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Lessons From The Past People’s biases make them see events differently. To a Japanese, dropping atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed how wicked the West was. To a Westerner, what was done may not be seen as wicked. It was the only way to force the Japanese to surrender and to put an end to World War II. Sometimes it is necessary to keep history alive. History serves as reminder to us, of the terrible mistakes we have made. If we learn from history, we will be prevented from making the same mistakes again. Take, for example, what happened in Germany during World War II when millions of Jews were put to death by Adolf Hitler. He believed that the Germans were of a better race than the Jews in his country. So he introduced policies to get rid of the Jews. He_built work camps or concentration camps where the Jews were kept before being sent to their deaths. They were starved and made to work under Jeing Sent to mew eats: terrible conditions. The mass killing of cesene| iy the Nazis is called the de holocaust. ——. Anne Frank Socia stud ‘udies Grade 4 ~ Cahaya Singapore Montessori School Page 29 Scanned with CamScanner these pear kitty, evening after evening the green and grey army lorries trundle ast. The Germans ring at every Font door to enquire if there any Jews living in the house. If there are then the whole family has to go at once....sometimes they let much per sta them off for cash, so head. It seems like the ve hunts of olden times. In the evenings when it is dark, 1 often see rows of good, innocent people accompanied by crying children, walking on and on, in charge of a couple of chaps, bullied and knocked about until they almost drop. No one is spared -old people, babies, expectant mothers, the sick-each and all join in the march of death... all because thev are Jews If you have read The Diary of Anne Frank, you will understand better the difficulties faced by the Jews. Anne Frank was ahout your age in 1942 when she, her family and_some friends and she went into hiding from ‘the Germans in the back rooms of an oo a ncinrdam in Holland. Id office in Amsterdam in Holland. a Th 1944-someone- reported them to the German secret police. The family was sent to a labour camp. All except Anne’s father died. In 1947, Anne's diary was published. What Anne and so many like her suffered is a reminder to all of us about the lessons of history. iy was made to leave Germany in 1938 Th ese pictures were drawn by a Jewish woman whose fami and taken to.a concentration camp. In 1945, when the woman was leased from the camp, she re pictures show drew the pictures about Ter sullen VS —<$<$<$< <

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