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Factor-Analytic Models of Intelligence

John O. Willis, Ron Dumont, and Alan S. Kaufman

The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of provided an additional list of 19 different def-
a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. initions that have been suggested over the
years by several of the major experts in the
Thomas Huxley∗
field of psychology. Although intelligence,
like Freud’s “ego,” is probably best thought
Get your facts first, and then you can
of as a process, it is treated in much of the
distort them as much as you please.
literature and often in professional practice
Attributed to Mark Twain† as a “thing.” The lack of a single, accepted
definition of intelligence contributes to dis-
agreements about how to assess it. With-
Clearly, there are many ways to define out agreement on the definition of intelli-
intelligence. Wasserman and Tulsky (2005, gence – and even on whether IQ exists –
p. 15) list 11 definitions provided by psychol- it is difficult to reach agreement on how to
ogists who responded in 1921 to a survey measure intelligence. For information about
regarding their opinions about the defini- the major theories of intelligence that have
tion of the term intelligence. Sternberg and influenced testing, see Carroll (1993, chap-
Detterman (1986) provided an updated sym- ter 2); Daniel (1997); Flanagan and Harrison,
posium with more definitions and some (2005); Kaufman (2009); McGrew and Flana-
overlap of components. Sattler (2008, p. 223) gan (1998, chapter 1), Sattler (2008, chapter
7); Sternberg (2000); and Woodcock (1990).
∗ Presidential address at the British Association, “Bio- And for some of the many disputes about
genesis and abiogenesis” (1870); later published the construct and measurement of intel-
in Collected Essays, Vol. 8, p. 229. London, UK:
Macmillan and Co., 1894. [Elibron Classics Replica ligence, see Eysenck versus Kamin (1981);
Edition, Chestnut Hill, MA: Adamant Media, 2001.] Gould (1981); Herrnstein and Murray (1994);
† Commonly quoted as: “First get your facts, then you and Jacoby and Glauberman (1995), among
can distort them at your leisure.” Rudyard Kipling,
An interview with Mark Twain, p. 180, From Sea to a great many, many other sources (it is a
sea: Letters of travel, 1899, Doubleday & McClure. contentious field).

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Global Intellectual Ability Versus plan would translate into the actual layout
Separate Abilities of furniture in the real room. Most of us can
think of acquaintances who may be terribly
A persistent and unresolved question in both clever in some ways and notably incompe-
professional theories and lay conceptualiza- tent in others. Theorists and practitioners
tions of intelligence has been whether an who adhere to this extreme splitter position
individual has one, overall level of “intel- tend to ignore or deemphasize total scores
ligence” or, instead, what we call “intel- on intelligence tests and focus on patterns
ligence” is actually a set of several sep- of strengths and weaknesses.
arate abilities. These theorists could be Other splitter theorists focus their atten-
characterized respectively as “lumpers” and tion on different mental processes (rather
“splitters” (McKusick, 1969). Although than a set of discrete abilities) such as
apparently dichotomous, this fundamental planning; attention; and dealing with infor-
question has spawned continua of hotly mation in a step-by-step, sequential process
debated theories. or in an all-at-once, holistic approach (e.g.,
At one end, there is the extreme lumper Kaufman, Kaufman, Kaufman-Singer, &
position that each person has a single level Kaufman, 2005; Luria, 1980; Naglieri & Das,
of cognitive ability (often referred to as 2005). Again, this theoretical perspective
g, as discussed later in the chapter; e.g., is mirrored in popular psychology. People
Jensen, 1998; Spearman, 1904). The expres- often characterize themselves and others as,
sion of this intelligence may vary with dif- for example, either sequential (successive,
ferent tasks, and as a function of educa- auditory/sequential) or holistic (simultane-
tion, sensory and motor abilities, and other ous, visual/spatial) thinkers (e.g., Kaufman,
influences, but the individual has one, single Kaufman, & Goldsmith, 1984; Silverman,
level of reasoning ability that will be seen 2000).
on a wide variety of intelligence tests. This Still other splitter theorists (e.g., Gard-
theoretical perspective matches the com- ner, 1983, 2003; Stanovich, 2009; Sternberg,
mon observation that among our friends and 1982, 2005) object to the narrow scope
acquaintances, some individuals are consis- of intelligence as it is measured by most
tently pretty smart about almost everything existing intelligence tests. They note that
and some are consistently incompetent and the oral question-and-answer, paper-and-
clueless. Most of us can categorize the peo- pencil, and picture-and-puzzle intelligence
ple we know as “smart,” “dumb,” or some- tests deemphasize or entirely omit such
thing in between. Theorists and practition- essential capacities as practical intelligence,
ers who adhere to this position tend to creativity, artistic and musical abilities, and
consider the total score on an intelligence rational thinking.
test an approximation of the individual’s
overall level of intelligence, although scores
General Intelligence – Spearman’s g
will vary somewhat on different tests.
The opposite extreme, the splitter end of British psychologist Charles Spearman
this continuum, is the position that there is (1904) proposed a conception of intelligence
a set of several higher order cognitive abil- perhaps most widely (though by no means
ities that are more or less independent of universally) accepted by authors and users
each other (e.g., Cattell, 1941; Horn & Blank- of intelligence tests. His idea was that each
son, 2005; Horn & Cattell, 1966; Guilford, person has a certain general level of intellec-
1967; Thorndike, 1927; Thurstone, 1938). A tual ability, which the person can demon-
person might demonstrate, for example, a strate in most areas of endeavor, although
high level of verbal knowledge, vocabulary, it will be expressed differently under differ-
and verbal reasoning ability but be weak in ent circumstances. This general intelligence
visual-spatial thinking and unable to read is commonly referred to by the single itali-
a map or to “see” how a decorator’s floor cized letter, g.

