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● Suggest a data type to store the cost price of an item.

● State if the variable name ‘Cost Price’ is a valid identifier. Write the
reason for your answer.

● Write python statement for the following equation

● X 2 +y 3 -29+2(x+y) 2

● What is the base language Python is written in?

● Write another name for the Python interpreter.

● Identify the type of error :

25 / 0

● Write output
dict1={‘Bina’:66, ‘Reen’:67, ‘Veena’: 89}

● Name the function used to return the number of times a given element
appears in the list.

● Write output for the following statement

list1=["arun",90,"varun", 80, "Diva", 88]
list1[ ::-2]

What are the security and health threats when we discard e-waste?

How are lists different from strings when both are sequences?

Why is a dictionary termed as an unordered collection of objects?

Write the output of the following in reference to the following dictionary

d={1:”Cricket”, 2 : “Hockey”,3 : “Football”}

i). for i in d:

ii). for i in d:


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