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Welcome Message
Dear Mystery Shoppers, Welcome to the world of Mystery Shopping! We take this opportunity to thank you for joining our network of Mystery Shoppers. Every customer story you share with us brings business establishments closer to making more customers satisfied with the level of service they receive. The team behind KHS are all passionate customers like you. We truly believe that together, we can make a significant impact in our society. Again, we thank you for supporting us in our mission. It is your trust that makes KHS the company that it is today. Sincerely, Kaizad Patel Chief Executive Kaiz Hospitality Services

The best way to start

It is important for us that Mystery Shoppers do not encounter any difficulty in performing a shop. Although you are supposed to be on duty, the assignment should not stop you from having fun and enjoying the experience. In this Mystery Shopper Shopping Guide, you will find some helpful tips and reminders to prepare you for your new role as a Mystery Shopper. What you will find Introduction to Mystery Shoppers What to expect in every Mystery Shoppers assignment Helpful tips

Introduction to Mystery Shoppers

What do Mystery Shoppers do? Mystery Shoppers are the eyes and ears of the management. They are undercover customers who tell the business owner or the management of a company how customers see their business from a customers perspective. Most companies have service standards and rules for safety and security. Mystery Shoppers observe and report on experiences they have as customers. They visit stores and evaluate the customer service they receive based on the standards set by the company. Mystery Shoppers may also be asked to verify that salespersons are knowledgeable about the merchandise they sell, and that the store is safe for shoppers, they may even be asked to shop the client's competitor, so the client can compare its operations with their competitors. Mystery Shoppers report these observations via the Internet. And we use this valuable information to help businesses recognize their successes and identify areas for service improvement. The information gathered from the reports may be used to reward good employees, identify training needs and make changes to way the operations are managed. What makes a good Mystery Shopper? Good Mystery Shoppers are individuals who have a passion for customer service and wish to raise the level of service received to world-class standards. We are looking for individuals who would like to do mystery shopping to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. The good shoppers are those who genuinely want to play a role in improving customer service rather than seeing it as just an income opportunity. The shoppers Commitment Punctuality - Be at the right place at the right time, prepare for unexpected delays Responsibility - Keep my promises, not make excuses, do all assignments to the best of my ability, know my task and do my task Diligence - Doing the assignment right, following instructions, concentration Enthusiasm - Treating every assignment as important, putting my heart into what I do

What to expect in every Mystery Shoppers assignment

What to expect? Mystery Shoppers invited to join shopping projects are given a project brief with instructions on what to do, when and where to go. Mystery Shoppers must only accept assignments they are comfortable with. Each shopping project comes with a customized Mystery Shopper report form that should be read and understood by the Mystery Shopper before going on a shop. This would be the same report form the Mystery Shoppers must accomplish thoroughly after visiting the establishment. Mystery Shoppers are given between 24-48 hours to complete and submit the report online. Below is a step-by-step procedure: 1. Mystery Shoppers reviews the report questionnaire / checklist and makes a mental note of the details he/she must observe and evaluate at the establishment. 2. A Mystery Shopper visits the establishment, posing as a regular client/customer. 3. Evaluate external and internal facilities. 4. Note of each personnel he/she comes in contact with while going through prescribed procedure. 5. Upon completion of the prescribed procedure, the Mystery Shopper shall submit the report within 24-48 hours by logging on to the online reporting system. 6. The Project Manager will review every report for completeness, accuracy and consistency. 7. Should there be any clarification needed or any follow-up questions, the Project Manager shall contact the Mystery Shopper within the next 48 hours after he/she submitted the report. 8. The final report checked by the Project Manager is forwarded to the client. 9. The Mystery Shoppers receives his/her reimbursement or allowance for the shop within the time frame detailed.

