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qxd 5/4/07 12:38 PM Page 9

The Adventure Begins 9

I found yet another article, this one by a reporter named Darrell

Sifford, who wrote about meeting the creator of this ho’opo-what-
ever process. Her name is Morrnah and she’s a kahuna, or keeper of
the secrets.What this Morrnah does to help heal people is “appeal to
the divine creator of our choice ‘through the divinity that is within
each person . . . who is really an extension of the divine creator.’ ”
Maybe you understand that. I didn’t at the time. Neither did
Mark. Apparently this Morrnah said some words, like a prayer, that
helped people heal. I made a mental note to locate that prayer, but
right now I was going on a different mission: to find the therapist
and learn his method for healing. My eagerness to know more and to
meet this shaman therapist was becoming more and more exciting.
Even though Mark and I really needed to be back at our booth at
the convention, we let it slide so we could continue our quest.
Based on the articles and web site, we guessed the therapist we
wanted to find was named Ihaleakala Hew Len. Some first name. I
had no idea how to pronounce it, let alone spell it. I didn’t know
how to locate him, either.The site didn’t have any contact informa-
tion for him. Mark and I tried to Google him, but turned up noth-
ing. We began to wonder if this ethereal therapist was a fiction, or
retired or even deceased.
I closed my laptop and went back to the convention.
But the adventure had begun.

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