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Name: ……………Ng…………………….

Score: ……/10 (For each correct answer, you will get 0.5p)

Exercise 1: Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.

It’s important for you to really think about why are you learning English, (1) ___________, not
for a grade, not for some reasons that someone told you, but think about what can it do for
your life. For me, I think of English is opening up an (2) ________________________.

When you speak English well, you can travel in South America, Central America, North America,
throughout Asia, (3) __________________. It opens the whole world to you.

I do this myself. This is my life. I travel constantly. Right now, I’m in Japan, next to an old
temple, you know, and nice, and in the mountains and the forests in Japan. Later, I’ll be in the
United States, then I’m going to (4) ______________ to Thailand, and Indonesia to travel
around. I was in Europe and in every place I go, I speak English. Sadly, I don’t speak any other
language (5) _________. I know a little Spanish, a little Japanese, but the truth is I can function
and survive and travel and meet people and (6) _____________ quite well. Almost anywhere in
the world with English. That’s what English gives you. It gives you the (7) ____________ to also
have an international life of adventure, of travel, of friendship to really be a (8) ____________,
to live globally, to learn from other people in other countries, to travel anywhere and
everywhere you want with this one language. That’s what it gives you. That’s what it opens up.
Of course, English can also open up (9) _____________________________, business
opportunities. There’s so much.

That’s what you need to focus on, not some score on a test or some school grade or (10)
__________________, or all that other bullshit that doesn’t matter at all. It’s not important.
What important is your international life of adventure, create it for yourself.
Exercise 2:  Listen to the audio and choose TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) for the following sentences.

1. At the beginning, the pig weighed 80 pounds.
2. She met her crush at the movie theatre.
3. She decided to lose 20 kg in 3 months.
4. She fainted because she was hungry and tired.
5. She was thrilled when losing 12 kg.
6. In the second month, she ate only grass.
7. She likes the taste of the grass.
8. During the last month, she started not dieting but exercising.
9. Finally, she weighed 5 kilos.
10. In the second meeting, the boy still did not like her.

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