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As noted above, Spearman’s general abil- minimum number of factors of these three
ity theory is appealing on a commonsense types for n variables may then be briefly
level. One finds, for example, that some col- summarized as follows: one general factor,
leagues are generally pretty smart at most n specific factors and q group factors where
things while others have a lack of ability q is usually much smaller than n. In the
that seems to extend with equally broad modified pattern some of the group factors
application to many endeavors. There is may overlap. (Holzinger & Swineford, 1937,
also, as Spearman showed, statistical sup- p. 41)
port for the general ability theory. Using Louis (Eliyahu) Guttman (1954, 1971),
the statistical techniques of factor analysis among many contributions to statistics and
to examine a number of mental aptitude social sciences, applied his Radex model,
tests, he observed that people who per- an alternative to traditional factor analy-
formed well on one cognitive test tended sis, to psychological tests (Levy, 1994). The
to perform well on other tests, while those Radex model includes a linear dimension
who scored badly on one test tended to of increasing task complexity from recall
score badly on others. Spearman demon- through application to inference of rules
strated that measures of different mental (simplex) and a circular dimension (circum-
abilities correlated substantially with each plex) of correlation between tasks in numer-
other. People with high verbal abilities are ical, figural, and verbal material sectors. Two
likely also to have high spatial and quan- similar tests of low complexity would be
titative abilities, and so on. (Persons with close together toward the periphery of the
higher IQs apparently are also likely to plane. Two tests of high complexity would
be taller and have more body symmetry be near the center, which essentially corre-
than persons with lower ability scores – sponds to g.
Silventoinen, Posthuma, van Beijsterveldt, Most intelligence tests in use today are
Bartels, & Boomsma, 2006; Prokosch, Yeo, based, at least in part, on the general ability
& Miller, 2005.) Spearman postulated that theory. Critics (e.g., Gould, 1981) assert that
those positive correlations across different correlations with older tests based on the g
tests indicated that there must be a general theory are used to justify new tests based
function or “pool” of mental energy, which on the same theory, which, they claim, adds
he named the general factor, or g (Spear- more circular and artificial support to the
man, 1904, 1927). Spearman also acknowl- construct of g.
edged specific factors(s) representing partic- It has long been recognized that many
ular tests or subtests, but not generalized immediate or enduring, nonintellectual
across tests. influences can affect the expression of g
Karl Holzinger and colleagues (Holzinger (e.g., Wechsler, 1926). For instance, a math
& Harman, 1938; Holzinger & Swineford, “phobia,” lack of training in higher math, or
1937) developed the Bi-factor theory, which, an interacting combination of the two forces
in its simplest form . . . is merely an exten- could prevent the successful expression of a
sion of Spearman’s Two-factor pattern to person’s full g in the area of mathematics.
the case of group factors. The Spearman pat- Some problems require more than g for
tern is a theoretical frame of reference con- their solution. For instance, solving prob-
sisting of a general factor running through all lems in engineering, housekeeping, teach-
variables and uncorrelated factors present in ing, farming, mechanics, and medicine usu-
each variable. The Bi-factor pattern is also ally requires specialized knowledge, skills,
a theoretical frame of reference in which a and ways of thinking. Further, emotions and
general factor is assumed to run through all intellect often interact, sometimes aiding
variables with specific factors in each vari- and sometimes interfering with one another
able, but in addition a number of uncor- in solving problems, including IQ-test items
related group factors, each through two (e.g., Daleiden, Drabman, & Benton, 2002;
or more variables, are also included. The Glutting, Youngstrom, Oakland, & Watkins,

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1996; Oakland, Glutting, & Watkins, 2005; Woo-Sam, 1973). Ultimately, another indus-
Stanovich, 2009; Wechsler, 1943, 1950). For try was formed dedicated to condemnation
example, frustration tolerance, impulsive- of the practice of profile interpretation – for
ness, and persistence are important compo- example, McDermott, Fantuzzo, and Glut-
nents of test performance. ting (1990), who proclaimed, “Just say no to
The g theory of intelligence is not nec- subtest analysis: A critique on Wechsler the-
essarily linked to theories of either heredi- ory and practice.” That debate continues to
tary or environmental influences on intelli- the present day (Flanagan & Kaufman, 2009;
gence (e.g., Eysenck vs. Kamin, 1981). The Lichtenberger & Kaufman, 2009; Watkins,
idea necessary for acceptance of the g the- Glutting, & Youngstrom, 2005). Ironically,
ory is that intelligence operates primarily as Wechsler provided clinicians with a profile
a single capacity. of IQs and subtest scaled scores to inter-
Brain damage, disease, deprivation, and pret – and he championed the interpretation
disturbance are, of course, known to affect of subtest profiles for diagnosis of brain dam-
some expressions of intelligence differen- age and psychopathology (Wechsler, 1958) –
tially. For example, a stroke may impair but he always considered the Wechsler-
one function, such as speech, while spar- Bellevue and all his subsequent intelligence
ing others, such as drawing. Sacks (1970) scales to be measures of global intellectual
offers many highly readable examples of ability, measures of g.
differential effects of diseases and injuries.
Springer and Deutsch (1993), Sauerwein
Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities
and Lassonde (1997), and others discuss
split-brain studies. Hale and Fiorello (2004), Other theorists (e.g., Edward L. Thorndike,
Lezak, Howieson, and Loring (2004), and 1927; Thomson, 1916) have historically
Miller (2007, 2010) provide detailed text- placed more importance on separate areas
books on neuropsychological assessment. of intelligence and argued that g and spe-
General ability theorists might hold that cific factors (referred to as “s” by Spear-
it is the expression of intelligence that is man) interact to determine the expression
affected, and that intelligence itself is still of intelligence in different situations. The
mostly unitary, even though its application opponents of Spearman’s g did not deny
is unevenly handicapped. that cognitive tests tend to correlate pos-
For more than three-quarters of a cen- itively (sometimes called “a condition of
tury, Spearman’s g theory was the only one positive manifold”; Horn & Blankson, 2005,
that mattered for practical assessment of p. 61). Instead, they maintained that a posi-
intelligence. Indeed, Spearman’s g was at tive manifold can occur for a variety of rea-
the root of Terman’s (1916) Stanford-Binet sons that have nothing to do with a common
adaptation of Binet’s test (Binet & Simon, factor. Nearly a century ago – the same year
1916/1980) in the United States, forming the that Terman (1916) published the Stanford-
foundation for offering only a single score, Binet – Thomson articulated this anti-g argu-
the global IQ (Kaufman, 2009). Until 1939, ment cogently. Thomson (1916) maintained
intelligence tests generally offered only a that the emergence of g “was a consequence
total score to be taken as an approxima- of the overlap existing among discrete ele-
tion of g. David Wechsler’s (1939) Wechsler- ments that are used to solve various intel-
Bellevue Intelligence Scale offered two IQs lectual tasks. Thus, the positive manifold is
(Verbal and Performance) in addition to the a consequence of relationships among dis-
Full Scale IQ or proxy for g, which inspired crete elements combined according to the
an industry of profile analysis as clinicians laws of chance” (Brody, 2000, p. 30).
and researchers interpreted various pat- There are many different conceptions of
terns of subtest scores from diverse perspec- the specific mental factors. In 1938, Louis
tives (e.g., Kaufman, 1979, 1994; Rapaport, L. Thurstone, an outspoken opponent of
Gill, & Schafer, 1945–1946; Zimmerman & Spearman’s g, offered a differing theory

