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# fit_dist helper based on R package

"fit_dist helper based on R package fitdistrplus",
"This script is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.",
"For usage, examples and questions, see",
sep = "\n")

# check if fitdistrplus is installed

if(!("fitdistrplus" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]))

fit_dist <- function(x, distributions = NULL, discrete = NULL,

plot = TRUE, ...) {

dists_cont = c("unif", "norm", "lnorm", "exp", "gamma", "beta", "weibull")

dists_disc = c("binom", "pois", "nbinom", "geom", "hyper")

x <- x[is.finite(x)]

if(is.null(distributions)) {
if(is.null(discrete)) discrete <- ifelse(all(x == floor(x)), TRUE, FALSE)

if(discrete) distributions <- dists_disc

else distributions <- dists_cont

cat("Fitting", paste(distributions, collapse = ", "), "\n")

# fit distributions
f <- lapply(distributions, function(d) {
try(fitdist(x, d, ...), silent = FALSE)

names(f) <- distributions

f <- f[!sapply(f, is, "try-error")]

# create plots
if(plot) {
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
denscomp(f, legendtext = names(f))
qqcomp(f, legendtext = names(f))
#cdfcomp(f, legendtext = names(f))
#ppcomp(f, legendtext = names(f))

# calculate goodness-of-fit statistics

# Note: if is for a bug in gofstat
gof <- gofstat(if(length(f)<2) f[[1]] else f, fitnames = names(f))
attr(f, "gof") <- gof

if(is.null(gof$kstest)) gof$kstest <- rep(NA, times = length(gof$aic))

if(is.null(gof$cvmtest)) gof$cvmtest <- rep(NA, times = length(gof$aic))
if(is.null(gof$adtest)) gof$adtest <- rep(NA, times = length(gof$aic))
if(is.null(gof$chisqpvalue)) gof$chisqpvalue <- rep(NA, times = length(gof$aic))
cat("Test results:\n")
"Kolmogorov-iSmirnov test" = gof$kstest,
"Cramer-von Mises test" = gof$cvmtest,
"Anderson-Darling test" = gof$adtest,
"Chi-Square p-value" = gof$chisqpvalue))

cat(paste("\n*** Best fit using the AIC is:",

cat(paste("*** Best fit using the BIC is:",


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