identify the 20% of preanalyt-
The issue of unknown specimen quality profoundly affects ical variables that cause most of the variation in molecular
biomedical research as well as clinical practice.2,5,8,16–18,53–55 composition and quality that, in turn, cause most of the
Most of the biospecimens that fuel translational research problems in downstream molecular analysis.
and the correlative science in clinical trials are apportioned The group agreed upon a ‘‘top 6 list’’ of key preanalytical
from clinical samples acquired for medical purposes, not factors for tissue biospecimens and a ‘‘top 6 list’’ for blood
research. This is true of most tumor samples used for samples and suggested practice metrics for each factor that
correlative scientific studies in clinical trials and for so-called would control it in an adequate and workable manner
discard specimens that are ‘‘left over’’ following diagnostic within the clinical laboratory (Table 3).
evaluation and are then used in discovery research or The CAP PPMPT Process for Verification of Preanalytical
product development. Therefore, biospecimens of poor or Parameters
unknown quality continue to contribute to the overall
inefficiency, excessive cost, poor reproducibility, and high The NBDA and the CAP created a memorandum of
rate of failure of translational research, in general, and of understanding in order to work together in an official
biomarker development, in particular.2,54,55 Recent efforts by capacity to address the preanalytics issues raised at the
biobanking experts to address this problem after the fact NBDA conference, and to this end, the CAP established the
include the development of batteries of assays for measur- PPMPT within the PHC. The CAP PPMPT members
ands in specimens that are affected by preanalytical factors. included molecular pathology experts from the PHC as well
These ‘‘pretests’’ help to classify or disqualify specimens of as experts across multiple specialty areas including both
unknown provenance for molecular analysis56–62 but are anatomic and clinical pathology. The PPMPT took as a
rarely used in clinical settings. starting point foundational publications in the field of
biospecimen science that were pertinent to the top 6 lists for
THE FORMATION OF THE CAP PPMPT FOLLOWS A tissue specimens and blood samples.* These publications
NATIONAL ALL-STAKEHOLDERS CONVERGENCE were identified through previous professional experience
CONFERENCE ON THE PREANALYTICS CHALLENGE and/or from the Biospecimen Research Database established
by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).148 This historical
Given the widespread impact of the issue on diverse evidence was the basis for draft practice metrics. Subse-
stakeholders, both public and private, the process of quently, an extensive literature search for recent biospeci-
developing a solution was begun with an all-stakeholder men research data was performed by CAP librarian staff,
think tank. and the PPMPT systematically analyzed the identified
In 2014, the National Biomarker Development Alliance publications to either affirm or negate the scientific bases
(NBDA),63 a nonprofit organization and think tank, con- for the benchmark recommendations.
vened a cross-sector national conference to address the Several PubMed searches of the English-language litera-
critical issue of uneven and unknown quality of human ture from January 2013 to November 2016 were performed.
biospecimens in clinical medicine and translational re- Literature search strategies were developed in collaboration
search.18,54,55,64,65 The meeting brought together more than with CAP medical librarians to locate relevant publications.
50 experts and thought leaders from molecular pathology, The search strategies created used standardized database
laboratory medicine, surgery, genomics, proteomics, health
care delivery, analysis platform technology along with
payers, funders, regulators, patient advocacy, and profes- * References 1, 4–6, 8–11, 16, 49–53, 67–147.
1352 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
Table 3. Essential Preanalytical Factors Affecting Molecular Testing and Recommendations for Pathology Practice
Top 6 Preanalytical Factors for Tissue for the Maintenance Top 6 Preanalytical Factors for Blood/Serum for the Maintenance
of Nucleic Acid and Protein Quality and Integrity of Nucleic Acid and Protein Quality and Integrity
Time to stabilization (cold ischemia time) Time to first processing step
 1 h or less  ,60 min (unless EDTA or specialty cell-stabilization tube used)
 4–6 h for EDTA tube
 48 h for cell-stabilization tube
Method of stabilization Method of acquisition
 Fixative: 10% phosphate-buffered formalin, pH 7.0  Tube type: specialized for a specific molecule species versus not
 Total time in formalin: at least 6 h, not more than 24–36 h  If processing time is .2–3 h, use ACD tube
(tissue with high fat content may require 48 h)  EDTA tube for nucleic acid studies, proteomics studies, or
 Acid decalcification, before or during stabilization, circulating cell-free nucleic acid studies (cell-free nucleic
is contraindicated for nucleic acid analyses acid analysis requires rapid stabilization or potentially
specialty cell-stabilization tubes)
 Volume of tube fill
 Complete fill per manufacturer’s recommendation
 Tube inversions per manufacturer’s recommendations (typically 10)
 Draw order
 Culture tube
 Nonadditive tube
 Coagulation tube (sodium citrate)
 Clot activator tube
 Clot activator and serum separator tube (clot activator plus
separator gel)
 Heparin tube (lithium or sodium heparin)
 EDTA tube
 Tubes with other additives (eg, sodium fluoride; ACD)
Method of processing Method of stabilization
