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| Legendary Arms RPG |



Chapter 1: Setting
Info and New Rules
Kamigakari Setting Info - Race

The parts of humanity that carry divine blood, and are born with unusual
abilities. Those who have the power of gods, demons, spirits, youkai, and
dragons - these people are called “Inheritors”. They are those whose ancestors
have deified and worshipped the gods since ancient times. Those ancestors
once offered up human sacrifice for the good of the clan, and for their lands. On
occasion, one of those humans would grow close with a god, and those clans
that are bestowed with those unusual abilities are the ancestors of the

The unusual abilities they control are what are generally known as
supernatural powers, which are innate talents- in other words, the density of
inherited blood, and traits- that cannot be acquired. Moreover, their unusual
abilities are so far not reproducible by practitioners of science and magic alike.
However, as these powers are still used with spirit energy, Inheritors can create
and obtain items such as Artificial Regalia that bolsters their abilities, and these
same abilities can also be affected or resisted through magic and martial arts.

Most Inheritor clans possess a leyline, and the masters of those leylines
are often successful people in society. Inheritors such as these naturally end up
as influential members of their community, and often depend on the Innocents
around them. Conversely, there are no small number of clans who have utilized
their positions to seize authority and control the people from the shadows.
Most leylines under the control of an Inheritor are the legacy of that clan’s
ancestor god, and as they are the cornerstone of the clan’s prosperity, their
whereabouts are a tightly-kept secret. Those clans which possess a leyline are
always in search of “power”- in other words, strong Godhunters. This is because
they must constantly protect their ancestral leyline from other clans and

In most cases, Inheritors marry other Inheritors. The reason being they
don’t wish to cause the deterioration of their bloodline, and thus their unusual

(More Lore: The Unclean): The [Races] of the world in Kamigakari are
able to interbreed. When this happens, the child produced is born as either
the mother or the father’s [Race]. For example, were a [Scion] to have children
with a [Darkstalker], the child would be either a [Scion] or [Darkstalker].
However, very rarely, a child will be born inheriting the characteristics and
physical traits of both parents. The Society especially refers to these children as
the Unclean. Unclean, by virtue of birth alone, possess overwhelming power
and talent. Because of this, many Unclean are feared as profane, and often end
up imprisoned or given over into the custody of a branch family. However,
recently, such events are starting to pile up, and frequently develop into
supernatural incidents.

In Japan, most Inheritors are affiliated with the Society, more properly
known as the Demon Hunter’s Society. The main reason the Society recruits
inheritors is to protect the world by unifying a variety of supernatural
bloodlines. Additionally, they provide a means to easily find a spouse in
order to keep bloodlines from weakening. They do not discriminate, because
the power they inherit is vital for defeating Aramitama and protecting the clan’s
ley line. Therefore, even now there are many cases of pre-arranged
engagements amongst Inheritors. However, among the more modern-minded
Inheritors, there are some who rebel against this.

Heroic Spirit
In life, they were great leaders who guided their people. Warlords who
lead their country to victory time and time again. Warriors who defeated
monsters and were enshrined in legend. Noble souls of heroes who have
achieved every kind of epic feat imaginable- those are what are known as
“Heroic Spirits.”

Heroic Spirits are half spirit and half god, they who had their epic feats
carved into the memories of others. These memories, passed down through the
ages, are what eventually deifies them. Those feelings of respect and
admiration came to dwell within a Shard, and so, the Heroic Spirit was created.
As they are born from the merging of a Shard and the will of people, the
so-called strength and memories of the world make up a part of their being,
which means they can be considered “Guardians of the World.”
(More Info: Revenants): Arthur Pendragon. Napoleon Bonaparte.
Ryuubi Gentoku. Tokugawa Ieyasu, and more... all are Heroic Spirits that have
become eternal existences, the legends of their great deeds being handed
down through the ages, from person to person. However, among these Heroic
Spirits, there are those who have become embodiments of fear and madness.
Their legends have been twisted, their deeds have been exaggerated, and
these embellishments are passed down in history as if true. These individuals
are instead known as Revenants.

After Purgatory Night sixteen years ago, many Aramitama began to ap-
pear in Japan. Of course, this meant there was a higher risk that an Avatar of
Ruin would be born- that is, a risk the world would be destroyed. In order to
protect those who had faith in them or the world they once called home, Heroic
Spirits have begun to appear as well. They manifest in response to summons, or
to the outcry of those who need them.

Because Heroic Spirits are “the strength and memories of the world” itself,
when they manifest, they already possess a variety of common knowledge and
information. And, as their primary motivation is to protect the world, on that
point they are already in agreement with modern Godhunters. Because of that,
many Heroic Spirits resolve to end all Aramitama using the Promise of
Ascension. However, due to past personal experiences, there are many Heroic
Spirits who hold their own individual desires and wishes in their hearts.

Though they should have been spoken of as goddesses, the legend of the
three Gorgon sisters speaks of them as monsters with cursed eyes that turned
all they beheld into stone. Marshal Gilles de Rais was a hero who saved a nation,
but then had his eccentricities overstated. These are but a few examples of
Heroic Spirits that could be called Revenants.

Normally, Revenants are not summoned. However, when a Revenant

materializes (whether due to a curse, malice, or accident), then rather than
protect the world, they seek to re-enact the twisted legends and past misdeeds
that immortalized them, with the ultimate goal of the world’s destruction. Such
evil acts will likely attract an Aramitama, and due to their mutual interests, they
will often form a Covenant of Souls with one another. When that happens, in
order to defeat the corrupted Revenant, their former comrades-in-arms and
nemesis alike will be summoned in order to protect the world.
Divine Soul
Plants and animals that have become powerful youkai over long years.
The feelings of people which dwell within organic materials or machines
Ultimately, the wishes of people make these things realize divinity. These
inhuman, high-ranking gods- Godhunters exceedingly close to Mononoke- are
known as [Divine Souls]. In short, they are benevolent gods. While Aramitama
are born from malice bonding with a Shard, Divine Souls are born from the faith,
positivity, and warm feelings of people bonding with a Shard. Because of that,
Divine Souls are also called Nigimitama, existences that are opposed to
Aramitama. It may help to consider Heroic Spirits as existences where the souls
of humanity have gained divinity, whereas Divine Souls are existences where
souls of things other than humanity have gained divinity.

The goal of Divine Souls is the exact opposite of Aramitama- in other

words, they seek to bring peace to the world, and happiness to the people.
However, as the faith of the people is like food to them, if no one gives their
faith to the Divine Soul, or if they use up all the spirit energy that sustains their
forms, they may completely disappear from the world. Because of that, in order
to protect their own lands, in order to grant the wishes and requests of those
who believe in them, and in order to reinforce the piety directed towards
themselves, Divine Souls involve themselves in supernatural incidents.
(Column: The Lives of the Gods): Divine Souls have places such as moun-
tains, temples, caverns, and hokora (small roadside shrines) where they live.
Many of these places are leylines, and the Divine Souls that control those plac-
es, in nearly all cases, are local or earthen gods. They commonly take their orig-
inal forms- animals, plants, machines, etc.- and live freely, however once a su-
pernatural incident occurs, they set out to resolve it, in the hope it might gather
more faith towards them. Also, there are those Divine Souls who are based in
temples or have been enshrined, and therefore receive prayer from kannagi
and miko. Commonly, those so enshrined will grant the wishes of those who
pray to them.
As existences with half a soul, Divine Souls do not hunger. That said, they
are able to absorb the spirit energy of food, and convert it into their own spirit
energy. This also applies to Heroic Spirits. Because of this, many Divine Souls
consume the offerings left for them, and they regularly look forward to those.
Though, it could be said that the faith placed in the offering, rather than the
food made as an offering itself, is what’s appetizing.
(More Info: Requests of the Gods): There are times when Godhunters will
receive requests from high ranking Mononoke and Divine Souls. These
requests will usually concern a “Sanctum,” such as eliminating an Aramitama
nesting on a leyline, appeasing or suppressing “Cursed Souls,” or repeling other
Godhunters who have appeared within a Sanctum with the goal of “God
Eating.” Godhunters who undertake these requests receive [Materials] as a
reward that hold no particular effect, called “Treasures.” Requests from
Mononoke and Divine Souls are opportunities to earn many [Materials] and
further strengthen Artificial Regalia. Because of this, if there are Godhunters
who wish to prepare for a fight with a powerful Aramitama, undertaking these
requests with the goal of obtaining these “Treasures” in order to strengthen
their Regalia is common. (Refer to the [Sanctum] [Cursed Soul] [God Eating]
and [Treasure] columns, below.)

(More Info: Age & God Name): Divine Souls and Heroic Spirits are
existences that have transcended the concept of age. Rather than make PCs
with those races work to determine the exact age of their PC, they may instead
write a dash. Also, there are those who only give their “God Names” to those
they trust, in order to hide their abilities, and are called after their position or
an alias, such as “Knight” or “Count” for a Heroic Spirit, or “Wandering God” or
“Master” for Divine Souls.
Kamigakari Setting Info - Sanctums

A spiritual realm called a sanctuary, “a land far, far away”, or the realm of
the dead. A supernatural labyrinth created when the Mononoke that controls a
leyline- the Nushi- combines «Spirit Barrier» with «Sanctify». That is a
[Sanctum], a dimensional space. Within a Sanctum, the normal laws of reality
are meaningless. In order to destroy a Sanctum, the Nushi that used «Sanctify»
must be defeated. Sanctums are found in a variety of places. They aren’t limited
to just land and physical locations, but can appear in a variety of places, such
as within mirrors, at the bottom of lakes, in television programs and movies, or
even within the dreams of a particular creature. The structure, appearance, and
size of the interior of a Sanctum is as the Nushi desires. For example, the
Sanctum created by a Nushi who reminisces over an old shrine will be a
beautiful, Labyrinthine shrine made up of torii gates that go on endlessly. Or a
water god Nushi will have their Sanctum “appear as if it was a massive...”
aquatic palace built over a vast lake.

There are many kinds of Sanctums, all with incredible sights, but all of
them have two commonalities. The first is that cracks of light reminiscent of
lightning can be seen in the sky. This can be seen even in the «Spirit Barriers» of
other Awakened. The second, is that it is always night inside of a Sanctum. This
is thought to be to protect Mononoke, who have no resistance against the light
of day, from the rays of the sun. Because of that, Sanctums are called Eternal
Nights, or Everdarks.
(More Info: Cursed Soul): The Mononoke fear becoming Cursed Souls. A
Cursed Soul is a condition unique to Mononoke, where madness arises within
a soul and they lose their sense of self, becoming savage. Mononoke who have
become Cursed Souls completely lose all judgment and reason, and all that
move- even their own family- are devoured, and Innocents have their souls

There are three ways for a Mononoke to become a Cursed Soul. One is
by being bathed in strong sunlight. Another is by being wounded by another
Cursed Soul, and their influence infecting their soul. (This depends on the
circumstances.) Finally, the power of an Aramitama may directly make a soul
frenzied. It should be noted that with a glance, there’s no mistaking an
Aramitama or other Mononoke for a Mononoke that has become a Cursed

The only way to save one who has become a Cursed Soul is to defeat
them. Although a defeated Mononoke will disappear, if the Nushi that created
the Sanctum is safe, then through us of its divine power, it is possible to
reincarnate the Cursed Soul to a previous condition. If for some reason a
Cursed Soul occurs within a Sanctum, the Nushi, aware of the risk, will slip out
of the Sanctum, and beg for assistance from other tochigami and Godhunters
they are acquainted with. When this happens, they will present an assortment
of [Materials] called Treasures as a reward for helping them.

(More Info: Treasure): When one receives a request from a Nushi or Divine
Soul, a reward will be prepared for them as well. Most of this reward comes in
the form of works of art, crafted items, precious metals, and sacramental jewels
that hold spirit energy. These items are basically [Materials] that have no
particular effect, but because they come in those forms, Godhunters have
taken to calling them “Treasure.” Because completing a request guarantees a
certain amount of treasure, it’s a more reliable method of obtaining [Materials]
than defeating Mononoke. At times, a request that promises treasure is as prof-
itable as Aramitama suppression.
(More Info: God Eating): On occasion, a friendly Nushi who seeks to coexist
with humans will become an ally of mankind. When this happens, the
hunting of those Nushi, their families, or those under their protection, as well
as the stealing of their leylines, Fool’s Gold, or [Materials], becomes prohibited
under the laws of the Godhunters. However, there are also those heartless few
who will hunt down friendly Nushi and Divine Souls, placing certain
circumstances, requests, or even their own preferences above the law.
Godhunters who do this are known as “God Eaters,” and are universally
abhorred and treated as criminals.

(Column: Bound Steeds & Bound Primals): An Awakened that has signed a
“contract” with a [Contractor] and is set to work by them is called a
[Bound Steed] or [Bound Primal]. A “contract” is a secret technique that causes
a [Contractor]’s personal «Spirit Barrier» to change into a unique [Sanctum],
and becomes the habitat for their [Bound Steed] or [Bound Primal].

The difference between a [Bound Steed] and a [Bound Primal] is a matter of

compensation. A [Bound Steed] is a Mononoke that forms a contract with a
[Contractor] in return for a large quantity of gold infused with powerful spirit
energy, and in so doing entrusts their soul to their new master, becoming an
invincible existence- the [Contractor]’s Artificial Regalia. They swear an oath of
absolute loyalty to their master, and give them their back. Literally, as they
become their master’s limbs, charging across the battlefield as a mount.

Conversely, a [Bound Primal] is a higher-ranking Mononoke or a divinity that

forms a contract with the [Contractor] in return for the [Contractor]’s very soul.
Although a [Bound Primal] and their [Contractor] form a powerful bond, each
time the [Bound Primal] is summoned, it’s necessary for the [Contractor] to
sacrifice a piece of their soul- or in other words, their {Crest}.
Sanctum Purge

In order to find a person that’s gone missing inexplicably. In order to

defeat the culprit behind a supernatural incident. In order to save an allied
tochigami or Mononoke. When the PCs invade a [Sanctum] to achieve a goal,
or when the entirety of a session starts with the invasion of a [Sanctum] and
ends with leaving it, that’s what is known as [Sanctum Purging]. Below, you will
find the rules pertaining to [Sanctum Purge].

Rules of a Sanctum Purge

Unless otherwise specified by the scenario or the GM, [Sanctum Purging]
has the following rules.

All PCs Take Action Together

Because [Sanctum Purging] is a highly dangerous act, participating

Godhunters always act in unison. Therefore, unless otherwise instructed by the
GM, PCs cannot take separate actions while [Sanctum Purging]

All PCs Participate in [Checks] while [Out of Combat]

The twisting of physical laws that occurs within [Sanctums] is so powerful

that unless Godhunters combine their strength, they cannot hope to overcome
it. Therefore while [Sanctum Purging], all PCs must participate in any [Check]
that occurs [Out of Combat]. Additionally, when a {Main Stat} check occurs
while in a [Sanctum], items with [Use: Distortion] may be used.

All PCs Must Consent On Every Choice and Decision

While in a [Sanctum], even a slight misstep drastically reduces the

chances of survival. Therefore, Godhunters have no other choice but to act with
one mind. That’s just how dangerous [Sanctum Purging] is. For these reasons,
which [Area] to move to and when, as well as any choices or decisions that
come up as a result of a [Sanctum Event], must all be agreed upon by all PCs.
Terms of a Sanctum Purge
The following is an explanation of each term used in the rules for
[Sanctum Purge].

Sanctum Sheet

A sheet where the PCs’ progress through [Sanctum Purging] is recorded.


Once [Sanctum Purge] begins, session progression changes to special

[Scenes] called [Areas]. [Areas] are [Scenes] that divide structures within the
[Sanctum] as well as [Sanctum Events] into separate regions. Effects that last
for one [Scene] persist so long as PCs remain in the same [Area] in which the
effect was used. Various [Sanctum Events] occur within each [Area], prepared
ahead of time by the GM. The following types of [Areas] exist:

Entrance Area
This [Area] is the entrance to the [Sanctum]. Once the PCs move into the
[Entrance Area], the entrance disappears, and until [Sanctum Purge] ends, no
PC may declare that they [Withdraw] or are [Backstage].

Search Area
This type of [Area] represents each region of the [Sanctum]. By searching
this [Area], the PCs progress towards the [Final Area].

Exit Area
This [Area] serves as the [Sanctum]’s exit. The PCs are able to leave for the
outside of the [Sanctum] from this [Area].

A path that connects [Areas] is called a [Passage]. PCs cannot declare

movement from their current [Area] to another [Area] if no [Passage] exists
between them. PCs are limited to moving to [Areas] which have a [Passage]
connecting to their current [Area], and are also adjacent to their current [Area].
For example, if the PCs’s current area was [F-4], and they find that [Passage 20]
and [Passage 59] were connected to other [Areas], then they would be able to
move to either [Area: E-4] or [Area: F-5].


The passage of time within a [Sanctum], and the time limit until a
[Sanctum Crisis] occurs, is generally referred to as the [Limit]. 1 [Limit] has no
strict definition of time. If it becomes necessary to know how much time has
passed, use a rate of 1 Limit being equal to 10 minutes (or 60 rounds). Once a
[Time Action] as written below is taken while in a [Sanctum], the [Limit] is raised
by the amount specified. For example, if [Change Areas (1d6)] [Combat (1d6)]
and [Long Rest (2d6)] all happen within an [Area], then once the PCs move to
the next [Area], the [Scene Player] rolls 4d6, and increases the [Limit] by the
amount rolled. Actions other than [Time Actions] do not raise the [Limit].

[Time Action] [Limit] Amount

Avoid 1d6
Long Rest 2d6
Change Area 1d6
Reattempt Check 1d6
Combat 1d6
Destroy or Mend Distortion 1d6
GM/Episode Specified Specified #
Sanctum Crisis

A [Sanctum] is a space that possesses will, and that will is carried out by
spirit energy. Should someone other than the Sanctum’s master, their
subordinates, or family be detected, then the Sanctum itself will
immediately seek to repel the invaders. In order to repel those invaders,
[Sanctums] will cause great disasters known as a [Sanctum Crisis]. Rules for
[Sanctum Crisis] are as follows.

[Sanctum Crisis] occurs at the point where the [Limit] value equals or
exceeds the maximum designated during [3: Determine [Limit]].

When [Sanctum Crisis] has occurred, each time [8: Progress [Limit]] is
reached, the [Scene Player] rolls d66 referencing the [Sanctum Crisis Table], and
then applies the effect matching the result to all PCs.

The occurence of [Sanctum Crisis], from now on, continues until the end
of [Sanctum Purge] is declared (apply one [Sanctum Crisis Table] event each
time [8: Advance [Limit]] is reached.)

Negative effects received from a [Sanctum Crisis] disappear once a [Long

Rest] is taken, or once the PCs withdraw from the [Sanctum], or once [Sanctum
Purge] is declared over.

[Damage] inflicted by a [Sanctum Crisis] can be reduced via the use of

Talents and anything else as normal.

[Sanctum Crisis] may affect even [G], [Materials], and [Items] that have
been stored within a «Spirit Barrier».

[Bound Primals] are not affected by [Sanctum Crisis].

Sanctum Events

Combat, obstacles, and situations that occur within each [Area] are all
called [Sanctum Events]. For the details of the [Sanctum Event], follow the in-
structions of the GM or the scenario.
Sanctum Crisis Table (d66)

Space and time twist in the current area. All PCs immediately return to the
11 ~ 12 Space-Time Twist [Entrance Area].
Suddenly, a [Mononoke] that has become a Cursed Soul appears. The GM
chooses any one [Mononoke] with a LV +3 over the PC Average Level, and
13 ~ 14 Strong Enemy place them in any [Search Area]. [Combat] occurs here, and cannot be [Avoid-
Innumerable hands formed from miasma attempt to grab the PCs. All PCs take
the following: [Effect Class: Magical Attack / Range: Combat Zone / Target:
15 ~ 16 Hands of Shadow Combat Zone / Result: 20 + PC Average Level / Magical Damage: 20 x PC Aver-
age Level / Resist [Halves]).
Terrifying eyes appear all around the PCs. All PCs take [Shift: Darkness, Pain]
21 ~ 22 Countless Eyes until a [Long Rest].
Suddenly, the very space of the Sanctum collapses. All PCs take the following:
23 ~ 24 Spatial Collapse [Effect Class: Physical Attack / Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone /
Result: 30 + PC Average Level / Physical Damage: 30 x PC Average Level].
An eerie fog envelopes and corrodes armor. All PCs lose one [Item: Protector]
25 ~ 26 Armor Corrosion that they have [Stored or Equipped] of their choice.

Eerie light spills from the surroundings, causing the loss of all stored [Materi-
31 ~ 32 Material Loss als]. All PCs lose all stored [Materials].

33 ~ 34 Nothing Nothing of note happens.

Suddenly, [Mononoke] that have become Cursed Souls appear and attack the
35 ~ 36 Mononoke Assault PCs. The GM chooses any two [Mononoke] with a LV +2 over the PC Average
Level, and has them appear before the PCs, immediately starting [Combat].
Whenever the PCs attempt to rest, tentacles or poisonous insects appear and
41 ~ 42 Rest Hindrance harass them. From now on, the PCs may not make a [Long Rest] until the end
of [Sanctum Purge] is declared.
Space warps as spirit energy surges wildly, causing [Spirit] to go crazy. All PCs
43 ~ 44 Leyline Destruction immediately reroll [Spirit].
Part of the PCs’ bodies goes ashen, and they’re unable to move it. All PCs
45 ~ 46 Localized Time Stop select one from [Timing: Prep, Defense, Unique] and from then on, are unable
to spend that [Timing].
Spirit energy suddenly becomes disordered, making the circulation of [Spir-
51 ~ 52 Leyline Irregularity it] sickening. All PCs, from now on, are unable to [Influence] until the end of
[Sanctum Purge] is declared.
The surrounding air transforms, making those that breathe it sick. All PCs,
from now on, are unable to use the Talent they have acquired with the most
53 ~ 54 Technique Seal [Cost] to use, until the end of [Sanctum Purge] is declared. If a PC only has
[Cost: None], then the GM may freely decide which one.
The surroundings are enveloped in blue light, and mysteriously the PCs lose
55 ~ 56 Accessory Loss their accessories. All PCs lose all of their [Stored, Equipped] [Item: Accesso-
The surroundings are enveloped in blue light, and mysteriously the PCs lose
61 ~ 62 Fool’s Gold Loss their [G]. All PCs [Halve] their [Gold].

63 ~ 64 GM’s Choice The GM may freely pick any one result from this table and apply it.

Two [Sanctum Crises] occur. The GM rolls twice on this table, and applies the
65 ~ 66 Crisis Compound results separately. Should “Crisis Compound” come up again, treat it as “GM’s
Progression of a Sanctum Purge
[Sanctum Purge] progresses according to the following.

1: [Sanctum Purge] Start

2: Form [Bonds]
3: Determine [Limit]
4: Search Each [Area]

1: [Sanctum Purge] Start

[Sanctum Purge] is the [Scenario Story] in traditional scenarios. Scenarios where

[Sanctum Purge] happens follow the same order of [Session Prep], [Scenario
Introductions], [Scenario End], and [Session End] as normal scenarios do. After
[Scenario Introductions], once the GM has declared “[Sanctum Purge] Start”,
all PCs enter the [Entrance Area] as designated by the GM or the scenario. The
[Scene Player] marks “Entrance” on the [Area] space designated on the
[Sanctum Sheet].

2: Form [Bonds]

Perhaps due to being influenced by the immense spirit energy within

[Sanctums], Godhunters who participate in [Sanctum Purge] almost without
exception enter a state that results in powerful bonds being formed in their
{Crest}. For this reason, all PCs, after the GM declares [Sanctum Purge] start,
form all [Bonds] on their sheets, in the following manner.

1: One NPC from the NPC Tables

2: One PC (in the order of PC1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 1)
3: Handout Connection
4: The people of your game’s city setting (for example, ‘The People of Hisashiro’)
5: Godhunters
6: Aramitama
7: Any one PC or NPC that is not one of the above
3: Determine [Limit]

Once all the PCs have moved into the [Entrance Area], the GM sets the
maximum value of [Limit] until [Sanctum Crisis] begins to occur, following the
advice in the GM section. As a general rule, the maximum value is not revealed
to PCs.

4: Search Each [Area]

After setting the maximum value of [Limit], until all PCs have achieved their
[Goal] as revealed in their [Handout], they will be searching within [Areas]. How
to handle this is described in the next section.

Searching Each Area

Searching [Areas] is handled in the following manner.

1: Arrive in Area
2: Sanctum Event Reveal
3: Choose Confront or Avoid
4: Handle Sanctum Event
5: Determine Long Rest
6: Reveal Passages
7: Change Areas
8: Advance Limit

1: Arrive in Area

The PCs arrive in the [Area] they chose to move to. The GM designates
a single [Scene Player] here. If in the [Entrance Area], then the [Scene Player]
is always PC1, and afterwards, it rotates in the order of PC2>PC3>(if played,
PC4>PC5>)PC1. All PCs other than the [Scene Player] must make an
[Appearance Check] each time “1: Arrive in Area” occurs, with [Difficulty: 2].
Regardless of whether this [Check] succeeds or fails, PCs are always able to
[Appear] in [Areas]. >However, because of the powerful spirit energy flowing
through a [Sanctum] messes with their [Spirit], a PC who [Fumbles] must reroll
all of their [Spirit]. This [Check] failure cannot be avoided by using a

2: Sanctum Event Reveal

Unless “Resolved” is checked for the [Area], after the [Appearance Check],
a [Sanctum Event] occurs.
3: Choose Confront or Avoid

After reading the contents of the [Sanctum Event], the PCs as a group
discuss whether to [Confront] or [Avoid] it.


[Confront] is when the PCs decide to take a [Sanctum Event] head on. To
do this, the PCs follow either the episode’s or the GM’s instructions. Note that
PCs who have selected to [Confront] are able to perform [Check Assist].

[Check Assist]

Excluding when performing [Sense] or [Mend] for [Distortions], when

[Confront] calls for making a {Main Stat} Check while [Out of Combat], ALL PCs
must succeed at the [Check]. However, because PCs that are on a [Sanctum
Purge] together act together, they may assist each other’s [Checks]. This is
called [Check Assist]. After the [Result] of each PC’s [Check] has been
calculated, then one time per each individual [Check], each PC may mutually
interchange + or - 1~3 of the [Result] of their [Check] (after interchanging, using
the effect of «Superhuman Strength» or similar to automatically succeed at the
[Check] is permissible).

For example, when making a [Difficulty: 13] [Check], if A has [Result: 16],
and B has [Result: 11], A may reduce their [Result] by 3 to increase B’s [Result] by


[Avoid] is when the PCs ignore a [Sanctum Event] and proceed to the next
[Area]. If [Avoid] is declared, then immediately move to perform “6: Reveal
Passages.” For example, if it’s possible to declare [Avoid] when a [Sanctum
Event] is [Combat], then the PCs leave the [Sanctum Event] as-is, and move on
to “6: Reveal Passages.” Note that there will be some cases where, according to
the GM or the episode’s instructions, [Avoid] cannot be declared.
• 4: Handle Sanctum Event

When the PCs choose to [Confront], they carry out the [Sanctum Event].
Once it’s been handled, place a check mark next to “Resolved” for that [Area]
on the [Sanctum Sheet]. [Sanctum Events] do not occur in [Areas] where “Re-
solved” is checked off, unless otherwise specified by the GM or the episode.
Note that if [Avoid] was declared, no check is placed. After this step, proceed to
“5: Determine Long Rest.”

• 5: Determine Long Rest

A [Long Rest] is when the PCs take a thorough rest while on [Sanctum
Purge]. After “4: Handle Sanctum Event,” the PCs should discuss and decide
whether or not they want to take a [Long Rest]. If they do, declare the intention
to the GM, and then the PCs gain all of the following effects. After gaining each
of the effects of [Long Rest], or if [Long Rest] was not taken, then proceed to “6:
Reveal Passages.”

Long Rest Effects

• [Recover] 50 {HP}
• Erase all negative effects from [Distortions] and [Sanctum Crisis].
• All PCs may swap up to two [Spirit] dice with one person of their choice. For
example, after A swaps [Spirit] with B, B, who has not declared [Spirit] swap yet,
may swap [Spirit] dice with A an additional time, or else, after A swaps [Spirit]
with B, C, who has not declared [Spirit] swap yet, may swap [Spirit] with B.

• 6: Reveal Passages

The PCs now discover [Passages] from their current [Area] connecting to
other [Areas]. The [Scene Player] listens to which [Passages] are connecting,
and then fills in those points on the [Sanctum Sheet]. After, the [Areas] that
[Passages] connect to the current [Area] may be moved to.

• 7: Change Areas

The PCs designate one [Area] that they can move to, and then declare
to the GM that they are moving there. Note that this can include leaving the
[Sanctum] if the PCs are in the [Exit Area].
• 8: Advance Limit

Once “7: Change Areas” has been declared, the GM confirms all
[Time Actions] that have occured during the past seven steps, and then the
[Scene Player] rolls the specified number of dice, adds them up, and advances
the [Limit] by the total amount. When making the roll, the [Scene Player] may
spend 2 {Crest} in order to change the value of any one of the dice they roll to
advance [Limit] to “1”. Afterwards, the PCs move to the designated [Area], and
start again from “1: Arrive in Area.”

Regardless of whether the PCs achieve their goals or not, until they have exited
the [Sanctum] from the [Exit Area], they continue to repeat steps 1 through 8.
Once the PCs have achieved the [Goal] of their [Handout] and ended [Sanctum
Purge], the story transititions to [Episode End].

• Ex: Reading the Sanctum Sheet

Mark When Area is


Starting Area Usable

Bound Primal Rules and Details

Bound Primal Rules

The following section will explain the rules concerning [Bound Primals].

• A [Bound Primal] that [Appears] via «Contract Summon» [Removes] all

[Shifts] including [Dead], sets their {HP} to maximum, and treats all of their
X/Combat Talents as being unused.

• If made to [Appear] [In Combat], the [Bound Primal] must be [Installed]

[Engaged] to the user. If it cannot [Install] [Engaged] with the user, then it
cannot [Appear]).

• When the [Scene] ends, or if the user becomes [Taken Out • Dead], the
[Bound Primal] simultaneously [Exits].

• “While the user’s [Bound Primal] is [Appearing],” written in the effect of

some [Contractor / Type: B] Style Talents, means either “until either the user’s
[Bound Primal] [Exits] or [Dies]”.

• [Bound Primals] gain resistance to sunlight.

• [Bound Primals] can only use Talents once per Scene while [Out of

• [Bound Primals] cannot be seen by Innocents, and their values are

changed as according to “Bound Primal Abilities” below.

[TL Note: For the Purpose of 1/scene abilities, Combat generally counts as a
single scene, which means that bound primals have a 1/combat restriction.
There are exceptions to this, but they are generally specific to a scenario, and
GM approval should be obtained before attempting a second contract
summon in a singular combat.]

Bound Primal Ability Changes

[Bound Primals] are controlled in the same way as the [Mononoke] they
are based on (see the GM Section in the main book). Also, [Bound Primals] are
able to perform all [Actions] other than [Action 5, 6, 7, 11].
• Wits
Change to [Clever], and they are controlled by the one who uses
«Contract Summon».

• Speech
Change to [Yes].

• Reaction
Change to [Friendly].

• Check & Damage Calculation

All [Checks] are performed using {Fixed Values} (do not roll). Only roll dice
for calculating [Damage Calculation].

• {Initiative}
Change to be the same value as «Contract Summon»’s user. Discuss and
decide whether the [Bound Primal] takes their [Turn] before the user or other

• {HP}
When a [Bound Primal] is reduced to 0 or less {HP}, they become [Dead]
(in other words, they cannot [Remove] this with [Items] or Talents).

• Timings
Once the [Bound Primal] [Appears] in the [Combat Zone], they are able
to spend each [Timing] as per normal rules (they may even immediately spend
[Start]). However, regardless of any other acquired Talents, a [Bound Primal]
always only gains 1x [Timing: Attack]. Finally, as [Rank +X] effects merely
increase the [Damage] dice by X amount. When attacking Mononoke with
“Halve/Nullify Damage of Rank X or lower” effects, treat the “X” of “Xd6” as

• Materials & XP
Change [Materials] and [XP] to [None], and even if the [Bound Primal] is
defeated, no {Crest} is gained.

