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h e C h o s e n

r s i n g T h e o r
N u y
by Group 1

Ns. Gajali Rahman, S.Kep., M.Kep

O u r t e a m :
Qonita Adhisty Riyana

Ismi Fania Nurhasanah


Muhammad Raihan Hakim

T o p i c s :
1. Theory Martha E. Rogers
2. Theory Kolcaba
3. Theory Levine
h e o r y M a r t h a E . R o g e rs
In her theory, Martha Rogers (1970), considers man (the unity of
man) as a source of energy that merges with the universe. Humans
are in continuous interaction with the environment (lutjens,1995).
In addition, human beings are a whole unit of self-integrity and
show characteristics that are more than just a combination of
several parts (Rogers 1970).
Definition of Martha Elizabeth Rogers'
Theory of Nursing

Rogers stated that nursing activities are activities rooted in the

foundations of abstract science, intellectual thinking, and conscience.
Rogers emphasized that nursing is a discipline that in its activities
puts forward the application of skills, and technology. Nursing
activities including assessment, intervention, and rehabilitative
services are always based on the concept of understanding the
whole person / individual.
T h e o r y K o l c aba

Katharine Kolcaba defines nursing as the process of assessing a

patient's comfort needs, developing and implementing
appropriate nursing interventions and evaluating patient comfort
after being given a nursing intervention.
Major Concept and Definition

Kolcaba's Comfort theory emphasizes several main concepts and their definitions,
including :

a. Health Care Needs

Kolcaba defines a health care need as a need for comfort, resulting from a stressful
health care situation, that traditional support system recipients cannot meet. These
needs include physical, psychospiritual, social and environmental needs, all of which
require monitoring, verbal and non-verbal reports, as well as needs related to
pathophysiological parameters, requiring education and support as well as the need for
financial counseling and intervention.
b. Comfort
Comfort is defined as a state experienced by the recipient which can be defined
as an immediate experience that becomes a force through the need for relief,
calmness (ease), and (transcedence) that can be fulfilled in four contex experiences
covering physical, psychospiritual, social and environmental aspects.

c. Comfort Measures
A comfort measure is defined as a nursing intervention designed to meet the
specific comfort needs of the recipient of services, such as physiological, social,
financial, psychological, spiritual, environmental, and physical interventions.
d. Enhanced Comfort
A direct outcome is expected in nursing services, referring to this
comfort theory.

e. Intervening variables
It is defined as an interacting force that affects the perception of the
overall comfort. These variables include past experience, age, attitude,
emotional status, support system, prognosis, financial, and overall elements
in the recipient's experience.
f. Health Seeking Behavior (HSBs)
It is a broad category of subsequent outcomes related to health search defined
by the recipient during consultation with a nurse. These HSBs can be of external
origin (health-related activities), internal (healing, immune function, etc.)

g. Institusional integrity
Defined as the value, financial stability, and overall value of health care
organizations in local, regional, and national areas. In the hospital system, the
definition of an institution is defined as a general health service, a home care
agency, etc.
T h e o r y L evine

Levine defines nursing based on a human dependence on others

or his relationship with people. The magnitude of this dependence
made him plan four conservation principles, namely energy needs
and their use, social integrity, structural integrity and personal
Levine Nursing Model
Myra Levine's concept model views the client as an integrated living
being who interacts and adapts to their environment, and nursing
intervention an activity of conservation and energy conservation is
part of the consideration then healthy according to Levine it is seen
from a nursing point of view there are four conservation including
client energy, integrity structure, personal integrity and social
integrity, so that the nursing care approach is aimed at use of
client power sources optimal.
The Nursing Paradigm
According to Livine

The theory about this conservation model is divided into 4 (four) main
assumptions, namely :

a. Human
Human beings are portrayed as holistic individuals who constantly
strive to maintain wholeness and integrity as thinking beings, oriented
towards the future, and the past. Human beings have a sense of identity
and self-esteem. According to Levine (1989), the process of life is a
process of change.
b. Nursing
Nursing is human interaction (Levine, 1973). Nurses enter into one
partnership with the patient and share the experience with each
patient (Levine, 1977). The purpose of nursing is to promote adaptation
and maintain the integrity of both the individual and society.

c. Healthy
Health in general is defined as the ability to perform functions
normally (Levine, 1969). Health is not only the absence of pathological
conditions. Health is also defined as maintaining the integrity of the
body and successful adaptation.
d. Environment
An environment is "in which we are constantly and actively engaged" in living
life. Levine also views that each individual has its own environment, both
internally and externally. The internal environment includes physiolysis and
pathophysiology, and the external environment as a perceptual, opersional and
conceptual level.
THANK you !

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