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of intelligence. Thurstone, who had devel- multiple-factor theory (which did not have
oped methods for scaling psychological mea- a general factor).
sures, assessing attitudes, and testing theory,
developed new factor analytic techniques to
Guilford’s Structure of Intellect Model
determine the number and nature of latent
constructs within a set of observed variables. One prominent multifactor theorist was
Using his new methods, Thurstone argued J. P. Guilford (1967, 1975, 1988), who devised
that Spearman’s g resulted from a statistical the Structure of the Intellect (SOI) model.
artifact based upon the mathematical pro- Guilford’s theory laid out, in a three-
cedures that Spearman had used. Thurstone dimensional model, five different mental
believed that human intelligence should not operations needed to solve problems (such
be regarded as a single unitary trait, and in as Convergent Production or Divergent Pro-
its place, he proposed the theory of Primary duction) on four different contents (such as
Mental Abilities (1938), a model of human Symbolic or Figural), yielding six kinds of
intelligence that challenged Spearman’s uni- products (such as Classes or Relations) for
tary conception of intelligence. Holzinger a total of 120 (5 × 4 × 6 = 120) possible intel-
and Harry H. Harman applied Holzinger’s lectual factors. Guilford’s model, because of
Bi-factor method to Thurstone’s (1936) fac- the huge number of intellectual abilities it
tor analysis and found “striking agreement” posited, was the most dramatic contrast to
(Holzinger & Harman, 1938, p. 45) between Spearman’s unitary g theory.
Thurstone’s results and their own. Despite the clear distinction between
Thurstone’s early theory, based upon an Spearman’s single-factor model and Guil-
analysis of mental test data from samples ford’s multidimensional model, both suf-
composed of people with similar overall fered from a similar problem. As Kauf-
IQs, suggested that intelligent behavior does man (2009) notes, “If one ability was too
not arise from a general factor but instead few to build a theory on, then 120 was
emerges from different “primary mental just as clearly too many. And Guilford did
abilities” (Thurstone, 1938). The abilities not stop at 120. He kept refining the the-
that he described were verbal comprehen- ory, adding to its complexity. He decided
sion, inductive reasoning, perceptual speed, that one Figural content was not enough, so
numerical ability, verbal fluency, associative he split it into figural-auditory and figural-
memory, and spatial visualization. visual (Guilford, 1975). Nor was a single
British psychologist P. E. Vernon (1950) memory operation adequate, so he subdi-
proposed a hierarchical group factor theory vided it into memory recording (long-term)
of the structure of human intellectual abil- and memory retention (short-term) (Guil-
ities, based upon factor analysis. His pro- ford, 1988). The revised and expanded SOI
posed intellectual structure had at the high- model now included 180 types of intelli-
est level General ability (g) with major, gence!” (p. 52). Guilford’s model, although
minor, and specific factors tiered below influential, particularly in special educa-
g. Major factors were Verbal-educational tion and education of gifted children (e.g.,
and Spatial-mechanical, while the minor Meeker, 1969), was widely and sometimes
group included such factors as Verbal Flu- harshly criticized for lack of solid empiri-
ency, Numerical, and Psychomotor abilities. cal support for the separate abilities (e.g.,
Specific factors (lowest in the hierarchy) Carroll, 1968; Horn & Knapp, 1973, 1974;
referred to narrow ranges of behavior. Vernon, 1979; Thorndike, 1963). In partic-
Because Vernon’s theory included both a ular, “these researchers claimed that there
general factor and group factors, it may wasn’t enough evidence to support the exis-
be viewed as something of a compro- tence of the independent abilities that Guil-
mise between Spearman’s two-factor theory ford had described” (Kaufman, 2009, p. 51).
(which was composed of g and s, but did For example, “the factor analytic results
not include group factors) and Thurstone’s that have been presented as evidence for

