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Week 52/2019

Topic How Santa got busted

Name Johanne Serrurier
Deadline Dec 23rd 2018
Word count Err:509

Vocabulary to be used
Awe OK Reunion OK Feast
Awkward OK Wreath OK Frosty
Extravagant OK Festive OK Reckless

Idimotatic expressions to be used

To be in the mood for something
To be a chatterbox

Grammatical constructions to be used

Please write your essay in past tense, using a variety of conjunctions
(e.g. as soon as, even if, at the very moment, etc….)

1st paragraph: Setting

Where dit it happen (mall, family living room, on the street)? When? Who was there?
_ Is everything ready ? We will do it this year guys, when we get santa we take all the
millions of presents he has in his back. Then we will become billionaires, we will live in a
castle and I will be youre king. But be careful if santa gets us we will have ni presents at all -
He won't get us we are the reckless gang. And why would you get to be the king you're not
even intelligent nore handsome. I am responsible and handsomefestive and and...
- If you are intelligent and responsible I am the queen of paris. Wait is there a queen
in Paris ? Nevermind what I am triring to say is that everypne awes me
_ All of you shush ! I don't
want to brake youre little reunion here but I did not accept to enter youre dumb boy gang to
hear you 4 screaming all day to know who is going to be king or queen. So since you are
fghting I will choose. Drumsound please.... I say that the only responsible person here is.....
me . I will be the queen.
- Stop talking at the same time it is awkward. You boys are extravagant.

2nd paragraph: The incident

How the fake Santa got busted… Has to be funny!
_ Is the camera ready in the snowman and in the wreath ? In cas our chimney isn't big
enough to go through - YES - Do you have the remote control of the ceilling fan ? -YES -Do
you have everything ? - YES - Good know hide anywere in the room and wait. AND STOP
boom bom boom -
Agent S why didn't you tell us Santa is already in the house? Nevermind. Agent D let the
net the is on the ceilling fan on my count. Agent R pull the rope when Agent D has let the
net go. 1 2 3 GO. -
- Put the lights on we've got him. -
Dad? What are you doing here ?

3rd paragraph: Epilogue

What came next for the fake Santa? For those who busted him/her? For those around?

Last, but not least, how do you rate this assignment?

Choose 1 to 10 from drop-down menus
Difficulty Interest
© My English Coach 2015-2018

a we take all the

es, we will live in a
ave ni presents at all -
be the king you're not
e and and...
Wait is there a queen
you shush ! I don't
ure dumb boy gang to
n. So since you are
ible person here is.....

s are extravagant.
himney isn't big
ceilling fan ? -YES -Do
nd wait. AND STOP
nd. Agent D let the
Agent D has let the

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