 Specimen thickness not to exceed 4–5 mm  Tube inversions per manufacturer’s recommendations
 Volume to mass ratio 4:1 at a minimum, preferably 10:1,
with tissue completely submerged
Tissue processor variables Method of processing
 Processor maintenance daily per manufacturer’s  Centrifugation speed/time per validated protocol and
recommendations biomolecule being studied
 Quality of processing fluids rigorously maintained  Temperature: room temperature (defined as 188C–258C)
 Maintenance of formalin purity and pH unless validated protocol dictates otherwise
 Attention to water (ie, formalin) contamination of
alcohol baths
 Type of paraffin
 Low-melt paraffin (melts at ,608C)
Storage conditions Storage conditions
 Dry, pest-free conditions at room temperature  1 freeze-thaw cycle: for nucleic acids and proteins use aliquots
(defined as 188C–258C)
Documentation data for the above factors and/or Documentation data for the above factors and/or deviations from
deviations from the recommendations the recommendations
Documentation should be included in the laboratory’s standard operating
procedures and quality control logs
Note: Tissue specimens considered unacceptable for Note: Blood specimens considered unacceptable for molecular testing
molecular testing include desiccated tissues or those include hemolyzed samples or those known to have been improperly
known to have been improperly collected or stored collected or stored
Abbreviations: ACD, acid-citrate-dextrose; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

terms and text words. The Cochrane search filter for humans searches and 53 from the 2015–2016 search. Eighteen people
was applied.149 participated in the abstract review for the 648 publications,
To identify pertinent publications, the titles and abstracts and each abstract was reviewed by 2 individuals. The criteria
of all identified articles were reviewed by the PPMPT listed above were used to determine if the article was in scope
according to the criteria below: and required full review. In cases of disagreement on inclusion
versus exclusion, the 2 reviewers discussed their interpreta-
1. In scope: publications with original data referable to the tions with each other to come to agreement or a third reviewer
effect of the preanalytical variables listed in Table 3 on DNA,
acted as an adjudicator. The dual review of abstracts excluded
RNA, and/or protein analysis in human tissue or in blood.
320 articles as being inapplicable to the top 6 preanalytical
2. Out of scope: review articles; conference abstracts;
factors for either tissue or blood and identified 328 articles for
comments; editorials; letters; data on cell lines; data on
cytology specimens; data on animal biospecimens; data full text analysis. Sixteen people participated in the 328 full text
on biomolecules other than DNA, RNA, and/or protein article reviews. Data were collected from the article to
in biospecimens; data on posttranslational modification determine if the article referred to tissue or blood, the analyte
of proteins; and data comparing tissue or blood fixatives. being assessed (DNA, RNA, protein), and whether the results
reported in the article agreed with or contradicted the
A total of 648 records were identified, 595 from the 2014 preanalytical parameters proposed as the top 6 for each of
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1353
Cold Ischemia Time: A Cold Ischemia Time of 1 Hour or
Less Is Recommended
Cold ischemia time, also referred to in the literature as
‘‘time to fixation,’’ ‘‘delay to fixation,’’ ‘‘prefixation delay,’’
or, simply, ‘‘prefixation,’’† is defined as the length of time
between removal of the biospecimen from the patient and
the time the biospecimen is stabilized in formalin (ie, the
biological activity in the tissue is stopped by fixing). The
label ‘‘cold ischemia’’ actually refers to a room temperature
environment, in contrast to ‘‘warm ischemia’’ following
devascularization of the tissue while still at body temper-
ature.80,81 The effects described below may be altered by
refrigeration of the specimen, as noted.
Depending on the biomolecule class and the biospecimen
type, cold ischemia times of several hours (eg, up to 4–5
hours or even longer at room temperature) have minimal or
no detrimental impact on biomolecular quality, extractable
quantity, or molecular test results,14,81,83,150–152 whereas other
molecular analyses, sometimes for the same specimen, are
altered within 60 minutes or less.‡ Molecules may be either
upregulated or downregulated, and most studies show that
gene transcripts are more likely to be upregulated rather
than downregulated within 2 hours of cold ische-
mia.14,152,154,155 Highly labile molecules, such as protein
kinases and phosphoproteins, may be disproportionately
affected after 30 to 45 minutes or less.§
Cold ischemia has been described as ‘‘a complex
physiological perturbation that integrates the effects of
The process used and reported here has been adapted from: Moher D, tissue stress, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, acidosis, hypothermia,
Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG; The PRISMA Group. Preferred and electrolyte disturbance.’’154 Cold ischemia times of 30
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The minutes have been shown to increase the levels of proteins
PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med. 2009;6(7):e1000097. doi:10.1371/
in stress-response pathways, including those related to
apoptosis, hypoxia, and proliferation,153 and may not return
to baseline thereafter.1,153 Since these proteins have been
implicated in cancer progression and drug resistance,156,157
their analysis may be clinically important.