• Applying Spirit Burn

Only the [Physical Transcendence] effect of «Spirit Burn» may be applied
to [Bound Primals]. The user of «Contract Summon» is in charge of spending
{Crest} in place of the [Bound Primal]. Roll the dice added via [Physical
Transcendence]’s effect, and add that amount to the [Bound Primal]’s {Fixed
Value} (the PC may not [Influence] these dice).
Additional uses for Kushimitama
The following section will detail new uses for the sacramental crystals,
[Kushimitama]. When the PCs are spending [Kushimitama] during the
[Kushimitama Use] step, they may select from the following options in addition
to the original options mentioned in the core book.

1: Arms Fusion

[Arms Fusion] is the act of fusing together two Artificial Regalia
([Weapons], that is) when spending a Kushimitama. The [Items] chosen for
[Arms Fusion] emit light of every color and sounds that resonate with each
other, and then completely crumble into pieces then recombine, fusing
together into a more powerful form. When the newly formed [Item] is grasped,
its possessor will learn the new God Name and the powers hidden within the
Artificial Regalia.

Performing Arms Fusion

The PC selects two [Stored • Equipped] [Weapons] with the same [Form].
The [Weapon] that will be used as material is called [Item A], and the [Weapon]
that will be strengthened is called [Item B]. Please be aware going forward that
[Additional Effects] with the same name, as well as weapon characteristic
[Additional Effects] (for example, the “While [Equipped], once per combat
when the user makes a [Physical Attack], they gain +1 [Physical Rank]” effect on
a [Two-Handed Sword]) cannot be transferred, and cannot be applied through
[Arms Fusion].

Example: Let’s say [Arms Fusion] is being performed, using a [Two

Handed Sword] with [Blade of Slaying Evil] [Diamond Blade] and [Material
Synthesis: Impulse Fragment (PD+1)] already applied as [Item A], and an
[Ancient Sword] with [Blade of Slaying Evil] already applied as [Item B].

Outcome: [Item A: Two-Handed Sword] is destroyed, but the [Blade

of Slaying Evil] [Diamond Blade] and [Material Synthesis: Impulse Fragment
(PD+1)] that were applied to it are now all applied to [Item B]. As a result, apart
from [Blade of Slaying Evil] (which it already had), [Diamond Blade] and
[Material Synthesis: Impulse Fragment (PD+1)] are now gained by
[Item B: Ancient Sword].
Each time [Arms Fusion] is performed, the possessor may choose whether
to keep [Materials] applied by [Material Synthesis], or lose them in order to free
up space for their [Synthesis Limit].

Sell Value
After [Arms Fusion], total up the [Cost] of [Item A], the [Cost] of [Item
B], and the [Cost] of each item’s [Additional Effects]. The sell value of the new
[Item] is half of that.
2: Origin Awakening

[Origin Awakening] is when one awakens to the memories of the world
held within them by spending a Kushimitama, and their skill sets are changed.
The one who performs [Origin Awakening] recalls their deeds in a past life, and
are able to change one of their current [Styles] to a different [Style].

Performing Origin Awakening

The PC changes one of their current [Style/Type] to any one other
[Style/Type]. For example, if a PC with [Arc Slayer: A (Main) / Arc Slayer: B]
changes their Main to [God Hand: A], they become [God Hand: A (Main) / Arc
Slayer: B]. A PC who has their [Styles] changed due to [Origin Awakening],
following normal rules, restructures their data. The [Combat Modifiers] of
the previous [Style], as well as any Talents that belonged to it, become
unacquired, and the data from the new [Style] is applied/reacquired. Please
make sure that the Styles/Types don’t overlap. Also, [Stored • Equipped] [Items]
do not change.

Use Example
GMs should take the following into account when deciding whether or
not to allow the use of [Origin Awakening].

• For some reason, the PC wishes to have something happen, like returning to
their original form.
• Wanting to bring in [Styles] added in new related materials.
• Due to the situation, or a PC’s death, it’s necessary for the PCs to adjust their
Combo Skill - Rules and Info
The following section provides more detail on using «Combo Skill».

When using «Combo Skill», use one [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talent
as the basis ([Effect Class: Use While Active] is also permissible, so long as the
[Physical Attack] portion of it is used). Next, use «Combo Skill», then the second
Talent, paying its [Cost], then apply its effects.

If combining an effect that doesn’t deal [Physical Damage] with an effect

that does, the effect that generates [Physical Damage] takes precedence. When
combining effects that increase [Physical Damage] or effects that generate
multiple [Weapon Attacks], apply all [Physical Damage] boosts or other effects
to the very last [Weapon Attack] made.

Range / Target
When making a [Physical Attack] with «Combo Skill», the [Range / Target]
of either one of the [Physical Attacks] used may be selected.

Although it’s necessary to pay for each Talent used, [Costs] such as
[Doubles] and [5, 5] (or similar) cannot be treated as being the same (each
[Cost] must be paid for, respectively). If the Talent used has an effect like
«Shadow Bind» applied to it, the [Physical Attack] fails, but «Combo Skill»
doesn’t count as used. If «Combo Skill» has an effect like «Ancient Sword
Style» applied to it, the [Physical Attack] Talent used as a basis is the only thing
that will occur. When complications arise, follow the GM’s ruling.

Example 1: Basis «Smiting Wave» Combo «Heroic Strike»

Cost: [E, O (total 2 dice)]
Effect: The user gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation], as well as +1 [Rank]. For [Range], the user may select either [Charge
4 Sq.] or [7 Sq.], whichever they like.

Example 2: Basis «Thunderous Tremor» Combo «Dragonpulse Blade»

(Physical Attack)
Cost: [E, O, 6, 6] (total 4 dice)]
Effect: The user gains a +1 modifier to the result of the {Accuracy} check, as
well as +3 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. For [Range/Target], if «Dragonpulse
Blade»’s data is chosen, then the attack becomes [Range: 5 Sq./Target: Area].
Additional Personality Help
Additional [Personality] tables can be found here

Crest Form
This table determines what figure the pattern of a PC’s Spirit Crest
suggests, according to their [Main] [Style].

God Hand (1d6) Contractor (1d6)

1 Glove 1 Hoof

2 Sun or Moon 2 Reins

3 Talon 3 Saddle

4 Fist 4 Blowing Wind

5 Flowing Robe 5 Helmet

6 Cracked Boulder 6 Feathers or Wings

Divine Talker (1d6)

1 Bell
3 Star

4 Staff

5 Stringed Instrument

6 Ring Or Bracelet
Regarding God Names
The [Weapons] found in this book have a more definite shape and use,
and therefore do not use [God Name Table 2]. Instead, when determining the
<God Name> for an Artificial Regalia [Weapon], simply apply the name of the
[Weapon] as-is, or use something similar to the shape of the weapon as found
in [God Name Table 2].

[TL Note: The Core Book Raws and PDF don’t actually explain god names,
and just give tables. God names are specific names for your personal
weapon, to help differentiate them from their technically identical
contemporaries, and are made by combining a suffix from table 1 in the core
book, and a form of weapon from the appropriate second table in the book. ]

Legendary Names
In this section, a table for determining the first and last names suitable for
a modern fantasy setting can be found. When using this table, roll once each
for a last name and first name, and then combine them.
Result Family Name Male First name Female First name
11 Mitsurugi Mutsu Rin
12 Shishiuchi Yamato Kaede
13 Hakugin Hayato Sakura
14 Takenouchi Makoto Haruko
15 Kodachi Daichi Misaki
16 Kuga Shun Mao
21 Onigata Ryou Mai
22 Mikan’Nagi Takumi Nanami
23 Gomadou Hitoshi Chizuru
24 Ryuuen Takuma Akane
25 Kagamibe Kyou Asuka
26 Inugami Gou Shiori
31 Meigetsuin Aoi Yui
32 Doumeki Renji Moe
33 Osogami Tatsuya Ayaka
34 Araragi Ryuunosuke Azusa
35 Tamaki Akira Hiromi
36 Ganryuu Kei Saori
41 Teppoudzuka Masato Sara
42 Origami Naoya Yayoi
43 Fujiwara Jun Chiaki
44 Kurouza Musashi Haruna
45 Tsuchimikado Ryousuke Midori
46 Izayoi Keiji Futaba
51 Tenppourin Hideo Reina
52 Shigyou Hibiki Koyuri
53 Houri Ryoutaro Yuuna
54 Kouso Satoshi Shion
55 Ashiya Takashi Kasumi
56 Nanasha Katsumi Fuuka
61 Kiba Tetsuya Shino
62 Touma Gen Saya
63 Kitsunedzuka Hokuto Maya
64 Tenjinbayashi Hiroshi Akira
65 Mearashi Yakumo Otoha
66 Kusakabae Daigo Aya
Chapter 2: Player
Sample Characters
Giantslayer Hero
“Voices of the world throughout time… Manifest me into the world!”

You are a hero spoken of in myth and legend.
After your death, you became part of the memory of the world.
People know of your legend where, using supernatural strength combined with hand-to-hand martial arts, you fought
with giants and dragons.However, in the stories told about you in the present day, there are facts left unknown.
That is, you were a supernatural warrior destined to battle an evil god.

“Engraved in the memories of the world, a heroic spirit. Your voice is calling!”

In response to calls from the world, you manifest.

Before you is a young person living in the modern era, and the figures of evil you once fought.
You are once again called into a battle against the supernatural.

Data Explanation
A natural-born fighter specializing in melee combat. Aim to collect dice results of [6] and [4].
Though weak to magical attacks, they can be blocked with «Resistance to Myths».
During [Start], use « Hide Presence» to become [Hidden], during [Prep] do something besides a [Move Action], then
perform a [Physical Attack] while moving by using «Smiting Wave».
This is an attack made with [Shift: Hidden], and therefore gains +2 to the [Active Check] and +5 to [Damage Calculation].
Additionally, if possible, spend the dice to apply «Heaven and Earth» or «Hundred Strikes Art».
If there are multiple enemies, try to target them with «Blade Flash» if there is enough dice remaining.
Heroic Spirit Racial [Power by Tradition]: You are able to acquire Heroic Spirit Racial
Level Race Talents. Also, you are able to [Equip] [Restrict: Heroic Spirit] [Items].
1 Stat Type: M U A Bonus Change your [Class] to [Undead].

Styles: (Restrict: Martial) Type Main Stat Sub Stat

Main: God Hand A 5 6 2 2 1 3 1 11 10
Arc Slayer B + + + + + + + + +
2 1 0 0 0 4 0 6 8
= = = = = = = = =
Combat 7 1 17 48
Stat 7 7 2 2 1

MAIN Guard 7 -4
Form: Hammer / Mode: Two Hand / Range: Engaged / Target:1# / Resist: None / Element: None / Rank: 1
Additional Effects: While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed]. [Targets] that fail their {Evasion} checks lose
2 {HP}. Briar of rivets (+2 PD)

Form: Mode: Range: Target: Resist: Element: Rank:

Additional Effects:

SUIT Spirit Breastplate -1 -4 5 3

ACCESSORY Magatama Bangle 2
ACCESSORY Kung Fu Shoes 3
Other Modifiers


TOTAL 7 6 2 2 1 19 1 9 48 5 3
1 5 14

Talent Timing Range Target Cost Description

Unique Effect. For one round (or scene), even if there are no [Obstacles] adjacent to
Hide Presence Start User User [O] the target, they gain [Shift: Hidden] (treat as [Action: Concealment / Result: 30]).

Use On Damage Reduction. The target [Halves] [Magical Damage] they take. This Talent
Resistance to Myths Unique User User [Doubles] may be used once per round.

Use On Damage Calculation. The target gains +1 [Rank]. Also, the target may forcibly
Heaven And Earth Unique User User [6] move any [Target] that took [Damage] up to 3 Sq. from their current square, ignoring
[Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per round.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at an {Evasion} check. After the target’s re-
Blade Flash Unique User User [4, 4] action is resolved, they may make 1x [Timing: Attack] with [Range: Engage / Target: 1#]
against the one that made the [Attack Action]. This Talent may be used once per round.
Physical Attack. The user gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Smiting Wave Attack 4 sq. 1# [E] Calculation].
Use On Damage Calculation. The target gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}]
Hundred Strikes Art Unque User User [6] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

Gear Consumables
Etherdown Bag Pomander, Rejuvenating Water X2, Amrita X2, Disposable Fetish,
Cat’s Eye Calorie Block X5, Holy Water x5 Leftover Gold: 400G
God’s Confidant
“Please! Give your power to me!”

You are a student who has become a summoner magician.
Your grandfather died when you were young, and not ready to say goodbye, you hid yourself in his mansion.
Then, you happened to discover your grandfather’s Ashura notebook.
The Ashura book draws out the supernatural power within you, and summons the Contract Beast that your grandfather
once contracted with.
To your astonishment, the contract summon tells you everything.

The blood of Dragon Lords flows within you.

Your grandfather was a “Kamigakari” - a God Hunter.
And, your grandfather was thinking about you until the very end.
When you realise what you are... You study the [Bound Primal] and, using an acquired Artificial Regalia, sign a contract.
Inheriting the wishes of your grandfather, you wish to protect the world.

A general-purpose support magician who summons a [Mononoke] to fight.
[Class:Beast] Okuri-Inu is the recommended contract summon.
On [Start], use «Usher Accel» to boost allies’ initiative.
When attacked, use «Power Attraction» and let the [Bound Primal] take the hit.
Attack with «Dragonpulse Destruction», use [Influence] to collect [1] ‘s and use them to apply «Zohar Method» to
substitute costs for allies. Additionally, take advantage of using «Dragonpulse Shift» every round and scene.
Dragon Lord Racial [Blood of Dragons]: Characters with this Race are able to acquire
Level Race Dragon Lord Racial Talents. Also, they are able to [Equip] [Restrict:
1 Stat Type: M U A Bonus Dragon Lord] [Items].

Styles: (Restrict: Martial) Type Main Stat Sub Stat

Main: Contractor B 5 3 4 1 4 2 2 8 8
Digital Sorceror A + + + + + + + + +
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 32
= = = = = = = = =
Combat 4 4 14 40
Stat 5 4 5 2 5

MAIN Mobile 8 -4
Form: Magic / Mode: Two Hand / Range: 7 sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2
Additional Effects: While [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Magical Attack] [Halves] their [Barrier].
Glowing Spirit (+2 MD)

Form: Mode: Range: Target: Resist: Element: Rank:

Additional Effects:

SUIT Magic Inverness 1 1

ACCESSORY Ashura Record
ACCESSORY Magic Sneakers 1
Other Modifiers


TOTAL 5 4 5 2 5 4 12 11 40 1 1
1 6 16

Talent Timing Range Target Cost Description

Dragonpulse Use While Active. Make either of the following [Attack Actions] on the target.
Attack 7 sq. 1# [O] [Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
Destrcution [Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).
Unique Effect. The target may add or subtract 1 from the value of one [Spirit] die (can-
Dragonpulse Shift Unique User User None not adjust above 6 or below 1). This Talent may be used once per round.
Passive Effect. [Beast]. By spending 3 {Crest} and 1x [Start], the target may cause a
single [Mononoke] with [LV = target’s World Influence LV or less] and [Class = Beast] to
Contract Summon Constant User User None [Appear] adjacent to the user, and freely control it. This talent may be used once per
Use when the target declares a Talent. The target treats the [Cost] of the Talent they
Zohar Method Unique Combat Zone 1# [1, 1] use as though it has already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round.
Use On Damage Reduction. May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] is
[Appearing]. Change the [Target] of the target’s [Attack Action] to [1#], and the user’s
Power Attraction Constant User User None [Bound Primal] takes the [Damage]. Treat the [Damage] taken as though its {Resist}
check had failed. This Talent may be used once per round.
Unique Effect. The target gains a +[the [MD] of one [Magical Weapon] equipped by the
Usher Accel Start Combat zone 1# [Steps] user] modifier to {Initiative}.

Gear Consumables
Etherdown Bag Pomander, Rejuvenating Water X2, Amrita, Cold Food Powder,
Talisman Magic Incense X5, Calorie Block X5, Holy Water x5 Leftover Gold: 400G
Hisashiro Tochigami
“It is the responsibility of land gods to protect the lives of those occupying their lands. We
must solve the problems of humanity to gain their faith.”

You are one of the Tochigami - land gods who protect the land and its inhabitants.
From where you came, when you became a god, and started being worshiped… You can no longer remember.
You only recall that you were created from the good wishes of the people, and their warmth.
Many offerings are lined up in front of the shrine you live in, full of people’s thoughts and wishes.
One day, a devout believer appears before you. The person appears depressed, and reaches their hand towards you.
“God, please. Please help…”

Gods cannot exist unless people believe in them. Moreover, events involving evil cannot be ignored. As a god, you begin
to take action to fulfill the beliefs and wishes of your people.

A balanced magician whose main purpose is healing.
[Attack] can be used for various options able to perform [Magical Attacks], [Recovery], and [Remove: Downed].
If an ally is injured, use «High Cure».
If an ally is [Downed], use «Divine Revival».
If no allies need help, then use «Cry» freely.
After using «Divine Revival», try to use «Flowing Kotodama» to immediately use «High Cure».
«Flowing Kotodama» can also be used to go «High Cure» -> «Cry».
Keep in mind that the Artificial Regalia [Kotodama Bow] adds +5 [Recovery] to «High Cure»
Divine Soul Racial [Divine Power]: You are able to acquire Divine Soul Racial Talents. Also,
Level Race you are able to equip items with [Restrict: Divine Soul]. Change your
1 Stat Type: M U A Bonus [Class] to [Mythic].

Styles: (Restrict: Martial) Type Main Stat Sub Stat

Main: Divine Talker A 1 2 5 5 3 1 3 7 9
Elder Mage B + + + + + + + + +
0 0 2 2 1 2 3 6 29
= = = = = = = = =
Combat 3 6 13 38
Stat 1 2 7 7 4

MAIN Kotodama Bow 5 -2
Form: Magic / Mode: Two Hand / Range: 7 sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Light / Rank: 2
Additional Effects: While [Equipped], the user gains +5 to the [Recovery] effect from [Magical Attacks].
Tactical Aid (Spend [Start] for +1d6 Init)

Form: Mode: Range: Target: Resist: Element: Rank:

Additional Effects:

SUIT Shinto Robes -2 1 1

ACCESSORY Divine Cloth 1 1
ACCESSORY Tactical Boots 3
Other Modifiers


TOTAL 1 2 7 7 4 3 11 13 38 1 2
1 6 18

Talent Timing Range Target Cost Description

Unique Effect. If used while [Out of Combat], the target is able to change to any form
Divine Influence Start User User [Steps] (treat as [Action: Disguise / Result: 20].) If used while [In Combat], the target gains
[Shift: Flight]. «Divine Influence» lasts until [End] of the current round.
Magical Attack. Remove the target’s [Shift: Downed] and set their {HP} to 1. The target
Divine Revival Attack 5 sq. 1# [E] may refuse this effect.
Unique Effect. The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does not
Esoteric Mantra Prep User User [O] spend [Prep].

High Cure Attack Combat Zone 1# [6] Magical Attack. The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage].

Cry Attack 17 sq. 1# [3] Magical Attack. Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

Unique Effect. Use after the target performs [Damage Calculation]. The target may use
Flowing Kotodama Unique User User [3] 1x [Timing: Attack / Cost: X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may
be used once per round.

Gear Consumables
Etherdown Bag Pomander, Rejuvenating Water X2, Amrita, Sura, Sprig of Mistletoe X5,
Spirit Gloves Calorie Block X5, Holy Water x5 Leftover Gold: 200G

Dragon Lord
Dragon Lord is a race classified as an Inheritor. This race applies to those who
have the power of the “Dragonpulse” - unique spirit energy that is controlled by
unique vessels. Dragons, descendants of draconic entities, snake gods, those
born from the blood of snake gods, or clans that have received a dragon god’s

Those of this bloodline overall possess high strength and outstanding

intellect. Although there are many lineages that have fine appearances, those of
this bloodline boast beauty that far surpasses any other.

Racial Bonus

[Blood of Dragons]: Characters with this Race are able to acquire Dragon Lord
Racial Talents. Also, they are able to [Equip] [Restrict: Dragon Lord] [Items].


Martial 5 4 4 1 1

Utility 4 3 3 1 4

Arcane 4 3 4 3 1

Ruinous Beauty Dragonpulse Destruction

Timing Attack Range Other Timing Attack Range 7 sq.

Target Other Cost [E] Target 1# Cost [O]

Making use of your devilish beauty charged with Bestowing a weapon or bullet, your palm and fingers,
magical power, you control another’s heart to some a minor breath or your very gaze itself with a wave of
extent. energy in the form of your dragonpulse, you pulverize
your opponent at the moment you strike them.
Unique Effect.
May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may Use While Active.
alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of Make either of the following [Attack Actions] on the
Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details). target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage]
on the target (Resist [Halves]).
Dragonpulse Blade Dragonpulse Convergence
Timing Attack Range 5 sq. Timing Unique Range User

Target Area Cost [E, O] Target User Cost None

Firing a blade in the form of your dragonpulse, you Wielding the power of a Dragon Lord, your dragon-
mangle your opponents. pulse converges, transforming into enormous spirit
Use While Active.
Make either of the following [Attack Actions] on the Unique Effect.
target. Use before the target [Influences]. The target may
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 to the result of the [Influence] all the dice used in their [Roll] (if they
{Accuracy} check. rolled 2d6, they may [Influence] 2; if 3d6, then 3). This
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).
on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

Dragonpulse Shift Blessing of the Dragon Lord

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range Combat Zone

Target User Cost None Target 1# Cost [O]

By manipulating your dragonpulse, you immediately Drawing on the divinity you possess as a Dragon Lord,
change the properties of your spirit energy. you grant that blessing unto another.

Unique Effect. Unique Effect.

The target may add or subtract 1 from the value of Use at any time on a target other than the user. The
one [Spirit] die (cannot adjust above 6 or below 1). target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used
This Talent may be used once per round. once per combat (or scene).

Scales of the Dragon Lord Power of the Elemental Dragons

Timing Defense Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost [E] Target User Cost None

You wreathe your barrier in scales crystallized through This Talent represents that you are a descendant of
your dragonpulse, defending against attacks. a dragon that possessed a particular origin element,
such as a fire dragon or frostwyrm.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Barrier] Passive Effect.
When the target first acquires «Power of the
Elemental Dragons», they designate one [Element]
(after, this [Element] is referred to as [Origin Element
C]). When the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent,
they are bestowed with [Origin Element C] at
[Damage Calculation].
● Dragon God Battlelust ● Dragonblood Release
Timing Start Range User Timing Start Range User

Target User Cost [E] Target User Cost [O]

Releasing the power of dragons sleeping within your Releasing the power of dragons sleeping within your
body, you manifest terrifying physical combat power, body, you manifest terrifying magical combat power,
for a time. for a time.

Unique Effect. Unique Effect.

The target selects any value between 1-5, then The target selects any value between 1-5, then
increases [Physical Damage] and [Armor] by that increases [Magical Damage] and [Barrier] by that
value, while lowering {Initiative} by the same value value, while lowering {Initiative} by the same value
(this may not lower {Initiative} below 0). For example, (this may not lower {Initiative} below 0). For example,
if a value of 2 is selected, then both [Physical if a value of 3 is selected, then both [Magical
Damage] and [Armor] are increased by 2, while Damage] and [Barrier] are increased by 3, while
{Initiative} is reduced by 2. {Initiative} is reduced by 3.

● Eyes of the Dragon Lord ● Armor of the Dragon Lord

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [E] Target User Cost None

Utilizing the eyes of a dragon that see through all, you You crystallize your dragonpulse into magnificent
grasp all of your opponent’s weaknesses. armor across your whole body at the start of battle,
guarding you from enemy attacks.
Use On Damage Reduction.
«Ruinous Beauty» Required. Ignore all of the target’s Passive Effect.
[Damage -X] effects. This Talent may be used once «Power of the Elemental Dragons» Required.
per combat. The target gains a +3 modifier to [Armor] and
[Barrier]. Also, the target [Halves] all [Damage] they
receive that is bestowed with [Origin Element C].

● Dragon Lord Oppression ● King of the Dragonpulse

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [Doubles] Target User Cost None

Through simply glaring at an airborne opponent, or Awakening to the power of a Dragon Lord of
making a gesture as though gripping them with your eminence, you can freely control spirit energy with
hand, you break them through the pressure of your the power of your dragonpulse.
dragonpulse’s power alone.
Passive Effect.
Unique Effect. «Blessing of the Dragon Lord» Required. The target
This Talent may be used at any time, but may only may use «Blessing of the Dragon Lord» up to three
target characters with [Shift: Flying] or [Movement: times per combat (or scene).
Flying]. The user may perform one [Rank: 2] [Magical
Attack] on the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may
be used once per round.
Divine Soul
Divine Souls are beings that are opposite of Aramitama, and are also called
Nigimitama. This race includes tochigami (gods of the land), mighty youkai, as
well as great spirits and newborn divinities. Their everyday forms are not limited
to humanoid shapes, but are varied, including animals and machines.

Divine Souls are somewhat unsuited for combat, but they are skilled in
aiding and healing others. It should be noted that if a PC is playing a [Divine
Soul], they must choose a [Cover] from the [Cover 2] list.

Racial Bonus
[Divine Power]: You are able to acquire Divine Soul Racial Talents. Also, you are
able to equip items with [Restrict: Divine Soul]. Change your [Class] to


Martial 4 4 3 2 2

Utility 3 2 3 1 6

Arcane 1 2 4 5 3

Divine Influence Purify Spirit

Timing Start Range User Timing Attack Range Other

Target User Cost [Steps] Target Other Cost None

You are able to transform your personal appearance, As a powerful Divine Soul, you purify the flow of spirit
or manipulate spirit energy to float through the air. energy for those around you.

Unique Effect. Unique Effect.

If used while [Out of Combat], the target is able to May only be used [Out of Combat]. [Target: 2#] that
change to any form (treat as [Action: Disguise / the user designates may swap 1 [Spirit] die with each
Result: 20].) If used while [In Combat], the target other. This Talent may be used once per scene.
gains [Shift: Flight]. «Divine Influence» lasts until
[End] of the current round.
Divine Sight Divine Hearing
Timing Attack Range Other Timing Unique Range User

Target Other Cost None Target User Cost [E]

Meeting another’s gaze, your heart connects with Communicating your thoughts to animals, you gain
another, manipulating their thoughts and memories. help and information in finding out anything.

Unique Effect. Unique Effect.

May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user
alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of succeeds at any {Main Stat} check regardless of the
Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details.) result of the roll. At the same time, the user may
change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be
used once per session.

Divine Motion Scatter Disease

Timing Unique Range User Timing Attack Range 5 sq.

Target User Cost [O] Target 1# Cost [O]

You assimilate your body with spirit energy, allowing Using your divine power, you cause another’s body
you to instantly travel to a particular location. to recover from the disease and wounds eroding their
Use On [Appearance Check].
The user succeeds at the [Appearance Check] Magical Attack.
regardless of the result of the roll. At the same time, [Remove] one of the following [Shifts] from the
the user may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This target.
Talent may be used three times per session. 1: [Shift: Darkness]
2: [Shift: Poison]
3: [Shift: Pain]
4: [Shift: Paralysis]

Divine Revival Harvest God

Timing Attack Range 5 sq. Timing Attack Range 4 sq.

Target 1# Cost [E] Target 1# Cost [O]

You revive someone who has lost consciousness with Spreading a sparkling water in mist form, you
your divine power. instantly cause another’s nutritional status and their
wounds to recover.
Magical Attack.
Remove the target’s [Shift: Downed] and set their Magical Attack.
{HP} to 1. The target may refuse this effect. The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 1] [Magical
● Weather God ● Keystone
Timing Attack Range Other Timing Attack Range 10 sq.

Target Other Cost None Target 1# (1 Sq.) Cost [E]

As a high-ranking god that oversees weather, you Using your divine power, you generate a keystone or
freely manipulate the spirit energy and weather in a stone circle from the earth. This stone will continue to
local area. exist for all time until it is removed or destroyed.

Unique Effect. Magical Attack.

May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user The user generates one [Obstacle] equivalent to
succeeds at any {Main Stat} check regardless of the “Huge Stone Pillar or Iron Gate” in a square within
result of the roll. At the same time, all PCs [Appearing] range. This Talent may be used once per round.
in the scene may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value.
This Talent may be used once per session.

● Regalia Creation ● Divine Fate

Timing Attack Range Other Timing Constant Range User

Target Other Cost [Doubles] Target User Cost None

Utilizing the power of item creation, you are able to You know the past of yourself and others, and by
create Regalia or other items on the spot. drawing on that knowledge, you become able to
wield special skills.
Unique Effect.
May only be used [Out of Combat]. [Appearing] PCs Passive Effect.
become able to purchase [Items] (not including When the target acquires «Divine Fate», they must
Unsellable items), in the scene in which «Regalia select any one [Action], and then gain a +3 modifier to
Creation» was used only. This Talent may be used the result of that [Action], as well as to {Initiative} and
once per session. [Damage Calculation]

● Spiritual Healing ● Divine Clarity

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

This Talent represents that you are a Divine Soul You set corruption free when defeating an
particularly skilled in the divine power of healing. Aramitama, cleaning souls in the area.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] This Talent only has an effect if the target is not
modifier to [Timing: Attack] Talents that [Recover] [Taken Out or Dead]. When an [Aramitama] is killed
{HP}. in a scene in which the target has [Appeared], all
PCs that have [Appeared] in that scene [Recover]
1d6 {Crest}. If there are multiple characters who have
acquired «Divine Clarity», the most that {Crest} may
recover by is 1d6.
Heroic Spirit
Heroic Spirits are beings like heroes that appear in myths who have materialized
in the modern world. Because of their strong determination and lofty goals in life,
they seek the <Promise of Ascension> even after death. In order to solve
supernatural incidents that Aramitama cause, and gather large amounts of
<Shards>, they heed the call of summoners to materialize in the world of

They are skilled in techniques that display high offensive power. It should be
noted that if a PC is playing a [Heroic Spirit], they must choose a [Cover] from the
[Cover 3] list.

Racial Bonus
[Power by Tradition]: You are able to acquire Heroic Spirit Racial Talents. Also, you
are able to [Equip] [Restrict: Heroic Spirit] [Items]. Change your [Class] to


Martial 5 5 2 2 1

Utility 4 3 3 1 4

Arcane 1 1 5 5 3

Hide Presence Heroic Strike

Timing Start Range User Timing Attack Range 7 sq.

Target User Cost [O] Target 1# Cost [O]

The unique characteristics of Heroic Spirits make you Being a powerful Heroic Spirit, you can unleash
an expert in hiding your presence, allowing you to deadly arts and spells that were once your specialty.
remain unseen in the eyes of Innocents.
Use While Active.
Unique Effect. Make either type of [Attack Action] on the target.
For one round (or scene), even if there are no [Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Obstacles] adjacent to the target, they gain [Shift: [Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to
Hidden] (treat as [Action: Concealment / Result: 30]). the target (Resist [Halves]).
Alchemy Expert Spiritualization
Timing Attack Range Other Timing Unique Range User

Target Other Cost [Steps] Target User Cost [E]

You are able to instantly create Artificial Regalia, a You momentarily assimilate your flesh with spirit
peculiarity for Heroic Spirits. energy itself, and thereby are able to travel long
distances instantly.
Unique Effect.
May only be used [Out of Combat]. Only in the scene Use On [Appearance Check].
in which «Alchemy Expert» was used, [Appearing] The user succeeds at the [Appearance Check]
PCs become able to purchase (but not sell) [Item: regardless of the result of the roll. At the same time,
Weapon • Protector • Accessory]. This Talent may be the user may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This
used once per session. Talent may be used three times per session.

Resistance To Myths Base Creation

Timing Unique Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost [Doubles] Target User Cost None

As someone surrounded by stories of having fought Unique to Heroic Spirits, you possess a «Spirit Barrier»
wicked sorcerers, demons, dragons, spirits, and that resembles a workshop or castle, which serves as
youkai, you posses an extreme resistance against a base, allowing you to forge spirit energy into true
magic and other supernatural powers. matter.

Use On Damage Reduction. Passive Effect.

