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campaign ‫حملة‬ sophisticated ‫محنك‬

statistics ‫إحصائيات‬ realistic H‫واقعي‬
average ‫معدل – متوسط‬ boredom ‫ضجر – ملل‬
guinea-pig ‫ شخص تجارب‬-‫خنزير‬ intelligence ‫الذكاء‬
descendant ‫حفيد – سليل‬ addictive ‫مدمن‬
chart ‫جدول‬ thumb ‫صابع اإلبهام‬
assume ‫يفترض‬ rub ‫ يحك‬-‫يدلك‬
marathon ‫سباق الجري‬ defrost ‫يذيب الجليد‬
slice ‫يقطع إلي شرائح‬ heroic H‫بطولي‬
supreme ‫ أسمي‬-‫فائق‬ endanger ‫يعرض للخطر‬
April Fool's ‫كذبة أول إبريل‬ strict ‫ – حازم‬H‫صارم‬
fashion ‫موضة‬ attitude ‫ هيئة‬-‫موقف‬
fitness ‫الليقة البدنية‬ widespread ‫واسع اإلنتشار‬
injuries ‫جروح‬ decline H‫يتدهور‬
cramp ‫تقلص عضالت‬ violent ‫عنيف‬
blisters muscles ‫ – قرح‬H‫بثور‬ recipe ‫ علي نتيجة‬H‫وصفة للحصول‬
take part ‫عضالت‬ episodes ‫سلسلة أحداث‬
H‫يشارك‬ respiratory system ‫الجهاز التنفسي‬


Hitting the wall : At a certain point in marathon races, usually after 20-25 kms ,
many runners feel that they can't go on, and it's a big struggle for them to
continue. This experience is called "hitting the wall ". It occurs when the body runs
out of carbohydrates. The body actually has enough fat reserves to complete 35
marathons one after the other !

A couch potato is someone who doesn't take exercise and spends most of their
time sitting on a couch ( sofa) and watching TV.

The box is a slang word for TV.

A remote control is the machine you use to change channels etc without getting
out of your seat .
Soaps ( soap operas) are TV dramas; there is usually an episode at least once
a week, and something every day.
Arguments for :
TV is educative and informative. You learn a great deal of interesting information from it. TV. is
very entertaining and amusing. If you watch news programmes you keep up with what's
happening in the world. It gives you something interesting to talk about with other people .
Arguments against :
It's possible that watching TV is addictive .A lot of people spend too much time watching
TV. They could be doing other things , for example spending time with friends or taking
exercise. Families watch TV. rather than talk to each other .There is too much violence
on TV. and this is bad for you.
-Arguments in favour of running marathons :
Training for the marathon improves your fitness and strengthens muscles .Most
marathons runners develop a habit of regular exercise . Your hearing may
improve after a marathon.
Arguments against running marathons :
Heavier runners can get cramps and blisters. Some runners are one centimeter
shorter at the end of the race . You can lose up to five kilos due to fluid loss. This
can be dangerous if you don't drink lots of water at the end of the race .If you are
not fit and you take part in the race, the marathon could be bad for you because
your respiratory system works much harder than normal.

-fortune = a lot of money - trend = fashion -We are focused =concentrating


1-Many people hate missing their favourite( programme-TV.-radio-computer) .
2- There are specialist ( channels-screens-tapes-CDs) for news, sport and
3-People are sometimes questioned about their (view-review- viewing- revision)
habits .
4-Some popular series have three or four( kinds-sorts-types-episodes) a week.
5-There are a lot of American and Australian soap (operas-theatre-cinema-caves)
watched all over the world .
6-If you use a (fast-far-past-remote ) control, you don't even have to get up from
the sofa to run TV. on and off .
7-I (spent- read-did – watched) a lot of money .
8-I'm pretty fit because I take my dog (for-at-on-of) a walk .
9-It's better to go to clubs after school to listen ( at-to-from-down) music .
10-I'm in favour of (live-alive-living-lived) without TV. for a week .
11-The most common marathon injuries are ( damp-lamp-cramp-stamp)and blisters.
12-It can be (danger- dangerously-endanger- dangerous) if marathon runners
don't drink lots of water .

