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Letter to the Editor Assignment

Kelsey Rising

Dear Editor,
I am writing to you in the hopes of gaining awareness about the new edition of the
Warren Public Library. This edition expanded the children’s reading and teen space, as well as
added many meeting rooms and a gorgeous skylight. This edition comes with many new
programs, from houseplant swaps to reading with therapy bunnies, and dogs. Our library is a
priceless asset to the community but is often overlooked, and under-appreciated. I am an avid
lover of books but had no idea the extent of the library's offerings. They have so much more than
books, media, and historic records. This library is a place for children to learn, and foster their
creativity, a haven for teens to hang out after school, and a place for members of the community
to come together and create. After taking a look at the library’s online catalog, I was surprised by
the number of programs that Warren offers to children, teens, and adults. There is something for
every age group taking place regularly. I had the pleasure of speaking with Lorie Faust, a
children’s librarian at the Warren Public Library. She told me that the library has plans to open
up even more to the community. Including a play area on Mondays and Thursdays from 11 am to
2 pm for all kids in the area to socialize, programs for homeschooled individuals to meet new
friends and more rooms for the community to take advantage of. She also discussed many new
opportunities that are available that the library might adopt soon. I am very excited about what
the library has to offer and hope the community will take advantage of it as well.
Concerned YSU Nursing Student

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