The target [Halves] [Magical Damage] they take. This The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage
Talent may be used once per round. Calculation]. Also, while the target is [Out of Combat]
only, they may always purchase (but not sell) [Item:

Mounted Specialty Legendary Item

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

As a Heroic Spirit that is strongly affected by the As a Heroic Spirit, you possess a powerful weapon
memories of the world, you can freely control spoken of in legend, as well as the knowledge that
powerful Bound Primals, as well as the modern accompanies it.
vehicles of this world.
Passive Effect. While the target is [Equipped] with one [Weapon]
The target may [Equip] [Range: Charge X Sq.] they choose at [Session Prep], they gain a +3 modifier
[Weapons], ignoring their [Restrict]. Also, if the target at [Damage Calculation], as well as to the result of
is [Style: Contractor], they gain a +2 modifier for {Intellect} checks.
the [Damage Calculation] of [Range: Charge X Sq.]
● Personal Domain ● Region Lockdown
Timing Start Range Combat Zone Timing Unique Range User

Target Combat Zone Cost [E, E] Target User Cost [O]

You manifest the fortress once used as the staging As one who has lead multitudes of armies, or controls
ground for your forces, or the terrain your tactics are powers equivalent to that, you overwhelm enemies
specialized for, within a Spirit Barrier. within a space by materializing your old subordinates
or your many treasures.
Unique Effect.
«Base Creation» Required. For the rest of the combat, Unique Effect.
grant one of the following effects to the target. This «Alchemy Expert» Required. Use at any time. The tar-
Talent does not spend [Start]. get changes the [Range/Target] of a [Timing: Attack]
1: The target gains +1 [Physical Rank], and to the result Talent to [Combat Zone]. This Talent may be used
of {Accuracy} checks. once per combat.
2: The target gains +1 [Magical Rank], and to the result
of {Conjure} checks.

● Remembering Epic Deeds ● The Strike That Changed History

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost [O]

Your thoughts turn towards a time when you You unleash your legendary arts, spells, or
achieved greatness, and spirit energy erupts from assassination strike, which once changed history.
within your body.
Use On Damage Calculation.
Unique Effect. «Hide Presence» Required. The target gains a +[any
«Spiritualization» Required. Use at any time. The one of user’s {Main Stats}] to [Damage Calculation].
target may change up to 3 [Spirit] dice to any value. This Talent may be used once per round.
This Talent may be used once per session.

● Greater Resistance to Myths ● Butcher

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Unique among Heroic Spirits, you show high As one who has slain legendary beings, you know
resilience against any kind of attack. how to kill certain beasts, and butcher anything lesser
than they.
Passive Effect. <<Resistance to Myths>> Required. The
target may also apply the effect of <<Resistance to Passive Effect.
Myths>> to [Physical Damage]. When the target acquires «Butcher», they must
designate one [Class] of Mononoke. When the target
performs [Damage Calculation] on the designated
[Class], they gain +1 [Rank]. Also, if the [Target] they
dealt [Damage] is a Mononoke that has “x#” in its
name (multiple Mononoke treated as one), they may
inflict [Shift: Dead] regardless of [Class].

God Hand
Characters who have this [Style] as
Main Style Modifiers their [Main] are able to equip items
with [Restrict: Martial] and [Re-

2 1 0 0 0 4 0 6 38

Those who carry in their souls accessory-type Shards, such as the gloves, sandals, and unnatural
limbs the gods once wore acquire the [Style] of “War God of the Fist,” more commonly known
as the [God Hand]. Those with the [Style] of [God Hand] acquire unique martial arts and super-
natural powers that enable them to utilize the strength of their opponents and the surrounding
spirit energy.

They, through mastery of these abilities, are able to destroy objects with a touch, and coat their
own bodies with spirit energy. They may even repel bullets and spells with their hands alone.
[God Hands] are martial artists that have become one with heaven and earth, and legendary
fighters who wield secret arts.

This Type specializes in melee attacks. Other than that, one may acquire boosting techniques that en-
hance the power of attacks. In order to use [God Hand: Type A] Talents, you must be [Equipped] with

Heaven and Earth Storm Smite

Timing Unique Range User Timing Attack Range Item

Target User Cost [6] Target 1# Cost [6]

By bringing together mind and body, you generate You rapidly enhance your power by unleashing an
tremendous power and send your foe flying. attack that places tremendous strain on your weapon.

Use On Damage Calculation. Physical Attack.

The target gains +1 [Rank]. Also, the target may The user gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].
forcibly move any [Target] that took [Damage] up to 3 After [Timing: End], all [Weapons] used for «Storm
Sq. from their current square, ignoring Smite» are unable to be [Equipped] until [Combat
[Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per End].
Smiting Wave Spirit Armament
Timing Attack Range Charge 4 sq. Timing Unique Range User

Target 1# Cost [E] Target User Cost None

You hammer your opponent with a powerful strike You flood an object with spirit energy, converting
while your whole body is wreathed in spirit energy. it into a temporary Artificial Regalia, then use it to
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] Unique Effect.
modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent cannot be used unless there is an
[Obstacle] in a square adjacent to the user. The
[Obstacle] is destroyed, [Equipped] [Weapons] are
changed to be [Stored], and then for the rest of the
combat, the user is [Equipped] with [Improvised

Swift Art Hundred Strikes Art

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost [E] Target User Cost [6]

You wreathe yourself in spirit energy, accelerating You wreathe yourself in spirit energy, accelerating
your mind and body, and then unleash a technique of your mind and body, and then unleash a tremendous
divine speed. barrage of strikes as your attack lands.

Use On Active Check. Use On Damage Calculation.

The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the The target gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}]
[Active Check]. This Talent may be used once per modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
round. used once per round.

Extension of Self Hidden Pressure Points

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Through supernatural power or training, any Regalia Assessing the weak points your opponent’s spirit
in your hands is just an extension of your fist. crest and then striking those, you cause their spirit
energy to run wild and explosively scatter.
Passive Effect.
Once the target has acquired «Extension of Self», Passive Effect. The target adds the following to the
they may use [Style: God Hand / Type: A] Style Talents effect of «Heaven and Earth»: “The user may inflict
regardless of what [Weapon] they have [Equipped]. [Shift: Dead] on all Mononoke with “x#” written in
Also, they may change each [Style: God Hand / Type: their name (multiple Mononoke treated as one) that
A / Timing: Attack] Style Talent’s [Range] to be [Item]. they dealt [Damage] to.” («Dark Killing Arts» applies.)
● Explosive Breath ● Thunderous Tremor
Timing Prep Range User Timing Attack Range Engaged

Target User Cost None Target 1# Cost [6, 6]

Making full use of a special breathing technique, you Stomping or striking something, you cause the spirit
dramatically amplify your spirit energy. energy within a body to reverberate, amplifying the
power of your technique.
Unique Effect.
The target gains 2 [Overflow]. This Talent may be Physical Attack. The user gains +3 [Rank] at [Damage
used once per session. Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● Shrieking Throw ● Regaliazation

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Sheathing a throwing weapon in spirit energy, you Continually filling your limbs with spirit energy, you
vastly enhance its power. make your fists and feet akin to a powerful Regalia.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

«Extension of Self» Required. When the target makes «Spirit Armament» Required. The target gains a
a [Ranged Attack] while [Equipped] with a [Weapon] +[user’s [World Influence LV] (Max 10)] modifier for
that has any one of “Throw” “Use as a [Ranged the [Damage Calculation] of [Unarmed] or [Weapons]
Weapon]” or “Spend [Timing: Prep]” written in its that are treated as [Unarmed].
effect field, they gain a +[any one of user’s {Main
Stats}] modifier to [Physical Damage].

Invite Ruin Inner Heaven

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Using an ultimate technique you devised yourself, you Causing your spirit energy to circulate in a spiral using
hammer your opponent with a strike that will bring a special breathing technique, you dramatically
certain death. enhance the efficiency of its use.

Passive Effect. The target adds the following to the Passive Effect.
effect of «Heaven and Earth»: “The user gains a +[any The target is now able to use «Heaven and Earth»
one of the user’s {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage as [Cost: E], and [Style: God Hand / Type: A / Timing:
Calculation]. Also, the user may destroy any Attack] Style Talents as [Cost: 6].
[Obstacle] they deal [Damage] to.”
This Type specializes in defensive arts, throws, and joint locks. In order to use [God Hand: Type B] Tal-
ents, you must be [Equipped] with [Unarmed].

Hua Jin Smiting Tornado

Timing Unique Range User Timing Attack Range Engaged

Target User Cost [6] Target 1# Cost [Doubles]

You soften your opponent’s spirit energy by bringing With a fierce twist, you throw the opponent to the
together your body and mind as you defend, then ground. At the moment of impact, you bind the
turn their attack aside. opponent’s body with spirit energy, so the force
directly strikes their soul, rather than their flesh.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the [Damage] they would take by Physical Attack.
[any one of user’s {Main Stats}]. This Talent may be The user gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}]
used once per round. modifier to [Physical Damage]. If the target takes at
least one point of damage from this Talent, they also
take [Shift: Fallen].

Spirit Warhead Smiting Drop

Timing Attack Range Combat Zone Timing Attack Range Engaged

Target Area Cost [E, 6] Target 1# Cost [6, 6]

Lifting up a car, electric pole, or even a building, you Grabbing your opponent, you throw them in a
convert it into a temporary Artificial Regalia by distinct way, smashing them into the ground. At the
coating it with spirit energy, and then hurl it at an moment of impact, you bind the opponent’s body
opponent. with spirit energy, so the force directly strikes their
soul, rather than their flesh.
Physical Attack.
This Talent cannot be used unless there is an Physical Attack. The user gains a +[any one of user’s
[Obstacle] in a square adjacent to the user. The {Main Stats} x 2] modifier to [Physical Damage].
[Obstacle] is destroyed, and then the user makes a
[Special Attack] against the target, gaining a
+[Destroyed [Obstacle]’s [Armor] value] modifier at
[Damage Calculation].
Spirit Palm Spirit Retaliation
Timing Defense Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost [E] Target User Cost [O]

You ward off your opponent’s attack with your palm, You manipulate your spirit energy while performing a
coated in spirit energy, reducing the power of the particular movement following an evasion, and send
blow. the shock of your opponent’s attack back at them.

Use On Damage Reduction. Use On Damage Reduction.

The target reduces the [Damage] they would take The target inflict [Shift: Fallen] to [Range: Engaged /
by 3. Target: 1#] that made the [Attack Action]. This Talent
may be used once per round.

Divine Dragon Defense Feat of Training

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [Steps] Target User Cost None

You manipulate the flow of spirit energy using a The discipline you have gained while in the process
special technique, focusing a broad attack on you of refining your techniques can be put to use with
alone. particular actions.

Use On Damage Reduction. Passive Effect.

Change the [Target] of the [Attack Action] the target The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of
is making to [1#], with the user taking the [Damage]. {Strength} and {Agility} checks, as well as +2 to
Treat this [Damage] as though a {Resist} check had [Barrier].
been failed. This Talent may be used once per round.

● Shortened Earth ● Soul Grip

Timing Unique Range 7 sq. Timing Unique Range Engaged

Target 1# Cost None Target 1# Cost [6]

You move with lightning speed while avoiding a You take decisive action by putting a fallen foe in a
particular long-range attack by a hair’s bredth. joint lock. Rather than their bodies, you pin their soul,
and break it. The pain exceeds human reasoning, such
Use On Damage Reduction. that even an Aramitama would scream.
Only in the case where the target’s [Attack Action] is
either [Range: X Sq. • Combat Zone], the user Unique Effect.
changes the [Damage] they take to [HP Damage: 5], Use when the target has taken [Shift: Fallen]. Inflict
and ignore other effects that might’ve been inflicted. the effect of either 1 or 2 on the target. This Talent
Then, the user moves up to 7 Sq. from their current may be used once per round. The target does not
square, ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be make a [Reactive Check].
used once per combat. 1: The target loses 3d6 {HP}.
2: The target takes [Shift: Pain].
● Blindside Barrage ● Feat Of Resilience
Timing Unique Range Engaged Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [O, 6] Target User Cost None

You slip into your opponent’s blindspot the moment By freely controlling spirit energy, you strengthen
they recover from a condition shift, then unleash an your body to become like steel.
Passive Effect.
Unique Effect. The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, when
Use when the target [Removes] a [Shift]. The user using [Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction]
may make one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Style Talents, the target reduces [Damage] they take by 4.
Talent, treating it as though the [Cost] had already
been paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

Hua Jin Expert Outer Heaven

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Through proficiency in hardening, you can manifest By using a special breathing technique, you circulate
more supernatural defensive and combat power. enormous spirit energy throughout your entire body,
Passive Effect. vastly enhancing the efficiency of your spirit energy.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target is now able to use «Hua Jin» as though The target is now able to use [Style: God Hand / Type:
it were [Cost: O], and is able to use «Hua Jin» up to B / Timing: Attack] Style Talents as though they had
three times per round. Also, when the target uses [Cost: 6]. Also, the treat treats [Timing: Defense / Cost:
[Timing: Attack] Style Talents, they gain +1 [Rank]. X] Style Talents as though the [Cost] were already
Characters who have this [Style] as
their [Main] are able to [Equip]
Main Style Modifiers
[Restrict: Utility] [Items]. Also,
regardless of whether this [Style] is
ACC EVA CNJ RES INS PD MD INIT HP their [Main] or not, they may [Equip]
[Restrict: Contractor] [Items].
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 32

Those who carry in their souls Shards relating to the conveyances used by the gods of old, such
as the reins of divine steeds and mythical beasts, golden arks, and chariots, acquire the [Style]
of “The One Who Binds,” more commonly known as the [Contractor]. Those with the [Style] of
[Contractor] wield secret techniques and special abilities to form a contract with a high-ranking
Mononoke or a machine with will, and fight together with it either by riding upon it, or sum-
moning it using their own souls as payment.

[Contractors], by controlling a [Bound Steed] or [Bound Primal], are able to unleash a variety of
attacks, gain protection from their bonded creature, and share with it their spirit energy. They
are masterful drivers or riders, or else summoners that can summon youkai, dragons, or even
guardian deities.

This Type can perform powerful [Attack Actions] by riding [Bound Steeds]. In order to use [Contractor:
Type A] Talents, the character must be [Equipped] with a [Item: Weapon] that has [Range: Charge X Sq.]

Rider and Steed as One Astonishing Rush

Timing Attack Range Item Timing Start Range User

Target 1# Cost [4, 4] Target User Cost [4]

Leading a decisive charge while wreathed in spirit Leaping sky high in on your Bound Steed or wheeled
energy, you smash your opponents. vehicle, or else racing across a wall or ceiling, you pass
obstacles and opponents by.
Use While Active.
Make either type of [Attack Action] against the target. Unique Effect.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +2 [Rank]. The target [Installs] themselves anywhere within 5 Sq.
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on of their current square.
the target (Resist [Halves]).
Prepare to Charge Full Power Breakthrough
Timing Prep Range User Timing Attack Range Item

Target User Cost [O] Target 1# Cost [Doubles]

Encouraging your Bound Steed, or revving the Pressing through a gap in the enemy’s awareness,
accelerator of your vehicle, you enhance the power of you break through their encirclement while attacking.
your next charge.
Use While Active.
Unique Effect. The user makes either type of [Attack Action] while
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to
the target (Resist [Halves]).

Spirit Tracking Explosive Leap

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost [O] Target User Cost [4]

Using the spirit energy characteristic of The One Who After charging, you grasp hold of spirit energy and
Binds, you track the opponent’s spirit energy. cause it to explode underfoot, leaping utilizing the
Use On Active Check. The target gains a +1 modifier
to their [Active Check]. This Talent may be used once Use On Damage Calculation.
per round. The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. Also, the target [Installs] themselves
anywhere within 2 Sq. of their current square. This
Talent may be used once per round.

Mounted Combat Dragoon

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

You skillfully wield a melee weapon while riding. You skillfully wield a ranged weapon while riding.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

While [Equipped] with a [Range: Charge X Sq.] While [Equipped] with a [Range: Charge X Sq.]
[Ranged Weapon], the target may [Equip] an [Ranged Weapon], the target may [Equip] an
additional [Mode: One Hand] [Melee Weapon] additional [Mode: One Hand] [Ranged Weapon]
([Mode: Switch Hand] is not permitted). If this is ( included) ([Mode: Switch Hand] is not permitted).
done, the [ACC] [PD] [INIT] [Additional Effects] all If this is done, the [ACC] [PD] [INIT] [Additional
stack. For each [Attack Action], apply either one of Effects] all stack. For each [Attack Action], apply ei-
the [Equipped] [Weapons]’ [Range/Target] (for ther one of the [Equipped] [Weapons]’ [Range/
example, when applying [Combat Bike], use both Target] (for example, when applying [Combat Bike],
[Combat Bike]’s [Range/Target]). The effect of this use both [Combat Bike]’s [Range/Target]). The effect
Talent cannot be paired with «Dragoon». of this Talent cannot be paired with «Dragoon».
● Relentless Advance ● Circling Blockade
Timing Attack Range Item Timing Unique Range Engaged

Target 1# Cost [E, 4] Target 1# Cost [4]

While killing an opponent during your charge, you’re Reading the flow of battle, you stop an opponent’s
also able to track another opponent down. attempt to break away or withdraw.

Physical Attack. Unique Effect.

The user gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Use after the target declares [Breakaway] [Withdraw],
If the target is made [Downed • Taken Out • Dead], or a Talent that is not [Timing: Constant] that allows
the user may additionally move up to 3 Sq. ignoring them to ignore [Engagements]. Cancel the effect of
[Engagements], and then make a [Weapon Attack] any one of the target’s [Breakaway] [Withdraw] or
against [Target: 1#]. This Talent may be used once per Talent that ignores [Engagements]. This Talent may
round. be used once per round.

● Storm and Drive ● Reaper of the Battlefield

Timing Unique Range Engaged Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [4] Target User Cost None

You swiftly strike an opponent that enters your space, When you combine the use of a larger weapon with
then charge. your mastery of riding, you enhance the power of
your charges.
Unique Effect. Use at any time. Make a [Weapon
Attack] against a target that just became [Engaged], Constant Effect.
then move up to 2 Sq. ignoring [Engagements]. This «Mounted Combat» or «Dragoon» Required. When the
Talent may be used once per round. target acquires «Reaper of the Battlefield», they gain either
one of the following effects in addition to «Mounted Com-
bat» or «Dragoon».
1: Rather than [Mode: One Hand], [Equip] a [Mode: Switch
Hand (apply the two-handed data)] [Weapon].
2: In addition to [Mode: One Hand], [Equip] a [Form:

Heroic Charge Knight of Legend

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [4] Target User Cost None

Skillfully controlling your Bound Steed or vehicle, you Bringing out the skills of a legendary knight from your
make a fearsome charge, like a legendary hero, and shard, you demonstrate supernatural riding ability.
unleash a long-range attack.
Passive Effect.
Use when the target declares a Talent. Each time the target uses a [Style: Contractor /
Make a [Weapon Attack] against the target. Or, use Timing: Attack] Talent, they treat one portion of the
one [Style: Utility / Timing: Attack] Talent (pay the [Cost] as already being paid.
[Cost] as normal). This Talent may be used once per
This Type controls, and is strengthened by, the spirit energy in their Bound Primals. There is no restric-
tion to using [Contractor: Type B] Talents, but when the character’s [Bound Primal] is either [Backstage]
or [Dead], Talents with “May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] is [Appearing]” cannot be

Contract Summon Sensory Share

Timing Constant Range User Timing Unique Range Combat Zone

Target User Cost None Target 1# Cost [Steps]

Instantly summon and control a divinity you’ve By sharing your senses with your Bound Primal, you
formed a contract with. can aid the actions of your allies.

Passive Effect. Unique Effect.

When the target acquires «Contract Summon», they select Use before the target [Influences]. May only be used
one from [Beast • Insectoid • Plant • Mechanical]. By while the user’s [Bound Primal] is [Appearing]. The
spending 3 {Crest} and 1x [Start], the target may cause a
target may reroll their [Roll] (this includes [Criticals]
single [Mononoke] with [LV = target’s World Influence LV]
and [Class = one Class the user selected], and freely control
and [Fumbles]; after rerolling the target may
it (this [Mononoke] is referred to as [Bound Primal]). See the [Influence]). This Talent may be used once per round,
Rules Section of this book for more details. You can only and the target may refuse the effect.
use Contract Summon 1/Scene (Combat counts as its own

Spirit Sunder Bestow Spirit Wall

Timing Unique Range 7 sq. Timing Unique Range Combat Zone

Target 1# Cost [4] Target 1# Cost [4]

You enhance the power of techniques by combining As you grow more powerful, you’re able to grant spirit
its power with your Bound Primal. energy armor to your Bound Primal.

Use On Damage Calculation. Use On Damage Reduction.

May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] [Halve] only the [Magical Damage] the user’s [Bound
is [Appearing]. The target gains a +[any one of the Primal] takes. This Talent may be used once per
user’s [Bound Primal]’s {Combat Stats}] modifier at round.
[Damage Calculation]. This Talent may only be used 1/
Power Attraction Summoner and Primal as One
Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [4] Target User Cost None

By your Bound Primal’s own will, it absorbs a wide With your Primal supplying your spirit energy and
area attack. vice-versa, your coordination is enhanced, which
serves to enhance your own combat power.
Use On Damage Reduction.
May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] Passive Effect. May only be used while the user’s
is [Appearing]. Change the [Target] of the target’s [Bound Primal] is [Appearing]. The target gains a +2
[Attack Action] to [1#], and the user’s [Bound Primal] modifier to [Damage Calculation] and {Luck} checks.
takes the [Damage]. Treat the [Damage] taken as
though its {Resist} check had failed. This Talent may
be used once per round.

Amplify Attack Empathic Growth

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

By oversupplying your Primal with spirit energy, you Establishing an empathic link through spirit energy,
vastly enhance its combat prowess. you can cause your Bound Primal to grow as you do.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target’s [Bound Primal] gains a +[user’s [World The target’s [Bound Primal] gains a +[user’s [World
Influence LV] x 3] modifier at [Damage Calculation] Influence LV]] modifier to the result of its [Active
(to a max of +15). Checks].

● Amplify Defense ● Summoners Dance

Timing Start Range User Timing Unique Range Combat Zone

Target User Cost [4] Target 1# Cost [4]

Wreathing your Bound Primal in spirit energy, you You vastly enhance the power of techniques by
enhance its defenses. combining its power with your Bound Primal.

Unique Effect. Use On Damage Calculation.

May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] is May only be used while the user’s [Bound Primal] is
[Appearing]. The user’s [Bound Primal] gains a +10 [Appearing]. The target gains a +[any one of the user’s
modifier to [Armor]. [Bound Primal]’s {Fixed Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per
● Ancient Being ● Massive Size
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

You summon a powerful Bound Primal that has The Bound Primal you’ve made a contract with is a
existed since antiquity. massive example of its class.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target’s [Bound Primal] gains a +5 modifier to The target’s [Bound Primal] gains a +2 modifer to
[Barrier]. Also, the target’s [Bound Primal] can make [Size], and a +[user’s [World Influence LV] x 3]
[Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after any modifier to {HP} (maximum +60).
[Move Action]. If they can already make [Ranged
Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Move Actions],
then they gain a +1d6 modifier at [Damage

Share The Burden Mythical Summon

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [4] Target User Cost None

Forcibly applying the Contractor’s characteristic You are a master summoner that can make a contract
empathic abilities, you take on another’s wounds. with mythical creatures that are very close to gods.

Unique Effect. Passive Effect.

Change the [Damage] the target takes to [HP The target adds the [Mythical] [Class] to the [Class]
Damage: 5], and then the user takes it instead. This selected with «Contract Summon» (for example, if
Talent may be used once per combat. they chose [Beast], then when they use «Contract
Summon», they may summon either one of [Beast
• Mythic]). Also, while the target’s [Bound Primal] is
[Appearing], the [Bound Primal] gains a +1d6 modifier
at [Damage Calculation].
Divine Talker
Characters who have this [Style] as
their [Main] are able to [Equip] [Items]
Main Style Modifiers
with [Restrict: Arcane] and [Restrict:
Divine Talker].

0 0 2 2 1 2 3 6 29

Those who carry in their souls the Shards of the precious metals, musical instruments, rods, or
clothes of the gods acquire the [Style] of “Intoner of the Sacred Word,” more commonly known
as the [Divine Talker]. Those with the [Style] of [Divine Talker], through the power of their Shard,
acquire supernatural abilities and secret techniques to instill power in words themselves, and
by chanting, singing, or forming special mudras (hand gestures), materialize spirit energy. Their
techniques are close to those used by the first gods, and are extremely powerful. [Divine Talker]
are, as it were, songstresses and poets who wield magical songs, and holy men who control the
sacraments and the sutras.

(TN Note: “Kotodama” is written with the kanji for “speaking” and “soul” and means something
like “wordsoul” or more specifically, the soul of words themselves. In essence it’s an idea that
suggests that words have power and are living in and of themselves. This means Divine Talker is
able to shape reality with words themselves.)

This Type strengthens the power of techniques by chanting mantras, or forming special mudra. There
are no restrictions to using [Divine Talker: Type A] Talents.

Esoteric Mantra Origin Mudra

Timing Prep Range User Timing Prep Range User

Target User Cost [O] Target User Cost [E]

You chant esoteric kotodama, strengthening the Forming the mudra that represents an Origin
materialization of your spirit energy. element, you bestow it upon your techniques.

Unique Effect. The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Unique Effect.

Calculation]. This Talent does not spend [Prep]. When the user first acquires «Origin Mudra», they
select one [Element] (after, the designated [Element]
is referred to as [Origin Element D]). The target is be-
stowed with [Origin Element D] at [Damage
Calculation]. If they were already bestowed with
[Origin Element D], then they gain +1 [Rank].
Incarnation Mudra Cry
Timing Prep Range User Timing Attack Range 17 sq.

Target User Cost [3, 3] Target 1# Cost [3]

Forming a special mudra and making certain motions, You cause spirit energy to flood into your foe with a
you change the wavelength of your spirit energy. single word, piercing them with your kotodama.

Unique Effect. Magical Attack.

For the rest of the round, the target changes [Attack Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target
Actions] to [Special Attacks]. (Resist [Cancels]).

Archaic Sacrament Flowing Kotodama

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost [3] Target User Cost [3]

By speaking a single forgotten word, you expand a The hidden techniques and spells you’ve mastered
technique. continue to roll off your tongue.

Unique Effect. Use at any time. The target changes Unique Effect.
the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Area]. Use after the target performs [Damage Calculation].
This Talent may be used once per round. The target may use 1x [Timing: Attack / Cost: X]
Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent
may be used once per round.

Holy Word Strike Spirit Mudra

Timing Unique Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost [O] Target User Cost None

Using a special word, you enhance your own spirit By forming an ancestral mudra, you are able to
energy. regulate your spirit energy when combat is near.

Use On {Conjure} Check. Passive Effect.

The target gains +1 to the result of the {Conjure} At the start of combat only, the target may add or
check. This Talent may be used once per round. subtract 1 from two [Spirit] dice (adjusting a single die
by 2 is allowed; cannot raise above 6 or lower below
● Kotodama Purification ● Kotodama of Malediction
Timing Attack Range 7 sq. Timing Attack Range 7 sq.

Target 1# Cost [3, 3] Target 1# Cost [3]

By throwing a powerful kotodama against the The instant your opponent moves, you attack,
materialization of spirit energy, you stop its creating words like chains.
Unique Effect.
Magical Attack. Use when the target makes a [Move Action], or when
This Talent does not deal [Magical Damage] to the they use a Talent (other than [Timing: Constant]) that
target; instead, select one Talent that is not [Timing: allows them to move. The user may make 1x [Weapon
Constant] that the target is under the effect of, and Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used
cancel it (Resist [Cancels]). This Talent may be used once per round.
once per round.

● Twisted Words of Anathema ● Simplified Mudra

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Constant Range User

Target 1# Cost [3] Target User Cost None

When an opponent would be healed, you hinder their By simplifying a special mudra, you make your spirit
recovery with kotodama. energy more efficient.

Unique Effect. Passive Effect.

Use when the target receives a [Recovery] effect The target is able to use [Timing: Prep] Style Talents
from a [Timing: Attack] Talent. The target [Halves] the as though they were [Cost: 3].
[Recovery] they would have received. This Talent may
be used once per round.

The Soul of Words Mudra Expert

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

By arriving at the essence of kotodama, you freely Through complete understanding of mudras, you
control certain techniques. vastly enhance the power of your techniques.

Unique Effect. Passive Effect.

Use after the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent. The When the target gains the effect of a [Timing: Prep]
target may use 1x [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (OR) X, X] Style Talent, the target gains +[any one of user’s {Main
Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent Stats}] modifier to the [Damage Calculation] of
may be used once per round. [Timing: Attack] Style Talents. This effect does not
apply to [Weapon Attacks].
This Type strengthens oneself, enhancing a character’s magical defenses with special songs. There are
no restrictions to using [Divine Talker: Type B] Talents.

Armored Hymn Amplifying Psalm

Timing Unique Range Combat Zone Timing Start Range User

Target 1# Cost [Doubles] Target User Cost [3]

By weaving a song, you wreathe an ally in an Resounding with a unique song, you amplify
anti-magic barrier of light. anti-magic effects.

Use On Damage Reduction. Unique Effect.

The target [Halves] the [Magical Damage] they’ve taken. The target chooses any value between 1-10, and then
This Talent may be used once per round. increases [Barrier] by that value, and decreases
{Initiative} by the same value (this may not lower
{Initiative} below 1). For example, if 10 is selected, gain
+10 [Barrier], and reduce {Initiative} by 10. This Talent
does not spend [Start].

Harmonic Excitation Invigorating Psalm

Timing Attack Range 17 sq. Timing Attack Range Combat Zone

Target 1# Cost [Steps] Target 1# Cost [E, 3, 3]

Resounding with a unique song, you fold someone in With the powerful spirit energy hidden in your voice,
etherlight, causing them to regain consciousness lost you instantly heal another.
from serious wounds.
Magical Attack.
Magical Attack. The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to a [Rank: 5]
The target [Removes] [Shift: Downed], and sets their [Magical Attack].
{HP} to 1. The target may refuse this effect.
Psalm Bulwark Harmonic Barrier
Timing Defense Range 17 sq. Timing Unique Range User

Target 1# Cost [3] Target User Cost [3]

Singing in a unique voice, you construct a field before Singing in a unique voice, you materialize an invisible
someone’s eyes, protecting them from spells and wall before yourself.
supernatural abilities.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Use On Damage Reduction. The target [Halves] the [Damage] of a [Special
Change the target’s [Barrier] value to be the same as Attack] they’ve taken. This Talent may be used once
the user’s [Barrier] value. per round

Healing Amplification Hymn of Protection

Timing Constant Range User Timing Unique Range 17 sq.

Target User Cost None Target 1# Cost [Doubles]

Singing in a unique voice, you amplify healing effects. Singing in a unique voice, you converge an area
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to the [Recovery] effect from Use On Damage Reduction.
Talents. Change the [Target] of the target’s [Attack Action]
to [1#], and the user takes the [Damage]. Treat the
[Damage] as though a {Resist} check had failed. This
Talent may be used once per round.

● Dirge of the Fallen Gods ● Twisted Words of Recovery

Timing Unique Range 17 sq. Timing Unique Range User

Target 1# Cost [3] Target User Cost None

Utilizing a secret art particular to orators, you draw You change the meaning of your technique itself
out the maximum potential of someone’s combat through words of power, dramatically enhancing your
power. healing power.

Use On Damage Calculation. Unique Effect.

The target gains +[any one of user’s {Main Stats} x Use when the target declares a Talent with a [Re-
2] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used covery] effect. The target gains a +[any one of user’s
once per combat. {Main Stats} x 3] modifier to the [Recovery] effect.
This Talent may be used once per session.
● Attire of the Muse ● Prayer of Recovery
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Even a normal voice can change into the power of Changing the nature of your song, you are able to
song, which will last eternally. heal wounds and fatigue.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target gains +15 to {HP}. The target grants the effect of one from 1~4 below
to the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talents that
deal no [Damage] (such as «Harmonic Excitation» or
«Invigorating Psalm»).
1: [Remove: Darkness]
2: [Remove: Poison]
3: [Remove: Pain]
4: [Remove: Paralysis]

Singer of Blessings Song of the Muse

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Mastering a song of the sacraments, you continually Utilizing the spirit energy in song, you make certain
materialize spirit energy, overflowing with it. distance techniques more efficient.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

Each time [Timing: Start] occurs, the target gains 1 The target may use «Armored Hymn», «Harmonic
[Overflow]. Barrier», and Talents with [Range: 17 Sq. / Target: 1#]
as though they had [Cost: E].
Common Talents
In this section you can find additional Common Talents. Common Talents may be acquired re-
gardless of [Style]. (TL Note: These count as style talents. Racial talents have their own common

Spirit Augment Spirit Dash

Timing Start Range User Timing Start Range User

Target User Cost [E] Target User Cost [O]

Supplying spirit energy through your Crest, you Circulating amplified spirit energy throughout your
temporarily augment your combat prowess. whole body, you heighten your reflexes for a
moment, moving fast enough to leave afterimages.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Unique Effect.
Checks]. The target changes the [Speed] of their [Simple
Moves] to [2 Sq.]

Spirit Rush Magecraft Melee

Timing Attack Range Charge 4 sq. Timing Attack Range Charge 2 Sq.