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the theory do not provide convincing sup- refer, respectively, to “fluid intelligence” and
port because they are based upon methods “crystallized intelligence” (Cattell, 1963).
that permit very little opportunity to reject Cattell and Horn and colleagues (e.g., Cat-
hypotheses” (Horn & Knapp, 1973, p. 33). tell & Horn, 1978; Horn, 1985; Horn & Blank-
son, 2005; Horn & Cattell 1966; Horn &
Noll, 1997) – drawing on factor analytic stud-
One Influential Synthesis – Cattell, ies and evidence from “neurological dam-
Horn, and Carroll age and aging” and “genetic, environmen-
tal, biological, and developmental variables”
Spearman (1904) had originally insisted that (Horn & Blankson, 2005, p. 45) – gradually
the separate, s, factors were limited to expanded this initial bifurcation of g into
their particular tests or subtests. Eventu- eight or nine primary abilities. Horn (1985,
ally, though, he recognized that some s fac- 1994) argued unyieldingly against the reality
tors were common to multiple measures of a single general ability factor (g), because
but, unlike g, they were not common to all he did not believe that research supported a
measures (Spearman, 1927). The final ver- unitary theory.
sion of Spearman’s theory with the two fac- Gf, fluid intelligence, refers to inductive,
tors, one g and various s factors (some of deductive, and quantitative reasoning with
which applied to groups of tests), was closer materials and processes that are new to the
to Thurstone’s formulation than his original person doing the reasoning. Fluid abilities
theory had been. allow an individual to think and act quickly,
At the other end of our continuum, solve novel problems, and encode short-
when Thurstone administered his tests to an term memories. The vast majority of fluid
intellectually heterogeneous group of chil- reasoning tasks on intelligence tests use non-
dren, he found that his seven primary abil- verbal, relatively culture-free stimuli, but
ities were not entirely separate; instead he require an integration of verbal and nonver-
found evidence of a second-order factor that bal thinking.
he theorized might be related to g (Sat- Gc, crystallized intelligence, refers to the
tler, 2008). According to Ruzgis (1994), the application of acquired knowledge and
final version of Thurstone’s theory, which learned skills to answering questions and
accounted for the presence of both a general solving problems presenting at least broadly
factor and the seven specific abilities, helped familiar materials and processes. It is
lay the groundwork for future researchers reflected in tests of knowledge, general
who proposed hierarchical theories and the- information, use of language (vocabulary),
ories of multiple intelligences. Thurstone’s and a wide variety of acquired skills (Horn
final formulation was closer than his orig- & Cattell, 1966). Most verbal subtests of
inal theoretical framework to Spearman’s intelligence scales are classified primarily
model. In the end, the two extremes of the as measuring crystallized intelligence, How-
lumper-splitter continuum (Spearman and ever, some such subtests, like Wechsler’s
Thurstone) each gravitated a bit toward the Similarities, clearly require fluid reasoning as
center. well as crystallized knowledge to earn high
scaled scores.
Cattell and Horn’s Gf-Gc Model
Carroll’s Three-Stratum Hierarchy
Probably the best known and most widely
accepted theories of intellectual factors John B. Carroll (1993) undertook a truly
derive from the model of Raymond B. staggering reanalysis of all of the usable
Cattell (1941) and his student, John L. correlational studies of mental test data that
Horn (1965). Cattell first proposed two he could find. He winnowed a collection
types of intelligence: Gf and Gc, which of about 1,500 studies down to a set of 461

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datasets that met four technical criteria events leading to today’s CHC theory and
(Carroll, 1993, pp. 78–80, 116) and then related assessment developments” (p. 144).
subjected the data from those studies to a “CHC” stands for “Cattell-Horn-Carroll,”
uniform process of reanalysis by exploratory a synthesis of the work of Cattell and Horn
factor analysis (pp. 80–91). Carroll noted with that of Carroll. McGrew (2005, p. 148)
that this massive project was “in a sense an believes that the term and abbreviation
outcome of work I started in 1939, when . . . I “Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory” and “CHC”
became aware of L. L. Thurstone’s research were first published in Flanagan, McGrew,
on what he called ‘primary mental abilities’ and Ortiz (2000) and first formally defined in
and undertook, in my doctoral dissertation, print in his and Woodcock’s technical man-
to apply his factor-analytic techniques to ual for the third edition of the Woodcock-
the study of abilities in the domain of lan- Johnson battery (McGrew & Woodcock,
guage” (1993, p. vii; see also Carroll, 1943). 2001). CHC theory synthesizes two of the
As a result of his reanalysis of the 461 data most widely recognized theories of intellec-
sets, Carroll presented extensive data in the tual abilities (McGrew, 2005; Sternberg &
domains of Language, Reasoning, Memory Kaufman, 1998).
and Learning, Visual Perception, Auditory Although Horn and Carroll agreed to
Reception, Idea Production, Cognitive the use of the term Cattell-Horn-Carroll
Speed, Knowledge and Achievement, Psy- (McGrew, 2005, p. 149), Horn and Carroll
chomotor Abilities, Miscellaneous Domains always disagreed sharply about g or the gen-
of Ability and Personal Characteristics, and eral stratum III (McGrew, 2005, p. 174).
Higher-Order Factors of Cognitive Ability Horn, like Thurstone in his earlier formu-
(1993, p. 5). Based on his data, Carroll lations, consistently and adamantly main-
(1993, pp. 631–655) presented “A Theory tained that there was no single g. Carroll
of Cognitive Abilities: The Three-Stratum always considered g or stratum III essential
Theory” with “narrow (stratum I), broad to his hierarchical, three-stratum theory.
(stratum II), and general (stratum III)” (p. Carroll (1993, 1997) stated that “there
633) abilities. See also Carroll (1997/2005) are a fairly large number of distinct indi-
for further discussion. vidual differences in cognitive ability, and
that the relationships among them can be
derived by classifying them into three differ-
Integration of Horn-Cattell and Carroll
ent strata: stratum I, ‘narrow’ abilities; stra-
Models to Form CHC Theory
tum II, ‘broad’ abilities; and stratum III, con-
The remarkable similarity between Car- sisting of a single ‘general’ ability” (Carroll,
roll’s broad stratum II abilities and Cattell 1997, p. 122). Carroll’s model, although sim-
and Horn’s expanded Gf-Gc abilities ilar to that proposed by Cattell and Horn,
suddenly became apparent at a meeting differs in several substantial ways. First, as
in March 1996 convened by the pub- noted, Carroll included at stratum III the
lisher of the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho- general intelligence factor (g) because he
Educational Battery (Woodcock & Johnson, believed that the evidence for such a factor
1977) to begin the process of developing was overwhelming. Second, where Cattell
the Woodcock-Johnson – Revised (Wood- and Horn differentiate Quantitative knowl-
cock & Johnson, 1989). Kevin McGrew edge as a separate Gf-Gc factor, in this
(2005) describes this “fortuitous” meeting case Gq, Carroll believed quantitative abil-
that included Richard Woodcock, John ity was best subsumed as a narrow Gf abil-
Horn, and John Carroll, among other impor- ity. Third, while the Cattell-Horn model
tant figures in test theory and development, included measures of Reading and Writing
including McGrew. McGrew considers that as a combined, separate factor (Grw), Car-
meeting the “flash point that resulted in roll believed these to be narrow abilities sub-
all subsequent theory-to-practice bridging sumed in the Gc factor.

