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PRESENT: re John Abbott, United Sti le 2. a INTHUIATIONAL F: BRATIUW OF PLUM ARCHIVES, OF 24h HEETING GOLD ON TAURSDAY, the n JUNE, 1938, at tre HOTEL CUATHAM, PRAIS, ny Georgee Franju, Franc Mr. Prank Hensel, Germany Sr, kenrt Langlois, france, Miss Olwen Vaughan, Great Britain. Mr. John Abbott was in the Chair, AGREEAGAT, == The International Agroanent for the proposed IATZANASLOWAL PSUBRATION OF PILE AnGal VER ras @iscussed, and unanimonsly aynroveds ANNUAL CONGRESS, It was proposed snd agreed unsnimouslyt THAT the first Annual Congress be held in Wew York during the Summer of 19591 end the second Annucl Congress be held in Berlin during the Sumner of 154), ELSCiluk up mendimoush, OFFICLALS, It wes proposed ond agreed THAT the following shnll constitute the marl of Dire until the Mirst Annual Congress in 1929s tire John Abbott, United States of Anertea, Mr. Frank Hensel, Gariony, Mr, Henri Lan-lois, ?rene Hiss Qisen Veughon, “nglands and Tukl the following be elected officiels of the International Federation of Film Arciives to told office until the first Annual Congress in 1939: Presidents Kr. John Abbott Vice-President. Bocretsrys ur. Prank Hensel Treasurer: Miss Olwen Veughen Exseutive Secretarys Kr. Georges Franju. FINANCE, it was reported that the French Governe sent had agreed to provide office accoumodstion and contribute tho sux of Frs.25,070 annually. After discussion 1t was propessd nnd agreed unaninouslyt TcAT the three rovaining cenber countrics should contribute Jointly the sum of Prse25,000, making a total budget of Frs-50,000 for the first year, draft badset was they asreed: tive Seeratery: Pre,25,000, ry oY Sterogrenhert 0,020. General Offlee exrenacst The proceedings then terminated.

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