the 2 specimen types (Table 3). After single review, 23 articles
In any specific case, however, the significance of changes
where thought to deviate from the parameters. These 23 linked to cold ischemia depends on the molecular target of
articles were then reanalyzed independently by 2 individuals interest and the implications of the test result in clinical
and were determined on re-review not to deviate. A summary decision-making. Some routine and clinically important
of the review process is shown in the Figure. protein assays, such as estrogen receptor or progesterone
Implementation of the proposed practice metrics is receptor immunohistochemistry, have been shown to be
believed to be feasible in most practice settings. Through altered by cold ischemia times of 30 to 60 minutes8,11,61,70,73,84
the CAP LAP, accreditation checklist elements may be at room temperature, although longer cold ischemia times
developed and piloted where needed to facilitate imple- may be tolerated if the specimen is maintained at 48C.84,150
mentation. It is anticipated that the resultant change in In time course studies of broader changes in different
routine pathology practice will simultaneously elevate the classes of biomolecules in human tissue specimens, it has
molecular quality of human biospecimens for both clinical been demonstrated that within 15 minutes of cold ischemia
practice and translational research. up to 15% of tested genes and proteins change from
baseline levels and up to 20% of all detectable molecules
THE KEY PREANALYTICAL VARIABLES FOR TISSUE change within 30 minutes.80,158–161
BIOSPECIMENS Current data suggest that the measurable effects of cold
ischemia are, at least partially, cancer type–specific as well as
The PPMPT practice recommendations for control of biomolecule type–specific and analysis platform–depen-
essential preanalytical variables, based on current evidence, dent.80,151 In addition, studies comparing the effects of cold
are discussed individually below. Citations for both recent ischemia on cancer tissue and normal tissue from the same
original data reviewed by the PPMPT, older publications organ have demonstrated that tumor tissue is more
with pertinent original data contributed by the experts on vulnerable to the effects of cold ischemia.80,161 Since no
the PPMPT, and academic reviews that include references to single recommendation for cold ischemia time would be
published original data before 2013 are all included below. optimal for all tissues, all classes of molecules, or all analysis
As a basic reference for comparison, a summary of the
analogous preanalytical parameters for FFPE tissue recom- †
References 4, 68, 70, 71, 73–77, 83, 84.
mended by nationally and internationally recognized ‡
References 4, 11, 14, 48, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 83–84, 152–155.
authoritative sources is shown in Table 1. §
References 5, 14, 61, 82–84, 153, 154.
1354 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
platforms, the recommendation put forward here represents Is Recommended; Optimal Fixation Time for Protein in
a compromise that meets most current molecular testing Most Tissues Is 24 Hours,4,6,93 Especially for Proteomic or
needs for cancer patient specimens. Immunohistochemical Applications, Whereas RNA and
A cold ischemia time of 1 hour is regarded as a prudent DNA May Tolerate Longer Fixation Times6
and achievable guideline and supported by the litera-
Total fixation time has been an ongoing issue and concern
ture.6,8,10,11,22,26 Additionally, actual cold ischemia times or,
in recent years. The following recommendation is made
at a minimum, deviations from the 1-hour recommendation
with that history in mind. We note that the recommenda-
should be recorded in the pathology report. A documented
cold ischemia time of 1 hour or less for every cancer tissue tion does not appear as a requirement in any current CAP
specimen would achieve baseline standardization that LAP checklist and may even differ from some current CAP
would meet the requirements of the ASCO-CAP guidelines guidelines (Table 1).
for breast cancer specimens,19 achieve a safe margin of Total time in formalin includes the time the tissue is in
control for many other receptor protein and nucleotide formalin in the tissue processor and is based upon fixation
biomarkers, allow a correction factor to be applied for performed at room temperature. Some tissues, especially
interpretation of assays for more labile biomolecules, and be those with a high fat content, such as skin or breast tissue,
stringent enough to allow more than 1 class of analyte to be are an exception, and fixation times up to 48 hours may be
measured from the same specimen.6 Finally, it is both required.94 The actual fixation time for any given tissue
reasonable and pragmatic to treat every specimen similarly sample should be documented and recorded in the
within a uniform workflow plan rather than customize cold pathology report. Both underfixation and overfixation of
ischemia times for individual specimens. tissue compromise molecular analysis results.
