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Ministry of Foreign affairs

Islamabad, 21/02/23

Dear Compatriots, history stood witness to the fall of many illustrious institutions, but
we promise you that our nation, while it may be not at its pinnacle today, it is
definitely not failing the purpose of it's establishment and as you will witness, it will
withstand the test of time.

With regards to a spree of situations that came into the limelight, it is our certain
belief that while a few genuine cracks where exposed, which are actively being dealt
with, there were many baseless accusations made against in the letter and we sense a
foreign hand at play .

We hereby assure every citizen that we remain true to our purpose and keep the
interest of all Pakistanis at the core of every decision made while we continue to play
the role of a petri dish of faith to lead the world. Our Relationship with the USA is
longstanding and it been proven time and again that our similarities have created a
strong sense of brotherhood amongst the populace of these great Nations.

The concerned ministries will soon host a joint press conference where a multi-fold
plan of action will be presented. Until then, we request all the aggrieved stakeholders
to stay patient and trust the establishment.
Islamabad, Pakistan

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