Target 1# Cost [E, O] Target 1# Cost [E, O, O]

Amplifying the spirit energy of your Artificial Regalia, Applying spells of strength and swiftness to yourself,
you enhance your accuracy as you make contact with you unleash a terrifying melee strike in an instant.
the enemy in an instant.
Physical Attack.
Use While Active. The user gains a +[user’s {Conjure} x 2] modifier to
The target gains a +2 bonus to the result of [Active [Physical Damage]. This Talent may be used once per
Checks], and makes 1x [Weapon Attack] against the round.
Melee Spirit High Shift Resist
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

By circulating unique spirit energy within yourself, you You strengthen your resistance to shifts in your
strengthen your limbs to be akin to steel, making your condition, and become able to remove even stronger
body itself into a powerful melee weapon. shifts.

Passive Effect. The target gains a +5 modifier to the Passive Effect.

[Damage Calculation] of their [Unarmed]. This effect «Condition Resilience» Required. When the target
does not apply to [Weapons] that can be “treated as acquires this Talent, they must designate one from
[Unarmed].” [Shift: Pain • Paralysis], then record this Talent like
«High Shift Resist: X» (where X is the chosen Shift).
The target always has [Remove: Chosen Shift].

● Extend ● Combat Expertise

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

When using a particular technique, you augment its You are an expert warrior who has gained more than
power by making spirit energy materialize. enough skill, due to an abundance of experience.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

When the target uses an [Effect Class: Use On This Talent may only be acquired by [Group:
Damage Calculation] Talent, they add “Also, the target Martial] characters. The target, when calculating their
gains +1 [Rank].” to that Talent. {HP}, changes the “[World Influence LV] x3” portion
to “x5” and recalculates using that. Also, the target
may change any of their [Attack Action]’s [Range] to
[Range: 1 Sq.]

● Scout Expertise ● Magecraft Expertise

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

You are an expert scout, with magnificient support You are an expert magician, with excellent skill in
abilities. magic.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

This Talent may only be acquired by [Group: Utility] This Talent may only be acquired by [Group: Arcane]
characters. The target gains a +[World Influence LV] characters. The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magical
modifier to their {Initiative}. Also, once per combat, at Damage]. Also, once per session, the target may use
[Timing: Start] the target may double their {Initiative} one [Group: Arcane] acquired Talent as though its
total. [Cost] were already paid.
● Utility Skill Master ● One-handed Weapon Master
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Being thoroughly and completely familiar with Mastering the handling of single and switch hand
all-purpose techniques, you’re able to use them with weapons, your power using those is enhanced.
a minimal amount of spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
Passive Effect. «Combat Reaction» Required. While the target is
«Combat Reaction» Required. Each time the target [Equipped] with a [Weapon] with either [Mode: One
uses a Common Talent, they may treat one portion of Hand • Switch Hand], they gain a +1 modifier to the
the [Cost] as already paid. result of [Active Checks] and [Rank]. Even if the
target has multiple [Weapons] [Equipped], the
effects of this Talent do not stack.

● Switch Hand Master ● Multiplexer

Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Mastering the handling of switch hand weapons By applying the theory behind particular techniques
you’re able to use them as though they were to your attacks and making full use of them, you’ll
two-handed. flourish in a variety of situations.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

«One-Handed Weapon Master» Required. The target The target gains a modifier to [Damage Calculation]
can [Equip] [Mode: Switch Hand] ([One Hand] not equal to the number of the user’s automatically
included) [Weapons] as though they were [Mode: acquired Style Talents x 2 (to a max of +10).
Two-Hand] (however, they may not apply «Reaper of
the Battlefield»). Also, the target gains a +10 modifier
at [Damage Calculation]. Apply the [Two Hand] [PD/
MD/Init] values written for the [Weapon].

● Multidefender
(TL Note: Switch Hand Master is a bit
Timing Constant Range User confusing as worded. In essence, you get
both one hand mastery and switch hand
Target User Cost None mastery’s effects while using a switch hand
Applying the theory behind particular techniques to weapon with its two-handed stat set.
defend, you’ll have high defensive power against all
So if you have both, then you get +1 to Active
Passive Effect. Checks, +1 to Rank, and +10 to PD while us-
The target gains a modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] ing a switch handed weapon, and you retain
equal to the number of the user’s automatically these effects even if using it as a two hand-
acquired Style Talents x 2 (to a max of +10). ed weapon.)
High Talents Lvl 5+
This section shows the High Talents that may be acquired at the point a character reaches LV5
or higher. Each time a character reaches a [LV] or [World Influence LV] that is a multiple of 5 (5,
10, 15, and 20), they are able to acquire only one of the High Talents found here (this is not an
automatic acquisition, and must be selected).

Combo Skill Killer Magic

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

You unleash a powerful combination attack you You sling your specially-devised sure-kill spell.
devised yourself.
Unique Effect.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares an [Effect Class:
Use when the target declares an [Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent. The target gains one of the
Physical Attack] Talent. The target may use and stack following effects. This Talent may be used once per
the effects of another [Effect Class: Physical Attack] round.
Talent that they already have acquired (each Talent’s 1: +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] at [Damage
[Cost] must be paid individually). This Talent may be Calculation]
used once per round. 2: +3 to result of {Conjure} check.

Counterstrike Enhanced Combat Prowess

Timing Unique Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

You unleash your specially-devised ultimate Seeking out your own fighting methods, you make
counterattack. unique adjustments to your tactics and improve your
combat power to its utmost limits.
Unique Effect.
Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check]. Passive Effect.
After the target’s reaction is resolved, the target may The target gains +2 [Physical Rank].
make 1x [Timing: Attack] on [Target: 1#] that per-
formed the [Attack Action].
Strengthened Vitality Additional Dragon’s Veins
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Living your life constantly prepared for battle at any As a superb Awakened, you have abnormal spirit
time, you’ve gained a fierce tenacity. energy and can put it to use.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect. The target adds 1 die to their [Essence].
The target gains a +30 modifier to {HP}. This Talent may be acquired multiple times. However,
this effect may only increase the limit of [Spirit] by
two dice (for a total of six dice).

Specialized Arts
Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None

Through studying a particular art over many years,
you’ve made improvements to it and made it your

Passive Effect.
The target designates one Talent they have already
acquired, and when they use that Talent, they may
treat it as thought one portion of the [Cost] has al-
ready been paid.
High Talents Lvl 10+
This section shows the High Talents that may be acquired at the point a character reaches LV10
or higher. When a character has reached a [LV] or [World Influence LV] of 10, they automatically
acquire one of the following Talents: «Quickening» «Style Ultimate» «Style Growth» (found in
the core book). Afterwards, each time [LV] or [World Influence LV] hits 10, 15, or 20, the character
may acquire any one of the below High Talents that aren’t marked with a .

Strengthen Capacity Dragon’s Vein Tuning

Timing Prep Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Through mental focus, you can freely control the flow As a superb Awakened, you pride yourself over your
of your spirit energy. ability to tune your magnificent spirit energy.

Passive Effect. Passive Effect.

The target may change two of their [Spirit] dice to When rerolling [Exhausted Spirit] after [Timing: End]
any value. (or after the [Scene] ends), the target may select one
rerolled die and change it to any value before
returning it to [Spirit].

Prodigious Vitality
Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None

As a powerful Awakened, you pride yourself on your
tenacious vitality.

Passive Effect. The target gains a +50 modifier to

High Talents Lvl 15+
Here can be found High Talents that may be acquired at the point a character reaches LV15 or
higher. At each point a character’s [LV] or [World Influence LV] hits 15 or 20, they may acquire
one of the High Talents listed here (this is not an automatic acquisition, and must be selected).

Annihilating Strike Materializing Wave

Timing Unique Range User Timing Unique Range Combat Zone

Target User Cost None Target 1# Cost None

At the moment of your attack, you broaden its scope You unleash your latent talents, releasing a wave that
with enormous spirit energy, laying waste to every causes spirit energy to materialize, which strengthens
enemy around you. your target’s actions.

Unique Effect. Unique Effect.

Use at any time. The target changes the [Range/ Use after the target calculates [Result]. The target
Target] of their [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. If gains a +2d6 modifier to their [Result] (these extra
[Range/Target] is already [Combat Zone], then the dice are not a [Roll] and cannot be [Influenced]). This
target gains a +[any one of user’s {Main Stats}] to Talent may be used once per round.
[Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once
per combat.

Killing Blow
Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost None

You place the whole of your being into a single strike,
a technique learned only through true battle.

Use On Damage Calculation.

The target gains a +[user’s [World Influence LV] x 2]
modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
used once per round.
[Cover] is a character’s occupation and social station, used when leading a modern life. When
creating a PC, select one [Cover]. For more Information, Refer to the core book.

Cover Table 1

A hobbyist who has turned their hobby into a business. They often possess specialized skills. Dilettantes acquire
the [Hobby Dividends] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Hobby Dividends] Effect: +2 to the result of {Strength} checks, and +1 to the result of {Luck} checks.

Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)


A professor employed at an university, or similar place. They possess a wide array of knowledge, though
specialties may elude them. Professors acquire the [Discerning Eye] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Discerning Eye] Effect: +2 to the result of {Intellect} checks, and +1 to the result of {Will} checks.

Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)


Bodyguards that have been hired to protect VIPs, politicians, and financial elites. Bodyguards acquire the
[Situational Awareness] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Situational Awareness] Effect: +1 to the result of {Strength} {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.

Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)

A person who has made driving their profession, such as a taxi or truck driver, a pro rider, or a chauffeur. Drivers
acquire the [Driving Skills] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Driving Skills] Effect: +3 to the result of any {Main Stat} check made to operate a conveyance (discuss the
details with the GM).
Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +3)
Emergency Kit (Rest Recovery Amount +3)

A gangster or yakuza known in the underworld of society. Although they publically play at being legitimate
business, they stain their hands with unlawful acts. Yakuza acquire the [Unlawful] [Trait], and gain the following

[Unlawful] Effect: +2 to the result of {Agility} checks, and +1 to the result of {Will} checks.

Mobile (Can also speak with [Backstage] or [Exited] PC)
Upperclass Residence (Rest Recovery Amount +5)
Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)
Stylish Clothes (+1 to the result of [Negotiation])

A test subject that has escaped from the experimental facility of a corporation or pharmaceutical company aware
of Awakened. Or, someone who has escaped after being condemned for a crime. Fugitives acquire the [On the
Run] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[On the Run] Effect: +2 to the result of {Agility} checks, and +2 to the result of {Luck} checks.

Safehouse (Rest Recovery Amount +1)
Change of Clothes
Witch’s Cure (Recover 25HP)
Cover Table 2
Divine Souls that have become the god of a particular piece of land, due to various circumstances. How they
usually look varies, but there are some who have adapted to modern society and appear as a human. Tochigami
acquire the [Offerings of Faith] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Offerings of Faith] Effect: During [Session Start], gain one [Item: Consumable] of [Cost: 200G] or less.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Etherlight Emission (Ignore “dark place” penalties)

Mamorigami have sworn an oath with a particular clan or faction to protect that clan, a certain area, or some
matter entirely, in exchange for worship. Mamorigami acquire the [Protecting God] [Trait], and gain the following

[Protecting God] Effect: +2 to the result of {Agility} and {Will} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Aura Sense (+1 to the result of [Sense])


A powerful youkai that has reached the level of a Divine Soul. They are in truth a plant or animal that has lived a
very long time. Daiyoukai acquire the [Higher Being] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Higher Being] Effect: +2 to the result of {Strength} and {Intellect} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Swelling Power (Render Innocents unconscious)
A being that experienced many things over its long years, and gained divinity thereby. They are in truth a
machine, tool, or other non-living matter that has existed for a very long time. Avatars acquire the [Perpetual
Existence] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Perpetual Existence] Effect: +2 to the result of {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Aura Sense (+1 to the result of [Sense])

Imaginary Being

Though lingering in books and legends, these Divine Souls are urban legends or enigmatic beings that do not
actually exist. Imaginary Beings acquire the [Imaginary Power] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Imaginary Power] Effect: +1 to the result of {Strength} {Agility} {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Swelling Power (Render Innocents unconscious)
Cover Table 3

Once upon a time, a hero known throughout history, or in myths. This Cover is for noble rulers and knights, and
legendary warriors and swordsmen. Heroes acquire the [Incredible Valor] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Incredible Valor] Effect: +3 to the result of {Strength} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Swelling Power (Render Innocents unconscious)

Once upon a time, a charismatic leader that lead people, known throughout history and in myths. This Cover is
for kings said to be wise rulers, or the founders of religious sects. Leaders acquire the [Charisma] [Trait], and gain
the following [Items].

[Charisma] Effect: +3 to the result of {Will} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Swelling Power (Render Innocents unconscious)

Once upon a time, a warrior or general who could boast of their awe-inspiring victories in history and legend.
This Cover is for legendary commanders who left their mark in history, or heroes who saved entire countries.
Warlords acquire the [Otherworldly Tactics] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Otherworldly Tactics] Effect: +3 to the result of {Luck} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Aura Sense (+1 to the result of [Sense])
Once upon a time, a warlock or Magus who appeared in history or myth, wielding powerful magecraft or sorcery.
This Cover is for practitioners who wielded divine powers, or prophets. Arch-Wizards acquire the [Sorcerous Wis-
dom] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Sorcerous Wisdom] Effect: +3 to the result of {Intellect} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Etherlight Emission (Ignores “dark place” penalties)


Beings that were spoken of as monsters in legends. This Cover is for guardians of holy sites, and demons, beasts,
and heroes treated as monsters. Monsters acquire the [Sign of the Beast] [Trait], and gain the following [Items].

[Sign of the Beast] Effect: +3 to the result of {Agility} checks.

Restful Domain (Rest Recovery Amount +10)
Spirit Transit (Can become invisible and travel as fast as a car)
Swelling Power (Render Innocents unconscious)
Weapons and Equipment
Section 1: Weapons
Melee - Form: Sword
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Defensive Sword None One Hand None +2 -1 500G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A short sword Artificial Regalia adapted for defense.
While [Equipped], +2 to [Armor]
Killing Dagger None One Hand None +4 -3 500G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A unique dagger Artificial Regalia with a sinister-looking blade.
While [Equipped], gain +10 to [Physical Damage] dealt against Mononoke with “x#” in their [Name].
Small Sword None Switch Hand None +3/+4 -1/None 1000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]
A thrusting blade or saber-type Artificial Regalia
While [Equipped], the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduces their [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).
Goumaken Martial Switch Hand None +6/+7 -4/-3 1000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A long, sharp switch hand sword-type Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +1 [Physical Rank].
Creation Blade Two Hand None +7 -4 1500G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An odachi Artificial Regalia with a transparent blade.
While [Equipped], when bestowed with an [Element] due to the effect of a Talent, gain +3 at [Damage Calculation].
Giant Sword Martial Two Hand None +9 -6 1500G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A massive two-handed sword Artificial Regalia like a mass of iron.
While [Equipped], once per combat, gain +5 [Armor].
Ancient Sword Martial Two Hand +1 +7 None 3000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A long sword or odachi-type Artificial Regalia once possessed by a legendary knight or samurai.
While [Equipped], once per combat, make 1x [Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation].
Zantetsu Arc Slayer Two Hand None +9 None 3000G
[Form: Sword / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An odachi Artificial Regalia that displays incredible cleaving power.
While [Equipped], wielder may destroy any [Obstacle] they deal at least 1 point of [Physical Damage] to.

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Sword

Name Cost Trade Effect
Erupting with highly pressurized spirit energy, you execute a draw with divine speed.
Spirit Draw 1500G 2
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per round, gain +1 to the result of {Accuracy} checks.
Filling the blade with spirit energy at the moment of impact, you temporarily enhance
Spirit Cleave 1500G 2 its sharpness.
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +1
[Physical Rank].
Melee - Form: Spear
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Dokkosho None One Hand None +2 -2 300G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A spear Artificial Regalia in the shape of a Buddhist tool.
While [Equipped], when making [Attack Actions] against [Class: Chaos], gain +1 [Rank].
Strengthened Sai None One Hand None +3 -3 300G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A sai-type Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], [Targets] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] reduce their [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).
Mancatcher Fork None Switch Hand None +3/+4 -5/-4 800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A spear-type Artificial Regalia with a crescent moon shape at its tip.
While [Equipped], increase the [Range] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] by 1 Sq. ([Engaged] becomes 2 Sq., [Charge 2 Sq.] becomes
[Charge 3 Sq.], etc).
Zanbaken Martial Switch Hand None +4/+5 -2/-1 800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia with a long and wide blade
While [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +1 [Physical Rank].
Long Haft Weapon Martial Two Hand +1 +3 -2 1200G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A long-handled weapon Artificial Regalia, which can be installed with a variety of functions.
While [Equipped], once per combat, gain +5 [Armor].
Double Hooked
Martial • Utility Two Hand +1 +4 -3 1200G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A spear-type Artificial Regalia where the spearhead is a cross-shaped blade.
While [Equipped], once per round, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduces the result of their {Evasion} check by 2.
Glaive None Two Hand +1 +6 -1 2800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia topped with a wide blade.
While [Equipped], increase the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] by +1#.
Goumasou Martial Two Hand +1 +7 -2 2800G
[Form: Spear / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A masterwork heavy and sturdy spear that has been Artificial Regaliaized.
While [Equipped], increase the [Range] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] by 2 Sq. ([Engaged] becomes 3 Sq., [Charge 2 Sq.] becomes
[Charge 4 Sq.]).

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Spear

Name Cost Trade Effect
The weapon is wreathed in spirit energy, and when you launch your strike with this added twist,
it pierces through armor.
Spirit Vortex 1500G 2
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack]
[Halves] their [Armor].
You defend against attacks while spinning the weapon as it’s wreathed in spirit
Swirling Defense 1500G 2 energy.
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, increase the result of the user’s [Reaction
Check] by 2.
Melee - Form: Axe
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Sickle None One Hand None +3 -2 600G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]
A one-handed scythe-type Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], once per round, gain +1 modifier to result of {Accuracy} checks.
Nata None One Hand None +4 -3 600G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A nata-type Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], once per combat, while making a [Physical Attack], gain +1 [Physical Rank].
Machete None Switch Hand -1 +5/+6 -2/-1 1200G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A type of Artificial Regalia patterned after a forestry knife.
While [Equipped], increase the [Range] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] by 1 Sq. ([Engaged] becomes 2 Sq., [Charge 2 Sq.] becomes
[Charge 3 Sq.])
Harpe None Switch Hand -1 +6/+7 -3/-2 1200G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia that combines a sword and a sickle.
While [Equipped], once per round, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduces the result of their {Evasion} check by 1.
Spirit Buzzsaw Martial Two Hand None +6 -5 1800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A buzzsaw-type Artificial Regalia that is powered by spirit energy.
While [Equipped], the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduces their [Armor] by 3 (to a minimum of 0).
Chainsaw Martial Two Hand -1 +7 -4 1800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A chainsaw-type Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] [Halves] their [Armor].
Banishing Chainsaw Martial Two Hand None +11 -2 3800G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A chainsaw-type Artificial Regalia with a pure white blade that holds the power to slay evil.
While [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] [Halves] their [Armor].
Battle Axe Martial Two Hand None +13 -3 5500G
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A huge axe Artificial Regalia, designed for combat.
While [Equipped], gain +2 to [Armor] and [Barrier].

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Axe

Name Cost Trade Effect
Filling the blade with spirit energy at the moment of impact, you temporarily enhance its
Spirit Cleave 1500G 2
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +1
[Physical Rank].
Special modifications have been applied to the blade of the weapon, allowing it to
Shielding Blade 1500G 2 provide a sturdy defense for a moment.
While [Equipped], once per combat, gain +5 to [Armor].
Melee - Form: Hammer
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Chain None One Hand None +2 -1 400G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A length of chain that is an Artificial Regalia.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into a [Ranged Attack], changing its
[Range/Target] to [6 Sq./1#].
Knuckle Duster None One Hand None +3 -2 400G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A set of metal rings made into an Artificial Regalia, worn on the hand and strengthened for striking.
While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].
Nunchaku Martial • Utility Switch Hand None +2/+3 None/+1 700G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia that appears as metal rods joined by a length of chain.
While [Equipped], increase the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] by 1#. Also, treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed].
Wrecking Ball Martial • Utility Switch Hand None +5/+6 -3/-2 700G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia that combines an iron ball with a chain.
While [Equipped], after spending x1 [Timing: Prep], the user may change an [Attack Action] into a [Ranged Attack], changing the
[Range/Target] to [5 Sq./1#].
Spirit Baton Martial • Utility Two Hand None +6 -5 1300G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A large extendable baton Artificial Regalia with a sharpened tip. When charged with spirit energy, it glows.
While [Equipped], the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduces their [Armor] by 5 (to a minimum of 0).
Battle Hammer Martial Two Hand None +8 -7 1300G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
A hammer Artificial Regalia designed for combat, with a huge hammerhead.
While [Equipped], once per combat, make 1x [Weapon Attack] against [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] that performed [Damage
Arm Guard Martial Two Hand +1 +7 -3 3400G
[Form: Hammer / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An Artificial Regalia that, when equipped to both arms and legs, aids with both offense and defense.
While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed], and gain +2 [Armor].
Improvised Weapon God Hand Two Hand None +8 -2 Unsellable
[Form: Axe / Range: Engaged / Target: 1#].
An improvised Artificial Regalia like an electric pole or road sign infused with spirit energy made using «Spirit Armament».
While [Equipped], treat as though [Unarmed]. This [Weapon] cannot have the [Arms System] applied to it, and is lost when [Combat

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Hammer

Name Cost Trade Effect
This weapon helps its wielder close gaps with a function that erupts with spirit energy like a
Spirit Propulsion 1500G 2
While [Equipped], once per combat, change the [Range] of the user’s [Physical Attacks] to
[Charge 4 Sq.]
This weapon can gain anti-magical defenses by sheathing itself in congealed spirit
Spirit Receptor 1500G 2 energy.
While [Equipped], once per combat, gain +5 [Barrier].
Melee - Form: Ranged
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Enhanced Handgun None One Hand None (3) -2 500G
[Form: Ranged / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A handgun-style Artificial Regalia that has unique modifications installed, allowing it to bestow bullets with spirit energy.
While [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Physical Attack], gain +1 [Rank].
Bound Steed Contractor Two Hand -1 +5 -3 1000G
[Form: Ranged / Range: Charge 4 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A bound steed that formed a contract and was summoned. It can have a variety of appearances.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves].
Enhanced Bound
Contractor Two Hand None +6 -5 1500G
[Form: Ranged / Range: Charge 5 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A bound steed that was summoned due to an even stronger contract.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves]. Also, once per round, the
[Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack] reduce their {Evasion} check by 1.
Hunting Bow Dark Hunter Two Hand +1 +4 -5 1500G
[Form: Ranged / Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A long bow Artificial Regalia designed for power.
While [Equipped], by spending 1x [Start] and 1x [Prep], for the rest of that round, when making [Attack Actions], gain +1 [Rank].
Spirit Assassin Tools Martial Two Hand None +4 -2 2000G
[Form: Ranged / {Strength} Sq. / Target: 1#].
Assassin tool Artificial Regalia that come in a variety of forms.
While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with [Unarmed]. Also, when this [Weapon] is thrown, it does not become unavailable.
Elite Bound Steed Contractor Two Hand None +7 -4 2500G
[Form: Ranged / Range: Charge 5 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A special bound steed summoned through a high level contract.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves]. Also, gain +10 to [Physical
Damage] dealt to Mononoke with “x#” written in their [Name].
Dragon Drive Martial • Utility Two Hand None +6 +4 4000G
[Form: Ranged / Range: Charge 6 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A special combat motorcycle for anti-divinity combat, under development by B.E.G. and Far East Heavy Industries.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves].
Divine Bound Steed Contractor Two Hand None +7 +3 4000G
[Form: Ranged / Range: Charge 6 Sq. / Target: 1#].
A high level bound steed summoned due to a special contract. This being is akin to a god.
[Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves]. Also, once per combat, make 1x
[Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation].

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Ranged

Name Cost Trade Effect
A tracking function added to ranged weapons.
Unique Tracking 1500G 2 While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Physical Attack]
reduces the result of their [Reactive Check] by 2.
May only be added to [Restrict: Contractor] items. The bound steed synchronizes its
Empathic Spirit 1500G 2 spirit energy with its rider.
While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, may add or subtract 1 to any one [Spirit]
die (may not go above 6 or below 1).
Form: Magic
Name Restrict Mode Acc PD Init Cost
Spell Tags Elder Mage One Hand None +3 -2 1000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 1].
A bundle of tags with spells written on them. Pull a couple off and throw them.
While [Equipped], once per combat, increase the [Target] of the user’s [Magical Attacks] by 1#.
Spirit Instrument Divine Talker Switch Hand None +4/+5 -2/-1 1500G
[Magical Attack / Range: 6 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Wind / Rank: 2]
A musical instrument Artificial Regalia that enhances the power of kotodama, the soul of words.
While [Equipped], once per combat, change one [Spirit] die to “3”.
Unique Bound Steed Contractor Two Hand None +4 -2 1500G
[Magical Attack / Range: Charge 4 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2].
A unique bound steed, its whole body wreathed in spirit energy.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves].
Magic Gun Contractor Switch Hand None +4/+5 -3/-2 2000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2].
A handgun-type Artificial Regalia that fires spirit energy. By shooting their own spirit energy out, it excites spirit circulation, aiding
magecraft and summoning.
While [Equipped], [Bound Primals] gain a +1d6 modifier to the [Damage Calculation] of their [Attack Actions].
Advanced Spell Tags Arcane Two Hand None +5 -3 2000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2].
A bundle of tags inscribed with advanced spells. Pull a couple off and throw them
While [Equipped], once per combat, increase the [Target] of the user’s [Magical Attacks] by 1#.
Kotodama Bow Divine Talker Two Hand None +5 -2 2000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Light / Rank: 2].
A catalpa bow Artificial Regalia specialized in exorcism.
While [Equipped], the user gains +5 to the [Recovery] effect from [Magical Attacks].
Contractor Two Hand None +6 -2 3000G
[Magical Attack / Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: Shock / Rank: 2].
A spirit gun equipped with cyber functions.
While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with a [Restrict: Digital Sorcerer] [Item], and [Bound Primals] gain a +1d6 modifier to
the [Damage Calculation] of their [Attack Actions].
Rare Bound Steed Contractor Two Hand None +7 -3 3000G
[Magical Attack / Range: Charge 5 Sq. / Target: 1# / Resist: Cancel / Element: None / Rank: 2].
A rare bound steed, its entire body spirit energy.
While [Equipped], the user is able to make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves]. Also, once per combat, the
[Target] of the user’s [Magical Attack] [Halves] their [Barrier].

Arms System Additional Effects - Form: Magic

Name Cost Trade Effect
Causing an explosion at the moment of a spell’s impact, its power is enhanced.
Spirit Blast 1500G 2 While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, when making a [Magical Attack], gain +1
[Magical Rank].
Activating unique spells, an opponent’s resistance is hindered.
Hinder Resist 1500G 2 While the [Weapon] is [Equipped], once per combat, the [Target] of the user’s [Magical Attack]
reduces the result of their {Resist} check by 2.
Section 2: Protectors, Accessories, Gear, and Consumables
Protectors: Suits
Name Restrict Eva Init Armor Barrier Cost
Scion Battle Wear Scion +1 -2 +4 None 4000G
A stylish coat or suit modified into a powerful Artificial Regalia. As armor customized for Scions and designed for physical combat, it’s
easy to tell at a glance that Godhunters who wear this mean business.
Royal Gothic Darkstalker None +1 +1 +2 4000G
A black hat, coat, top and bottom suits, and skirts. An Artificial Regalia fashioned after gothic fashion and customized for
Darkstalkers. A luxurious masterwork created using special etherdown and Fool’s Gold threads, a person will exude elegance just by
wearing it.
Ethereal Cloth of the
Hanyou None +3 +1 None 4000G
A vest or jacket Artificial Regalia created by weaving together a lavish amount of valuable etherdown that once clad a daiyoukai, a
great mythical creature. It can only be worn by those who have inherited the blood of youkai, but when it is worn, that person will
move like the wind.
Coat of Truth Magus None -1 +5 None 4000G
A coat or robe Artificial Regalia customized for Magi, with magic circles inscribed on its interior. It is a luxury item that will not permit
anyone to wear it unless they are a Magus, and it excels in physical defense, which is often a Magus’s weak point.
Dragon Scale Shroud Dragon Lord None -2 +3 +3 4000G
A rare scale mail-type Artificial Regalia made up of interlocking scales like jewels. It is armor customized for Dragon Lords, which is as
thin as a t-shirt, and can be worn under clothes. Though from its slim profile one would not guess it, it offers sturdy defense.
Ancient Armor Heroic Spirit None -2 +4 +2 4000G
Armor contemporary to when a Heroic Spirit lived, or clothes that became armor by being infused with spirit energy. It’s said that
only heroes may wear this supremely sturdy armor.
Divine Robe Divine Soul None +1 None +3 4000G

A robe, ceremonial dress, shirabyoshi or suikan, worn by gods. They are favored by high-ranking tochigami and daiyoukai who have
regained power. It is a sacramental masterwork believed only to be worn by superb Divine Souls.

Hyper Grapple Suit God Hand +1 +2 +1 +1 5000G

A training uniform modified into an Artificial Regalia. They come in a variety of forms, such as karate gi and wrestling tights. It’s said
to be something that cannot be worn carelessly.
Contractor None +1 +3 +2 5000G
Leather Jumpsuit
Mononoke leather processed into riding leathers, then additionally modified into an Artificial Regalia. It’s easier to move in than it
looks, and if worn by an expert Contractor, it’s said they can become one with the wind.