As described above, formalin penetrates most tissues
Fixative Type: Standardized and Quality-Controlled 10% rapidly, but the cross-linking process is much slower. Both
pH Neutral Phosphate-Buffered Formalin Is Recommended processes are temperature dependent.86,87 Adequate tissue
This standard fixative preserves a wide range of biomolec- fixation requires a minimum of 6 hours at room temperature
ular species as well as morphology. It is relatively inexpen- (258C).90 Notably, however, because the chemistry of
sive, widely available, and commonly used throughout fixation is slowed at temperatures lower than 258C,
anatomic pathology practice. However, strict adherence to refrigeration of specimens after immersion in formalin
quality control is required to maintain the chemical quality of may provide additional flexibility around this preanalytical
formalin. The pH of the formalin should be checked before parameter in clinical practice.
use and routinely thereafter, since formalin is inherently In general, the average size of DNA extracted from
unstable and oxidizes to formic acid.86 This recommendation tissues fixed in buffered formalin decreases with increas-
mirrors the All Common CAP LAP requirements for the ing fixation time.87 Not only does cross-linking of nucleic
handling, monitoring, and documentation of laboratory acids with histones occur with formalin fixation, but
reagents and the requirements to meet manufacturer’s formalin reacts directly with nucleotides, causing molec-
specifications when using commercially acquired reagents ular degradation and alteration of sequences.88 There is
(COM 30350 and 40250). If formalin is prepared in the evidence that molecular degradation in nonfatty tissue
laboratory, strict adherence to procedures that ensure both starts at 24 hours’ fixation time, but after about 36 hours
the correct concentration and pH of the solution are of fixation at room temperature excessive cross-linking
mandatory. If commercially prepared formalin is used, and molecular damage may begin to become significant.
concentration cannot be measured, but pH monitoring Nucleic acid degradation, fragmentation, and sequence
should be performed. All formalin stock solutions must be alteration have all been reported as a consequence of
kept in tightly sealed containers to prevent oxidation to overfixation.1,88,91,163 The types of DNA damage known to
formic acid and dehydration. Strict adherence to the occur in FFPE include (1) formaldehyde-induced cross-
manufacturer’s recommendations for shelf life of stored links; (2) molecular fragmentation; (3) deamination of
formalin is recommended. cytosine bases producing C-to-T mutations; and (4)
At room temperature (258C), formalin rapidly penetrates production of abasic sites.164 This damage interferes with
tissue, but fixation, which is caused by cross-linkage of nucleic both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and
acids and proteins via methylene bridges between reactive next-generation sequencing.164,165
chemical groups, is a slower process. Nevertheless, both tissue The range of 6 to 36 hours is reasonable for nonfatty
penetration and fixation are temperature-dependent process- tissues and may be more achievable in practice; however, a
es. They are slowed at lower temperatures and accelerated at range of 6 to 24 hours may be better. This range of fixation is
higher temperatures,86 but the rate of fixation is slower than recommended to make tissue fit for most genomic and
penetration at any temperature.87,88 Tissue penetration is also proteomic analyses; however, a different period of fixation
profoundly affected by the pH of the formalin.87,89 may be acceptable for specific tissue types or testing
Fixatives other than formalin may be used electively for methods. For example, routine testing for estrogen receptor,
specific analyses, at the discretion of the pathologist, if progesterone receptor, and ERBB2 (HER2) performed by
appropriately validated, but should be recorded as a immunohistochemistry in breast cancer specimens may not
deviation from routine procedure in the pathology report. be impacted with fixation up to 72 hours as is allowed
The use of acid decalcification, before or during the fixation within the ASCO-CAP guidelines.19,166,167 For any given
process, results in hydrolysis of DNA and RNA and is specimen, however, documentation of the actual fixation
contraindicated for molecular analyses of nucleic acids. time is advised. Alternatively, if the recommended fixation
timeframe cannot be met, the deviation from the guideline
Total Time in Formalin: A Total Fixation Time of No Less should be recorded.
Than 6 Hours90,162 and No Greater Than 36 Hours for Most Total protein recovery for mass spectroscopy and immu-
Tissues or 48 Hours for Tissues With High Fat Content91–93 noreactivity of proteins also may be adversely affected by
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1355
prolonged fixation,4,168,169 but some studies have shown that (including that in the processor) does not exceed the target
protein identifications by multidimensional liquid chroma- upper limit recommended here.
