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IMMUNE Max is a Food Supplement Product .

Immune Max have proven formula made from nature with the finest and
most astonishing ingredients that nature has to offer, providing your family with a quick, delicious and easy way to
restore, renew and revive your bodies. Our mission is to be more than just another successful company. It is our goal,
our passion, to help you open your life to the world of opportunity and possibility that is before you.

Imagine having energy to spare, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health and a wonderful sense of well-being. That
is what we call the power of wellness and that is the revolutionary power of Immune Max.

Immune Max is not just an another Food Supplement, nor is it just another multi-vitamin. In a world of huge nutrition
supplements stands alone as a complete health system in one bottle, containing nine of nature’s finest rich nutraceutical
ingredients from around the globe. It is unlike any other nutritional products you will find in the market. This remarkable
formula provides you and your family with a quick, delicious and easy way to restore, renew and revive your health.

The beauty of this unique formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted
diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation will work for everyone. It really is the best of
all nutritional worlds .

This Product made by below mentioned 14 unique herbs

Elderberry - Elderberry fruit contains high levels of flavonoids, which means it might have anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties. These help to protect healthy cells from harmful free radicals that play a role in skin problems.

Mangosteen - it is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Maca Root - Maca Root has traditionally been used to enhance fertility and sex drive. It's also claimed to improve
energy and stamina. Maca Root is very Nutritious, and is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals.
Maca can increase sperm production and improve sperm quality, thereby enhancing fertility in men.

Ginseng - Ginseng has a history of traditional use dating back more than 2,000 years. It was traditionally consumed to
maintain overall good health as opposed to treating ill health, and was especially important to the elderly to boost the
quality of life. In the past it was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it was mixed into wine and combined with
other herbs to be used as a tonic for fatigue, arthritis and pain in the lower back.
Raspberry - Foods high in vitamin C, such as Raspberry, have been shown to help keep eyes healthy by providing
protection against UV light damage.

Black Currant - Black Currant is very popular in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, gout and liver problems also
helpful in the menopause, painful periods, PMS and also against diarrhoea.

Sour Cherry - It is a fruit. There are more than 270 types of sour cherry only few of them important commercially. The
most popular sour cherry grown in the US is Montmorency sour cherry. The fruit and its stem are used to prepare
medicine and food

Ganoderma - It has strong antioxidant which helps to protect our body from the negative effects of free radicals by the
daily exposure of the sun, chemicals and pollutants which is formed inside the body.It is very much helpful for the
people suffering from asthma and can bring good effects in lungs.

Moringa Leaf - Sigru dry leaves extract contains 9 times proteins than yogurt, 10 times vitamin A than carrot, 7 times
more vitamin C than oranges, 17 times more calcium than milk 25 times iron than spinach and 15 times potassium than
bananas, Because of rich in proteins source Sigru leaves extract are suggested by doctors and nutritionists as well. Sigru
leaves are a storehouse of nutrients. The leaves of Sigru are rich in minerals like copper, potassium, iron, magnesium,
zinc and calcium. Vitamins like beta carotene of vitamin A, vitamin B such as folic acid, pyridoxine and nicotinic acid,
vitamin C, D and E also present in Sigru.

NONI EXTRACT : Lowers risk of gout. Caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals in the joint, gout is a kind of arthritis
which causes joint pain. Improves skin quality. Anti-ageing.Prevents cancer.Reduces stress.Boosts immunity Treats

Sea Bukthorn Extract : Rich in Many Nutrients. Sea buckthorn oil is rich in various vitamins.

minerals and beneficial plant compounds.

Promotes Heart Health.

May Protect Against Diabetes.

Protects Your Skin.

May Boost Your Immune System.

May Support a Healthy Liver.

May Help Fight Cancer Cells.

Gojiberry : Protects the eyes.

Provides immune system support.

Protects against cancer.

Promotes healthy skin.

Stabilizes blood sugar.

Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep.

Shilajit contains fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals , so it offers numerous health benefits. It can function as an
antioxidant to improve your body's immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to
remove excess fluid from your body.

Acai Berry :

They're Nutrient-Dense. Acai berries have a unique nutritional profile for a fruit, as they're somewhat high in fat and low
in sugar.

They're Loaded With Antioxidants.

They May Improve Cholesterol Levels.

They May Have a Possible Anti-Cancer Effect.

They Could Boost Brain Function.


• Eliminates constipation and boosts gastrointestinal system.

• Beneficial in reducing blood pressure and managing diabetes.

• Helps in weight loss and boosts immune system.

• Reduces appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

• Aids in eliminating excess cholesterol from body.

• It promotes the strength of bone and development of new bone tissues.

• Alleviates respiratory conditions such as cold and cough.

• Can help improve symptoms related to menopause and benefits women's sexual health.

• Benefits prostate health and improves men's fertility and libido.

• Improves memory mode and concentration.

• Lowers blood sugar levels and improve pancreatic conditions.

• Boosts energy and stimulates brain cells.

• Effective for erectile dysfunction.

• Rich in Polysaccharides which are potent anti-cancer agents.

• Oxygenate the body and balance body PH.

• Supports blood circulation and rejuvenate cell.

• Support stamina, endurance and promotes a good night sleep.

• Provides more energy, vigor and increases brain power.

• Reduces allergies and prevents inflammations by inhibiting release of Histamine.

• Strengthens the organs for elimination of toxins.

• It helps in rejuvenating and makes you feel younger and more alert.

• Gives relief from insomnia, asthma attacks and whooping cough.

• Keeps skin hydrated and glowing.

• Prevents age related neurodegenerative disorders and macular disorder.

• Rich in copper, manganese and magnesium which regulates heart rate and blood pressure.

DOSAGE : Take one capsule morning & one capsule evening with plain water.

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