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Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there was a robot named
Robby. Robby was a very special robot because he had something called Artificial
Intelligence, or AI for short.

AI meant that Robby could learn and make decisions on his own, without needing to be
told what to do by humans. He had sensors that allowed him to see and hear everything
around him, and a powerful computer brain that could process information very quickly.

One day, Robby was walking through the city when he saw a little girl who had lost her
way. She was crying and didn't know how to find her parents. Robby knew he had to
help her, so he approached her and asked her what was wrong.

The little girl told Robby that she had gotten separated from her parents and didn't
know where they were. Robby thought for a moment and then said, "Don't worry, I can
help you find your parents." He used his AI to search the city's database for the little
girl's parents' contact information.

Soon, Robby found the phone number of the girl's parents and called them. He
explained that their daughter was lost but that he had found her and was helping her to
find her way back to them. The parents were so grateful and relieved that their daughter
was safe.

The little girl hugged Robby and thanked him for helping her. She was amazed at how
smart and helpful he was. Robby smiled and said, "That's what AI is for - to help people
and make the world a better place."

And so, the story of Robby teaches us that AI can be a wonderful tool for helping
people and solving problems. It can learn and make decisions on its own, and it can be
used to make the world a better and safer place for everyone.

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