tography–tandem mass spectrometry in FFPE tissue sub-
jected to fixation times of up to 2 days may be comparable to Type of Paraffin: Pure Low-Melt Paraffin (Melts at ,608C)
those in frozen tissue.139 Is Recommended
The use of high-quality paraffin that liquefies at low
Specimen Thickness: Specimen Sample Thickness That temperatures can help avoid molecular damage created by
Does Not Exceed 4 to 5 mm Is Recommended high temperatures.1,6 Paraffin wax is an alkane, a family of
This recommendation will allow rapid and uniform aliphatic (acyclic) saturated hydrocarbons. The longer the
penetration of formalin from the tissue surface throughout chain (including branch chains) the higher the melting
the tissue.1,163 Nevertheless, because formalin penetration is point. The use of high-melting-point paraffins is associated
a rapid process, and proceeds at a rate of about 1 mm per with inadequate deparaffinization, reduced recovery of
hour at room temperature, specimen thickness that slightly biomolecules from the tissue, and reductions in the extent
exceeds 5 mm may be tolerated as long as the specimen is and intensity of immunostaining.1,93,166,170
enveloped by the fixative to allow penetration to occur from Block Storage Conditions: Maintenance of All Paraffin
all surfaces and the fixation time is adequate.1 An increase in Blocks in Dry, Pest-Free Conditions at Room Temperature
the surface area of the tissue sample increases the rate of (Defined as 258C) Is Recommended
penetration of the fixative. However, penetration of formalin
also may be affected by the composition of the specimen. Nucleic acids and proteins extracted from FFPE blocks of
Penetration of an aqueous fixative such as formalin may be human neoplasms collected and processed according to a
slowed by high fat content in the specimen, whereas muscle standardized, evidence-based protocol and maintained
content or abundant intercellular channels such as blood under these conditions have been demonstrated to be
vessels may speed penetration.87 comparable in quantity and quality over a time span of 1 to
12 years.171 Molecular degradation in stored tissue is most
Ratio of Fixative Volume to Tissue Mass: A Fixative Volume often due to poor fixation or inadequate processing,
to Tissue Mass Ratio of at Least 4:1, or Preferably 10:1 especially inadequate dehydration, before paraffin embed-
When Feasible, With the Tissue Completely Submerged, Is ding and storage.1
Recommended163 Documentation Data: Documentation of Compliance With
An adequate volume of formalin will ensure that tissue Critical Preanalytical Parameters or, at a Minimum, the
penetration occurs from all surfaces and that full-thickness Recording of Any Deviations From the Recommendations
penetration will be achieved.87 In studies on fixation of small for Critical Preanalytical Parameters, Should Be Carried
samples (biopsy samples of diameters from 1 to 1.5 mm), Out for Tissue Biospecimens and the Data Included in the
adequate fixation has been documented for a volume to Pathology Report
mass ratio of as little as 2:194 or even 1:1.129 In contrast, the
Currently, the preanalytical history of most tissue
recommendations from several authoritative sources stipu-
specimens is unknown, making it difficult to judge their
late a volume to mass ratio of 10:1 or greater (Table 1).1
fitness for molecular testing. Documentation of cold
Therefore, the recommendation of 4:1 represents a prudent
ischemia time and total time in fixative, important determi-
but economical compromise that would accommodate nants of molecular quality and key factors in the specimen
biopsies as well as larger samples to ensure that all tissue provenance, is not routine at present. It is standard to
surfaces are completely enveloped by fixative. include the fixative used in the gross description. It is not
Tissue Processor Maintenance: Strict Adherence to necessary to include the details of the composition and
Manufacturers’ Maintenance Guidelines, Which Have Met quality of the formalin, as this should be included in a
the Requirements of Regulatory Approval, Is laboratory’s standard operating procedures and quality
control logs; this is also true for processor maintenance,
paraffin type, and block storage conditions. Specimen
Multiple CAP LAP accreditation requirements cover the thickness and volume to mass ratio of fixative are likely to
topic of tissue processor maintenance in detail (COM.30550, be part of standard laboratory procedures and their
COM.30660, ANP.231, ANP23120, ANP23130, ANP2330, monitoring part of the CAP LAP checklist (ANP.10038,
ANP23350, and ANP24050), and our recommendation ANP.11716). Ensuring adequate size containers for large
parallels and reinforces the importance of these require- specimens and ample availability of formalin are likely to be
ments. The processing of fixed tissue through dehydration helpful for ensuring the correct volume to mass ratio of
to paraffin infiltration is typically automated, but strict fixative, and checklist item ANP.11250 requires that there be
adherence to standardization of processing reagents and adequate storage for large specimens.
