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(a) Weightlessness is experienced when someone falls with the acceleration of free
During a fall on a film set a stuntman reaches a speed of 20 m/s in 3.0 seconds after
starting from rest.
(i) Calculate the acceleration of the stuntman.
(ii) Does the stuntman experience weightlessness?
(iii) Explain your answer.
(iv) What happens to the value of the stuntman’s mass during the fall?
(v) Calculate the distance fallen by the stuntman during these 3.0 seconds.
(b) Another stuntman slides down a slope without changing his speed. The slope is
shown below.

Explain why he has an acceleration at the corner of the slope at A.

Turn over
(Total 8 marks)
2. (a)(i)
acceleration 20 ÷ 3
6.7 or 6.67 or 6.66 m/s2 i.e correct rounding
- not 6.6
deduct 1 mark for incorrect or missing unit
accept the following units : m/s/s ms-2
weightless? No
reason acceleration would have to be 10 (m/s2)
not falling with acceleration of free fall
acceleration is less than free fall
acceleration is less than 10 (m/s2)
acceleration is not equal to g
acceleration is less than g
accept ‘a’ instead of ‘acceleration’
do not accept acceleration is greater than g
mass stays the same
no change
s = (v+u)t/2 s = ½ at2
= (20 x 3) / 2 = ½ (20/3) x 32
= 30 m UP = 30 m
deduct 1 mark for incorrect or missing unit
accelerates? velocity changes
or direction changes
do not accept ‘speed’ changes
(Total 8 marks)

3. (a) The flow of heat energy from a human foot into a room is 2.0W.
Calculate the amount of heat energy flowing from the foot into the room during five
(b) The diagram names one of the processes by which heat energy is transferred from the
foot to the surroundings.
Fill in the other boxes with the names of the other heat transfer processes.
(c) When a foot is placed in water it feels colder than it does when it is in air at the same
temperature. Explain why this is so.

(2) Q3
(Total 6 marks)
3. (a)
heat energy = 2 × 5 × 60
= 600 J or 0.6(00) kJ UP
(2 × 5 = 10 J scores 1)
accept the following units : j Ws
alternative :
(0.002 x 5) / 60 = 0.000166 kWh
processes convection
do not accept ‘conduction’
max 2
water water is a better conductor than air
greater rate of flow of heat or heat loss (from foot
to water)
allow reverse arguments
(Total 6 marks)

4. (a) A uniform metre rule is placed on a pivot at its centre of gravity. Two 2.0 N
are hung from the metre rule as shown. The metre rule is balanced.

Calculate the clockwise moment acting about the pivot.

(b) The pivot and both the weights are moved 0.10 m to the left to new positions as
shown below.

The rule is no longer balanced. Explain why it tilts in a clockwise direction.

(c) The metre rule has a weight of 1.0 N. Where would a 0.5 N weight be placed to
restore balance?
(3) 07 JAN
Turn over
(Total 7 marks)
4. (a)
= 2 × 0.4
= 0.8 Nm UP 80 Ncm
accept 0.8 nm or 80 ncm
why clockwise? CoG is to right of pivot
weight of rule exerts a clockwise moment
max 2
position of 0.5 N CM = 0.8 + 0.10 = 0.90
ACM = 0.90 = 0.8 + (0.5x)
x = 0.2 m to the left of pivot UP
0.2 m scores 2
left of pivot scores 3rd mark
allow error carried forward from (a) for CM
(Total 7 marks)

11. Some children are playing on a swing. 05Nov

(a) Ann has a mass of 32 kg. At Y her kinetic energy is 784 J.

Calculate her speed in m/s.
................................................... Speed = .................................. m/s
(b) (i) Ann started her swing at X. How much more gravitational potential energy did
Ann have at X than at Y?
(ii) State two assumptions which you made.
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
Turn over
(Total 5 marks)052H

1. (a) Are sound waves in air transverse or longitudinal?

(b) A sound wave has a frequency of 384 Hz and a wavelength of 0.86 m.
Calculate its speed in m/s.
Speed = ....................................................... m/s
(c) Another sound wave has a frequency of 38 400 Hz.
(i) Would you be able to hear this sound wave?
(ii) Explain your answer.
(Total 5 marks)

(a) longitudinal 1
(b) use and recall v = f x λ 1
384 x 0.86 = 330 (m/s) 1

(c) no 1
(c) not within (audible) range frequency too high 1
(ii) of 20 – 20 000 Hz
Total 5 marks

9. (a) A cart becomes stuck in a river bed. A group of people gets it moving again. Some
of them push and some of them pull.