Gerund and Infinitive

- Let me go -Help me go - Make me go - Allow me to go

‫ ثم المصدر‬----.**Verb +to +inf ‫األفعال اآلتية يأتي بعدها‬

‫ يوافق‬Agree to ‫ يقرر‬Decide to ‫ يمكن‬Enable to
H‫ يتوقع‬Expect to ‫ ينسى‬Forget to ‫ يأمل‬Hope to
‫ يتعلم‬Learn to ‫ يقدم‬Offer to ‫ يخطط‬Plan to
‫ يعد‬Promise to ‫ يرفض‬Refuse to ‫ يريد‬Want to
.Ex. We decided to pay the money. * He agreed to go to Alex

Verb +noun/pronoun +to +inf **

Advise someone to Enable someone to
Offer someone to Ask some one to
Want someone to Expect someone to
.Ex.*I advised her to study hard. *I expect Mona to join the team

ing ‫*توجد بعض األفعال التى يأتي بعدها فعل في نهايته‬

‫ يتجنب‬Avoid ‫ال يتحمل‬ Can’t stand ‫ يأسف‬Regret
‫ يحب‬Love ‫ يحب‬Like ‫ يكرة‬Dislike
‫ يكرة‬Hate ‫ يتمتع‬Enjoy ‫ ينتهي‬- ‫ ينهى‬Finish

‫ يقترح‬Suggest ‫ يهتم‬Mind ‫ يناقش‬Discuss

.Ex. * He avoided answering my questions
 I didn’t mind opening the window. *He finished writing the lesson.

‫ ا الفعل‬go ‫ يأتي بعدة فعل في نهايته‬ing ‫في تعبيرات معينة‬

‫يعوم‬Go swimming H‫ يتسوق‬Go shopping ‫ يبحر‬Go sailing
‫يصطاد‬ Go fishing ‫ يعسكر‬Go camping ‫ يرقص‬Go dancing
‫ يستخدم الفعل في نهايته‬ing ‫بعد التعبيرات اآلتية‬
‫ الفائدة‬It’s no use ?…Would you mind be+ used to+‫فاعل عاقل‬
..It’s no good ‫ يريد‬Feel like Can’t stand…
‫ ليس بوسعي‬Can’t help Look forward to

‫ هناك بعض األفعال التي بعدها كال من المصدر أو‬gerund

‫فبعضها يتغير وبعضها يظل المعنى كما هو‬
‫نفس المعنى‬ .Ex. He started / began to work = He started/began working
 -He stopped smoking =He gave up smoking.
–He stopped to smoke = He stopped to light a cigarette.
-try, stop, remember, forget, regret, prefer

Would you open the door? (Would you mind….) -1
Let’s go to the cinema. (He suggested…………)-2
We needn’t hurry. We have already missed the train. (It’s no use……) -3
We have done the exercise. (finished) -4
I refuse to hear this story. (can’t stand) -5
I didn’t want to meet him. (avoided) -6
I dislike driving long distance. (don’t agree) -7
He advised waiting until tomorrow. (asked)-8
I want you to help me. (Would you mind………?) -9
He said he didn’t take the money. (denied) -10
He felt sorry he had sold his car. (regretted) -11
: Choose the right answer
. I have finished (writing-to write-wrote-write) the report -1
. He suggested ( go-going-will go-to go ) for a swim -2
. They practice ( to play-play-playing-play) the piano everyday -3
. He decided (to sell-selling-sell-sold) his car -4
. Maher agreed ( came-coming-to come-will come) sailing with us -5
. He threatened ( reporting-reported-would report-to report) the police -6
? Would you mind ( giving-to give-give-will give) me your camera -7
The tourists enjoyed( visited-visit—to visit-visiting) the places of interest in Egypt -8
. Fancy ( to meet-meeting-meet-met) you here-9
. I wish ( to have-have-having- will have ) a car -10
. I want to avoid ( going-to go-go to have gone) out in the rain -11
. I prefer (spending-spend-will spend-to spend) this weekend in the country -12
. They demanded (to see-seeing-would see-sea) the manager -13
. He deserved (be-being-to be-been) punished-14
. The boy denied (broke-to break-breaking-break) the window -15
. I would never dare ( jumping-jump-will jump-to jump) from that wall -16
. We arranged ( to meet-met-meet-meeting) at 9 o'clock -17
I don't recommend (to-going-go- will go) on a long car ride if you don't like -18
. traveling
He risked (to lose-lost-losing-lose) his house when his company went bankrupt -19
I think we should delay (to deciding-decide-to decide-deciding) about this until -20
. next year
? Did you manage (to phone-phoned-phoning-phone) your brother -21
. They longed( to be-being-would be-were) back home-22
. He started (learn-learning-learned-to be learned) the piano when he was 10 -23
. He came to the party but he refused (talking-talked-talk-to talk) to anyone -24
. She wanted (buying-buy-to buy- bought ) a new camera -25

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