processor function is needed to avoid specimen compro-
mise. It is critical that reagents of high quality be used and THE KEY PREANALYTICAL VARIABLES FOR BLOOD
regularly maintained. SPECIMENS
In particular, adequate maintenance of alcohols is critical. The PPMPT practice recommendations for control of
Inadequate maintenance may lead to inadequate dehydra- essential preanalytical variables for blood specimens, based
tion of tissues with consequent molecular degradation in on current evidence, are discussed below. As with tissue
blocks in storage due to hydrolysis.1 In addition, ‘‘topping specimens (above), citations include relevant publications
off’’ of processor chambers with nonstandard solutions that are not limited exclusively to the publications reviewed
should be strictly forbidden. Timer settings should be by the PPMPT. Older publications with original data
monitored to assure that the total time in formalin pertinent to the recommendations herein and academic
1356 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
reviews that include references to original data published additive through the tube content, respectively. Either factor
before 2013 are also cited. may alter tube performance and lead to suboptimal analyte
As a basic reference for comparison, a summary of the quality and skewed analysis results. Lithium heparin tubes
analogous preanalytical parameters for blood specimens are not suitable for nucleic acid analysis by PCR because
recommended by various authoritative sources including the lithium heparin is a PCR inhibitor.172,187–189
CAP, Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), ISO, Volume of Tube Fill: The Optimal Tube-Fill Volume per
European Committee for Standardization, and the NCI is the Tube Manufacturer’s Recommendation Is Advised.—
shown in Table 2. Tube additives are calibrated to provide optimal ratios of
As with the recommendations for tissue specimens blood to additive. Therefore, in tubes with additives, the
discussed above, the following recommendations for blood tube fill level is an essential quality indicator for the test
specimens are focused on blood specimens from cancer sample and should be documented at the time of the blood
patients who are undergoing analysis for nucleic acids or draw.190
proteins. Draw Order: The Recommended Draw Order Is as
Time to First Processing Step: The First Step in the Shown Below (With Consideration to Alterations as
Processing of Blood Specimens Should Begin Less Than 60 Indicated Clinically) and Is Only Applicable if Multiple
Minutes After the Blood Draw Unless EDTA or Cell- Specimens Are Being Collected at 1 Draw.—Prioritized
Stabilization Specialty Tubes Are Used Draw Order, First to Last
Ideally, processing for any blood specimen should begin 1. Blood culture bottles (contains broth)
as quickly as possible after the blood draw.172 Some blood 2. Nonadditive tube
specimens require immediate centrifugation and processing 3. Coagulation tube (contains sodium citrate)
(eg, blood for amino acid analysis).173 For blood samples 4. Clot activator tube (contains a clot activator)
from cancer patients who are undergoing analysis for 5. Clot activator plus serum separator tube (contains a clot
circulating cell-free DNA or RNA from tumors (ie, ‘‘liquid activator and separator gel)
biopsies’’), plasma is judged to be the optimal specimen 6. Heparin tube (contains the anticoagulant sodium hep-
type.46 Minimization of the time between the blood draw arin or lithium heparin)
and the first specimen processing step (separating the 7. EDTA tube (contains the anticoagulant EDTA)
plasma from the blood) is especially important in controlling 8. Tubes with other additives (eg, tubes containing acid-
artifact from normal cellular components in the blood. A citrate-dextrose; oxalate/fluoride; antiglycolytic agent).
timeframe of 60 minutes is applicable to either serum or
plasma processing but is critical if serum samples are used The rationale for adherence to a standardized draw order
for this analysis, since cell lysis during clot formation creates is based on minimizing cross-contamination of additives
significant contamination within an hour.174 Blood drawn in between tubes to ensure the accuracy of the analysis results
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tubes for plasma from each tube. The draw order above is the standard for the
derivation is more forgiving but should be processed within CLSI (H3-A6; GP 41)191,192 and the World Health Organi-
6 hours.46,175–178 Specialty tubes that stabilize the cellular zation.193 It is also recommended in phlebotomy guidance
components of the blood permit much greater flexibili- from the CAP.173 Although phlebotomy standards have
ty.174,175,177–186 In practice settings in which blood draws existed for more than a decade, recent studies have shown
occur at sites distant from the analysis laboratory, the that compliance with the 29 items on the CLSI guidelines in
flexibility in the time-to-processing step provided by cell- European countries is unacceptably low36 and that draw
stabilization specialty tubes may be an important option. order is 1 of the top 3 major errors made in phlebotomy,
Alternatively, special arrangements for immediate transpor- accounting for 21% of all errors.194
tation to the laboratory following the blood draw may be Method of Stabilization: Tube Inversions per
required. Manufacturer’s Recommendations Is Advised
Specimen Acquisition: Factors That Are Recommended to This critical parameter, if not rigorously followed, leads to
Be Controlled and Recorded Are (1) Blood Collection Tube inadequate mixing of the blood with the tube additive and
Type, (2) Tube Fill Level, (3) Draw Order, and (4) Number compromise of the key chemical reaction(s) in the tube.195
of Tube Inversions (Adequate Mixing) as Detailed Below;
Documentation of Deviations From Recommended Method of Processing: Control and Documentation of
