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1. What is the 2-dim derivative of a surface in 3-dim ?

- or, when minimizing a landscape using gradient descent, if a point on the manifold is
“surrounded by equal curvature” everywhere, how can the gradient decide on just a single line,
when it seems that there are multiple possibilities ?
- navigating using the gradient, in my mind, seems to contain cases where there are multiple
possible paths to choose from

2. What constitutes “traditional machine learning” (today, 22 February 2023) ? How does “deep
learning” differ fundamentally (if it even does) ?
- is it just about the “modularity” by way of “depth/sequential composition” ?

3. What are the “hyper-parameters” of a model ?

- are they the “shape parameters” ?
- or maybe the kernel dimensions ?
- or even the kernel stencils ?
- I think they are essentially “all the parameters that are not under training” (but can be
adapted, and actually there IS a search-space for them, but since they are “hard-computable
parameters” – because their consequence is hard to compute -

4. What is “model performance” ?

5. How does “reinforced deep learning” differ from “deep learning” ?

6. What are frameworks such as “MXNet”, “Keras” and “H2O” used for in machine learning ?
- at least for Keras, I think it has to do with generating the code for implementing a CNN,
from some given “shape input”

7. What is the difference between “Artificial neural networks” (ANN) and “Convolutional neural
networks” (CNN) ? Furthermore, what about the “Multi-Layer Perceptron neural network” ?
- is the perceptron an ANN or CNN ? or neither ?
- is the ANN a super-set of CNN ?

8. What is the problem of “signal detection” ?

9. What is a “dying ReLU” and is ReLU only applied as the “activation decision and amplitude
function” ?


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