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1. Temp 5
2. Temp 3
3. Temp 4
4. Temp 6B
5. Temp 1
6. Temp 6A
7. Temp 2


Long Term Parking (temp 5)

Whitecaps (temp 4)
Pine Barrens (temp 3)
University (temp 3)
Whoever Did This (temp 4)
I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (temp 1)
Employee of the Month (temp 3)
The Knight in White Satin Armor (temp 2)
Amore Fou (temp 3)
Kennedy and Heidi (temp 6b)

temp 1: 1
temp 2: 1
temp 3: 4
temp 4: 2
temp 5: 1
temp 6a: 0
temp 6b: 1

Soprano Home Movies (temp 6b)

Stage 5 (temp 6b)
Cold Stones (temp 6a)
Funhouse (temp 2)
All Due Respect (temp 5)
The Second Coming (temp 6b)
The Blue Comet (temp 6b)
The Test Dream (temp 5)
College (temp 1)
Isabella (temp 1)

temp 1: 2
temp 2: 1
temp 3: 0
temp 4: 0
temp 5: 2
temp 6a: 1
temp 6b: 4

temp 1: 3
temp 2: 2
temp 3: 4
temp 4: 2
temp 5: 3
temp 6a: 1
temp 6b: 5

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