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It was at the starting stage, no confidence, afraided, No verbal skills trying to communicate through
actions(kind a show off), By all this reason people started to miss understand him.

When he understood people not understanding him, his fear increased. Communication skill fell even
below, he tried to avoid people except very very closed people. Daily interacting people is not a good
friend for him but kind backstabbers and enemy's because of his zero social skill. Zero skill to talk with
opposite sex. By all this reason he derived a conclusion is everyone is going to hurt him, literally
everyone, Every age group younger or elder, everyone….. He developed a aggressive face as a defence
mechanism for this wicked people.The all time aggressive face made his social life graph even worse. At
the fisrt look everyone disliked and mistreated him, his voice also become aggressive and arguing had been a complete disaster for him,

If everyone is disliking, mistreating and backstabbers for him. Then he need a companion to spend his
time & teach him, for sure that companion is not going be a human. Because he don't have any social
skill, now all he had was a bad & negative attitude towards people and a aggressive face and aggressive
voice.he never ever able to live a social life. By the god grace he found companion with books. That was
the start of his second life, He gained knowledge from books about human, social skill, Verbal skills and
business in society even psychology about human, now he felt some relief and optimism about his life,
he acheived calmness in his mind. By the god grace he started to survive But some problems was still
existed there in physical form. His aggressive look, aggressive voice and little bit of negative prejudiced
mentality towards people, those things was grabbed him backward from a good social life. He started to
mitigate his aggressive face and tone by changing his mentality towards social life, It will take some time
and effort to have a calm neutral face and a good voice, now he knew that, he reached half way to
achieve the appearance. He started a business, that business is enjoying the success and preparing for
it's next level expansion. He employed 4 people from 4 family, they all together serving a village now
and running a successful business. He become a man... A man of destiny, choosed by the god, he have a
lots of things to do.

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