Kotodama Vestment Divine Talker None None +2 +4 5000G

A Buddhist priest-style robe Artificial Regalia woven with incantations and truespeak as embroidery. It boasts high defense against
spells, an effect that’s even said to be comparable to the barrier over a temple or shrine.
Name Slot Cost
Sanskrit Ring Hand 300G
A ring or bracelet engraved with a special sanskrit character.
While [Equipped], gain a +1 modifier to [Physical Damage].
Wallet Chain Lower 300G
A chain constructed out of special silver links that adorns a wallet or similar item.
While [Equipped], gain a +1 modifier to [Magical Damage].
Divine Cloth Hand • Lower • Upper 500G
A sacramental cloth that reacts to the use of spirit energy by forming into giant limbs and providing assistance.
While [Equipped], gain a +1 modifier to {Initiative} and [Barrier].
Aria Headphones Head 500G
A headphone-style Artificial Regalia installed with spell programs.
While [Equipped], treat as though [Equipped] with a [Restrict: Digital Sorcerer] [Item].
Summon Card Hand 1000G
A card-style Artificial Regalia that holds the power to strengthen Bound Steeds and Bound Primals.
While [Equipped], gain a +3 modifier to the Result of [Attack Actions] using [Weapons] with [Range: Charge X Sq.], or to the [Damage
Calculation] of [Bound Primal] [Attack Actions].
Ashura Record Lower 1000G
A sacramental ledger that contains the names and forms of summoned primals.
While [Equipped], the character is able to summon [Bound Primals] of one LV higher than their [World Influence LV] (for example, if
[World Influence LV: 1], then they can summon [LV: 2] Mononoke).
Regalia Sheath Lower • Upper 1000G
A sheath or holster designed for use with various Artificial Regalia forms.
While [Equipped], gain a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks].
Smart Glasses Head 1500G
A wearable computer in the form of glasses or contact lenses.
While [Equipped], gain a +2 modifier to [Magical Damage], and treat as though [Equipped] with a [Restrict: Digital Sorcerer] [Item].
Spirit Ball Hand 1500G
A ball-style Artificial Regalia that holds the power to strengthen Bound Steeds and Bound Primals.
While [Equipped], gain a +1d6 modifier to [Attack Actions] using [Weapons] with [Range: Charge X Sq.], or to the [Damage Calculation]
of [Bound Primal] [Attack Actions].
Jet Shoes Feet 2000G
High-tech shoes equipped with a spirit energy propulsion function.
While [Equipped], gain a +2 modifier to {Initiative} and to the [Speed] of [Combat Moves].
Name Use Cost
Purity Salt Other 50G
Salt that has been blessed. By casting it over an area, abnormal spirit energy can be sensed and suppressed.
Use as [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. Gain a +2 modifier to [Sense].
Fire Sprite Other 50G
A special pill that will burn brightly by consuming spirit energy. Even if it gets wet, it will still burn.
For the rest of the scene, [Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone] ignores “dark place” penalties.
Potion X5 Other 50G
A spiritual drug refined from special herbs. It can be used to recover wounds by drinking it, or dousing the wound with it.
Use as [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. The target [Recovers] 5 {HP}.
Greek Fire Other 100G
A magical oil created with lost techniques.
Use as a [Weapon Attack] with [Ranged Attack / Range: 4 Sq. / Target: 1#]. Targets who fail at {Evasion}, each [End], lose 5 {HP}. The
target may spend 1x [Prep] to clear this effect.
Black Seal Other • Distortion 100G
A unique card or strip of paper inscribed with a single verse from a grimoire
Use as a [Weapon Attack] with [Ranged Attack / Range: {Strength} Sq. / Target: Area]. Targets who fail at {Evasion} take [Rank: 1]
[Magical Damage]. If used during [Mend], [Engaged/1#] gains a +2 modifier to their {Strength} check.
White Seal Other • Distortion 100G
A unique card or strip of paper inscribed with a single verse from a holy book
Use as a [Weapon Attack] with [Ranged Attack / Range: {Strength} Sq. / Target: Area]. Targets who fail at {Evasion} take [Shift:
Darkness]. If used during [Mend], [Engaged/1#] gains a +2 modifier to their {Agility} check.
Red Seal Other • Distortion 100G
A unique card or strip of paper inscribed with a single verse of truespeak.
Use as a [Weapon Attack] with [Ranged Attack / Range: {Strength} Sq. / Target: Area]. Targets who fail at {Evasion} take [Shift: Fallen]. If
used during [Mend], [Engaged/1#] gains a +2 modifier to their {Intellect} check.
Blue Seal Other • Distortion 100G
A unique card or strip of paper inscribed with a single verse from an unknown language.
Use as a [Weapon Attack] with [Ranged Attack / Range: {Strength} Sq. / Target: Area]. Targets who fail at {Evasion} take [Shift: Poison]
(refer to the Rating Chart). If used during [Mend], [Engaged/1#] gains a +2 modifier to their {Will} check.
Element Augment Drug Other 500G
A magic drug that strengthens [Elements], which works by being spread over a weapon.
Use as [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. For the rest of the combat, when one [Equipped] [Weapon] is bestowed with an [Element], the
target gains +1 [Rank].
Rage Ether Other 1500G
A spiritual drug that renders one’s body and mind invincible.
Use as [Range: User / Target: User]. For the rest of the combat, the target gains [Remove: Fallen • Pain • Paralysis], but loses 5 {HP}
each [Timing: End]. This effect may be cleared by spending 1x [Prep].
Name Use Cost
Jade Genbu Other 2000G
A statue of Genbu made from jade that enhances your physical abilities just by having it.
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of {Strength} checks.
Sunstone Suzaku Other 2000G
A statue of Suzaku made from sunstone that enhances your tracking abilities and reflexes just by having it.
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of {Agility} checks.
Moonstone Seiryu Other 2000G
A statue of Seiryu made from moonstone that enhances your intellect and memory recall just by having it.
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of {Intellect} checks.
Quartz Byakko Other 2000G
A statue of Byakko made from quartz that makes you give off a good impression and enhances your negotiation abilities just by having
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of {Will} checks..
Seastone Kouryuu Other 2000G
A statue of a golden dragon made from seastone that is able to manifest ill fortune just by having it.
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of {Luck} checks.
Etherlight Emission Other Unsellable
You emit spirit energy light from your whole body.
Ignore “dark place” penalties.
Aura Sense Other Unsellable
As a half-souled being, you can acutely sense the flow of spirit energy.
Gain a +1 modifier to the result of [Sense] checks.
Swelling Power Other Unsellable
Releasing a strong power through some means, you instantly render Innocents unconscious.
Innocents who are exposed to this effect only lose consciousness, not their memories.
Restful Domain Rest (Meal) Unsellable
You rest within your spirit barrier by changing into a spirit body.
[Rest Recovery Amount] +10.
Spirit Transit Other Unsellable
You can freely move about within your spirit barrier, invisible to Innocents, by becoming a spirit body. Also, by transitioning between
gaps in space, you are able to move at roughly the speed of an automobile, taking up to about six people with you.
Chapter 3:
GM Section
GM Section: Special Episode Introductions
Those souls that become [Heroic Spirits], as well as [Divine Souls], which
are akin to gods and youkai, are beings disconnected from the ways of humans.
As such, the [Episode Introductions] for them should be different from those
done for normal PCs. When the GM attempts to create their own episode that
contains PC [Heroic Spirits] and [Divine Souls], they should try to keep the fol-
lowing examples in mind when creating the [Handouts] and [Episode
Introductions] for those characters.

Heroic Spirit Examples

In many cases, [Heroic Spirits] who protect the world are summoned in
order to resolve a specific supernatural incident. Therefore, the Goal for a
[Heroic Spirit] should be something like, “Fulfill the summoner’s wishes,”
“Protect the world,” “Defeat the Aramitama.” For the [Ending], the scene should
go something like this: after resolving the incident, the [Heroic Spirit] receives
a <Shard> as payment, then is consumed in pale blue spirit energy light, and
disappears, returning to the memories of the world. However if there’s a reason
for it (such as when playing a campaign, maybe the true enemy has yet to be
defeated, or something like that), then there is nothing wrong with having the
[Heroic Spirit] linger in the modern world. Should that be the case, then the GM
should freely set and direct the [Ending] as they like, fitting it in with the rest of
the episode.

For the [Handout] and [Episode Introduction] of a [Heroic Spirit], consider

the following setups.

Being Summoned

A collaborator or a Godhunter you call a friend places their bets on you, and
summons you to the modern world.
Goal: Fulfill the NPC’s request.

Save the Victim

An NPC involved in a supernatural incident happens upon a relic or book

relevant to you (as an example, the NPC’s favorite character in a historical
browser game they’re fans of just so happens to be the PC), and that becomes
the impetus for you to materialize in the world, save the NPC from their
predicament, and from there be involved in the supernatural incident.
Goal: Protect the world (or similar).
Revived for Revenge

Because the [Boss] appearing in this supernatural incident was once your
nemesis, or is a revenant that has become your bitter foe, you materialize to
seek revenge, with the goal of striking them down.
Goal: Defeat your nemesis.

Already Summoned

Having been summoned previously and already being acclimated to the

modern world, every day, as it is your fondest wish to reach the <Promise of
Ascension>, you hunt down Aramitama.
Goal: Defeat the Aramitama.

Divine Soul Examples Examples

Generally, the tochigami, guardian deities, and daiyoukai friendly towards
humans that become [Divine Souls] will hear the plea of a human who was a
victim of a supernatural incident, and then in order to secure belief in them-
selves, the [Divine Soul] will work to resolve that incident. There, the Goal of a
[Divine Soul] will most often be something along the lines of, “Fulfill the wishes
of your faithful,” “Protect the people,” or “Fulfill your godly duties.” For a [Divine
Soul]’s [Ending], the scene should be something like, the human who pleaded
for the [Divine Soul]’s intervention in the incident gives their thanks, and peace
returns to the city. Ultimately, the GM should set and direct the [Ending] for the
[Divine Soul] as they like, according to the needs of the episode.

For the [Handout] and [Episode Introduction] of a [Divine Soul], consider

the following setups.

A Wish From the Faithful

Ordinarily, your faithful seek salvation when they are in need or become
involved in a supernatural incident somehow. For example, the relative of a
person who cleans your shrine every day suddenly goes missing.
Goal: Grant the wish of your follower.

A tochigami or a youkai from another region that you’re friends with, or even a
Godhunter you like, gets involved with a supernatural incident, and their min-
ions or family, or the person themselves, ask you for help or to rescue them.
Goal: Save your friend.

Something Unusual in Your Lands

An abnormality arises in the land or leyline you control. You work to eliminate
the source of that abnormality and correct it.
Goal: Protect your lands.
GM Section: Sanctum Purge Episodes
The PCs will take on a [Sanctum Purge] for a variety of reasons. The follow-
ing will give advice on the creation of [Sanctum Episodes], episodes which are
exclusively [Sanctum Purges].

(More Info: Regarding the Number of Sanctum Purges in a Campaign):

The following section has details regarding [Sanctum Purge] episodes.
However, when playing a campaign, it’s good to limit [Sanctum Purge]
episodes to 2 or 3 per campaign, so as not to strengthen the PCs’ [Weapons]
more than is necessary.

The Shape of Sanctum Episodes

Sanctum Episodes look like the following. For examples of each of the
following items, please refer to the [Sample Sanctum Episode] later in this book.


The GM creates a single [Handout], shared across the entire party. The GM may
also decide to create individual [Handouts] for a [Sanctum Episode], if they

Info, Episode Outline, Episode Setting, PC Creation

In a [Sanctum Episode], there does not need to be any [Info] (however there’s
nothing wrong with having some). Episode Outline, Episode Setting, and PC
Creation are the same as a normal episode.

Truth, Appearing NPCs

The Episode Setting will serve as the Truth, so a separate Truth is not necessary.
Appearing NPCs is the same as a normal episode.

Episode Introductions

If the [Handout] is shared across the entire party, then the [Episode Introduc-
tion] should also be shared.
Sanctum Map

Set up a [Sanctum Map] for the PCs to challenge. The GM decides the
number of [Areas] and the Maximum Limit (both mentioned below). Then, they
write down which [Areas] are connected to other [Areas] via which [Passages],
and whether any [Sanctum Events] will occur. Though in general there should
be one [Sanctum Event] per [Area], the GM may add additional events, or even
have events occur in an Area after it has already been searched, as meets the
needs of the episode. Also, the GM may use the [General Sanctum Events]
found later in this book, or create their own original events.


The [Ending] is also shared across the entire party.

Progression Of Sanctum Purge

The GM progresses [Sanctum Purge] according to the rules found earlier in
this book.

Understanding Sanctum Purge

First, the GM should have a certain degree of understanding of the rules for
[Sanctum Purge]. After that, if possible, it’s recommended to play through the
Sample Sanctum Episode at the end of this book, in order to get an
understanding of what it’s like to progress the session.

Dedicated Sanctum Purge Episode

When creating a Sanctum Episode, it’s fine to make it so that its entire focus is
on the [Sanctum Purge] itself. In normal episodes there are individual
[Handouts] and [Episode Introductions], but as the [Handout] is shared in a
Sanctum Episode, only a single [Episode Introduction] takes place. For an
example of this, please refer to the “Sample Sanctum Episode” at the end of the

An NPC making a polite request of the PCs is a good trick to use

when making this shared [Episode Introduction]. No matter their reason,
an NPC acting rude or high-handed when asking something of the PCs
can make the players feel agitated, which might lead to them refusing the
request. Therefore, try to have the NPCs give reasons such as, they trust
the PCs, or feel a strong friendship with them, or are relying on them for
For the shared [Handout] and [Episode Introduction] of a Sanctum
Episode, consider the following setups.

The PCs get a request from an old friend

The PCs get a call from an old friend- whether a tochigami, youkai, Godhunter,
or collaborator- informing them of an urgent situation, and are asked to
undertake a [Sanctum Purge].

An alliance of factions

A [Sanctum] has been proven to be the cause of a supernatural incident, and

several factions join together to collaborate against it, forming a team com-
prised of several ace Godhunters- who are of course the PCs, who then under-
take the [Sanctum Purge].

PCs band together

The PCs, already being friends, search for a [Sanctum Purge] request in order to
strengthen their Artificial Regalia, and then undertake it. These requests typical-
ly take the form of the client being a tochigami who had their [Sanctum] stolen
by an Aramitama, or a collaborator or Godhunter who has pinned down an evil
Mononoke in their lair.

Number Of Areas
When creating a Sanctum Episode, the number of [Areas] for the
[Sanctum Map] is decided in advance. A minimum of six [Areas] and a
maximum of 8 is suggested. If any player is inexperienced with the game,
stick to having only six [Areas] for the [Sanctum Map].

Also, make certain there is an [Entrance Area], a [Exit Area], and a [Final
Maximum Limit
The maximum [Limit] until [Sanctum Crisis] occurs is determined
from the number of [Areas] chosen. If this is the players’ first attempt at a
Sanctum, it’s adviseable to set the difficulty at “Easy.” (These are calculated
from having 6 [Areas]).

Make certain NOT to disclose the maximum [Limit] to PCs.

(Difficulty - Maximum)
Easy 45
Normal 40
Hard 35

Calculating Maximum
If the GM is creating a [Sanctum Map] for an original Sanctum
episode, calculate the maximum [Limit] in the following manner.

• Each [Area] x 5
• Each [Distortion] x 4
• Each [Sanctum Event: Combat] x 3
• Any modifiers the GM decides on
(For example, if you have a Sanctum with 6 Areas, two Distortions, and two
Combats, then the maximum Limit would be 44. Note that the above
‘difficulties’ are set for the Sample Sanctum Episode. If you want to make it
easier on your players, increase the maximum Limit you just calculated by
around 5. If you want to make it more difficult, decrease it by 5 instead.)
When the PCs undertake a [Sanctum Purge] request, there are
cases where they will receive compensation from the client. The GM
should prepare a reward as follows, according to who the client is, and
then give it to the PCs. The GM may give any kind of reward, the following
is just a guideline. For example, an event item the GM creates themselves,
or a particular rare [Material] (the effect of which is determined as per the
random charts in the base book).

Reward Guidelines

Godhunters & Collaborators

If the client is a Godhunter or collaborator, then the reward typically comes

in the form of <Fool’s Gold>. PCs are paid in the following fashion
according to the average [World Influence LV] of the group, with each PC
receiving the listed amount.

World Influence Level Advance On Success

1~2 300G 1000G
3~4 500G 1500G
5~6 1000G 2000G
7~8 1500G 3000G
9+ 2000G 4000G
Mononoke & Tochigami

If the client is a Mononoke or tochigami, then the reward typically comes

in the form of multiple [Materials] called <Treasures>. PCs are given
[Materials] in the following fashion according to the average [World Influ-
ence LV] of the group, with each PC receiving the listed amount. Note that
all of these [Materials] have [Effect: None].

World Influence Level Advance On Success

1~2 (Potency 1) x 1 (Potency 2) x 1
3~4 (Potency 1) x 1 (Potency 2) x 2
5~6 (Potency 1) x 2 (Potency 2) x 2
7~8 (Potency 1) x 2 (Potency 3) x 2
9+ (Potency 1) x 3 (Potency 3) x 2
GM Section: General Sanctum Events

Reading a Sanctum Event

[General Sanctum Events] can be found starting on the next page.
Before that is an explanation on how to read the fields of [General
Sanctum Events].

Number - “Title”

The number and title of a General Sanctum Event so that GMs can note
them down for their original episodes. This is the only field that is not told
to the players.


The narration of the [Sanctum Event]. Read this field aloud to the PCs,
then after that the contents of the [Avoid] and [Confront] fields (as well as
the Check Success and Check Failure fields), allow the PCs to decide what
to do.


This notes whether or not the [Sanctum Event] may be avoided.


This notes the action or [Maneuver] that should be done if the PCs choose
to [Confront] the [Sanctum Event]. Make sure to tell the PCs that they are
allowed to use [Use: Distortion] [Items] for the check.
Check Success & Check Failure

This notes the effect that occurs when the [Check] for the [Sanctum
Event] either fails or succeeds. Each effect occurs to the targets listed on
the following table. Note that in this case, when the [Scene Player] rolls on
the [Acquire Material Chart], that EACH PC in the party gains one of that
[Material]. For example, if [Material: PD+2 (Value: 1,000G)] is rolled, then a
number of that [Material] equal to the number of PCs is obtained.

Effect Target
[Limit] Current [Limit]
{HP} or {Crest} All PCs
[Items] or [G] All PCs
9+ (Potency 1) x 3

Sanctum Event List

#1 - Vortex of Miasma

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a dreary, barren place. As you look, the area
slowly becomes shrouded in an eerie fog. It proves to be no ordinary fog,
however, but rather a thing which transforms stagnant spirit energy into a cursed
poison- in other words, a miasma! Breathing it in will at best bring a world of
pain. All you can do is hold your breath, shroud yourself in spirit energy, and
charge on through!
[Confront]: [Difficulty: 15] {Strength} or
[Avoid]: No
[Maneuver: Fortitude]

Check Success → No Effect Check Failure → Lose 3d6 {HP}

#2 - Submerged Area

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a place that looks as though it is unnaturally
submerged in water. A strong glow of etherlight emits from the water’s surface.
However, it seems as though the path out of here is underwater. It seems the only
way forward is to dive down.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Strength} or

[Avoid]: No
[Maneuver: Swimming]

Check Success → No Effect Check Failure → Lose 1d6 {HP}

#3 - Aim High

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a strange place where tall structures crowd
together. While making your way across with a careful eye on your surroundings,
suddenly, you feel a slight spiritual power. Apparently, something is at the very
top of these structures.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 14] {Strength} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Climb]
Check Success → Roll once on the
[Acquire Material Chart], and gain Check Failure → Lose 3d6 {HP}
that [Material].
#4 - The True Path

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], an eerie place where the walls are covered in
strange patterns. As you look, a path seems to come to a dead end. A sinister
feeling wafts off the patterns on the walls there... What will you do? Will you
search around?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 16] {Strength} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Assess]
Check Success → Reduce the current
Check Failure → Lose 2d6 {Crest}
[Limit] by 2d6 (to a minimum of 0)

#5 - Tracks Found

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which resembles a desert covered in white
sands. When you take a good look around, you find a strange set of tracks
winding through the sands. However, from where the tracks lead, you can feel a
powerful spiritual pressure. What could be over there? Will you try to follow the
tracks, or something else?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Agility} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Tracking]
Check Success → Gain 1x
Check Failure → Lose 2x [Consumables]
[Rejuvenating Water]
#6 - The Bound Door

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which appears as though part of an unusually
wide room, with doors standing in a row. As you search for the next path forward,
you come across a meticulously locked door. You aren’t sure what could hidden
behind it. What will you do?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Agility} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Unlocking]
Check Success → Roll once on the
[Acquire Material Chart], and gain Check Failure → Lose 1d6 {Crest}
that [Material]

#7 - Silent Kill

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a place that brings to mind the interior of a
spacious mansion, and continue on towards a path like a wide corridor. As you
try to move down the corridor, you feel spiritual power before you. It as though a
Cursed Soul lies in wait. If you can conceal your presence and get close, and then
slay the creature with a single blow, you could proceed, but the danger is high.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Agility} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Concealment]

Check Success → Recover 1d6 {Crest} Check Failure → Lose 2d6 {HP}
#8 - Crumbling Grounds

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a place like a bridge made of massive stones.
As you examine it, you see that the stone bridge is cracked here and there, and
has a fragile appearance. If you were to move over it, you could make it across by
leaping over any crumbling portions... right?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Agility} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Acrobatics]
Check Success → Change two [Spirit]
Check Failure → Lose 10 {HP}
dice to any value.

#9 - Demonic Night Parade

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which is a wide but singular road, blocked on
the left and the right by massive walls. As you travel down it, an assembly of
creatures drifts into view further up the road. As you peer at what’s coming, you
find it to be a vast horde of Cursed Souls! If you can hide yourself, or disguise your
own form, you should be able to pass by without being noticed... probably.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 12] {Intellect} or

[Avoid]: No
[Maneuver: Disguise]

Check Success → No Effect Check Failure → Lose 1d6 {Crest} and {HP}
#10 - Strange Device

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which resembles a mechanical room filled
with strange objects and devices. Looking around, you find a device that seems as
though it may have some kind of spiritual effect... so will you try to figure out how
to activate it? Or proceed onwards?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 15] {Intellect} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Lore]

Check Success → Recover 1d6 {Crest} Check Failure → Lose 1d6 {Crest}

#11 - Treasure Awaits

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a haphazard place with junk piled all around.
Following the path through the junk, you find that some of it seems as though
they were once rare items infused with spirit energy. There might be some things
left that could be put to use. Will you try searching?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 16] {Intellect} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Appraise]
Check Success → Gain 1x [Accessory]
Check Failure → Lose 10 {HP}
of [Cost: 500G] or lower
#12 - Symbol Comprehension

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a place that gives off a mysterious air, where
large stones carved all over with strange symbols jut out of the ground. If you
were able to comprehend the symbols, you could perhaps trigger some kind of
reaction. So will you try to figure them out?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 14] {Intellect} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Identify]
Check Success → Gain [World Check Failure → Lose [World
Influence LV (Max 5)]d6 x 50 [G] Influence LV (Max 5)]d6 x 50 [G]

#13 - Elder Beast

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], a dense forest filled with pure spirit energy
that is nothing like that of a Cursed Soul. In the depths of that forest appears a
mystical spirit beast with a magnificent horn. Somehow or another, it seems as
though you’ve met with a tochigami. Will you try to ingratiate yourself with it,
and hear its story?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 17] {Will} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Etiquette]

Check Success → Recover 2d6 {Crest} Check Failure → Lose 2d6 {Crest}
#14 - A God’s Blessing

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which seems to be on the premises of an

uncommonly beautiful, large shrine. Within the hall of worship appears a being
bathed in a golden light. It seems as though an aspect of a god that governs the
creation of matter. If you are skilled at negotiation, you may be able to purchase
Artificial Regalia and medicine here.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 13] {Will} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Negotiation]
Check Success → Able to buy and sell
Check Failure → No Effect

#15 - The Masses

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which seems like a large cavern that is
protected by a pure barrier. As you head further in, you find a large number of
good Mononoke. As they haven’t become Cursed Souls, it would be better to take
charge and explain the situation, for now.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 11] {Will} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Command]
Check Success → Roll once on the Check Failure → At the [Final Battle], add
[Acquire Material Chart], and gain one [Mononoke] 1-2 levels below the PC’s
that [Material] [World Influence LV] average.
#16 - Moody Primal

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which resembles a magnificent shrine filled
with pure spirit energy that is nothing like that of a Cursed Soul. At the center of
that shrine appears a mystic spirit beast with a jeweled eye. Somehow or another,
it seems as though you’ve met with a tochigami. However, the tochigami’s mood
seems rather sour, due to some incident.

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 16] {Will} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Charm]

Check Success → Recover 30 {HP} Check Failure → Lose 10 {HP}

#17 - Found A Clue

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], and find a massive corridor big enough that
it feels as though a giant could pass through it unhindered. As you start forward,
suddenly, a strange feeling of unease washes over you. It seems as though you
are caught up in something strange. It doesn’t seem as though there’s anything
here, but just in case, will you search around? Or will you hurry onwards?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 16] {Luck} or [Ma-

[Avoid]: Yes
neuver: Spot]
Check Success → Reduce current
Check Failure → Increase [Limit] by 2d6
[Limit] by 2d6 (to a minimum of 0)
#18 - Distortion

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], and a rather beautiful landscape spreads out
before you. It could only be one of the places that reside deep in the Nushi that
created this [Sanctum]’s heart. It doesn’t seem as though there’s anything here,
but just in case, will you search around? Or will you hurry onwards?

[Avoid]: Yes

Perform [Sense] for the [Distortion] the GM has prepared ahead of time, and then
resolve either [Mend] or [Destroy] (as per the base book rules).

#19 - Small Voices

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which looks like the roof of a palace or large
mansion. As you quietly make your way through to the next path, are able to hear
voices coming from below your feet. It seems as though some Cursed Souls are
communicating. Will you try to listen in?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 15] {Luck} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Eavesdrop]
Check Success → Reduce current
Check Failure → Increase [Limit] by 1d6
[Limit] by 1d6 (to a minimum of 0)
#20 - Dimensional Road

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], where a single, eerie road winds its way
through a strange landscape. It appears as though it is a path that passes through
another dimension. What will you do? Will you follow the path?

[Confront]: [Difficulty: 15] {Luck} or

[Avoid]: Yes
[Maneuver: Intuition]
Check Success → Reduce current
Check Failure → Lose 2d6 {Crest}
[Limit] by 2d6 (to a minimum of 0)

#21 - Battle

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], which proves to be an excessively wide space.
Sensing something in the center of the area, you hide and take a look. When you
do, you find what seem to be hostile beings. Will you fight them here? Or will you
try to sneak around?

[Avoid]: Yes
[Confront]: [Combat] with [NPCs] the GM designates. The players [Install] their
PCs into any of the following squares: A6, A7, A8, B6, B7, B8. The GM [Installs]
their designated NPCs into any square.

Check Success → No Effect Check Failure → The session ends

#22 - Final Battle

Narration - You arrive in the [Area], and within the hateful nemesis you all have
been pursuing this whole time lies in wait. Taking your Regalia in hand, your body
erupting with spirit energy... is now the time to fight the final battle?

[Avoid]: Yes
[Confront]: [Combat] with [NPCs] the GM designates. The players [Install] their
PCs into any of the following squares: A6, A7, A8, B6, B7, B8. The GM [Installs]
their designated NPCs into any square.
Check Success → [Sanctum Purge]
Check Failure → The session ends
ends, and then the episode ends

(TL Note: For the purposes of Battle and Final Battle, You don’t necessarily need to have a
hard coded grid. Instead, simply set up a simple battle map ahead of time, with the players
characters having a specific 2x3 box they can start in.)

(TL Note 2: Sanctum Events are supposed to be rapidfire. They require everyone to help, but
the checks themselves are generally low enough that even a godhunter with a 1 in the stat
has a chance to make them, without any aid. If your players are worried or complain about
how all of them need to make a check, inform them of this, and that distortion items such as
the Psychic Camera also apply to their checks within a sanctum. Other bonus’ include cover
bonus’, Gear bonus’, Talent bonus’, and many more. On top of this, PC’s that pass the checks
are allowed to aid ones that failed by giving 1 to 3 points from their result to another player,
except in the case of a distortion which works as normal. There is very little danger of failing
a sanctum check for a properly prepared party, and as such they can proceed with some
level of ease.)
GM Section: Boss Talents

Dispersal Setup Widen Range

Timing Prep Range User Timing Unique Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Through a special technique or a supernatural power, Using a forbidden power or a special technique, the
the boss expands how many its can target with its boss instantly expands the range of its attack.
Unique Effect.
Unique Effect. The target may use this Talent at any time, but loses 5
The target increases the [Target] of their [Timing: {HP} when they do. The target changes the [Range]
Attack] [Actions] by +2#. If the [Target] is already of their [Timing: Attack] [Actions] to [Combat Zone].
[Area • Combat Zone], it gains +1d6 at [Damage This Talent may be used once per round.

Extra Limbs Supernatural Cannonball

Timing Constant Range User Timing Prep Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Possessing multiple sets of powerful legs or arms, this Levitating something with tremendous mystic
boss can attack continually. power, or floating it using supernatural abilities, the
boss hurls an object at high speeds at an enemy.
The target gains an additional [Timing: Attack]. When
a PC is taking their [Turn], by spending all of their Once every round, the target may destroy one
[Timing: Attack], they may make a [Difficulty: 20] adjacent [Obstacle] or Mononoke with “x#” in their
{Strength} or {Intellect} check, and if successful, the name to make a [Special Attack] on [Range: 7 Sq.
effect of this Talent is lost for the rest of the [Combat] / Target: 1#] with [Effect Class: Physical Attack /
(for this [Combat] only). Reveal these effects to the Physical Damage: 2d6+”{Accuracy Fixed Value} x
players if they are successful at [Identify]. Also, by 2”]. Destroyed Mononoke may not be revived with
changing the name of this Talent (arms/legs), «Calamity Caller», but PCs still gain [XP] {Crest} and
multiples of this Talent may be acquired. [Materials] as normal.
Deadly Blow Crest Erosion
Timing Constant Range User Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None Target User Cost None

Whether through genius, training, or supernatural Placing a curse upon itself, when the boss’s technique
ability, for whatever reason this boss can unleash cer- invocations are hindered, it erodes that enemy’s Crest.
tain-kill strikes.
Passive Effect.
Passive Effect. The [Range: Combat Zone / Target 1#] who uses
The target gains +1 to the [Active Check], and +5 to a Talent to cancel a Talent the target uses (such as
the [Damage Calculation] of [Weapon Attacks]. If the «Shadow Bind» or «Shadow Break») loses 5 {Crest}.
target of the [Weapon Attack] is a [Mononoke], the
user gains an additional +[(LV x 5)] (maximum +30).

Art Adaptation
Timing Constant Range User

Target User Cost None

Through a fearsome chaos technique, the boss has
resistance against all kinds of techniques.

Passive Effect. The target delays the effect of all

Talents other than [Timing: Constant] until [Timing:
Start] of the next round. For example, if the target is
hit with «Violent Strike», then until [Timing: Start] of
the next round, the target does not take the effects
of «Violent Strike» (or in other words, it cancels the
effect and [Damage] of «Violent Strike» until then).
GM Section: Mononoke

Humanoid Mononoke
Amanojaku Class: Humanoid Lvl: 1 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 7
Senses Normal Weakness [Light] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 2 2 5 4 3
6 (4) 40 1 0
Fixed Value 9 9 12 11 10
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- 2d6+9 magical damage.
«Distance Manipulation»: Prep / User
- The target increases the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by 4 Sq. (if Engaged, then move 4 Sq.; if Combat Zone, change effect to +1d6 to
«Element Magic I»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- [Element: Phantom] 2d6+9 magical damage. 1/Round

Materials (2d6)
2~6: None
7+: Fragment of Truth/Will+1: 500G (Potency: 1)

A Mononoke about one meter tall, with a bump akin to a horn on its head. It is skilled at reading the human heart, and tempts its victims into
becoming obsessed with their darker natures, ultimately causing them to be transformed into the same being as itself, an amanojaku. They thrive
on the negative emotions created from the conflict surrounding them, and it is that very nature that often sees them becoming servants for

(TL Note: The previous mononoke formatting was, for lack of a better term,
rough, so we refromatted it to be a little bit easier on the eyes.
Fishman x5 Class: Humanoid Lvl: 2 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 10
Senses Heat Weakness [Fire] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 6 4 1 4 2
8 (5) 46 2 0
Fixed Value 13 11 8 11 9
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+14 physical damage.
«Siege Formation»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- “x#” Mononoke within [Range] gain +2 to {Accuracy} checks.
«Fishmen Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+14 physical damage, and this enemy may force targets that took at least 1 point of damage to move 1 Sq. ignoring

Materials (2d6)
0~6: None
7~10: Glistening Scales/Armor+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Spiney Fin/HP+6: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke with the appearance of a humanoid fish, having the head of one, plus scaley arms and legs. They can interbreed with humans, and
while as a hatchling they appear like a human, gradually as they grow into an adult they make a total metamorphosis into their original form, and
after that, they return to the seas. Although their appearance imitates humans, they are overwhelmingly powerful when in groups, and in
particular they are highly dangerous when in water.

Experienced Magical Girl Class: Humanoid Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 13
Senses Normal Weakness [Toxin] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 7 2 3 5 3
11 (6) 43 3 0
Fixed Value 14 9 10 12 10
[Weapon Attack]: Ranged Attack / 7 Sq. / 2#
- [Form: Ranged] 2d6+16 physical damage.
«Flight Rune»: Start / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains [Shift: Flight].
«Hidden Technique I»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / 1#
- The user gains +3 to the {Accuracy} check, then Inflicts [Form: Ranged] 25 points of physical damage. 1/Combat.
«Magical Barrier»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- Target gains +5 [Barrier]. 1/Round.
«Mana Crush»: Unique / User
- The target changes [Physical Damage] into [Magical Damage]. 1/Round.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Magical Girl Battle Wear/Barrier+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Magical Girl Battle Staff/MD+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

A magical girl who has grown spiritual through the accumulation of battle experience. Although they now see the world for what it is, they
continue to fight for a wish they cannot give up, or for people they must protect. Though they try to avoid pointless battles, they will not hesitate
to bring their power to bear when they uncover evil.
Ippon Datara Class: Humanoid Lvl: 6 (2)
Size 3 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 15
Senses Magic Weakness [Magnet] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 10 2 10 7 3
14 (7) 89 10 5
Fixed Value 17 9 17 14 10
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 4d6+19 physical damage.
«Iron Mallet Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+24 physical damage, and this enemy may force targets that took at least 1 point of damage to move up to 2 Sq. ignoring
«Throw Stone»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Halves
- 2d6+15 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Counter»: Defense / User / No Evasion
- Use On {Evasion} Check. The {Evasion} check automatically fails, but [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] takes [Form: Hammer] 3d6+24 physical
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Giant Eyelid/Intellect+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Rare Ore/Armor+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A Mononoke that gained power when a Shard came to reside in an ore or gemstone and gathered spirit energy. A giant with one eye and one leg,
it has the power to freely control metals. It is worshiped by mountain people, and while it does not actively hurt people, neither does it give mercy
to those who violate its dominion.