Parameters Is Advised Centrifugation Speed, Centrifugation Time, and
Temperature Is Recommended
Tube Type: Recommendations for Tube Type Selection
Centrifugation is the processing step that separates the
Are Listed Below.—
serum or the plasma to be analyzed from the cellular
1. EDTA tubes or cell-stabilization specialty tubes are components (and for serum, clotting proteins) of the blood.
recommended for either proteomic studies or cell-free Inadequate speed or inadequate numbers of centrifugation
DNA analysis. steps may lead to contamination of the plasma/serum
2. Lithium heparin and sodium heparin tubes are contra- sample with cellular content.175–177 Cells are typically
indicated for nucleic acid amplification studies. adequately separated from plasma by centrifugation at
1000g to 2000g for 10 minutes in a refrigerated centrifuge.172
When using tubes with additives, such as EDTA tubes or Temperature is a major variable during many preanalytical
specialty tubes for cell stabilization, the tube fill level of the steps. Clot formation in the generation of serum samples,
tube and the number of tube inversions are critical factors. for example, is temperature sensitive. The integrity of some
These factors alter the final concentration of the additive in proteins in the blood may be temperature sensitive, whereas
the tube content and the uniformity of distribution of the the enzymatic activity of others may be temperature
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al 1357
dependent. Maintenance and monitoring of processing processed, or stored. One survey of 125 biomarker discovery
temperatures is a key quality factor.172 Processing at room publications between 2004 and 2009 found that fewer than
temperature (defined as 188C–258C) is recommended unless half contained information about sample provenance,
a validated protocol dictates otherwise. Specimen process- making it impossible to determine how specimen quality
ing should be standardized for centrifugation speed, time, may have impacted the study data.200
and temperature and written into the standard operating In the case of blood/serum specimens, analyses for
procedures of the laboratory. circulating cell-free nucleic acids from tumors and/or
circulating tumor cells have recently taken center stage in
Storage Conditions: It Is Recommended That Freeze-Thaw oncology.201–203 Often called ‘‘liquid biopsies,’’ these blood
Cycles on Plasma or Serum Specimens Be Avoided analyses are also sensitive to preanalytical factors. In an
Altogether by Aliquoting Before Freezing; for Nucleic effort to confer consistency and comparability among
Acids and Proteins, No More Than a Single Freeze-Thaw studies of the various potential uses of liquid biopsies in
Cycle Is Acceptable46 clinical decision-making for cancer patients, ASCO and
Repeated freeze-thaw cycles contribute to biomolecular CAP jointly reviewed the published data and developed a
degradation and are detrimental to biospecimen quali- consensus statement for preanalytical and analytical steps
ty.177,196–198 Mechanisms by which the freeze-thaw process for circulating cell-free nucleic acid analysis for cancer
may damage biomolecules in the sample include physical patients.46 The recommendations herein mirror these
shearing by ice crystals and microshifts in solute concen- guidelines, underscore the need for attention to preanalyt-
trations with effects on pH and metal ions that catalyze ical considerations, and draw attention to the gaps in
oxidative damage.199 The extent of damage with each freeze- current knowledge about specific preanalytical factors that
thaw cycle is difficult to quantitate and may vary according affect analysis results. Although ‘‘liquid biopsies’’ are topical
to the biomolecular species of interest. It is prudent to avoid at present, the same preanalytical challenges exist for blood-
freeze-thaw altogether by aliquoting serum/plasma samples based molecular tests of many sorts. At the point of care,
before freezing. Peripheral blood specimens should not be blood draws may vary according to the setting, the training
frozen because induced hemolysis can result in PCR of the staff performing the phlebotomy, and many other
inhibition through the presence of contaminating hemo- highly variable factors.49–51,204
globin. The current paradigm for immunotherapy also raises
issues related to preanalytics in the testing for response
Documentation Data: Documentation of Compliance With markers already approved by the US Food and Drug
Critical Preanalytical Parameters or, at a Minimum, the Administration and for those in development.205 Although
Recording of Any Deviations From the Recommendations programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) immunohistochemis-
for Critical Preanalytical Parameters Should Be Carried try has been approved for several immune oncology
Out for Every Blood Biospecimen and the Data Included in indications and has been incorporated into the non–small
the Laboratory Report cell lung cancer clinical practice guidelines from ASCO and
NCCN,206,207 the impact of preanalytical variables on the test
CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS results for PD-L1 and other immune oncology markers is
It is important to emphasize that the recommendations only beginning to be understood.208,209 As the immune
herein represent a baseline for tissue and blood specimens oncology field continues its rapid pace of evolution and
from cancer patients that are handled in routine pathology development, progress will be dependent on clarifying the
practice to ensure that they are generally fit for most sensitivity of immune biomarkers to preanalytical variables
molecular analysis of nucleic acids and proteins while not and the clinical consequences of sample handling devia-
affecting other routine uses of the sample (such as histology tions.
