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Unit 4 Vocabulary Worksheet 1


Passions and Preferences I

1 Look and complete the fan activities.

0. You are really good at

dancing ballet.

1. I prefer to order tickets online rather

than line.

2. Tanya likes performing in plays because

she can as

3. My little sister likes to

4. My friends and I are huge


2 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

0. I’m a big rock music fan. I like to put up posters / stand in line in my room.
1. My big brother always wears a hat / wears team colors when he goes to a game.
2. Every time we go to a concert, my friends and I try to meet the band
and collect action figures / get autographs.
3. Only the biggest sports fans put up posters / put on face paint for the big games.
4. I really like superheroes. I like to collect action figures / wear team colors. I have over 25!

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