Tenaga Ashinaga Class: Humanoid Lvl: 7 (2)

Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits High ID 19
Senses Normal Weakness [Wind] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 12 4 3 10 4
19 (8) 85 7 4
Fixed Value 19 11 10 17 11
[Weapon Attack]: Special Attack / 4 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 3d6+27 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change an [Attack Action] to a [Special Attack]. 1/Combat.
«Gain Distance»: Start / User
- The target [Installs] up to 7 Sq. away. 1/Combat.
«Clever Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- The user gains +2 to the {Accuracy} check, then Inflicts [Form: Hammer] 2d6+27 physical damage.
«Rampage II»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / Area
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+32 physical damage. 2/Round.
«Two Gods, One Body»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack].
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Giant Claw/Strength+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Clam Toy/Speed+2: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A pair of giant Mononoke, where one has extremely long arms and the other has extremely long legs. They act as a pair, and are believed to sink
ships and assault then eat humans using their long limbs like whips. They are spoken of as a type of demon, but in some regions they serve as
messengers for the gods.
Raihousha Class: Humanoid Lvl: 11 (3)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 25
Senses Normal Weakness None
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 2 17 17 5 4
23 (10) 89 9 0
Fixed Value 9 24 24 12 11
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- 2d6+36 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Gain +10d6 to the [Damage] of an [Attack Action]. 1/Session.
«Attack Magic III»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Area / Halves
- 4d6+40 magical damage. 2/Round.
«Barrier Interference»: Defense / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target exchanges [Barrier] values with the user.
«Spell Annulment»: Unique / Combat Zone / 1#
- Cancel the [Magical Attack] the target is making.
«Three Eyes»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attac]. Also, it always has [Remove: Darkness • Fallen].
Materials (2d6)
2~8: Otherworldly Metal/MD+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
9+: Third Eye Gem/Null Darkness: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A being capable of using a rudimentary kind of spirit energy, and an extremely rare type of Marebito from another world, lost in this one. It has
a sensory organ like a jewel on its forehead. It cannot use Spirit Burn, but its can temporarily make its spirit energy explode, using latent traits
different from the ones of this world.

Ura Class: Humanoid Lvl: 13 (3)

Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 24
Senses Magic Weakness [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 17 15 5 3 6
23 (10) 101 5 5
Fixed Value 24 22 12 10 13
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+39 physical damage.
«Oni Lord’s Hide»: Start / User / User
- The target declares one from [Form: Sword • Spear • Axe • Hammer], and for the rest of the turn, [Halves] [Physical Damage] taken from that
«Battle Art IV»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- The user gains +4 to the {Accuracy} check, then Inflicts [Form: Sword] 3d6+54 physical damage.
«Lord of the Oni»: Constant / User
- During the target’s turn, they gain +2 [Timing: Attack]. Also, 1/Round, may make a [Reaction Check] against an [Attack Action] from outside
[Engaged] using {Accuracy}.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Oni Lord’s Bone/Strength+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
11+: Princess’s Hair Ornament/Null Pain: 4000G (Potency: 5)

An oni lord who once ruled over the Kingdom of Kibi. In a conflict with Yamato, Kibitsuhiko-no-Mikoto destroyed Ura, who then sealed his bones
within a shrine. The bones were lost during Purgatory Night, and twelve years later, after a certain island in the Seto Sea was purchased,
something calling themselves Ura erected a massive Sanctum there. While the goal of this Ura is unknown at present, the factions are keeping a
close eye on the situation.
Beast Mononoke

Old Rat x10 Class: Beast Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 1 Reaction Hostile
Wits Low ID 10
Senses Heat Weakness [Magnet] [Phantom]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 6 4 1 1 2
14 (7) 31 0 0
Fixed Value 13 11 8 8 9
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 1d6+10 physical damage.
«Devouring Swarm»: Start / 4 Sq. / 1#
- Reduce the {HP} of [Obstacles] in range by 30 points. When an [Obstacle]’s {HP} is reduced to 0 through the repeated use of this effect, the
[Obstacle] is destroyed.
«Demon Strike I»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+14 physical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] take [Shift: Fallen].

Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Soft Ears/Intellect+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Round Tail/Luck+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A rat Mononoke that under the influence of a Shard has grown to be around 60cm long. They’re very greedy, and seek to fill their appetites by
following where their instinct takes them. Their natures are virtually unchanged from normal rats, but because they are infused with the concept
of “rats ruin buildings by gnawing them down,” they pose a serious threat to everything nearby when they band together, so it’s important to deal
with them quickly.
Okuri-Inu Class: Beast Lvl: 2 (1)
Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 13
Senses Magic Weakness [Cold] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 7 5 5 1 4
13 (6) 44 2 2
Fixed Value 14 12 12 8 11
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+13 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change an [Attack Action] to a [Special Attack], 1/Combat.
«Demon Dog Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+14 physical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] take [Shift: Fallen].
«Seventh Fall Curse»: Unique / 5 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +1 to the result of their [Check]. 1/Round.
«Defense Barrier I»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +5 [Barrier]. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
2~8: Sharp Fang/PD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
9+: Dog Hide/Barrier+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

A type of Mononoke that came to be when a Shard found its way inside of a dog. Evil Okuri-inu follow behind humans, then assail them and
devour their souls. However, there also exist those that are friendly and help humans, or serve Divine Souls. When they live a long time, they begin
to wear accessories over their bodies, and gain more spirit energy in proportion to how much they wear.

Great Toad Class: Beast Lvl: 3 (1)

Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits Normal ID 10
Senses Heat Weakness [Fire] [Cold]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 7 3 2 4 4
12 (6) 48 3 2
Fixed Value 14 10 9 11 11
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+13 physical damage.
«Bestow Weapon Resist II»: Start / 5 Sq. / 1#
- The target [Halves] physical damage taken from [Form: Axe • Hammer].
«Swallow Whole»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+21 physical damage.
«Rainbow Fog»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Halves
- [Element: Phantom] 2d6+10 magical damage. Targets that fail their {Resist} check take [Shift: Fallen].

Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Toad Oil/Armor+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Elastic Tongue/Strength+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A type of giant toad Mononoke that reaches three meters in height. They are beings that acquire spirit energy when a Shard comes to reside in a
frog that has lived for hundreds of years. They breathe out a fog that shimmers like a rainbow, and those who come into contact with it have their
thoughts grow hazy. They excrete a sacramental mucus from their skin, and by basking in that mucus, they halve the effects of certain weapons.
Hihi Class: Beast Lvl: 4 (1)
Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 14
Senses Heat Weakness [Fire] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 10 9 2 1 3
15 (7) 64 5 2
Fixed Value 17 16 9 8 10
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 4d6+16 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area], 1/Combat.
«Wind and Clouds»: Start / User
- The target [Installs] up to 7 Sq. away. 1/Combat.
«Demon Strike I»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 3d6+17 physical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] take [Shift: Fallen].
«Beast’s Instinct»: Defense / User
- Use On {Evasion} Check. The target gains +2 to its {Evasion} check. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
2~8: Hihi’s Upper Lip/Intellect+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
9+: Hihi’s Jawbone/Strength+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

A type of Mononoke that appears as a giant monkey roughly three meters tall. It came to being when a Shard entered an aged monkey, and it
has the propensity to target feminine souls, which it favors. In addition to having high intellect, it has mystic power enough to easily tear apart
humans, as well as being able to control the wind and the clouds, and it often ensnares people in wicked schemes.

Onikuma Class: Beast Lvl: 9 (2)

Size 4 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 19
Senses Heat Weakness [Shock] [Phantom]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 15 10 4 3 4
25 (10) 128 11 6
Fixed Value 22 17 11 10 11
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 5d6+32 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Make 1x [Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation], 1/Combat.
«Slam III»: Physical Attack / 2 Sq. / 2#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+42 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] into any square within 3 Sq.
«Cover»: Defense / Engaged / 1#
- Use On Damage Reduction. The user receives the [Damage] in place of the target (Treat as though {Resist} check had failed). <<Cover>> has no
effect on [Target: Area - Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].
«Bear Storm»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target [Halves] physical damage from [Form: Hammer].
Materials (2d6)
2~8: Thick Hide/Armor+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
9+: Huge Bear Claw/PD+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A being where an old bear transformed into a Mononoke. Reaching ten meters in length, it has resilience and strength suitable for such a massive
body. As they possess both a certain degree of intelligence and agility that belies its size, even Godhunters find these creatures to be difficult foes.
Mizuchi Class: Beast Lvl: 11 (3)
Size 5 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 21
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 18 6 3 15 4
26 (11) 153 15 14
Fixed Value 25 13 10 22 11
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Charge 4 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 6d6+40 physical damage.
«Mizuchi’s Poisoned Fangs»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Sword] 3d6+40 physical damage. If the target takes at least 1 point of damage from this attack, they also take [Shift: Poison].
«Evil Eye»: Unique / 10 Sq. / 1#
- Use when the target declares a Talent. Cancel the effect of one non-[Timing: Constant] Talent the target used.
«Clan of the Great Snake God»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x1 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target changes [Element: Cold] [Damage] received to 0, and ignores other
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Mizuchi’s Scales/Speed+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Mizuchi’s Heart/Null Poison: 3,000G (Potency: 5)

A snake Mononoke that grew massive and ageless by absorbing the energy from a leyline in a body of water. Its entire body is covered in scales
like steel, and venom drips from its claws, which are like spear heads. It is believed that this Mononoke desires strength enough to become a
dragon, and will enact severe retribution on those who try to invade the leyline where it lives.

Oguchi no Makami Class: Beast Lvl: 13 (3)

Size 2 Reaction Neutral
Wits Clever ID 25
Senses Domain Weakness [Magnet] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 16 18 4 5 5
29 (12) 110 4 3
Fixed Value 23 25 11 12 12
[Weapon Attack]: Ranged Attack / Charge 4 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 3d6+32 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change an [Attack Action] into a [Special Attack], 1/Round.
«Commander of Beasts»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- Mononoke of the user’s choice within [Range] gain +9 {Initiative} and +10 at [Damage Calculation]
«Curse of Fangs and Claws»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Sword] 4d6+19 physical damage. Targets who fail their [Reaction Check] take -3 to their {Evasion} checks for the rest of the combat.
«Makami»: Constant / User
- During the target’s turn, it gains +1 [Timing: Attack].
«Wild Instinct»: Unique / User
- The target may make an {Insight} check using {Accuracy}. 1/Round.
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Makami’s Fangs/PD+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
10+: Makami’s White Tail/Initiative+5: 3,000G (Potency: 5)

A wolf god about one meter long with a pale coat, it lives together with its clan within an expansive spirit barrier in the deep mountains. Although
it dislikes humans due to past circumstances, it’s rumored that at times it will appear before certain humans, and offer them its blessing in
exchange for undertaking certain hardships.
Insectoid Mononoke

Akaname Class: Insectoid Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 10
Senses Normal Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 5 2 6 1 2
8 (5) 41 1 1
Fixed Value 12 9 13 8 9
[Weapon Attack]: Ranged Attack / 4 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 2d6+6 physical damage.
«Corroding Mold»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Area / Cancels
2d6+9 magical damage. Targets who take at least 1 point of damage [Halve] their [Armor] for the rest of the combat.
«Odd Trajectory»: Constant / User
- The target may change any [Attack Action] to [Special Attack / Range: 4 Sq. / Target: 1#].

Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Long Red Tongue/HP+3: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Enlongated Claws/Strength+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke created when stagnant spirit energy, accumulating in a dark, dank, filthy place, seeped into an insect that normally can be found at
such places. Taking a human form roughly a meter in height with chopped hair and red skin, it naturally tries to spread its filth by licking targets
with its long tongue.
Polterbugs x100 Class: Insectoid Lvl: 3 (1)
Size 0 Reaction Hostile
Wits Low ID 11
Senses Normal Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech No Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 7 3 1 2 1
9 (5) 43 0 0
Fixed Value 14 10 8 9 8
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 1d6+13 physical damage.
«Envelop»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+13 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Plague Carrier»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- Use On Active Check. If the target’s first [Attack Action] deals at least 1 point of damage, the target takes [Shift: Poison].
«Like Fog»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.

Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Polterbug Wings/MD+1 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Enmity Crystal/Bestow Toxin: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
Insect Mononoke born from the souls of animals or people who died while gripped in bitter resentment. Many are referred to by the type of soul
that created them, such as the jougen-mushi, the okiku-mushi, or the Heike crab. They are commonly believed to be the source of plagues and
droughts, but there are those who, following the dying wish of the soul that created them, become guardian deities.

Monstrous Insectoid Class: Insectoid Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Hostile
Wits Normal ID 15
Senses Heat Weakness [Cold] [Wind]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 8 7 1 1 2
13 (6) 49 6 1
Fixed Value 15 14 8 8 9
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 2d6+18 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Make 1x [Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation]. 1/Combat.
«Twisted Transformation»: Start / User
- For the rest of the combat, the target gains +1d6 at [Damage Calculation].
«Binding Strike I»: Physical Attack / 3 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 2d6+14 physical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] take -2 to {Initiative} (stacks up to -6; Initiative cannot drop
below 0).
«Diversion»: Unique / 3 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +1 to {Accuracy} checks, and +3 to physical damage.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Fake Multifaceted Eyes/Intellect+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Brainwashing Device/Bestow Shock: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

What used to be a human, then had a special Shard embedded inside of them by a dark faction, morphing them into a twisted Mononoke.
Because it was originally an Innocent unused to having a Shard, the finished product isn’t very powerful. However, it often serves an even stronger
Mononoke or an Aramitama. They have lost their original personality, but in extremely rare cases, there are some that regain their
Tomoebotaru Class: Insectoid Lvl: 5 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 17
Senses Heat Weakness [Cold] [Wind]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 8 1 10 11 2
16 (7) 67 2 1
Fixed Value 15 8 17 18 9
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- 2d6+21 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area]. 1/Combat.
«Agony Attack»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+13 physical damage. Targets that take at least 1 point of this damage gain [Shift: Pain].
«Element Magic II»: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 3# / Cancel
- [Element: Light] 2d6+26 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Entrancing Light»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target reduces the result of their active check by 2. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Tomoe Crested Wings/Barrier+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Incandescent Organ/Bestow Light: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A being that was born when the soul of a human entered a firefly and became a Mononoke. Its name comes from the pattern on its body that
resembles two magatama jewels opposite each other. Its nature is to change into a human, then act as live bait to kidnap other humans and take
them to feed their carnivorous larva. However, there are examples where, drawing upon the memories of the soul within them, they will live in
harmony with humans.

Blacklight Bug x3 Class: Insectoid Lvl: 7 (2)

Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits High ID 18
Senses Magic Weakness [Cold] [Toxin]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 11 10 1 2 3
19 (8) 104 14 3
Fixed Value 18 17 8 9 10
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 4d6+23 physical damage.
«Hard Flight»: Start / User
- The target [Installs] into a square within [Range: 7 Sq.] 1/Combat.
«Slam II»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 2#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+28 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] into a square up to 2 Sq.
«Counter»: Defense / User / No Evasion
- Use On {Evasion} Check. The {Evasion} check automatically fails, but [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] takes [Form: Hammer] 2d6+26 physical
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Jagged Antenna/HP+3: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Black Thorax/Initiative+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A Mononoke born from a cockroach getting a Shard. Their quickness, tenacity, and propensity to breed quickly make them a nuisance, much like
humans. They are surprisingly intelligent and adaptible, and underestimating them as mere insects will only end in pain.
Jorogumo Class: Insectoid Lvl: 9 (2)
Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 22
Senses Magic Weakness [Wind] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 15 14 4 3 2
20 (9) 91 6 7
Fixed Value 22 21 11 10 9
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / 2 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 4d6+35 Physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change an [Attack Action] to [Target: Area]. 1/Round.
«Restraint II»: Physical Attack / 7 Sq. / 2#
- [Form: Ranged] 4d6+26 physical damage. Targets that fail their reactive check gain -3 to {Initiative} until [Timing: End]. This effect can stack (Up
to a maximum of -9).
«Neurotoxin»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- Use on {Accuracy} Check. If the target takes at least 1 point of damage from a [Physical Attack], they gain [Shift: Pain]. 1/Round.
«Eight legs, Eight Feet»: Constant / User
- During the targets [Turn], gain x1 [Timing: Attack].

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Heavy Duty Thread/MD+3: 1500G (Potency: 3)
9+: Crimson Eye/Halve Toxin: 2000G (Potency: 4)

After several years of dwelling in a spirit energy-rich enviroment, this spider developed a massive shard and became a powerful entity. They
typically take a female form, and are referred to as such, but there exists both male and female Jorogumo.They have a cruel but compassionate
nature, Sometimes lending their spiritual power to those that they like.

Nanunokami Class: Insectoid Lvl: 12 (3)

Size 5 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 24
Senses Domain Weakness [Cold] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 18 3 2 17 3
19 (8) 151 15 10
Fixed Value 25 10 9 24 10
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / 5 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 6d6+41 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. 1/Round
«Confusion»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target takes a -1 penalty to [Reactive Checks].
«Slam III»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+51 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] into a square up to 3 Sq.
«Burrower at the Heart of the World»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x1 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target changes [Element: Fire] [Damage] received to 0, and ignores other
Materials (2d6)
2~7: Mental Receptor/Will+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
8+: Metal Egg/Bestow Fire: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A Mononoke with an appearance like a massive caterpillar exceeding thirty meters in length, with tentacles sprouting from its body. It moves by
burrowing through the ground, and has the ability to cause earthquakes by influencing leylines. It also seems to exhibit a powerful ability to
influence minds. Although fire has little effect on it, it doesn’t do well in large bodies of water, and there’s been cases where on was sealed in a
lake or on a solitary island. From its shape and personality, some wonder whether it isn’t a nozuchi that has reached adulthood.
Plant Mononoke

Korpokkur Class: Plant Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 1 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 10
Senses Normal Weakness [Toxin] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 1 2 5 4 2
5 (4) 18 0 2
Fixed Value 8 9 12 11 9
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 5 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 1d6+9 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [2#]. 1/Combat.
«Hide»: Start / 5 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains [Shift: Hidden] at [Result: 20].
«Elemental Attack I»: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- [Element: Wind] 2d6+9 magical damage. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
2~7: None
8~10: Small Clothes/Luck+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Holy Tree Acorn / HP+6: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
Small, humanoid Mononoke that are born from the rocks, trees, and flowers of verdant lands that have been steeped over many years in the spirit
energy of powerful leylines. They move quickly to avoid being seen by humans, something they hate, and live quietly inside of Sanctums they’ve
set up in deep mountainous regions. They are generally considered to be harmless, but they deal with those who break promises, or those who try
to invade their territory, harshly.
Azukiarai Class: Plant Lvl: 3 (1)
Size 1 Reaction Neutral
Wits Normal ID 11
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 7 6 2 1 2
5 (4) 40 0 2
Fixed Value 14 13 9 8 9
[Weapon Attack]: Ranged Attack / 5 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 2d6+13 physical damage.
«Strange Noise»: Start / User
- The target [Halves] magical damage they take.
«Rampage I»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+13 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Cover»: Defense / Engaged / 1#
- Use On Damage Reduction. The user receives the [Damage] in place of the target (treat as though {Resist} check had failed). This Talent has no
effect on [Area - Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].
Materials (2d6)
2~8: Tree Fruit Set/Will+4: 500G (Potency: 1)
9+: Sacred Tree Sapling/EVA+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

Azukiarai, or bean washers, are creatures formed when a soul fuses with the spirit of a plant and becomes a Mononoke. They are commonly
found watching over and tending to the vegetation of holy mountains, wearing the form of an animal or a child. When humans approach, they
warn them away by making a noise using whatever seeds or fruit they have on hand, but they got their name because that noise always sounds
like someone washing azuki beans. Azukiarai have simple, mild natures, but if it’s to protect someone, they won’t hesitate to step up.

Oshirasama Class: Plant Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 1 Reaction Friendly
Wits High ID 11
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 2 1 7 7 3
4 (3) 41 3 3
Fixed Value 9 8 14 14 10
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- [Form: Hammer] 1d6+14 magical damage.
«Warding God»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target gains +1 to the result of their Reactive Checks.
«Attack Spell I»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Halves
- 2d6+18 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Shift Resist I»: Constant / User
- The target always has [Remove: Pain].

Materials (2d6)
Auto: Pure Mulberry Branch/Luck+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
2~10: Small Kimono/Barrier+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Pure White Mayudama/INS+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
Oshirasama is a wooden doll worshiped as a god, which has become a Mononoke. It often appears as a wooden doll roughly 30cm tall, wearing a
kimono. It is a guardian god of human habitations, such as homes or farmlands, and enjoys playing with small children. Generally speaking, it is a
friendly being with a peaceful personality, but it’s also believed to inflict harsh curses upon those who commit taboos.
Mitousama x5 Class: Plant Lvl: 5 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 17
Senses Magic Weakness [Shock] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 9 1 10 3 5
16 (7) 71 1 7
Fixed Value 16 8 17 10 12
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+17 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area]. 1/Combat.
«Optic Armament»: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 3# / Cancel
- [Element: Light] 2d6+26 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Gravity Barrier»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +10 [Armor]. 1/Round.
«Being From the Stars»: Constant / User
- The target changes [Element: Phantom] [Damage] received to 0, and ignores other effects.

Materials (2d6)
2~11: Mystery Metal Fragment/MD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
12+: Metallic Coin/Halve Phantom: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A Mononoke that lives in caves deep in the mountains, or in mines, and resembles a huge crustacean with six legs and wings growing out of its
back. It has a mushroom-like cap on its head, and from that and its ecology it is believed to be akin to a fungus. Despite that, it has unusually high
levels of intelligence. It has a fixation with just digging certain ores out of holes in the ground, and basically avoids contact with humans. However,
there are rare cases where one will form a symbiotic relationship with people, and in some areas they are even worshiped as gods of mines.

Uefukazu-no-mikoto Class: Plant Lvl: 8 (2)

Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 18
Senses Domain Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 13 1 3 11 4
11 (6) 104 12 2
Fixed Value 20 8 10 18 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / 2 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 3d6+30 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. 1/Round.
«Bar the Way»: Unique / Engaged / 1#
- When the user declares [Engaged] with a [Target], or when a [Target] declares [Engaged - Breakaway - Withdraw] on the user, the
user may immediately make 1x [Weapon Attack]. 2/Round.
«Gatekeeper of the Holy Grounds»: Unique / Combat Zone / 1#
- Use when the target declares a Talent. Cancel the effect of one [Timing: Start] Talent that the target used.
«Avatar of the Torii»: Constant / User
- The target [Halves] physical damage from [Form: Sword • Spear].
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Shard of a Torii/Armor+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
8+: Holy Spear Decorative Cloth/INIT+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

The uefukazu-no-mikoto is a Mononoke that was once a torii gate which guarded the entrance to a holy site built over a massive leyline. Together
with komainu and other such creatures, it plays a role in rejecting those evil creatures that try to approach, or those who is does not recognize as
its master. It’s almost unheard of that a uefukazu-no-mikoto will move from its role as a gatekeeper, but there have been reports of some being
active on their own will when the site they are guarding is destroyed, or when they are abandoned.
Tsubaki Tennyo Class: Plant Lvl: 10 (2)
Size 2 Reaction Neutral
Wits Clever ID 14
Senses Domain Weakness [Fire] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 16 14 5 4 6
19 (8) 92 5 11
Fixed Value 23 21 12 11 13
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+35 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area].
«Fallen Camellia»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword / Element: Wind] 2d6+67 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Breath of the Earth»: Defense / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target always has [Remove: Darkness • Poison • Pain • Paralysis].
«Thousand Year Camellia»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target may change [Physical Damage] into [Magical Damage],
Materials (2d6)
2~4: Old Wooden Dagger/Agility+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
5~9: Crimson Petals/HP+9: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
10+: Camellia Hairpin/Barrier+4: 2,0000 (Potency: 4)
A being where a giant tree above a leyline in the deep mountains, or else the mountain itself, becomes a Mononoke. As it appears in the form of
an incomparably beautiful woman adorned in a crimson feathered robe, the Mononoke is called a Tsubaki Tennyo, or Heavenly Woman of
Camellias. Because it rarely leaves its territory, eyewitness accounts are rare. However, there are legends saying that the Tsubaki Tennyo has had,
in the past, relations with humans, leaving behind descendants.

Fusouju-no-Wakagi Class: Plant Lvl: 13 (3)

Size 5 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 26
Senses Domain Weakness [Fire] [Shock]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 5 2 17 18 5
13 (6) 155 18 14
Fixed Value 12 9 24 25 12
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 6d6+36 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. 1/Round.
«Energy Storm»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target re-rolls all of their current [Spirit] (doesn’t count exhausted spirit).
«Elemental Spell IV»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Area / Cancels
- [Element: Wind] 3d6+51 magical damage. 2/Round.
«Breath of Life»: End / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target [Recovers] 20 {HP}.
«Divine Tree of Takahara»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +2 [Timing: Attack].
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Fusouju’s Leaves/Halve Wind: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
10+: Fusouju’s Bark/Armor+5: 3,000G (Potency: 5)

A giant sapling tree that lived in the land of Divine Souls, Takahara, which was believed to exist in the skies over Japan. The tree itself is essentially
an enormous cluster of spirit energy, able to become a leyline itself just by snaking its roots through the ground. Just one of its seeds is worth a
thousand gold, but the Mononoke born from the tree’s leyline have settled around it, so just getting close is extremely hazardous.
Mechanical Mononoke

Ittan-momen Class: Mechanical Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 4 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 8
Senses Magic Weakness [Flame] [Shock]
Speech No Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 7 6 2 6 1
15 (7) 46 5 4
Fixed Value 14 13 9 13 8
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 4d6+11 physical damage.
«Frenzy»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+11 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Magically Resistant Cloth»: Unique / 4 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +5 [Barrier]. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Ether Thread Embroidery/Barrier+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Shikigami Cloth/Evasion+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A type of shikigami created as sacred cloth. It looks like an unrolled roll of cloth ten meters long, with a pair of small, spindly arms extending from
it. It uses cloth that incorporates command expressions, and so is able to carry out simple tasks on its own, like attacking someone or cleaning
something. As they are originally constructed from a material adapted to spirit energy, they will sometimes develop self-awareness when
influenced by a Shard.
Rokurokubi Class: Mechanical Lvl: 3 (1)
Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 9
Senses Normal Weakness [Shock] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 8 4 2 9 3
11 (6) 48 5 3
Fixed Value 15 11 9 16 10
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+14 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Make 1x [Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation]. 1/Combat.
«Distance Manipulation»: Prep / User
- The target increases the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by 4 Sq. (if Engaged, then move 4 Sq.; if Combat Zone, change effect to
+1d6 to damage).
«Headbutt»: Physical Attack / 2 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+14 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] into a square 1
Sq. away.
«Visual Confusion»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target takes -2 to their {Evasion} check. 1/Round.
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Broken Device/Intellect+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Base Fragment/ACC+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke that came to be when a soul and a Shard came to dwell in a rope or chain used to hang objects, or even the pulley over old-style
wells. They can assume human form, and there are even some who can live a normal life, thinking of themselves as human. Basically, they don’t
tend to mean any harm, but depending on what they were used for, or who they were used by, they may be driven into a rage.

Data Sprite Class: Mechanical Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 17
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 1 2 10 9 3
12 (6) 44 3 2
Fixed Value 8 9 17 16 10
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 2d6+14 magical damage.
«Discharge»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target reduces their {Initiative} by 3.
«Viral Propogation»: Magical Attack / 5 Sq. / Area / Halves
- 2d6+20 magical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] gain [Shift: Pain].
«Non-Entity Entity»: Constant / User
- The target [Halves] physical damage of [Rank: 2 (2d6)] or less.
«Backup Program»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Storage Medium/MD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Cooling Device/Bestow Cold: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A Mononoke created when the strong emotions of people lingering in electronic devices and on the net gained a Shard and became real. That
entity reconfigured itself into a program, one which can now only blindly seek to act on the emotion it was born from. On the other hand, there is
no end to the rumors that say that the advancement of technology has led to Sprites that are almost the same as humans.
Oboroguruma Class: Mechanical Lvl: 4 (1)
Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 17
Senses Magic Weakness [Shock] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 9 10 1 2 3
16 (17) 54 5 3
Fixed Value 16 17 8 9 10
[Weapon Attack]: Ranged Attack / Charge 4 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Ranged] 4d6+16 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [Charge 10 Sq.]
«Hell Tuning»: Start / User
- The target gains +2d6 to {Initiative}. 1/Combat.
«Monster Machine»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+16 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] 1 Sq. away.
«Partner of Steel»: Unique / Combat Zone / 1#
- Use when the target declares a [Move Action]. The target may make a [Ranged Attack - Magical Attack] after making a [Combat
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Broken Break/Initiative+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Iron Soul/Speed+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke that was born when a Shard found its way into a vehicle. Though in times past the Oboroguruma was seen as a huge face affixed to
an oxcart, in recent days a variety of other vehicles have been seen, such as cars, motorcycles, and even tanks and trains. As a mass of iron big
enough to carry people, it poses a threat just by charging around.

Fallen Regalia Class: Mechanical Lvl: 5 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 12
Senses Domain Weakness [Shock] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 11 7 9 4 1
16 (7) 71 8 6
Fixed Value 18 14 16 11 8
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 3d6+22 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Gain +3d6 to the [Damage] of an [Attack Action], 1/Combat.
«Rampage I»: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Sword] 3d6+19 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Ultimate Move Recreation»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / 1#
- The user gains +3 to the {Accuracy} check, then Inflicts [Form: Sword] 36 points of physical damage.
«Regalia of Destruction»: Constant / User
- - During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] onto “x#” Mononoke that it deals
at least 1 point of damage to.
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Smashed Crossguard/ACC+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Spirit Crystal Fragment/Barrier+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

Forged with Fool’s Gold, and for many years existing only to destroy evil gods, this Regalia created by humans is a shadow of what it once was.
Having lost the one who wielded it, in order to grant its wielder’s final wish, or to fulfill the meaning of its existence, it will not stop until it is
destroyed by other beings like it.
Funadama Class: Mechanical Lvl: 10 (2)
Size 5 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 22
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly • Swim
Combat Stat 4 2 15 15 7
16 (7) 127 25 20
Fixed Value 11 9 22 22 14
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- 5d6+34 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target]. 1/Round.
«Battlefield Ocean»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- For the rest of the combat, the target is [Submerged].
«Bombardment»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Area / Halves
- [Element: Light] 2d6+34 magical damage. 2/Round.
«Summon Fleet»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, 1/Session, it may change the [Range/Target] of an [Attack Action] to
[Combat Zone].
Materials (2d6)
2~5: Sharp Fang/PD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
6~9: Sacred Tree Fruit/HP+3: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Squirrel Pelt/Luck+2: 1000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke born when a Shard enters an object believed to house a spirit. In this case it has entered the spirit of a pirate ship, warship or
another large vessel used for battle, whose passengers prayed to it for safety. Becoming a Mononoke due to the feelings surrounding its sinking or
decommissioning, even after its “death” it still attempts to fulfill it mission. It can create a nostalgic ocean inside of its spirit barrier using its own
spirit energy, and fly through its waters or in the skies above. Even so, its soul is rotting away, and it is slowly changing into an undead Mononoke.

Daidarabotchi Class: Mechanical Lvl: 14 (3)

Size 5 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 25
Senses Domain Weakness [Shock] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 21 5 2 17 5
21 (9) 161 20 13
Fixed Value 28 12 9 24 12
[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 6d6+46 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target].
«Slam III»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+56 physical damage. The user may force targets that failed their [Reactive Check] to [Install] into a square
up to 3 Sq. away.
«Rampage III»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- [Form: Ranged] 5d6+56 physical damage. 2/Round.
«Machine God»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x2 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target always has [Remove: Pain], and [Halves] physical
damage from [Form: Sword - Spear].
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Gravity Control Device/Bestow Magnet: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
10+: Physical Wall Device/Armor+5: 3,000G (Potency: 5)

A legendary giant from ancient times, whose footprints still dot the land. As it is constructed using a metal of unknown origin, there are various
theories regarding its origins floating around, from being the legacy of a super-ancient civilization, to being something from another world or a
distant future. Today, the giant is still and silent, and it is rumored that it sleeps, awaiting the arrival of a certain person
Undead Mononoke

Onibi x10 Class: Undead Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 1 Reaction Hostile
Wits Low ID 8
Senses Magic Weakness [Wind] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 5 2 6 5 2
7 (4) 41 0 0
Fixed Value 12 9 13 12 9
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 1d6+9 physical damage.
«Widen»: Prep / User
- The target changes the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area].
«Energy Wave»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Halves
- 2d6+14 magical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] gain [Shift: Pain].