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worthy in many respects” (2002, p. 16),

Applications of CHC Theory –
but raised eight concerns, including among
Cross-Battery Assessment and
others, whether scores from different
Test Development
tests with different norming samples and
CHC theory provided the basis for the other variations were comparable with one
McGrew, Flanagan, and Ortiz integrated another; the effects of taking subtests out
Cross-Battery Approach to assessment (see, of their usual context and sequence, differ-
for example, Flanagan & McGrew, 1997; ential practice and other effects; the lack of
Flanagan, McGrew, & Ortiz, 2000; Flana- factor analytic studies of batteries of many
gan, Ortiz, & Alfonso, 2007; Flanagan, Ortiz, cognitive tests given to large; representative,
Alfonso, & Mascolo, 2006; McGrew, 1997; national samples and the consequent use
and McGrew & Flanagan, 1998). These of an expert consensus process to assign
authors attempted – on the basis of factor narrow and broad abilities to subtests of
analytic studies, especially Carroll’s (1993) new instruments; ipsative interpretation
massive effort, and on the basis of expert using differences between scores and the
judgments of newer tests for which factor examinee’s own mean score rather than
analytic data were lacking – to characterize strictly normative scores; and the lack of
each of a great many subtests from cogni- attention to g in the CHC Cross-Battery
tive ability scales (and achievement tests) assessment model.
as assessing one or more narrow (stratum The CHC Cross-Battery advocates con-
I) and broad (stratum II) CHC abilities. tended that modern standards and prac-
They provided detailed guidelines for using tices for test norming (including varying
a core cognitive ability scale along with sub- the administration order of subtests on
tests from one or more additional instru- some tests) and the use of only recently
ments to assess all of the CHC broad abilities normed tests; reliance on Carroll’s (1993)
with measures of at least two different nar- and other factor analytic studies; and high
row abilities. Additional testing would be levels of interscorer reliability among judg-
required if the scores on the two narrow ments by their panels of experts obviated
ability measures within a broad ability dif- the concerns. They noted that the CHC
fered significantly from each other, raising Cross-Battery Approach uses normative, not
the possibility of different levels of capac- ipsative scores, although ipsative compar-
ity on narrow abilities, rather than a unitary isons are mentioned in some publications on
level of skill on the broad ability. the CHC Cross-Battery Approach.
Although the CHC Cross-Battery CHC theory also, to varying degrees, con-
Approach quickly gained many adherents tributed to the structure of many recent tests
among evaluators, it does not meet with of cognitive ability. The Woodcock-Johnson
universal approval. There was, for example, Psycho-Educational Battery – Revised (WJ-
a lively debate in the journal Communiqué: R; Woodcock & Johnson, 1989; see also
Floyd (2002) offered “recommendations Woodcock, 1990, 1993, 1997) and Woodcock-
for school psychologists” for using the Johnson III (WJ III; Woodcock, McGrew,
CHC Cross-Battery Approach. Watkins, & Mather, 2001) are explicitly based on
Youngstrom, & Glutting, 2002) responded CHC theory, and the WJ III attempts to
with “Some cautions concerning cross- measure the nine most commonly agreed
battery assessment,” to which Ortiz & upon CHC broad (stratum II) abilities.
Flanagan (2002a, 2002b) replied with their Some other cognitive ability tests with very
own “cautions concerning ‘some cautions.’” explicit CHC foundations include the Kauf-
Watkins, Glutting, and Youngstrom (2002) man Assessment Battery for Children, sec-
were “still concerned.” ond edition (KABC-II; Kaufman & Kauf-
Watkins, Youngstrom, and Glutting man, 2004) and Stanford-Binet Intelligence
wrote that the CHC Cross-Battery Scale, fifth edition (SB 5; Roid, 2003). CHC
Approach was “well articulated and note- abilities are cited in the test manuals to

