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Listen to people talking in seven different situations. As you listen, choose the correct answer
A, B or C for questions 1 to 7.

1. You hear two people talking about a crime. Who does the man think committed

A. a person who works at the school

B. a person who used to go to the school
C. a person who goes to the school now

2. You hear a news reporter talking about some criminals. How many escaped
prisoners are the police still looking for?

A. three
B. two
C. one

3. You hear two people talking. What did the thieves do?

A. They stole some jewellery.

B. They stole a laptop.
C. They broke a window.

4. You hear a reporter talking about a crime. What was found?

A. a big collection of valuable paintings

B. paintings by different French artists
C. three stolen French paintings

5. You hear two people talking. What is the young woman's opinion of her brother's

A. She agrees with it.

B. She believes it is wrong.
C. She thinks everyone should know about it.

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6. You hear a policewoman talking to some cyclists. What is she doing?

A. criticising their behaviour

B. checking that their bikes are not stolen
C. giving them some advice

7. You hear a man talking about an incident at an Automated teller machine (ATM).
How does he feel?

A. awful
B. proud
C. angry

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Listen to a man telling a friend about something that happened to him on one of his business
trips. As you listen, choose the correct answer A, B or C for questions 8 to 13.

8. Why was the speaker originally going to miss his son's birthday?

A. He did not want to rush through his meeting.

B. There were no available flights after his meeting.
C. There were no flights at all that day.

9. What happened to the speaker on his way to the airport?

A. Someone crashed into a traffic light.

B. He was injured in a car accident.
C. He was delayed by a car accident.

10. Why did the speaker's plane land in Rome?

A. because of bad weather in Frankfurt

B. because it was the closest airport to Frankfurt
C. because airports in Northern Europe were closed

11. How many different flights did he board that day?

A. one
B. two
C. three

12. Why is the speaker telling his story?

A. to describe a nightmare travel experience

B. to complain about his bad luck
C. to warn against not insuring expensive things

13. What does the speaker mean when he says 'the best laid plans of mice and
men often go wrong'?

A. If you do not plan in advance, nothing will go right.

B. Even when things go wrong, you should not lose hope.
C. Unexpected things happen despite careful planning.
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Listen to four people talking about the purpose of the charities that they support. For questions
14 to 17, choose the purpose of the charity that each speaker supports from the list A to F.
Use the letters only once.
There are two extra options, which you do not need to use.
Write your answers in the blanks provided.

Purpose of the Charities They Support

A To comfort and care for the critically ill

B To secure minimum living standards

C To create more jobs for young people

D To improve people's home environment

E To maintain public green spaces

F To help people who suffer from depression

Purpose of the charity:

14. Speaker 1 ________

15. Speaker 2 ________

16. Speaker 3 ________

17. Speaker 4 ________

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Listen to a radio interview between a radio host and Martin Miller, a psychologist, discussing
how being assertive affects our lives. As you listen, choose the correct answer A, B or C for
questions 18 to 24.

18. According to Martin, saying no

A. shows your respect for other people.

B. is always the right thing to do.
C. can be beneficial.

19. People who are assertive

A. are fearless.
B. communicate more successfully.
C. have more personal qualities than those who are not.

20. What is one negative effect of not being assertive?

A. Non-assertive people do not treat others fairly.

B. Non-assertive people may feel or become ill.
C. Non-assertive people do not know what's important.

21. Mary cannot say no to her boss

A. although she is already dissatisfied at work.

B. because she doesn't have enough work to do.
C. as he is very good at negotiating.

22. Mary's sister

A. calls regularly to see how Mary is.

B. is very sensitive to Mary's needs.
C. gives the impression of being selfish.

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23. People like Mary

A. are fully aware of what is happening to them.

B. become ill from bottling up their feelings.
C. secretly enjoy being victimised.

24. The first step towards becoming more assertive is to

A. stop caring about other people's problems.

B. keep people at a distance.
C. refuse to take on other people's responsibilities.

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Listen to a man talking to a woman about the weather. As you listen, choose the correct
answer A, B or C for questions 25 and 26.

25. The man and the woman are

A. weather forecasters.
B. next-door neighbours.
C. husband and wife.

26. The woman believes the weather is going to

A. get worse.
B. get better.
C. stay the same.

Listen to a conversation between two friends, Zadie and William, about William's writing
project. As you listen, choose the correct answer A, B or C for questions 27 and 28.

27. William is having difficulty in

A. doing some online research

B. completing his short story.
C. writing emails to his friends.

28. Zadie advises William on how to

A. write an ending to a story.

B. obtain useful information.
C. concentrate on his work.

Listen to a staff talking to a customer over a counter. As you listen, choose the correct answer
A, B or C for questions 29 and 30.

29. The woman works in a

A. gift shop.
B. police station.
C. post office.

30. During the transaction, the man

A. has a friendly conversation.

B. is unwilling to give information.
C. talks about his birth.

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