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Title : The Toy Poodle

General Classification?
Toy poodles are some of the best family dogs in the world, they are clever,
adorable, and loyal.
Dog is one of the most popular pet in the world. There are many kinds of
dog breed, some of the famous breeds are retrievers, german shepherd,
and poodles. The poodle is regarded as one of the smartest dog breeds.
Poodle is the national dog of France, but actually originated in Germany.
There are three kinds of poodle breeds. They are standard poodle,
miniature poodle, and toy poodle. The Toy Poodle is the smallest version of
the poodle dog. The Toy Poodles are clever, adorable, active, friendly and
loyal companion.
What do they look like?
The Toy Poodle is an elegant-looking tiny dog with a slender muzzle and
curly fur.
The Toy Poodle is an elegant-looking tiny dog. They have dark, oval eyes
and their ears hang close to their heads. Poodles have long, straight
muzzles, and very distinctive coat. The coat comes in many colors, including
brown, cream, black, white, gray, and red. The hair is curly, wiry, and dense,
and this unique texture can be trimmed. They grow to a maximum of 10
inches tall. A healthy Toy poodle will weigh between 4 and 6 pounds.
What is their diet?
Toy poodles diet are natural food, dry food, and mixed food.
Properly composed diet allows the animal to be active and strong. Toy
poodles diet are natural food, dry food, and mixed food. The natural food
such as meat, eggs, milk, , fish, fruits, berries and vegetables. The use of
dry food simplifies the care of the toy poodle. This food already contains
minerals and vitamins. Mixed food is combination of dry food with cottage
cheese, vegetables, or meat.
How do they breed?
The toy poodle was created by breeding small poodles to each other, not
by breeding poodles to smaller breeds.
People say that the Toy poodle emerged shortly after the Standard. It is
believed in 1400s that breeders began producing smaller versions of the
poodle to delight the middle groups.

Other special information?

Poodles are known as a playful but dignified personality and keen
Poodles are highly trainable, extremely eager to please people, and love
being the center of attention through tricks and activities. Toy poodle have
been a popular pet for celebrities and royalty. Although tiny in size, toy
poodles are big on personality, intelligence and awaraness. They are also
quite sensitive. Since dogs are people-friendly, they want to stay close to
their families. They get lonely when left by themselves for long periods.
Poodles only have one coat and they do not shed their fur as some dogs do.
That’s why they are good pets for people who are allergic to dogs.

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