and immunohistochemistry). The recommendations are not For all patient biospecimens, blood and tissue specimens
optimized for all specimen types, analyses, or analytic alike, it is also recognized that significant preanalytical
platforms. It is recognized that preanalytical parameters may variation may even result from events occurring before
need to be customized for specific applications that are less acquisition of the specimen (ie, removal of the specimen
common. from the patient). For surgically resected tumors, for
The fitness of a tissue or blood specimen for molecular example, preacquisition variables are largely related to
analysis depends on a number of preanalytical factors, any preoperative and intraoperative events and cannot be
of which may affect assay results and have the potential to controlled by the pathologist or the laboratory. These
bias the analysis data or even preclude successful analysis preanalytical factors include a wide variety of drugs and
altogether.2 Documentation of preanalytical factors needs to infusates, general anesthesia, surgical manipulations, and
be part of the pathology record for every cancer specimen, devascularization of the tissue before resection.80 One
so that its fitness for molecular testing can be determined important intraoperative variable is the elapsed time
before analysis and the quality of results evaluated between devascularization and removal of the tissue from
appropriately.5 the body, known as ‘‘warm ischemia time.’’ This time varies
Preserved specimens are also used for future testing for according to the surgical procedure and the individual
downstream cancer patient care and/or for scientific surgeon, but can be recorded as part of the specimen
investigation. The provenance of a tissue or blood specimen history, possibly in the anesthesia record. At present, this is
should be documented in the pathology report in order to rarely if ever done and is an unknown element in the
determine its appropriateness for molecular analysis in provenance of almost all surgical tissue specimens. The
either setting. It has been noted that published translational documentation of warm ischemia time and the control of
research using patient biospecimens rarely contains infor- cold ischemia time will both require the cooperation of
mation about how the samples have been obtained, surgeons. The American College of Surgeons has already
1358 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 143, November 2019 Preanalytical Practices Precision Path—Compton et al
demonstrated interest in educating their members on this attention to preanalytical issues has lagged behind, a gap
issue and becoming part of the preanalytics solution.210 that is now becoming critical for precision medicine. In a
It is in the postacquisition setting that preanalytical recent report from the National Academies of Science,
variables are most amenable to control and monitoring by Engineering, and Medicine entitled Biomarker Tests for
pathologists. Post acquisition, tissue specimens are still Molecularly Targeted Therapies: Key to Unlocking Precision
viable until their biological activity is stopped by stabiliza- Medicine,211 it was specifically pointed out that enhancing
tion (ie, fixation or freezing). Before stabilization, their ‘‘specimen handling and documentation to ensure patient
molecular composition may change artefactually in response safety and accuracy of biomarker test results’’ is crucial for
to biological stresses and physical factors linked to handling the advancement of precision medicine. This recommenda-
and processing. Molecular degradation also may occur tion included all clinical trials in which molecular data from
during this period and may be further compounded by biospecimens are integral to patient selection and manage-
processing variables after stabilization. Objective quality ment, as well as scientific insight from correlative experi-
assessment methods (quality indicators) can be used to mental studies. It is urgent that pathologists and other
evaluate specific molecular components of the tissue before medical professionals who are part of the quality chain for
assay (eg, extracted RNA and DNA quality and quantity), patient biospecimens implement a coordinated, evidence-
but the overall molecular integrity of the tissue cannot be based approach to preanalytics to meet the requirements of
retroactively recovered once it is compromised. It must be precision medicine.
safeguarded upfront by control of the most problematic,
quality-compromising preanalytical variables. Furthermore, The authors thank the highly knowledgeable and seemingly
at the time of acquisition, it may not be known whether or tireless expert CAP staff who supported this project during the last
4 years. In particular we thank Patricia Vasalos, BS, technical
not a biospecimen will be undergoing molecular testing,
manager, Proficiency Testing; Molly Hansen, CT, cytology technical
either as part of immediate patient care or in the future. specialist II, Proficiency Testing; Jill Kaufman, PhD, former director
Therefore, it is prudent and reasonable to treat all patient of the Personalized Healthcare Committee; Tony Smith, MLS-
specimens in a uniform manner that safeguards molecular records and information manager; Brooke L. Billman, MLIS,
integrity and ensures their fitness for molecular analysis as a medical librarian; Kelly Westfall, BA, former operations specialist,
routine part of patient care. In working toward this goal, a Surveys; Denise Driscoll, MS, MT, senior director, CAP Laboratory
tiered approach may be considered, beginning with cancer Accreditation and Regulatory Affairs; and Dawna Mateski, MT,
specimens and specimens in which malignancy may be checklist customization analyst, CAP Accreditation Programs.
suspected, given the rapidly increasing use of molecular Without their expertise and aid, this project could never have been
analyses for patient management in oncology.
We offer a special thanks to Debra Leonard, MD, PhD, former
While this work is focused primarily on the role of the chair of the PHC, who helped establish the PPMPT and supported
pathologist in postacquisition preanalytics, it should be its goal from the outset and Michelle O’Connor for her clerical
emphasized that many other medical professionals play key assistance.
roles in patient specimen acquisition, handling, and We also thank the CAP leadership, past and present, especially
transport. In addition to surgeons, as mentioned above, Jared Schwartz, MD, PhD, Gene Herbek, MD, Richard Friedberg,
these include nursing staff, pathology assistants, phleboto- MD, PhD, and Bruce Williams, MD, who provided encouragement
mists, endoscopists, and interventional radiologists, among for this work and shared the vision of improving pathology practice
others. Any of these individuals may be part of the chain of everywhere for the benefit of our patients.
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