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help explain and describe scales and sub- Even more broadly, we need to be care-
tests for many tests, including the Differen- ful not to confuse verbal names for factors
tial Ability Scales, second edition (DAS-II: with the factor analytic bases for them. For
Elliott, 2007), the Leiter International Per- example, Gv has been referred to as, among
formance Scale – Revised (LIPS-R; Roid other things, “visual-spatial thinking,” which
& Miller, 1997), the Reynolds Intellec- sounds like a high-level cognitive process,
tual Assessment Scales (RIAS; Reynolds & and “visual perception,” which sounds much
Kamphaus, 2003), and recent editions of more physiological than intellectual. By
the Wechsler intelligence scales, such as either name, it is the same Gv, defined by
the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – loadings of various subtests on the same fac-
fourth edition (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008), tor, and we should not be distracted, biased,
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – or misled by the verbal name assigned by
fourth edition (WISC-IV; Wechsler, 2003), an author. For example, when Cohen (1959)
and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale made a tremendous contribution to the
of Intelligence – third edition (WPPSI-III; field by publishing his factor analysis of
Wechsler, 2002). There is a growing body the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
of research showing relationships between (WISC; Wechsler, 1949), he also, we believe,
various CHC factors and different aspects inadvertently caused decades of misunder-
of school achievement (e.g., Evans, Floyd, standing by assigning the name “freedom
McGrew, & Leforgee, 2002; Floyd, Evans, from distractibility” to a factor consisting
& McGrew, 2003; Hale, Fiorello, Dumont, of the Arithmetic, Digit Span, and Coding
Willis, Rackley, & Elliott, 2008; Hale, subtests. Generations of psychologists and
Fiorello, Kavanagh, Hoeppner, & Gaitherer, educators consequently persisted in the mis-
2001). guided belief that those subtests were defini-
tively diagnostic of attention deficit disor-
der. Kaufman (1979) tried to resolve this
Cognitive Abilities – What’s in a Name?
confusion by neutrally calling his derived
CHC theory continues to evolve. Complete score for those three subtests simply “the
agreement has not quite been reached on the third factor,” but in our personal experience,
broad (stratum II) abilities, and the narrow the misunderstanding remained robust. This
(stratum I) abilities within each broad abil- cautionary tale might inspire us to take
ity are occasionally redefined. Current for- advantage of the more-or-less implication-
mulations can be found in Flanagan, Ortiz, free abbreviations and symbols offered by
Alfonso, and Mascolo (2006) and Flanagan, current formulations of CHC theory. The
Ortiz, and Alfonso (2007). Those books, and following discussion draws heavily on pre-
others cited earlier, classify a great many sentations in Carroll (1993); Flanagan and
intelligence and achievement test subtests McGrew (1997); Flanagan, McGrew, and
by broad (stratum II) and narrow (stratum Ortiz (2000); Flanagan, Ortiz, and Alfonso,
I) CHC abilities on the basis of factor ana- 2007; Flanagan, Ortiz, Alfonso, and Mascolo
lytic research and surveys of expert opinion. (2006); McGrew, 1997; and McGrew and
The names and the abbreviations or symbols Flanagan (1998).
for the abilities are taken, with alterations,
from Carroll, 1993, who observed (p. 644),
Definitions of CHC Abilities
“The naming of a factor in terms of a process,
or the assertion that a given process or com- Fluid and crystallized intelligence, described
ponent of mental architecture is involved in earlier, were the original Cattell-Horn Gf-
a factor, can be based only on inferences and Gc factors. As noted, over the years, the
makes little if any contribution to explaining original dichotomous Gf-Gc theory was
or accounting for that process unless clear expanded to include additional abilities.
criteria exist for defining and identifying These additional broad (stratum II) abilities
processes.” are defined here.

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Gv, or visual-spatial thinking, involves a Gt, decision/reaction time or speed, reflects

range of visual processes, ranging from fairly the immediacy (quickness) with which an
simple visual perceptual tasks to higher individual can react and make a decision
level, visual, cognitive processes. Woodcock (decision speed) to typically simple stimuli.
and Mather (1989) define Gv in part: “In It can be difficult to distinguish between Gs
Horn-Cattell theory, ‘broad visualization’ tasks, which are relatively common on intel-
requires fluent thinking with stimuli that are ligence tests, and Gt tasks, which are more
visual in the mind’s eye.” Although Gf tasks often found on computerized neuropsycho-
are also often nonverbal (e.g., matrix tests), logical measures of vigilance and reaction
Gv does not include the aspect of dealing time. Gs tasks generally require a sustained
with novel stimuli or applying novel mental effort over at least two or three minutes and
processes that characterize Gf tasks. Many simply measure the number of simple items
writers seem to consider Gv a relatively low- completed (or number right minus number
level cognitive ability, more perceptual than wrong) for the entire span of time. Gt tasks
intellectual. However, the “fluent thinking are more likely to measure response speed
with stimuli that are visual in the mind’s to each item or a few items.
eye” may well be a higher level intellectual Gsm, short-term or immediate memory,
process on a par with Gc and Gf (see, for refers to the ability to take in and hold infor-
example, Johnson & Bouchard, 2005, and mation in immediate memory and then to
Johnson, te Nijenhuis, & Bouchard, 2007, use it within a few seconds. Given the rela-
who differentiate perceptual from image tively small amount of information that can
rotation abilities). Engineers, auto mechan- be held in short-term memory, information
ics, architects, nuclear physicists, sculptors, is typically retained for only a short period of
carpenters, and parts department managers time before it is lost. When additional tasks
all use Gv to deal with the demands of their are required that tax an individual’s short-
jobs. Elliott (2007), for example, made two term memory abilities, information in short-
subtests each of Gf, Gc, and Gv abilities the term memory is either lost or transferred and
Core subtests for the General Conceptual stored as acquired knowledge through the
Ability summary score for the School-Age use of long-term storage and retrieval (Glr).
and Upper Early Years levels of the Differ- Gsm is divided in current CHC formula-
ential Ability Scales, second edition. Other tions into memory span (MS) and working
CHC abilities are included among the Diag- memory (MW) with a distinction between
nostic subtests, but are not counted in the simple recall (MS) (e.g., repeating increas-
General Conceptual Ability score. ing long series of dictated digits) and mental
Ga, auditory processing, involves tasks manipulation of material held in short-term
such as recognizing similarities and differ- memory (MW) (e.g., repeating the dictated
ences between sounds; recognizing degraded series in reversed sequence). This is another
spoken words, such as words with sounds example of the difficulty with verbal labels
omitted or separated (e.g., “tel – own” and for abilities, since “working memory” is used
/t/ ĕ /l/ ĕ /f/ ō /n/ both as “telephone”); by many authors to mean not MW, but MS,
and mentally manipulating sounds in spo- particularly with reference to brief retention
ken words (e.g., “say blend without the /l/ on the way to long-term storage. The differ-
sound” or “change the ĕ in blend to ı̆”). ent meanings of the terms can cause consid-
Phonemic awareness skills, terribly impor- erable confusion. Factor analyses have indi-
tant for acquisition of reading skills (Rath, cated that short-term visual memory (such
2001), are Ga tasks. as recognizing in a group of pictures the one
Gs, processing speed or attentional speedi- picture that had been seen earlier) is a nar-
ness, refers to measures of clerical speed and row ability within Gv rather than Gsm.
accuracy, especially when there is pressure Glr, long-term storage and retrieval,
to maintain focused attention and concen- involves memory storage and retrieval over
tration. longer periods of time than Gsm. How