The diagram shows the horizontal forces which act on the cart.

(i) Complete the sentences.

The frictional force is force ...........
The pushing force is force .......... and the pulling force is force ...........
(ii) Forces are vectors. How does the diagram show this?
(iii) Force U is the unbalanced force which acts on the cart. Complete the equation
for force U in terms of X, Y and Z.
U = .........................................................................................................................
(b) A cart has a mass of 1500 kg. An unbalanced force of 1125 N acts on the cart in an
easterly direction.
Calculate the acceleration of the cart and state its unit and direction.
Acceleration = ...................................................

(a)(i) Y…X…Z all correct in correct order 1

(a)(ii) direction(s) shown or (represented by) arrows 1

(a)(iii) (U=) X + Z - Y or any order of +X, +Z and -Y 1

(b) either 0.750 (3) m/s 2 east (1) P P both unit and direction required for the 4
or force = mass x 4th mark
acceleration (1) or 1125 = 1500 x acceleration
acceleration = force ÷ or acceleration = 1125 ÷ 1500
Total 7 marks

(Total 7 marks) 05 oct

12. A lump of rock falls from a cliff. The kinetic energy of the rock just before it hits the
ground is 4375 joules. The mass of the rock is 3.5 kg.
(a) Calculate the speed of the rock just before it hits the ground.
State the unit.
Speed = ..........................................
(b) As the rock falls its gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy.
(i) How much gravitational potential energy does the rock have to start with?
(ii) What assumption have you made?

Turn over *N22172A01724*

Q12 05oct
(Total 6 marks)
13. Electricity may be produced on a large scale by using tall wind turbines connected to
Without referring to the costs involved, state and explain
(a) one advantage of generating electricity by this method
(b) one disadvantage.
(Total 4 marks)
Question 13
(a) appropriate statement (1) examples of advantage 2
appropriate amplification/ no fuel is burned so no atmospheric
comment/ explanation (1) pollution
nothing has to be transported to the site nor
any waste disposed of
coal/oil/gas is not burned so does not
increase the ‘greenhouse’ effect
do not credit ‘… cause the greenhouse
effect ‘ for this 2nd mark

(b) appropriate statement (1) examples of disadvantage 2

appropriate amplification/ wind not always strong enough /at
comment/ explanation (1) appropriate strength so no electricity
wind (strength) may not match demand for
visual/sound pollution so loss of (scenic)
value/tourist potential
manufacture of the material to make the
turbines results in pollution

Total 4 marks

14. (a) In the 17th century a scientist called Robert Boyle carried out experiments on
He found that the relationship
p1V1 = p2V2
is true when p1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume of the gas and p2 and V2 are
the final pressure and volume of the gas.
(i) What two things must remain constant for this relationship to be true?
1 .............................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................
(ii) Some gas has a volume of 1.2 m3 at a pressure of 120 kPa.
Calculate its volume, in m3, when the pressure is increased to 250 kPa.
Volume = .................................. m3
(b) (i) Convert a temperature of –273 °C into kelvin.
Temperature = ............................ K
(ii) What is special about this temperature?
(c) Some gas is trapped in a metal cylinder. The temperature outside the metal cylinder
Explain how this affects the particles in the gas and what effect this has.
(Total 9 marks) oct05
Question 14
(a) any two, (1) each 2
(i) • fixed mass
• temperature constant
• (remains an) ideal gas

(a)(ii) either 0.58 (m 3 ) (2)

P P or 0.576 (m 3 )
P P 2
or (volume =)
120 x 1.2 ÷ 250 (1)

(b)(i) 0/zero (K) 1

(b) the particles are not moving or lowest possible temperature 1

(ii) or it is absolute zero
(c) any three, (1) each 3
• heat conducted through the cylinder
• (average/kelvin) temperature of the gas/particles increases
• (average) speed of the particles increases
• more (energetic) collisions with the (inside of) the cylinder
• pressure increases

Total 9 marks

1. (a) Diagram 1 shows how to find the position of the centre of gravity G of a thin
rectangular card by drawing diagonal lines.

Diagram 1
Diagram 2 shows the position of the card when it is freely suspended from a corner
using a pin.
Diagram 2
Diagram 3 shows the card displaced to the right. Two vertical lines are shown, one
through the pin and one through the centre of gravity G.
Measure the perpendicular distance x between these two lines.

