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This is my Father’s World

This poem talks about God’s creation, that’s why the name My Father’s World. It talks about how
we can lay in the grass, and we can relax there with the confidence that God is protecting us,
because in nature you can feel the company of God. God reflect in His creation, and this poem how
us that, talking about the sound of the birds, or the wind ruffling our hair, but this poem shows us
something even more important than that… and is that the evil exist and is always trying to make us
fall. Even when evil seems stronger and we believe that will defeat us, God will always win. The
greatest proof of that was when He sent His Son to save us. He freed us from sins by crucifying Jesus,
so this poem shows that: the greatness of God in nature, and how He continues in a continuous
battle with the devil, but a battle that we are sure that only God will win.

Here are some elements of this poem:

 The Author is Maltibie. D. Babcock

 The theme is the beauty of nature reminds us about the wonders of God, and that He will
overcome evil in the end

Now the questions:

1. (Lees la pregunta) To honor God and makes us know that He is in our surroundings
2. (Lees la pregunta) For beauty, because nature is the proof that God is an artist and deserves
our praise.

East or West

For God it doesn’t exist any race or language, He loves us equally. We were all born to serve God,
and in the society, we live in we must be united, regardless if we are of different countries or races.
That’s what the poem talks about so, don’t let any frontier separate you from your Christian

Here are some elements of this poem:

 The author is John Oxenham

 The author’s purpose could be Persuade or Inform, because the author is trying to persuade
you about don’t let races to separate Christians and Inform because is informing you about
how God love all of us no mattering what
 The theme is Despite the different cultures among God’s people, if we are united we are

Now the questions:

1. (Lees la pregunta) Forgiving them, telling them the truth or praying for them
2. (Lees la pregunta) God created us all, but we can’t tell someone who doesn’t believe in God
that he is son of God, for example. And if we analyze the poem, it tells ¨Sons of God¨ to the
people devoted to Him

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