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much longer varies from task to task. It is

Planning, Attention, Simultaneous,
important to note that Glr is referring to
Successive (PASS)
the efficiency of what is stored, not what is
stored. Glr is usually measured with con- Building on the work of Russian psychol-
trolled learning tasks in which the efficiency ogist, A. R. Luria (1966, 1973, 1990), J. P.
of learning – for example, rebus symbols for Das, Jack Naglieri, and colleagues (e.g., Das,
words – is assessed during the learning, and Kirby, & Jarman, 1979; Naglieri & Das, 2002;
then, on some tests, retention is assessed 2005); have developed the Planning, Atten-
with a delayed recall measure. tion, Simultaneous, Successive (PASS) the-
Grw includes reading and writing abilities, ory of intelligence. Luria posited three
which were part of Gc in Carroll’s formula- functional units or “blocks”: arousal and
tion. The narrow, stratum I abilities within attention (the Attention in PASS), repre-
Grw may not be sufficiently detailed to sat- senting Luria’s Block 1; taking in, process-
isfy educators specializing in literacy. ing, and storing information (the Simulta-
Gq, knowledge, is distinct from the quan- neous and Successive processes in PASS),
titative reasoning that is a narrow ability or Block 2 coding processes; and synthesiz-
within Gf. ing information and regulating behavior (the
The last two broad abilities raise the ques- Planning in PASS), which are the executive
tion of the distinction between “ability” and functions associated with Block 3.
“achievement.” Carroll (1993, p. 510, empha- The Kaufman Assessment Battery for
sis in the original) discusses this problem: Children (K-ABC; Kaufman & Kaufman,
“It is hard to draw the line between factors 1983; Kaufman, Kaufman, & Goldsmith,
of cognitive abilities and factors of achieve- 1984) was a pioneering test based on Simul-
ment. Some will argue that all cognitive abil- taneous versus Sequential (Successive) pro-
ities are in reality learned achievements of cessing, the components of Luria’s second
one kind or another.” Carroll suggests that processing unit (Block 2). The second edi-
we “conceptualize a continuum that extends tion of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for
from the most general abilities to the most Children (KABC-II; Kaufman & Kaufman,
specialized types of knowledges.” Flanagan, 2004; Kaufman, Kaufman, Kaufman-Singer,
Ortiz, Alfonso, and Mascolo (2002, p. 21) & Kaufman, 2005) is uniquely designed to
quote Carroll (1993, p. 510) and then also permit interpretation on the basis of four
Horn (1988, p. 655), “Cognitive abilities are Luria-based processes or on the basis of five
measures of achievements, and measures of CHC factors: Sequential processing or Gsm,
achievements are just as surely measures of Simultaneous processing or Gv, Learning or
cognitive ability.” They reach the same con- Glr, Planning or Gf, and Gc.
clusion as Carroll: “Thus, rather than con- Naglieri and Das’s (1997) Cognitive
ceiving of cognitive abilities and academic Assessment System (CAS) “is built strictly
achievements as mutually exclusive, they on the Planning, Attention, Simultaneous,
may be better thought of as lying on an and Successive (PASS) theory” (Naglieri,
ability continuum that has the most general 2005, p. 441). There are three Planning,
types of abilities at one end and the most three Attention, three Simultaneous, and
specialized types of knowledge at the other” four Successive subtests.
(Carroll, 1993). As with CHC theory, there is evidence
of correlations of PASS measures with
different aspects of educational achieve-
Other Formulations ment. There is also evidence of the utility
of PASS profiles for planning instruction
Although they are slightly or substantially (e.g., Naglieri & Johnson, 2000). Differ-
outside the factor analytic focus of this chap- ences between scores of African American
ter, there are other important theories and and Euro-American students are notably
models that bear mention. smaller on the PASS-based CAS and