Materials (2d6)
2~7: None
8+: Memory Jewel/Will+1: 500G (Potency: 1)

Onibi (“oni light”) are the accumulated bits of spirit energy that disperses when a human turns into ectoplasm. They typically look like small motes
of floating blue fire. This particular type can also be called inka, or “shadow fire,” as they are influenced by the negative emotions felt at the
instant of ectoplasmification. They attack other humans while trying to return to their original soul, and can be controlled by an Aramitama who
possesses it. Also note that even if the Onibi is destroyed, the original ectoplasmic body is not affected in any way.
Guardian Spirit Class: Undead Lvl: 2 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 6
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 7 2 4 5 4
9 (5) 42 2 3
Fixed Value 14 9 11 12 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+9 physical damage.
«Shackles of Karma»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer / Element: Magnet] 2d6+16 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Cover»: Defense / Engaged / 1#
- Use On Damage Reduction. The user takes the damage that the target would have received ({Resist} checks automatically become
failures). <<Cover>> has no effect on [Target: Area - Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].
«Defense Barrier I»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- The target gains +5 [Barrier]. 1/Round.
Materials (2d6)
2~5: None
6~9: Inheritance/Barrier+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
8+: Heirloom/Luck+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
Guardian Spirits materialize when the ancient memories dwelling among souls gains a Shard. They primarily appear in the form of an ancestor or
former bearer of a soul, and then guard over a home or individual. As the residual memories they are formed out of are not themselves a whole
person, often the social norms and what the spirit itself fixates on can stretch over countless generations, leading them to go from one extreme to
the next.

Corpse Lion Class: Undead Lvl: 3 (1)

Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits Low ID 15
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 9 3 5 5 4
11 (6) 48 2 0
Fixed Value 16 10 12 12 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 3d6+12 physical damage.
«Surpassing Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+30 physical damage.
«Unnatural Regen»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.

Materials (2d6)
2~5: Corpse Beast Hide/Strength+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
6~9: Corpse Beast Claw/PD+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Corpse Beast Mane/Luck+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
A Mononoke created by taking the best parts from a variety of dead animals, then joining them haphazardly together using magic. Although
called a lion, other than having the form of a large four-legged beast, it bears almost no resemblance to a lion. The strike that ignores all physical
limitation that it can unleash from its huge body has power enough to not be taken lightly.
Hell Soldiers x5 Class: Undead Lvl: 6 (2)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 17
Senses Heat Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 11 2 7 9 4
17 (8) 76 7 4
Fixed Value 18 9 14 16 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 2d6+20 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [2#]. 1/Combat.
«Charge!»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- “x#” Mononoke within [Range] can move up to 7 Sq.
«Elemental Attack II»: Physical Attack / 2 Sq. / 1#
- [Form: Spear / Element: Cold] 2d6+42 physical damage. 1/Round.
«Army of Darkness»: Constant / User
- For each Mononoke with the same name that is [Engaged] with the target (including the target themselves), the target gains +1
to {Accuracy} checks, and +3 to physical damage. Also, the target [Halves] physical damage that is [Rank: 1 (1d6)] or less.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Hellspear Head/PD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
8+: Hellspear Tassel/INIT+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

Oni that live in Yomi, the land of the dead in Japanese mythology. It’s believed that they were the ones to loose Izanami on Izanagi in order to trap
him. While they are not especially intelligent, they always show coordinated movement while in groups.

Misaki Seven Class: Undead Lvl: 7 (2)

Size 2 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 18
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 11 3 11 4 5
18 (8) 72 5 6
Fixed Value 18 10 18 11 12
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+24 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [7 Sq.]. 1/Combat.
«Gaze: Fallen»: Start / 4 Sq. / Area / No Resist
- The target gains [Shift: Fallen].
«Life Drain II»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 3d6+17 physical damage. If the target fails their [Reactive Check], the user [Recovers] 20 {HP}.
«Energy Wave II»: Magical Attack / 5 Sq. / Area / Halves
- Targets that fail their [Reactive Check] gain [Shift: Pain].
«Seven as One»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack].
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Rusted Metal Staff/CNJ+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
11+: Bone Rosary/Intellect+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A being made up of seven different humans skilled in the use of spirit energy that became ghosts and then clustered together. To clear away their
own grief, they assault those with greater spirit energy than their own as a group, then sacrifice the weakest of themselves while growing
Yomotsu-shikome Class: Undead Lvl: 10 (2)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 24
Senses Magic Weakness [Light] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 4 2 15 15 7
26 (11) 91 7 4
Fixed Value 11 9 22 22 14
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 2# / Cancels
- 2d6+34 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. 1/Combat.
«Command II»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- “x#” Mononoke within [Range] gain +6 {Initiative}.
«Dark Miasma»: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / Area / Cancels
- [Element: Cold] 2d6+44 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Retreat»: End / User
- The target [Installs] into a square within [Range: 4 Sq.] 1/Combat.
«Dark Tracker»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gains x1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target may make [Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves].
Materials (2d6)
2~7: Mountain Grape Vine/INIT+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
8+: Tooth of a Comb/Null Darkness: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A demon woman believed to live in Yomi, the land of the dead, and said to be the materialization of the impurity of Yomi. There’s an old story
saying that the goddess Izanami ordered the Yomotsu-shikome to track down the god Izanagi as he tried to flee from Yomi. She is a fast runner,
with a greedy personality.

Gashadokuro Class: Undead Lvl: 12 (3)

Size 5 Reaction Hostile
Wits Normal ID 18
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 18 2 5 17 5
18 (8) 153 18 13
Fixed Value 25 9 12 14 12
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Combat Zone / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 6d6+41 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target]. 1/Round.
<<Dark Miasma>>: Start / 4 Sq. / Area / No Resist
- The target takes [Shift: Poison / Rating: 10].
<<Rampage III>>: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- [Form: Hammer] 5d6+51 physical damage. 2/Round.
«Counter»: Defense / User / No Evasion
- Use On {Evasion} Check. The {Evasion} check automatically fails, but [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] takes [Form: Hammer] 3d6+39
physical damage.
«Remnants of a Titan»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x2 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target always has [Remove: Pain].
Materials (2d6)
2~7: Crystallized Miasma/Will+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
10+: Shattered Summon Seal/Null Pain: 4,000G (Potency: 5)

An ancient, massive skeleton born from a massive amount of the regret of the dead who weren’t given a proper burial and left as-is. The
resentment that pervades it drives it to madness, and it brings death and destruction until everything around it is reduced to ashes.
Mythical Mononoke

Zashiki-warashi Class: Mythical Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 1 Reaction Friendly
Wits High ID 7
Senses Magic Weakness [Wind] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 1 3 6 6 5
8 (5) 36 1 4
Fixed Value 8 10 13 13 12
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 1d6+7 magical damage.
«Influence Fate»: Unique / 5 Sq. / 1#
- The target adds or subtracts 1 from one [Spirit] die. 1/Round.
«Fortune Call»: Constant / User
- [Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone] aside from the target gains +1 to {Luck} checks.

Materials (2d6)
2~7: None
8~11: Azuki Bean Bag/MD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
12+: Hand-Sewn Kimono/Luck+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
A Mononoke with the form of a small child. It dwells in storehouses attached to people’s homes, and is thought to be a good being that grants
happiness and wealth to the residents of the home. However, it also has aspects of being a demon, as it will call misfortune upon the residents by
“leaving” the home where it lives. There have been rare cases where one has haunted an individual rather than a home, as well.
Mermaid Class: Mythical Lvl: 3 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 8
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 2 3 8 7 4
14 (7) 43 3 3
Fixed Value 9 10 15 14 11
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 5 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 2d6+14 magical damage.
«Born from Water»: Start / Combat Zone / 1#
- For the rest of the combat, the target gains [Move: Swim].
«Elemental Spell I»: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- [Element: Cold] 2d6+14 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Blessing of Water»: Defense / 5 Sq. / 1#
- The target [Halves] [Element: Cold] damage they take.
«Element Nullify I»: Constant / User
- The target changes [Cold] damage it takes to 0, and ignores other effects.
Materials (2d6)
2~11: Mermaid Scales/Agility+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
12+: Mermaid Heart/Bestow Cold: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A being akin to a fairy born from the oceans and water. Its upper half is that of a person, and its lower half is that of a fish, but for short periods
of time it can assume the form of a human entirely. Its flesh is both poisonous and good for a variety of medicines, so it’s dangerous to handle it
unaware. Mermaids have a tragic history of being hunted, so the whole species tends to avoid contact with humans as much as possible.

Yatagarasu Class: Mythical Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 14
Senses Domain Weakness [Cold] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 2 8 9 3 4
15 (7) 44 3 5
Fixed Value 9 15 16 10 11
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 2d6+16 magical damage.
«Guiding Messenger»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target gains [Remove: Darkness] until [Timing: End].
«Elemental Spell I»: Magical Attack / 6 Sq. / 1# / Cancel
- [Element: Light] 2d6+16 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Wargod’s Pedigree»: Unique / Combat Zone / 1#
- Add or subtract 1 from the value of the target’s [Roll]. 1/Round.
«Omen of Light»: Constant / User
- The target changes [Element: Light] [Damage] to 0, and ignores other effects.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Third Leg/MD+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
11+: Black Tailfeather/Luck+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A crow-type Mononoke with a third leg, and a wingspan of one and a half meters. As a messenger of the gods, it has guided kings and heroes
alike since the days of old. It is likened to an incarnation of the sun, and repels evil with a sacred, golden light from its body. It adheres strongly to
promises and vows, and is said to inflict severe punishment upon those who break them.
Tochigami Class: Mythical Lvl: 5 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Neutral
Wits High ID 17
Senses Domain Weakness [Fire] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 3 2 11 10 6
20 (9) 87 7 5
Fixed Value 10 9 18 17 13
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- [Form: Hammer] 6d6+41 physical damage.
«Leyline Avatar»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- One time this round, each target may add or subtract 1 from the value of one die in their [Roll] (may not adjust above 6 or below
1; [Criticals] and [Fumbles] cannot be made to occur).
«Breath of Gods»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / 2# / Halves
- [Element: Light] 2d6+27 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Divine Soul Authority»: Constant / User
- The target ignores all [Damage] and other effects taken from non-Awakened sources. Also, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] on
“x#” it deals at least 1 point of damage to.
Materials (2d6)
2~7: Energy Gem/RES+1: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Shrine’s Idol/Barrier+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A plant or animal under the influence of a leyline, that then became the guardian of that leyline. It protects a mid-sized leyline within a city, and
is able to transform into a human as a temporary form. At times, when they are faced with an unmanageable incident, they’ll ask Godhunters
they’re familiar with for aid.

Phoenix Class: Mythical Lvl: 8 (2)

Size 3 Reaction Friendly
Wits Clever ID 20
Senses Domain Weakness [Cold] [Magnet]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 2 6 14 14 6
22 (9) 85 9 14
Fixed Value 9 13 21 21 13
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 3d6+22 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target]. 1/Round.
«Lord of the Skies»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- Remove the targets’ [Shift: Flight] and [Move: Fly].
«Breath of Fire»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Area / Halves
- [Element: Fire] 3d6+44 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Guidance of the Phoenix»: Unique / Combat Zone / 1#
- The target gains 1 [Overflow].
«Avatar of Fire»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target changes [Element: Fire] [Damage] received to 0, and
ignores other effects.
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Rainbow Wings/Bestow Fire: 1,50G (Potency: 3)
11+: Phoenix Egg/HP+12: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
An avian Mononoke resembling a peacock rising over three meters tall. As a sign of fortune, a phoenix is born when a highly virtuous or wise
leader appears, and it offers that person its guidance after confirming their suitability, or so it is said. In the Wu Xing, the phoenix is identified as
Suzaku, and is believed to govern fire and the south.
Young Peng Class: Mythical Lvl: 10 (2)
Size 5 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Normal ID 21
Senses Domain Weakness [Toxin] [Phantom]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 16 1 4 15 6
17 (8) 191 17 15
Fixed Value 23 8 11 22 13
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 5d6+35 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target].
«Peng’s Flapping (Young)»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target takes a -2d6 penalty to {Initiative}.
«Dustbath»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- [Form: Hammer] 4d6+45 physical damage. 2/Round.
«Still Growing»: End / User
- The target destroys one “x#” Mononoke within [Range: Engaged], and then [Recovers] 30 {HP}.
«Star-Crossing Bird»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], it gains +1 [Timing: Attack].
Materials (2d6)
2~10: Giant Eggshell Fragment/Strength+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
11+: Soft Down/Halve Cold: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

An immature Peng, a legendary giant bird spoken of in China and Japan. It can reach several hundred meters in size even before adulthood, and
with just one flap of its wings it can bring about winds like a hurricane. It is believed that adult Pengs can fly 360,000 kilometers at a time, and
there are theories that claim it’s a type of migratory bird that travels space, crossing from one star to the next.

Kirin Class: Mythical Lvl: 12 (3)

Size 3 Reaction Friendly
Wits Clever ID 24
Senses Domain Weakness [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Fly
Combat Stat 2 18 15 17 6
34 (13) 123 6 9
Fixed Value 9 25 22 24 13
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 1# / Cancels
- 3d6+30 magical damage.
«King of the Beasts»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The user inflicts [Shift: Immobile] on [Wits: Low] Mononoke.
«Primal of Benevolence»: Defense / 10 Sq. / 1#
- The target reduces the [Damage] they take by 10.
«Servants of the Kirin»: Constant / User
- Once per combat, by spending [Timing: Start], the user may [Install] and control one [Class: Beast - Mythical] [Mononoke] of a
[LV] less than its own into a square [Engaged] with the user. If the summoned Mononoke cannot be [Installed] [Engaged], then this
Talent has no effect.
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Kirin’s Hide/Halves Shock: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
10+: Kirin’s Curved Horns/Speed+4: 3,000G (Potency: 5)

A divine beast resembling a deer around five meters in height, with the face of a dragon, the hooves of a horse, and the hide of an ox. Rainbow
hair sprouts from its golden hide, and the large horns sprouting from its head are wrapped in flesh so as not to harm others. When it moves, it’s
said that it charges through the sky, so as not to step on the grass or insects. It can be called the king of the beasts.
Chaos Mononoke

Human-Faced Tumor x3 Class: Chaos Lvl: 1 (1)

Size 2 Reaction Hostile
Wits High ID 10
Senses Magic Weakness [Light] [Toxin]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 6 6 2 3 2
13 (6) 41 2 1
Fixed Value 13 13 9 10 9
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+10 physical damage.
«Remove Limits»: Start / User
- The target gains +2 to [Active Checks]. 1/Combat.
«Miasma Strike»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Element: Toxin / Form: Sword] 2d6+10 physical damage.

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Bloody Carving Knife/Agility+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
12+: Human-Faced Skin/Agility+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A general term for tumors that look like human faces that appear on the bodies of people and animals. They appear within the bodies of creatures
that have breathed in Chaos-generated miasma, then gradually take over the victim until they turn into servants of Chaos. They are something
akin to a conceptual lifeform, and cannot be removed via a surgical proceedure, like just cutting off the tumor. But they can be safely removed
from the victim with a spirit energy-infused strike.
Nanahiro-onna Class: Chaos Lvl: 2 (1)
Size 4 Reaction Hostile
Wits Normal ID 13
Senses Heat Weakness [Magnet] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk
Combat Stat 7 2 4 8 3
16 (7) 52 5 3
Fixed Value 14 9 11 15 10
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 4d6+12 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Range] of an [Attack Action] to [7 Sq.] 1/Combat.
<<Gaze: Fallen>>: Start / 4 Sq. / Area / No Reactive Check
- The target gains [Shift: Fallen].
<<Violence I>>: Physical Attack / Engaged / Area
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+12 physical damage. 1/Round.
<<Moment of Despair>>: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- Use on {Evade} check. The target gains -2 to the [Check]. 1/Round.

Materials (2d6)
Auto: Cursed Black Hair/Strength+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
2~9: None
10+: Broken Talisman/Will+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
An apparition that appears in the form of a giant woman with long black hair and a pale face. Also called the Tall Woman or the Long-Faced
Woman, it’s said to kill humans it entrances with its creepy laugh. Some wonder whether this creature isn’t a materialized curse or an incarnation
of miasma itself, but its true form is unknown.

Kada Class: Chaos Lvl: 4 (1)

Size 4 Reaction Mercurial
Wits High ID 15
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk • Swim • Fly
Combat Stat 10 1 3 9 4
17 (8) 64 10 3
Fixed Value 17 8 10 16 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Axe] 4d6+19 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Make 1x [Weapon Attack] after [Damage Calculation]. 1/Combat.
«Slam II»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Hammer] 2d6+24 physical damage. The user may force targets that took at least 1 point of damage from this attack to
move up to 2 Sq. away, ignoring [Engagements].
«Fast Attack»: Unique / User
- Use On {Accuracy} Check. The target gains +4 to their {Accuracy} check. 1/Combat.

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Stretchy Skin/Armor+1: 500G (Potency: 1)
10+: Wattle/Agility+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)

A Chaotic being with the wings of a bat and the body of a snake, said to be able to bring floods. It moves quickly through the sky as though it
were swimming, and it traps its prey by wrapping its long, slender body about them and latching on with its claws. Its skin is surprisingly durable,
though weak to strong light. Reports indicate it is primarily active only at night. Other Chaotic beings use it as a familiar.
Nurarihyon Class: Chaos Lvl: 5 (1)
Size 2 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 18
Senses Domain Weakness [Wind] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 2 4 10 10 7
19 (8) 66 2 3
Fixed Value 9 11 17 17 14
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 10 Sq. / 2# / Cancels
- 2d6+18 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area]. 1/Combat.
«Night of a Hundred Demons»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- [Mononoke] within [Range] gain +5 {Initiative} and [Armor].
«Servants of Madness»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Combat Zone / No Resist
- The user changes any [Obstacles - NPCs] within range into [Chaos] Mononoke of a [LV] less than its own and controls them. This
effect ends if the user is made [Downed - Taken Out - Dead].
«Evil Eye»: Unique / 10 Sq. / 1#
- Use when the target declares a Talent. Cancel the effect of one Talent other than [Timing: Constant] that the target used.
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Golden Kiseru Pipe/MD+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Boundless Mask/Bestow Phantom: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

A Chaotic being whose name is synonymous with mystery. It enjoys deceiving and making light of humanity. Though it usually takes the form of an
old, bald man wearing a kimono, it will also appear as a creature with a featureless face and body, proving its form is infinitely varied. It is often
whispered that this Mononoke is a shadow of a powerful Aramitama, because of this.

Umibouzu Class: Chaos Lvl: 9 (2)

Size 5 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 20
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech No Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 14 13 5 4 6
22 (9) 120 13 9
Fixed Value 21 20 12 11 13
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 6d6+26 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] of the [Target] of an [Attack Action]. 1/Combat.
«Aerial Move»: Start / User
- The target [Installs] up to 7 Sq. away. 1/Combat.
«Rampage II»: Physical Attack / Combat Zone / Area
- [Form: Ranged] 4d6+31 physical damage. 2/Round.
«Twisted Regen»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.
«Fallen Child of a Sea God»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target changes [Element: Phantom] damage to 0, and ignores other
Materials (2d6)
2~9: Green Skin/Armor+2: 1,000G (Potency: 2)
10+: Growing Piece of Meat/HP+9: 1,500G (Potency: 3)

An apparition that can call storms to sink ships. It generally appears as giant humanoid with a smooth head, but other accounts report that it has
appeared with tentacles like an octopus, scaled wings, and hooked claws. There are rumors that aboriginal faiths that exist today make offerings,
provide sacrifices, and hold ceremonies dedicated to Umibouzu to avoid disasters.
Y’golonac Class: Chaos Lvl: 11 (3)
Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 22
Senses Magic Weakness [Fire] [Light]
Speech yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 3 14 16 16 5
19 (8) 98 10 8
Fixed Value 10 21 23 23 12
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / Area / Cancels
- 3d6+36 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: +3d6 to the [Damage] of an [Attack Action]. 1/Combat.
«Spirit Pollution»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- When the target [Influences], they must keep two of the dice in the [Roll], rather than just one.
«Energy Wave»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / 3# / Halves
- 2d6+30 magical damage. Targets that fail their [Reaction Check] gain [Shift: Pain].
«God of Depravity and Decadence»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x1 [Timing: Attack]. Also, the target [Halves] physical damage taken from [Form: Hammer].

Materials (2d6)
2~9: Glowing Meat/Agility+3: 1,500G (Potency: 3)
10+: Soul Crystal/Intellect+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)

A Chaotic being with a sinister form, having a glistening, bloated bipedal body without a head, and mouths on its palms. Reveling in depravity and
immortality, it approaches others in an inviting form to lower their guard, then while causing their spiritual corruption, absorbs their ectoplasm. It
is a wicked creature that takes the form of those it drains, then travels the world of humans, spreading its corruption.

Great Heavenly Golden God Class: Chaos Lvl: 14 (3)

Size 3 Reaction Mercurial
Wits Clever ID 25
Senses Domain Weakness [Cold] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 4 2 19 18 7
32 (13) 116 14 7
Fixed Value 11 9 26 25 14
[Weapon Attack]: Magical Attack / 7 Sq. / 2# / Cancels
- 3d6+42 magical damage. [Additional Effect]: [Halve] the [Armor] or [Barrier] of an [Attack Action]’s [Target]. 1/Round.
«Energy Steal»: Start / Combat Zone / Combat Zone
- The target immediately moves one [Spirit] to their [Exhausted Spirit].
«Summon the Storm»: Magical Attack / Combat Zone / Combat Zone / Halves
- [Element: Wind] 4d6+78 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Avatar of Wind»: Constant / User
- During the target’s [Turn], gain x2 [Timing: Attack]. Additionally, the target changes [Wind] damage to 0, and ignores other effects.
Furthermore, the target may change [Attack Actions] to [Special Attack / Range: 4 Sq. / Target: 1#].
Materials (2d6)
Auto: Golden Seal/Speed+3: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
2~10: Golden Fur Coat/Armor+4: 2,000G (Potency: 4)
11+: White Stone Mask/MD+5: 3,000G (Potency: 5)
A tall humanoid apparition wearing golden cloth. It wears a white mask, and it’s believed that one should absolutely not peer under that mask. As
a god that governs typhoons, it is widely worshipped in Japan. However, there are very few people who realize this figure closely resembles that of
a certain evil god.
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - Requiem for the God Soul

Sample Characters

PC 1 - “A Promise of the Old Days”

Connection Kaya / Friendship

Sample PC God’s Confidant Cover Normal Student

In your childhood you had a best friend.

However, you have decided to move and say goodbye to her.
The last words were exchanged in the park at sunset.
There, you made an important promise with her.

Goal Fulfill promise with Kaya

PC 2 - “A Manifested Spirit”
Connection Mastermind / Hostility

Sample PC Giantslayer Hero Cover Hero

You manifest to protect your close friend, Kamiya Ryoko, who was in danger of being attacked by evil spirits.
She entrusts you with the investigation and resolution of the supernatural incidents currently happening in
Hisashiro city. You decide to listen to your summoner’s wish.

Goal To fulfill Ryoko’s Request.

PC 3 - “Land God’s Mission”
Connection Follower / Protection

Sample PC Hisashiro Tochigami Cover Spirit

You are one of the gods that have protected the lands since ancient times.
One day, an old woman who often visits, joins hands at your shrine with a humble expression.
“God, please save my granddaughter.”
You couldn’t think of dismissing your follower’s wishes.

Goal Grant the wish of your follower.

PC 4 - “Special Agent”
Connection Kaya / Hostility

Sample PC Servant of Shadows Cover Agent

You are an agent of SpecProv, specialising in supernatural cases.

Supernatural incidents have occurred frequently in Hisashiro City.
During the investigation, you discover a phantom that pretends to be a victim, and defeat it.
However, shortly after, a girl named Kaya appears.

Goal Defeat Aramitama.

PC 5 - “Exorcist Warrior”
Connection Aramitama / Hostility

Sample PC Destroyer Swordsman Cover None

You have an unusual relationship with Mephistopheles, connected by the goal of destroying Aramitama.
With the information she brings, you have defeated a number of them.
Tonight, she tells you about another.

Goal Defeat Aramitama

Scenario Information

Information 1

PC1’s best friend is called Kaya. They always met at a Dosojin, and played together until the sun set. However,
the Dosojin’s location has been lost due to an unknown influence. PC1 is still a friend of Kaya.

Information 2
At present, there are abnormalities within the ley lines of Hisashiro City. As a result, many spirit bodies have
appeared and incidents occurred where people were deprived of their souls. The location of the ley lines can
be uncovered by examining the old library of the Demon Hunter’s Society, part of the
Mitsurugi Mansion.

Information 3
According to the old lady, her granddaughter went missing on the way home from school near the ruins of
the Hisashiro clock tower. The granddaughter’s bag was found near the site. It would be best to examine the
ruins if the opportunity presents itself.

Information 4
In Hisashiro City, people have gone missing everywhere, and spirit bodies are frequently discovered.
Additionally, there is an abnormal situation occurring within some ley lines, and each organization is
becoming hectic. In this supernatural incident, the girl who claims to be Kaya must be the mastermind. Kaya
appears to have fled using [Distortion: Dimension Door].

Information 5
The cause of the supernatural incidents and abnormal ley lines is an Aramitama. It is known as “White Fang”.
Along with another Aramitama known as “Black Fang”, they excel at draining spirit power from tochigami.
“Black Fang” has nothing to do with this case. “White Fang” has the ability to steal a target’s form and
memory by confining the victim to another dimension, keeping them alive, and exploiting it to devour souls.
Information 6
As a result of investigating, there appears to exist a powerful ley line at the foot of the Hisashiro mountains.
There is a shrine there, once called Hisa Shrine. However, at the moment, its location cannot be specified
due to a lack of information, as well as an unknown influence. More information can be found by hitting the
Mitsurugi Manor or Reference Archive.

Information 7
Hisa Shrine was once located at the foot of the Hisashiro mountains. However, Hisa Shrine was destroyed by
air raids during the war. Afterwards the shrine was not rebuilt, only a small Dosojin built on the site. After
confirming this information, PC1 and PC3 remember this place.

Information 8
Enshrined at Hisa Shrine is a tochigami with the name of Hisa no Kaya-Hime. It was one of the sacred gods,
the guardians of the border, who protected Hisashiro, and was also enshrined as a fertility god that
controlled the vitality of flowers. However, the loss of the shrine destroyed its faith and it has been forgotten,
and lost its power as a divine spirit.
Scenario Overview
A spiritual incident in Hisashiro City.
A girl who appears and disappears in the shadow of incidents.
Stained in red, a longing for the old days.
”We’ll always be friends.”
That is the last bond that ties the girl to the world.
The divine words that saved the soul of a god.
Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari - “Requiem of the God Soul.”

Scenario Background
In Hisashiro, a supernatural incident has occurred in which people are vanishing. In
the backdrop of the incident, a girl called “Kaya” appears and disappears.

As the PCs proceed with the investigation, Kaya’s identity is revealed to be one of the
old land gods, “Hisa no Kaya-Hime”. It is discovered that the incident was caused by
the Aramitama “White Fang” (referred to as Fake Kaya), who stole Kaya’s memory and

Kaya has been forgotten by the people, and been lonely for a long time. Taking
advantage of her heart, the Aramitama “White Fang” captures her within a [Distortion]
and steals her Ley Line.

“White Fang”, who stole her figure and memory, used her Ley Line to manipulate
mononoke and steal souls from Innocents.

The Scenario ends after the defeat of “White Fang”.

PC Creation
This scenario is intended to be played with 3-5 PCs at [World Level: 1].
When using sample PCs, use the following selections:

PC1: God’s Confidant (p35 “Requiem for the God Soul”)

PC2: Giantslayer Hero (p34 “Requiem for the God Soul”)
PC3: Hisashiro’s Tochigami (p37 “Requiem for the God Soul”)
PC4: Servant of Shadows (p50 “Core Book”)
PC5: Destroyer Swordsman (p48 “Core Book”)

The GM must copy each separate [Handout] and [Information] described in this
scenario in advance.
The GM should read the entire [Handout] or distribute it to players in advance.
After confirming [Information], a PC who is [Appearing] can share the contents if the
conditions are met or the GM gives permission.

The Kaya who created the conflict is not “Hisa no Kaya-Hime”, but the Aramitama
“White Fang”. Kaya, the “Hisa no Kaya-Hime” who PC1 made a promise with, was
forgotten by the people after losing her shrine.
However, because PC1 remembered the promise and did not forget her existence,
she has avoided disappearing.
Because of this, she became a “land god who controls a ley line while losing her spirit
The Aramitama “White Fang” discovers her ley line, with the words “I can reunite you
with PC1”, tricks her into confinement and steals her ley line (this is not a Contract of
“White Fang”, who stole her appearance and memories, manipulates mononoke by
controlling the leyline, using them to collect and devour the souls of the people.
“White Fang” locks Kaya inside its spirit barrier. The party must defeat “White Fang” to
release her.
Appearing NPCs
Age: 10 (Appearance) / Gender: Female / Cover: Avatar
PC1’s best friend. Their true form is a Dosojin with the appearance of a white snake.
Her outward human form is a girl with black bobbed hair cut to the shoulder,
wearing an anachronistic kimono and a lovely, impressive smile. Her personality is a
little half-hearted.

White Fang
Age: Unknown / Gender: Male / Cover: Evil God
An Aramitama that drifted into Hisashiro alongside Black Fang. Its form is a large
centipede with a silver exoskeleton and white fangs, however, in this scenario, it does
not show this appearance and instead takes the form of a giant white snake, the nat-
ural form of Kaya. His personality is youthful, and both frivolous and reckless.

Kashima Kinuko
Age: 60 / Gender: Female / Cover: Housewife
An old woman who lives near PC3’s shrine. Religious and benevolent. Worshipped
PC3 from an early age.

Kashima Mai
Age: 10 / Gender: Female / Cover: Honors Student
Granddaughter of Kashima Kinuko. A follower of PC3. A bright and gentle girl.

Mephisto Pheles
(TL note: Appears in the pre-scenario and post-battle scenes. Her original dialogue
involves the word “Danna” Which has a few meanings, but is hard to translate directly
into a single word. Instead we had her use “My dear” in the derogatory sarcastic man-
ner that demons tend to, as this is the closest to the original intention)
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - Introduction

When PC creation has been completed, the GM starts introducing scenes for each
PC. In each introduction, PCs other than the [Scene Player] cannot [Appear] in the
scene unless otherwise specified.

Scene 1: Promise From the Old Days

Scene PC: PC1
Event: Information Gathering

A scene where PC1 dreams of their promise with Kaya.
In the dream, PC1 makes their promise with Kaya.

Narration 1
Your usual dream - that childish, distant day.
A farewell with a friend who has always been with you.
A girl who heard your words - Kaya’s eyes overflowing with tears.
In a red-stained landscape, you met up with Kaya (Only Kaya’s Human form in the
[Appearing NPCs] section is described here).

Kaya: “So that’s it… PC1 will be moving.”

Kaya: “But if PC1 leaves, Kaya will…”
Kaya: “Ah, um, I have a request… No matter how far it is, I want you to still be my
Kaya: (Promised) “...Really? That’s great!”
Kaya: “So, promise? Don’t forget Kaya!”

Narration 2
You wake up and return to the present time. Recently, you have returned to Hisashiro.
You tried to find Kaya, the girl from back then, but you don’t know where she is.
Where is she, and what could she be doing?

End Condition
Here, [Information 1] is passed to PC1, and the scene ends.
Scene 2: Heroic Spirit Manifestation
Scene PC: PC2
Event: Information Gathering

A scene in which Kamiya Ryouko is attacked by mononoke and is saved by PC2 as
they manifest in this world. PC2 is asked to investigate and resolve the case.

The mononoke is a Human-Faced Tumor x3 (p142, “Requiem for the God-Soul”). After
Description 1, PC2 must make an [Active Check], [TN: 15]. If successful, PC2 can
destroy the mononoke in any way.
If they fail, they defeat the mononoke but receive a counterattack, and PC2 loses 4d6
Regardless of success or failure, after the [Check], continue to Narration 2.

Narration 1
“Engraved in the memories of the world, a heroic spirit. Your voice is calling!”
In response to calls from the world, you manifest.
Sulfur smoke. Lightning. The unique sense of a spirit becoming flesh.
You emerge from the magic circle before a magus girl, astonished by your
manifestation - Kamiya Ryouko.
Evil spirits surround Ryouko with murderous intent. Your summoner’s life is now in
(Here, PC2 performs a [TN: 15] [Active Check]).

Narration 2
The battle lasted an instant.
Ryouko looks even more amazed when she sees your ability to instantly destroy the
Like that, the Hiryuu Hall was covered in the stillness of night.