Helpful Tips: Before the Shop Review the project brief and the report form. A Mystery Shopper must be well-prepared before performing a shop. Since you cannot take a copy of the report form with you to the establishment, it might be very helpful if you could make a tip list, but refer to it discreetly. You may want to bring a book or a newspaper where you can hide it. Always see if the situation allows you to bring some props during the shop. Identify issues you need to clarify. If there are certain instructions you feel confused about, please consult with the Project Manager immediately. Taking a Companion. There are some shops where you would have to go out on your own, but there are assignments where taking a companion would be all right. In these cases, you have the option of informing your companion of what you are about to do. He or she may even help you in some aspects like verifying the name of the staff or helping you remember some details. But please be reminded that you are the Mystery Shopper assigned to make the shop. The report must reflect your own experience and not your companions.

Helpful Tips: During the Shop Wear a watch. You would need to record the time you entered the shop and also how long you had to wait to be served, etc. No note taking. A regular customer does not take notes while shopping or ordering a drink, so for you not to be obvious; you cannot take down notes while inside the establishment. This is why Mystery Shoppers must have a very good memory. If you have a cell phone or a PDA, you may make some notes to help you refresh your memory after the shop. You may also want to keep a small notepad with you and take some notes while inside the restroom or fitting room. Act normal. Employees who are used to being visited by secret shoppers are already vigilant, so Mystery Shoppers must be very careful that you dont overstay or over do your actions. Dont do anything that would draw attention towards you. Act as natural as possible, you are, after all, a customer of that establishment, you just happen to be reporting your experience after! No excessive use of SMS / using the phone. You have to focus while doing your shop. There might be some details you may miss out because you are preoccupied with other matters. Keep receipts, and other materials. For shops that would require a purchase, you have to keep the receipts for KHS to reimburse you. It would be best also to keep other materials like flyers, coupons, and business cards related to your shop. Our clients may require these to be included in the reports.

Get the name right. The report would require you to note the name of the sales person you encountered. Please do your best to get the correct name of the person. If you are not certain about the name, please note in the report that you are not 100% sure by placing a question mark (?) after the name. If you cannot get a name try to provide a good physical description such as sex, age, hair/eye color and distinguishing features (facial hair, glasses, etc). Never use audio/video recording equipment. We dont want our Mystery Shoppers to risk being caught. Most establishments prohibit taking photos inside. There will be special cases where we will ask the Mystery Shoppers to take photos. This will be included in the project brief. Unless this is not specified, please refrain from recording your shop through certain devices. Never reveal your identity as a Mystery Shopper. Should someone ask you about it, please act normal and never mention that you are there to evaluate the service. This totally defeats the purpose of the shop. If you feel that the employees/staff are suspicious, please notify KHS right away.

Helpful Tips: After the Shop Complete the report ASAP. The sooner you write the report, the better. Before you start, gather all the materials you need - notes, receipts, guidelines, and other documents. Answer all questions. Please do not skip any question. Each question is there for a reason. Your task is to report what happened as it happened. Your answers must be honest and fair. Please dont try to make employees look bad or make excuses for any poor performance. Please provide detailed explanations for each item. Never falsify any information. KHS and clients have ways to verify the Audit reports sent by the Mystery Shoppers. The information you provide are important to the client and their employees so we trust that you will answer them truthfully and without bias. Avoid fancy words. Please be direct and straightforward with your comments and answers. Avoid unintentionally offensive descriptions. The reports you will send to KHS will eventually be shared with the organization including the employees concerned. We request that you avoid descriptions that may be offensive and highly subjective (example: obese, unattractive, balding, etc.) There is always a better way of describing a persons appearance without offending the concerned party. Refrain from sharing personal opinions or past experiences. Your Audit report must only be about your experience during the time of your assignment. You may not refer to any other visits made previously. We only request that you include factual observations, what really happened. Please do not include any assumptions, excuses, comparisons or interpretations of the events that occurred during the shop.

Go over before submitting the report. Please make sure that it is complete and correct. See if there are any misspelled words or inconsistent comments. We rate every report we receive and will be the basis for future project assignments. The quality of our Mystery Shoppers reports determines KHS performance. Fax/Scan and Email Receipts. Sending KHS a copy is mandatory for all reports and this would ensure your timely processing of the reimbursements. Follow-up Calls from the Project Manager. Within the next 48 hours after submitting the report, the Project Manager may contact you for any follow-up questions. You will be notified once the report is finalized and will be forwarded to the client.

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