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KABC-II than on other comprehensive cog- measurement of analytical, creative, and

nitive ability tests in current use (Kaufman practical skills for predicting success
& Kaufman, 2004; Naglieri & Das, 1997). in college” (Sternberg & the Rainbow
Project Collaborators, 2006, p. 344). The
authors pointed out several relatively minor
Triarchic Theory
methodological limitations in their study
Many experts (e.g., Robert Sternberg, 1982, and anticipated that “Over time, still better
1985; 2003, 2005; Howard Gardner, 1983, measures perhaps will be created” (Stern-
1999); and Keith Stanovich, 2009) (also see berg & the Rainbow Project Collabora-
Stanovich, this volume) argue that none tors, 2006, p. 347). Sternberg also points
of the theories discussed earlier goes far to evidence of effective instructional inter-
enough. Sternberg argues for recognition ventions based on the theory. The tri-
of “successful intelligence [which] is (1) archic theory of successful human intelli-
the use of an integrated set of abilities gence expands considerably the domain of
needed to attain success in life, however “intelligence” beyond what is measured by
an individual defines it, within his or her most current tests. We believe that Stern-
sociocultural context. People are success- berg’s theory comes much closer to Wech-
fully intelligent by virtue of (2) recogniz- sler’s famous definition of intelligence [“the
ing their strengths and making the most aggregate or global capacity of the individual
of them, at the same time that they rec- to act purposefully, to think rationally and
ognize their weaknesses and find ways to to deal effectively with his environment”
correct or compensate for them. Success- (Wechsler, 1958, p. 7)] than do any of any
fully intelligent people (3) adapt to, shape, of Wechsler’s own intelligence tests.
and select environments through (4) find-
ing a balance in their use of analytical, cre-
Multiple Intelligences
ative, and practical abilities (Sternberg, 1997,
1999)” (Sternberg, 2005, p. 104). Although Gardner argues for the existence of at
not strictly speaking a factor analytic the- least eight “intelligences,” including lin-
ory of intelligence, Sternberg’s theory is guistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spa-
supported by studies showing the “factorial tial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic, inter-
separability of analytic, creative, and practi- personal, and intrapersonal, each meeting
cal abilities” (Sternberg, 2005, pp. 104–105). the requisite two biological, two develop-
Sternberg and the Rainbow Project Collab- mental psychological, two traditional psy-
orators (2006) investigated the use of the chological, and two logical criteria to qualify
multiple-choice Sternberg Triarchic Abili- as intelligences (Gardner, 1993). “The identi-
ties Test (STAT; Sternberg, 1993; Sternberg fication of intelligences is based on empir-
& Clinkenbeard, 1995; Sternberg, Ferrari, ical evidence and can be revised on the
Clinkenbeard, & Grigorenko, 1996) and sev- basis of new empirical findings” (Gardner,
eral other measures of the same domains 1994, 2003), quoted in Chen and Gardner
(open-ended, performance measures of cre- (2005, p. 79). Gardner’s multiple intelli-
ativity and performance measures of prac- gences are difficult to measure, especially
tical skills) to improve prediction of col- as Gardner insists on measuring various
lege grade-point averages (GPA) above the aspects of each intelligence; using a vari-
prediction based on SAT scores and high ety of media, including physical and social
school GPA alone. “The triarchic measures activities, that are suited to the various intel-
predict an additional 8.9% to college GPA ligences; engaging the child in meaningful
beyond the initial 15.6% contributed by the activities and learning; assuring comfortable
SAT and high school GPA. These findings, familiarity of the child with the materials
combined with the substantial reduction of and activities; putting the activities into con-
between-ethnicity differences, made a com- texts that have ecological validity and rele-
pelling case for furthering the study of the vance for instruction; and creating complete

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profiles of intelligences that can be used A Parting Thought

to support teaching and learning (Chen &
Gardner, 2005, pp. 82–85). Nonetheless, sev- Factor-based theories of intelligence have
eral assessment programs have been created, proliferated since Spearman (1904) started
including the Spectrum Assessment System the ball rolling more than a century ago. The
(Chen, Isberg, & Krechevsky, 1998; Chen, once-extreme “lumper-splitter” dichotomy
Krechevsky, & Viens, 1998; Krechevsky, has became less extreme and the pendu-
1991, 1998) and Bridging: Assessment for lum has rested somewhere between the two
Teaching (McNamee & Chen, 2004). These ends, though decidedly closer to the Thur-
observational assessment systems include stone than the Spearman end. The uneasy
focus on activities as well as children and balance between g and multiple abilities
yield detailed reports. There is evidence that is probably best reflected by CHC the-
individual children do perform at different ory, which reflects an integration of the
levels in the various domains and that per- life’s work of John Carroll (a believer in g)
formance improves with instruction (e.g., and John Horn (a devout nonbeliever), and
Chen & Gardner, 2005) and that at least six forms the foundation of most contempo-
of the multiple intelligences do not corre- rary “IQ tests.” We believe that CHC theory
late highly with each other (Adams, 1993), has important positive features and merits a
a finding that support’s Gardner’s formu- key role in the assessment of intelligence.
lation. However, it appears to be difficult But, however well researched CHC theory
to directly assess the validity of Gardner’s may be, it reflects only one-third of Stern-
eight aptitudes as intelligences (e.g., Stern- berg’s theory, and perhaps a similar por-
berg, 1991). tion of Gardner’s theory – but, as Stanovich
aptly points out, MAMBIT is too narrow. At
present, CHC theory and, to a lesser extent,
Luria’s neuropsychological theory, provide
Stanovich (2009) agrees with Sternberg and the theoretical basis of virtually all major
Gardner that the aspects of intelligence tests of cognitive abilities. It is time for that
measured by traditional tests, which he status quo to change. The time has come
terms “MAMBIT (to stand for the men- for developers of individual clinical tests of
tal abilities measured by intelligence tests)” intelligence to broaden their basis of test
(p. 13), are too narrow. He focuses particu- construction beyond the analytic dimension
larly on the absence of measures of rational of Sternberg’s triarchic theory and to begin
thinking (e.g., Sternberg, 2002). However, to embrace the assessment of both practical
rather than including rational thinking and intelligence and creativity.
other abilities in a definition of “intel-
ligence,” Stanovich argues for separating
MAMBIT from other abilities, such as ratio- References
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