Ryouko: “Thank you PC2… Honestly, I was saved.”

Ryouko: “Uh, o-ow… These guys, I have to say there were a number of them, so it was
really dangerous.”
Ryouko: “Recently, an incident happened. All over the city, spirits have been rampag-
ing.” (Here, pass [Information 2]).
Ryouko: “I was investigating alone, but… I sensed them, as you can see.”
Ryouko: “I’m sorry, but this is the limit of my ability.
Ryouko: “Please, PC2! In my place, please investigate these abnormalities in the city!
The only person I can ask is PC2…” (while blushing).

Exit Condition
When PC2 accepts the investigation, give [Materials] and [Crest] for Human-Faced
Tumor x3, and the scene ends.
Scene 3: Believer’s Request
Scene PC: PC3
Event: Information Gathering

A scene in which PC3 is asked by a follower to search for her granddaughter.

You, a land god, are enjoying a quiet sunset.
There are many offerings for you in front of the shrine
...Gods that have lost faith, cannot exist in this world.
It is thanks to the faith from followers that you can continue to exist as a god.
An old woman comes to you.
She is an enthusiastic follower who cleans the shrine and delivers offerings.
She has a tired expression, and joins her hands together.

Old Woman: “PC3, PC3. Please, my granddaughter, and the people caught in the inci-
dent… Please help them.” (Here, pass [Information 3])
Old Woman: “I don’t care what happens to me. But my granddaughter and all her
friends are very gentle. So please…”
Old Woman: (Only if PC3 interferes with something) “...By Chance... PC3-Sama?”

Exit Condition
When PC3 accepts the request, the scene ends.
If there is no PC5, then give [Information 5].

Scene 4: The Mastermind

Scene Player: PC4
Event: Information Gathering

A scene where PC4 encounters the aramitama “White Fang”, the mastermind. PC4
defeats the mononoke that are attacking people.
The Mononoke is Human-Faced Tumorx3 on (p80, “Requiem for the God-Soul”).
After Narration 1, PC4 performs a [TN: 10] [Active Check]. If successful, the PC can
destroy the mononoke in any way.
If they fail, they defeat the mononoke but receive a counterattack, and PC4 loses 4d6
Regardless of success or failure, after the [Check], the Aramitama “White Fang”
appears in the form of “Kaya” (hereafter Fake Kaya), and the scene moves to
Narration 2.
At this time, PC4 performs a [TN: 15] [Reactive Check]. If successful, they fight
Fake Kaya evenly. If they fail, PC4 is attacked and loses 2d6 {HP}.

Narration 1
A supernatural incident occurs in Hisashiro City. While investigating the inci-
dent, you confront mononoke who are stealing the soul of a victim.
As dusk approaches the alley, you gauge the right moment to bring certain

Mononoke: “Ka Ka Ka… Godhunter! Delicious! Kishiiii!”

(Here, PC4 performs a [TN: 10] [Active Check].)
Mononoke: (Regardless of the outcome) “Gieee!!”

Narration 2
While you slaughter the mononoke… When did she get here? A girl in a kimono
stands with a terrifying smile. Your godhunter intuition tells the identity of the
girl. She isn’t human… An evil god!

Fake Kaya: “I am Kaya.”

Fake Kaya: “Hey… Do you want to play with me next?”
(Fake Kaya attacks, snapping a utility pole behind PC4 like a twig.
Afterwards, PC4 makes a [Reactive Check]. Regardless of the outcome, PC4
and Fake Kaya fight a supernatural battle).

Fake Kaya: “Ah. Onii-chan (or Onee-chan), you’re very strong.”

Fake Kaya: “...It looks like I can’t kill you just yet.”
Fake Kaya: “Then, I’ll collect more souls so we can play again.”
(Fake Kaya disappears due to the effect of [Dimension Door]).

Exit Condition
Afterwards, give [Information 4] to PC4, and the [Materials] and [Crest] of Hu-
man-Faced Tumor x3, and the scene ends.
Scene 5: Heretic Alliance
Scene Player: PC5
Event: Information Gathering

Scene where PC5 undertakes the investigation of a supernatural incident.

A crescent moon shines in the night sky with an eerie glow. In the twilight, you were
in the usual place.

Opposite you, another figure. In the figure of a human, the Evil God - Mephistophiles.

Mephisto: “My dear, you’re fine after all.”

Mephisto: “So, Master has also heard about the supernatural events occurring in
Mephisto: “Initially it was thought to be lower-class mononoke, but… It appears that
something is lurking behind the scenes.” (Here, pass [Information 5]).
Mephisto: “That’s why I’m relying on you as usual, Master!”

Exit Condition
When PC5 responds to Mephisto, the scene ends.
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - Story

From here on is the main scenario. The GM should give the following explanation to
all players before beginning the main story.

• The [Scene Player] can designate any PCs to join the scene.
• With the GM’s permission, PCs in contact while [Appearing] can share obtained
• At the end of each scene, PCs may form one [Bond] with another PC or NPC.
• [Bond] has the effect of enhancing [Spirit Burn] and recovering [Crest] at [Session
• When a {Main Stat} check is failed, a PC may retry it, however if done too often this
may make the [Final Battle] more difficult. This is because more souls are stolen over
time. For each retry, the [Boss] gains +1 dice during [Damage Calculation] (Maximum
+2d6. Do not share this information with the players).

Scene 6: Reunion with the Girl

Scene Player: PC1
Event: Combat

A scene where PC1 encounters Fake Kaya.
Fake Kaya provokes a mononoke towards PC1.
Fake Kaya escapes while PC1 repels the mononoke.
In this scene, [Combat] occurs.
For the [Combat] layout, refer to [Combat Diagram 1] at the end of the scenario.

Narration 1
After school. You walk in the town of Hisashiro in search of the landscape from your
The streets you recall have changed in the flow of time.
Then, you are reunited with that girl, in an alley stained in red.
A girl whose appearance hasn’t changed from your memories - Kaya.

Fake Kaya: “...Good evening, PC1. It’s been a long time… How are you?”
Fake Kaya: “Kaya was looking for PC1… I have a request.”
Fake Kaya: “I… I want PC1’s Soul!”

Narration 2
Kaya… Was she this evilly-smiling child?
The next moment, a mirror-world expands, and the scenery shifts.
The various shadows in the alley grow and take a strange form.
Monsters appearing from the darkness surround you.
Fake Kaya: “Kaya wants a soul to grow.”
Fake Kaya: “My best friend, can you give me that soul?”
Fake Kaya: “It’s okay, it won’t hurt.” (Combat Starts)
Fake Kaya: (End of Combat) “Tch… More than I thought.”
Fake Kaya: “Because of PC1 and his friends are unkind, Kaya is leaving. Then, PC1… See
you!” (Disappears due to the effect of [Dimension Door])

Exit Condition
Afterwards, the scene ends when the PCs share [Information]. If PC4 is not present,
give [Information 4] here.

Afterwards, to investigate the Mitsurugi Manor, go to [Scene 7].

To investigate the Hisashiro Clock Tower, go to [Scene 9].

Scene 7: Mitsurugi Manor Library

Scene Player: PC2
Event: Information Gathering

A scene for the investigation of the Mitsurugi Manor Library.
If the PCs wish to visit from the front, refer to Narration 2.
If they use talents or abilities such as [Spirit Transit] to move through the walls or other
methods, Refer to Narration 3.
After Narration 2, ask the PCs for a [TN: 12] [Lore (Intellect)] Check, and pass [Informa-
tion 6] to the successful PC.

Narration 1
The Mitsurugi Manor, the base of the association, is found at the foot of Mt. Myouken.
There must be a book here where the ley lines of Hisashiro are recorded.
So, how do you search?

Narration 2
You who are investigating the abnormalities of ley lines in Hisashiro, Mitsurugi Ayane
politely welcomes you.

Ayane: “Welcome.”
Ayane: “We’re investigating the catastrophe, but we haven’t identified any ley lines
yet. Maybe there’s other ley lines we don’t know about.”
Ayane: “If there’s any way you can help, please don’t hesitate.”
Narration 3
Inside the detached building of the Mitsurugi Manor.
There, the Society’s collection of books are stacked in disorganized piles.
Searching through it will be difficult.

(The PCs make a [TN: 12] [Lore (Knowledge] check. Pass [Information 6] to a success-
ful PC.)

Exit Conditions
The scene ends when the PCs uncover [Information 6].

Scene 8: Special Reference Archive

Scene Player: PC4 (PC1 if absent).
Event: Information Gathering

A scene in which the PCs investigate a special reference archive.
If the PCs wish to visit from the front, refer to Narration 2.
If the PCs use talents or abilities such as [Spirit Transit] to move through walls or other
methods, refer to Narration 3.
After Narration 3, the PCs make a [TN: 10] [Lore (Intellect)] check, and if successful, the
location of Hisa Shrine is discovered.
Additionally, if the PCs succeed at [TN: 13], the worshipped god is also discovered.

Narration 1
Under Hisashiro City Hall, there is a secret room in the basement.
There should be a lot of materials about Hisashiro here.
Now, how to find out?

Narration 2
Kurai Kukuri welcomes you as guests.
She hears the situation and guides you into the archive.

Kukuri: “...In this room are all of the materials.”

Kukuri: “The city has changed due to urban development, so please check carefully.”

Narration 3
Old materials were kept in a neat and tidy state in the archive.
([TN: 10] [Lore (Intellect)] check. On a succes, pass [Information 7]).
(Afterwards, [TN: 10] [Lore (Intellect)] check. On a success, pass [Information 8]).

Exit Condition
The scene ends when the PCs obtain [Information 7] and [Information 8].
Scene 9: Hisashiro Clock Tower
Scene Player: PC3
Event: Distortion

A scene where the PCs investigate the remains of Hisashiro Clock Tower.
There is a [Distortion: Haunting] (Core p204) and [Distortion: Dimension Door] (Core
After Narration 1, the PCs make a [Sense (Luck)] check to discover and handle the
[Distortion], then move on to Narration 2.
If the discovery of [Dimension Door] fails, then [Dimension Door] cannot be found
and neither [Mend] or [Destroy] can be performed. The [Boss] is then able to [Exit] at
any time during the [Final Battle], and the session fails. Only if the PCs discover the
[Dimension Door] should the GM tell them.

Narration 1
You arrive at the ruins of the Hisashiro Clock Tower, where the granddaughter of
PC3’s believer has gone missing. The surroundings are strange… You can’t sense any
human presence.
(Here, make [Sense (Luck)] Checks once for each [Distortion], and on a success, han-
dle the distortion.)

Narration 2
When you remove the distortion, suddenly, a girl’s cry sounds out. When PC3 looks,
there is the old woman’s granddaughter. Apparently, she was trapped within the

Kashima Mai: “Where… Where are you? Ryu-kun, Ibuki-Chan, Kaya-Chan?”

Kashima Mai: (To PC3) “...You are?”
Kashima Mai: “Have you saved me?”
Kashima Mai: (To PC3) “Kaya-chan was at a shrine. Please, save everyone.”
Kashima Mai: (To PC3) “And… Give this letter from Kaya-chan to someone called PC1”
(Explain the [Truth])

Exit Condition
After explaining the [Truth] to PC3, the scene ends.
Scene 10: At Dosojin
Scene Player: PC5 (PC2 if absent)
Event: Distortion

This scene only occurs when Hisa Shrine - the location of Dosojin - is known, and the
PCs have discovered the truth.
Here there is [Distortion: Forgotten Place] (Core p205). After Narration 1, allow the PCs
to detect and handle the [Distortion] and move on to Narration 2.

Narration 1
You visit the Dosojin at the foot of the mountain.
Currently, there’s only a small park.
The Dosojin is like a forgotten tombstone…
(Here, the PCs make a [Perception (Luck)] Check, and then handle the [Distortion].)

Narration 2
It seems this [Distortion]’s effect made it impossible to remember the location of the
Dosojin. When the [Distortion vanishes], a hidden spirit barrier wraps around the vi-
The landscape is flipped left to right. Something that should no longer exist… A long
staircase leading to a small shrine. Kaya might be held captive here.
You begin up the staircase.

End Condition
After Narration 2, the scene ends.
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - Final Battle

Scene 11: Aramitama

Scene Player: PC1
Event: Final Battle

A scene where the Aramitama appears and [Final Battle] begins.
Refer to [Battle Map 2] for the [Final Battle] Layout.

Narration 1
A place you have never seen - the grounds of Hisa Shrine.
But here, the dusk dyes the world red and black, just as it did on that promised day. A
girl with an evil smile greets you as you step onto the shrine.
Kaya- No. The evil god, “White Fang”, who stole her appearance and memory.

White Fang: “You came after all, PC1.”

White Fang: (Only if identity is pointed out) “Exposed, huh… I guess playtime is over?”
White Fang: “...It would be nice if you approached from there.”
White Fang: “I’ve gathered some souls, so soon I’ll make this ley line my own.”
White Fang: “To that end…”
White Fang: “Uhahaha, that young girl... Knowing that you will disappear, I wonder
what face she will make?
White Fang: “Well then, let’s have fun!”

Narration 2
As soon as she shouts, Kaya’s body is shrouded in fog. It emits lightning, echoing with
the eerie sound of the body changing.
When you open your eyes… It has become a giant, white snake!

White Fang: “Uhahaha! How is this form?”

White Fang: “A white serpent with spiritual power comparable to the kin of the
dragon king… This is the true nature of Kaya!”
“White Fang: (Defeated) “Ridiculous! I have power equivalent to the dragon king…”
(Pale flames erupt over its whole body, it becomes spiritual and explodes)

End Condition
“White Fang” vanishes in a pale flame. The PCs obtain a [Kushimitama] each, then the
scene ends.
Scene 12: Requiem for the God-Soul
Scene Player: PC1
Event: Information Gathering

Scene that occurs after the final battle.
After reuniting with PC1, Kaya loses her last spiritual power and starts to gradually
You can save Kaya by consuming a [Kushimitama].

Narration 1
When “White Fang” disappears, the surrounding landscape shifts to the same as back
then, the day the promise was made.
Distant city skyline. Setting Sun. And the Dosojin.
You crouch in the shadow of the Dosojin, cry, and find Kaya.

Kaya: “PC1… I’m really sorry. It’s all because of me… My promise.”
Kaya: “I’m really sorry.”
Kaya: “The children trapped by White Fang are here. Take them back to the outside
Kaya: “I was able to meet PC1 again… I won’t regret it any more.”
Kaya: (Kaya’s body begins to disappear) “In order to protect the children… I used all
my spiritual power.. There’s none left.”
Kaya: “Thank you for not forgetting, PC1.”

Exit Condition
The scene ends after confirming whether or not PC1 wishes to use their Kushimitama.
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - End
During [Scenario End], the post-scenario story occurs. After using [Kushimitama] and
making a [Crest Check], perform the ending scenes. The ending assumes the players
will listen to the wishes, but if they have no particular wishes, then the GM may wish
to direct the scene.

Scene 13: Evil God’s Favorite

Scene Player: PC5

Scene where Mephisto shows her appreciation for PC5.

You have returned to the usual place.
Then, a girl with a top hat suddenly appears in front of you.
Mephistopheles, an evil god with a strange relationship with you.

Mephisto: “...My dear, good work. You were once again brilliant. Thanks to you, I am
steadily approaching my goal.”
Mephisto: “I will continue to rely on you in future.”
Mephisto: “So, look forward to meeting again!”

Exit Condition
When PC5 responds to Mephisto, the scene ends.

Scene 14: Case Resolution

Scene Player: PC4

“A scene where the Department shows appreciation for PC4.”

Inside the SpecProv Branch Office. You have finally finished writing your report. Urabe
Masato, the director, enters the room.

Masato: “Thanks for your hard work. The incident was resolved.”
Masato: “This one was also thanks to you. I appreciate it.”
Masato: “...Well, the paperwork has been finished. How about a drink tonight?” (If a
minor, change to a meal)
Masato: “Don’t be shy. It’s my treat.”

Exit Condition
When PC4 responds, end the scene.
Scene 15: Believer’s Gratitude
Scene Player: PC3

A scene where PC3 is thanked by an old woman and her granddaughter

You are enjoying a busy morning.
There are many offerings at your shrine.
Then, an old woman and granddaughter visit the shrine.
They have gentle smiles, and put their hands together, facing you.

Old Woman: “Thank you very much, PC3, thanks to you, my grandchild came home
Old Woman: “I will continue to believe, so please watch over me.”
Kashima Mai: “Thank you, god! Ryu-kun, Ibuki-chan, and Kaya-chan also want to
thank you!”

Exit Condition
When PC3 responds, the scene ends.

Scene 16: Guardian of the World

Scene Player: PC2

A scene where PC2 talks to Ryouko and then returns to the world.

Having completed your mission, you return to the Hiryu Hall and locate your best
friend, Kamiya Ryouko.
When Ryouko senses you, she rushes from the back room. At that time, your body
wreaths in spiritual power… It begins to return.

Ryouko: “Welcome PC2… Are you okay!?”

Ryouko: (Hearing the answer) “Yes... Oh, that’s good.”
Ryouko: “..Ah. B-besides, I wasn’t worried about you, you know?”
Ryouko: “But… Thank you. If I’m in trouble, I’ll call you again. We’ll see each other again

Exit Condition
When PC2 responds, the scene ends.
Scene 17-A: Outcome of the Old Days
Scene Player: PC1

Scene where PC1 did not spend a Kushimitama

The promise you made with the girl
Has your promise really been fulfilled?
When you close your eyes, the expression she made at the end enters your mind.
As you leave the Dosojin, the sunset stains the world red.
Just like that day.

Kaya: (Reminiscence) “No matter how far away you are, we will always be friends. It’s
a promise, PC1!”

Exit Condition
When PC1 responds to the memory, the scene ends.

Scene 17-B: New Promise

Scene Player: PC1

Scene when PC1 uses a Kushimitama.

Some time has passed since the incident.
A small temple and condominium were newly built near the Dosojin.
The owner happened to know the origin of the Hisa Shrine and built it to worship the
land god.
When you visit the hall, a girl sits on a bench beside you, chewing on an offering gift.

Kaya: “Hey… I’ll give you half?”

Kaya: “People in the apartments offer me a lot of things.”
Kaya: “That’s right! Listen, PC1! I made new friends from there. Ibuki on the fourth
floor, and Ryu on the sixth floor.”
Kaya: “...But you know… PC1 is still my best friend?”
Kaya: “Hey, PC1... In the future, let’s always be friends!”

Exit Condition
When PC1 Responds to Kaya, the session ends.
Kamigakari Sample Scenario - Session End and Combat Data
After [Scenario End], perform [Session End]. Finally, don’t forget to clean up. Calculate
experience as follows:
Criteria XP Gained
Achieved Goal set by Handout: 50 XP
Received Shard: 50 XP
Distortions Handled x 10: 30 XP
# of Bonds Erased by Player at Session End X2:
Mononoke Defeated: 5+(# of PCs*2)

Relevant Combat Data

(TL Note: Battle Arrangements assume a 13x13 grid, marked with letters going down and
numbers going across. This Sheet can be found in the materials associated with this book)

Battle Arrangement 1
The PCs may [Install] into any of Squares A6 - 7 - 8, or B6 - 7 - 8, and the GM installs
the designated NPC within 6 squares of the PC.

Appearing NPCS
Human-Faced Tumor (p141 Requiem)

Battle Arrangement 2
The PCs may [Install] into any of Squares A6 - 7 - 8, or B6 - 7 - 8, and the GM installs
the designated NPC within 6 squares of the PC.

Appearing NPCs
Human-Faced Tumor (p141 Requiem)
[Boss] “White Fang” x1
Installing obstacles
The GM may [Install] [Obstacles] into the [Combat Zone] depending on the scenario. The GM may
also ask if the players wish for [Obstacles] to be present.

When [Installing] [Obstacles], first [Install] each character, then afterwards [Install] as many [Obsta-
cles] as desired into any square.

Otherwise, the GM may roll on the following table as a guide. For information on each [Obstacle],
refer to Core Rulebook p288.

Obstacle Installation Table:

1 Three [Common House] equivalents within 7 Sq. of NPC
2 Four [Large Boulder] equivalents within 10 Sq. of PCs
Three [Large Boulder] equivalents at the intermediate point between
3 NPCs and PCs
4 Two [Common House] equivalents within 7 Sq. of the PCs
5 Two [Large Building] equivalents within 5 Sq. of the NPCs
6 One [Large Building] equivalent within 5 Sq. of the PCs

Boss: White Fang

White Fang Class: Chaos Lvl: 3 (1)
Size 3 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 11
Senses Normal Weakness [Fire] [Shock] [Wind] [Light]
Speech Yes Movement Walk • Swim
Combat Stat 8 4 6 3 2
15 (7) 243 2 2
Fixed Value 15 11 13 10 9
[[Weapon Attack]: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Spear] 3d6+19 physical damage.
«White Fang’s Poison»: Magical Attack / 4 Sq. / 1# / Halves
- [Element: Toxin / Form: Magic] 2d6+19 magical damage. 1/Round.
«Plague Carrier»: Unique / 7 Sq. / 1#
- Use on Active Check. If the first [Attack Action] after using this Talent causes the target to take at least 1 point of damage, they
gain [Shift: Poison]
«Regeneration»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}
Boss Talents
«Hidden Depths»: [Timing: Prep] (Core p299)
«Winds of Death»: [Timing: Attack] (Core p299)
«Forbidden Miracle»: [Timing: Unique] (Core p300)
«Extra Limbs / Extra Arm»: [Timing: Constant] (Requiem p111)
«Art Adaptation»: [Timing: Constant] (Requiem p112)
Materials (2d6)
Great Enemies
According to the contents of the scenario, a GM may allow [Mononoke] to acquire
one “Boss Talent” without needing the [Boss] or [Aramitama] Template.

When defeating this [Mononoke], every PC gains 10 extra [Experience] and 1 extra
[Crest]. However, care must be taken when acquiring «Defy Common Sense» (Core
p 301). If multiple [Mononoke] acquire this talent, they become much more difficult
to defeat, which may prolong the battle. GM’s should take this into consideration and
limit the acquisition of «Defy Common Sense» to only one mononoke.

Additionally, for talents such as «Savage Divinity» (Core p301), «Fearsome Power>
(Core p301), if the maximum value of [HP] is 200 or less from the beginning of the
combat, please assume they are already in effect.
Sample Sanctum Scenario - “The Stolen Spirit”

The GM should read all Handouts in this scenario, or prepare them in advance
and hand them to all players.

“Request from a Tochigami” - [All PCs]
Connection: Hisashiro-Nushi / Trust
Sample PC: See “PC Creation” in this scenario
Conditions: None

One day, you are called by the Hisashiro-Nushi, a Tochigami of ancient knowledge.
Currently, she has lost control of her ley line, and is in extreme distress.
You ask her about the details.

Purpose: Defeat Aramitama.


Scenario Outline
Shining black fangs. A scream that echoes.
The protection of the Tochigami’s family falls.
A sanctuary that turns into hell overnight.
Can the godhunters save the Tochigami?
Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari - “The Stolen Spirit”.

Scenario Background
The ley line of Hisashiro-Nushi, the tochigami of Hisashiro, is one day overtaken by the pow-
erful Aramitama “Black Fang”. After seeing a chance, Hisashiro-Nushi escapes from the
[Sanctum] and asks some old friends, the PCs, to help subdue Black Fang.

This scenario ends when Black Fang is defeated.

PC Creation
This scenario is intended to be played with 3-5 PCs at [World Level: 1].
When using sample PCs, use the following selections:

PC1: God’s Confidant (p35 “Requiem for the God Soul”)

PC2: Giantslayer Hero (p34 “Requiem for the God Soul”)
PC3: Hisashiro’s Tochigami (p37 “Requiem for the God Soul”)
PC4: Servant of Shadows (p50 “Core Book”)
PC5: Destroyer Swordsman (p48 “Core Book”)

Appearing NPC’s
Age: Unknown / Gender: Female / Occupation: Avatar
One of the tochigami that controls the ley lines of the Hisashiro Reservoir. Its true form is an
ancient scarlet carp that has the power to control the water of the lands it controls. This char-
acter is calm and good.

Black Fang
Age: Unknown / Gender: Male / Occupation: Evil God
An Aramitama that arrived along with White Fang. Its true form is a large centipede with a
body it is proud of, with a pair of fangs that hold a powerful curse.
Its voice is old-fashioned, but it speaks grandly in a few words.
Sample Sanctum Scenario - Introduction

Once PC Creation is finished, the GM starts the Scenario introduction.

During the Scenario Introduction, each PC must [Appear] and cannot [Exit] unless
otherwise stated.

Scene 1: Request from the Tochigami

Scene Player: All PCs
Event: Information Gathering

The scene where all PCs meet Hisashiro-Nushi and receive a request.

Narration 1
Within moments, the envoys appeared before each of you.
The envoys appear as girls dressed in kimono, though it’s probably the human avatar
of a carp.
You know of them, and their lord.
Hisashiro-Nushi, one of the virtuous Tochigami.

Envoy A: “We apologize for the sudden interruption.”

Envoy B: “A crisis is falling on Hisashiro-nushi-sama!”

Narration 2
The envoys speak with a tense expression.
According to their story, Hisashiro-Nushi is in danger, as an Aramitama has expelled
them from their own Ley Line.
You and the others head to the temple near Hisashiro Resevoir where
Hisashiro-Nushi has escaped, in order to hear more about the situation.
There awaits a black-haired, golden-eyed girl with a magnificent red kimono -

Hisashiro-Nushi: “Oh… Thank you for coming to this place.”

Hisashiro-Nushi: “...Unfortunately, a powerful aramitama has appeared in this city,
and deprived me of my ley line.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “Something isn’t normal… Perhaps the spiritual protection from the
Dosojin of this city has weakened.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “I escaped from the [Sanctum] thanks to a life-saving rescue by my
kin, and hid myself in this hall, sending a message to everyone.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “That Aramitama, [Black Fang], will transform my family into “Cursed
Souls” (p10 Requiem) and use my ley line to steal people’s souls.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “Everyone, please. Defeat Black Fang, and regain the ley line!”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “By recovering the ley line, we can revive my kin who were turned
into Cursed Souls!”

Narration 3
As she talked, Hirashiro-Nushi shed tears. To have survived by herself, she feels a deep
sense of shame.

Hisashiro-Nushi: “I don’t expect you to do it for free.”

Hisashiro-Nushi: “I’m sorry, but this is the best treasure I can offer at the moment.”
[Give Reward «Treasure». See (p97 Requiem).]
Hisashiro-Nushi: “When you have defeated the [Sanctum], I will give you whatever I
have left in my sanctuary.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “Please… Please help us.”

Exit Conditions
The scene ends when the PCs finish buying and selling items.

Scene 2 - Sanctum Purge Preparation

Scene Player: All PCs
Event: Information Gathering

A scene where the PCs buy and sell [Items] for the [Sanctum Purge] from Cordelia A.
Blackeagle (p33 Core, upper-right).

According to Hisashiro-Nushi, there are several spiritual lakes within the [Sanctum]
that will require swimming. You and your friends meet with Cordelia A. Blackeagle, a
mysterious arms dealer, and decide to purchase regalia.

Cordelia: “Isn’t today going to be the Sanctum Purge? Buy this to protect your life!”

Exit Condition
The scene ends when PCs have finished buying and selling items.
Sample Sanctum Scenario - Story

The main Scenario Story begins here. The GM instructs the PCs to fill all [Bonds] from
1 to 7, and after that begins the [Sanctum Purge].
The sanctum’s [Limit] is 45.
See the following [Sanctum Map] of this scenario.

Empty / Inaccessible

Number 22: “Final Battle”
(-> p110 Requiem)
“Fishman x5” equal to [No. of PCs -3]
[Boss] Black Fang x1

Empty / Inaccessible

Search Area 3:
Number 2: “Submerged Area”
(-> p100 Requiem)

Search Area 1:
Additional Event 3
(-> p093 Requiem)
“Fishman x5” equal to [Number of PCs].

Escape Area
Number 3: “Aim High”
(-> p100 Requiem)

Intrusion Area
Search Area 2: “Submerged Area”
(-> p100 Requiem)

Search Area 2:
Number 15: “The Masses” (“Mob” in graphic)
(-> p106 Requiem)
Additional Event 1 / F-4: Intrusion Area
This event occurs before entering the “Intrusion Area”.
An event that describes what kind of place the [Sanctum] is.

Night, in the mountains of Hisashiro.
The entrance to the [Sanctum] is illuminated by moonlight, the reflection visible on
the clear water surface of the Hisashiro Reservoir.
You invade the sanctuary once controlled by Hisashiro-Nushi - [Sanctum: Tsuijin Mon-
It is a vast Japanese-style palace floating on a lake at night.

Exit Condition
When the PCs begin exploring, they enter the “Submerged Area”.

Additional Event 1 / F-4: Intrusion Area

This event occurs after clearing the “Submerged Area”.

After passing through the submerged area, the passage splits into two directions.
...On close inspection, blood stains lead in the direction of [Passage 20].

Exit Condition
When the PCs begin the search, the event ends.

Additional Event 3 / E-4: Search Area 1

This event occurs instead of [Combat].

Looking at the end of the passage, girls who appear to be envoys are crouched over
in pain. Their necks are wet with blood.

Envoy: “Oh, you guys are Nushi-Sama’s… !”

Envoy: “Please don’t come near! We are under the curse of the Aramitama…”
Envoy: “Kii, Kyaaa!” (The envoy mutates into a strange half-fish man).
Envoy: “Hah… we have already become <Cursed Souls>! Ha ha ha ha!” (Combat

Exit Condition
The event ends when the battle ends.
Additional Event 4 / C-5: Final Area
This event occurs after the description for [Final Battle].

As you walk down the passage, you approach a hundred-legged monster with sharp
fangs nearly 7 meters long.
Could this be… The Aramitama [Black Fang].

Black Fang: “Ouoh…All of you together, how troublesome.”

Black Fang: “Were you sent by that powerless red carp avatar?”
Black Fang: “Regardless, it appears White Fang has failed to eliminate the Godhunters
of this land.”
Black Fang: “This [Sanctum] already belongs to me. Like those hidden envoys, I will
hang you from my poison fangs!” (Combat Start).

Exit Condition
The event ends when the battle ends.

Scenario End
A scene where the PCs receive gratitude from Hisashiro-Nushi.

As you escape from the [Sanctum], Hisashiro-Nushi arrives with her envoys.
She understands everything just from seeing your expressions.
After a while, the light of spirit power begins to appear in her chest.
It is proof the power of the Tochigami has returned, as the curse of the Aramitama has
been released.
The light eventually turned rainbow-colored.. Gradually, her defeated kin are restored
around her.

Hisashiro-Nushi: “Oh, everyone is okay!”

Hisashiro-Nushi: “Thanks to you, I was able to regain my strength.”
Hisashiro-Nushi: “Really… Thank you very much!”

Exit Condition
When the PCs have responded to Hisashiro-Nushi and received their reward, proceed
to [Session End].
Sample Sanctum Scenario - Session End and Combat Data
After [Scenario End], perform [Session End]. Finally, don’t forget to clean up. Calculate
experience as follows:

Criteria XP Gained
Achieved Goal set by Handout: 50 XP
Received Shard: 50 XP
# of Bonds Erased by Player at Session End X2: 12 XP
The GM should calculate
Mononoke Defeated:

Boss: Black Fang

Black Fang Class: Chaos Lvl: 4 (1)
Size 4 Reaction Hostile
Wits Clever ID 13
[Fire] [Wind] [Phantom]
Senses Magic Weakness
Speech Yes Movement Walk
Combat Stat 9 8 3 5 4
22 (9) 254 2 0
Fixed Value 16 15 10 12 11
[Weapon Attack]: Melee Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword] 2d6+23 physical damage. [Additional Effect]: Change the [Target] of an [Attack Action] to [Area]. 1/Combat
«Gaze: Darkness»: Start / 4 Sq. / Area / No Reactive Check
-The target gains [Shift: Darkness].
«Life Drain I»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
-[Form: Hammer] 2d6+19 physical damage. If target fails their [Reactive Check], the user [Recovers] 10 {HP}.
«Cursed Soul Contagion»: Physical Attack / Engaged / 1#
- [Form: Sword / Element: Toxin] 2d6+31 physical damage.
«Abnormal Regeneration»: End / User
- The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.
Boss Talents
«Hidden Depths»: [Timing: Prep] (Core p299)
«Winds of Death»: [Timing: Attack] (Core p299)
«False God’s Eye»: [Timing: Attack] (Core p299)
«Forbidden Miracle»: [Timing: Unique] (Core p300)
«Extra Limbs / Extra Arm»: [Timing: Constant] (Requiem p111)
Materials (2d6)

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