Diagram 3
Distance x = ..................... mm
(b) Diagram 4 shows the card displaced to the left.
Diagram 4
(i) Find the position of the centre of gravity G.
(ii) Draw lines to determine the new value of distance x.
(iii) Measure the new distance x.
Distance x =
(iv) The card is released. Describe and explain the initial movement of the card.
(v) In what position does the card eventually come to rest?
(c) A card is cut to the shape shown below.
Explain why it is not possible to find the position of the centre of gravity by the
method in diagram 1.

(d) You are given the equipment below. Describe how you would use this to find the
position of the centre of gravity of the shape shown in (c).
(e) How would you ensure the accuracy of your experiment?
(Total 15 marks) 07 may
13 A machine is used to lift materials on a building site.

(a) (i) Write down the equation that links change in gravitational potential energy, change in
vertical height and weight.
(1 mark)
(ii) A 25 kg bag of cement is lifted from the ground to the top of the building.
Calculate the gain in the gravitational potential energy of the bag of cement.
(On Earth a 1 kg mass has a weight of 10 N.)
Change in gravitational potential energy = ......................................... joules
(2 marks)
(b) The conveyor belt delivers six bags of cement each minute to the top of the building.
(i) Calculate the useful energy transferred by the machine each second.
Useful energy transfer each second = ............................................... J
(1 mark)
4.8 m
(ii) The machine is 40 % efficient.
Use the following equation to calculate the total energy supplied to the machine each
second. Show how you work out your answer.

Total energy supplied each second = ................................................ J
(2 marks)
3 (a) The diagram shows the ways in which heat energy can be transferred from an old house.
(i) Calculate the percentage of energy transferred by draughts.
% energy transferred by draughts = ...............................
(1 mark)
(ii) Complete the following sentence using one of the words from the box.

Draughts transfer heat energy by...................................................................................... .

(1 mark)
(iii) State one way of reducing the heat transfer by draughts.
(1 mark)

(b) The diagram shows a section through the walls of a house built in 1930.
Explain how the air cavity between the two walls reduces the heat transfer from the house. (2)
(c) The table shows the installation costs and yearly savings on energy bills for different methods
of insulating a house.
(i) Give one reason why loft insulation is often fitted to an old house before double glazing
or cavity wall insulation.
(1 mark)
(ii) The time it takes for the saving on energy bills to equal the cost of installing the insulation
is called the pay-back time.
Calculate the pay-back time for loft insulation.
Pay-back time = .................................................... years (7 marks)
(1 mark)

fit draughtproof strips
accept lay carpet
accept fit curtains
accept close doors / windows /
accept any reasonable suggestion for
reducing a draught
.double glazing. alone is insufficient
air is (a good) insulator
air is a poor conductor
accept air cavity / .it. for air
reducing heat transfer by conduction
accept stops for reduces
ignore convection
do not accept radiation
do not accept answers in terms of heat
being trapped
most cost effective
accept it is cheaper or lowest cost
accept shortest payback time
accept in terms of reducing heat loss
by the largest amount
do not accept it is easier
ignore most heat is lost through the
gpe = weight height
accept Ep = mgh
accept pe= mgh
accept values using 9.8 (1)
allow 1 mark for correct substitution
allow b(i) ÷ 0.4 for both marks
allow 1 mark for correct
(b) The following equation is used to calculate the turning effect of a force.
Choose two words from the box to complete the equation.
............................ = force perpendicular ............................ between line of action and
(2 marks)
(c) A student investigates turning effects.
The equipment she uses is shown below.

(i) What is the weight, in newtons, of each of the slotted masses? .................... N
(1 mark)
(ii) What will the reading be, in newtons, on the forcemeter? .................... N
(1 mark)
(iii) Briefly describe two different ways to adjust the apparatus so that the reading on
the forcemeter is less than the weight of the slotted masses.
(2 marks)
(d) The diagrams show three thin sheets of plastic.

Label the centre of mass of each sheet with an X.

(3 marks)
2 (a) The diagram shows water waves made by a wave machine in a swimming pool.
In 10 seconds 5 complete waves go past a person standing in the pool.
Calculate the frequency of the water waves and give the unit.
Show how you work out your answer.
Frequency = ...............................................................
(2 marks)
(b) Water waves are transverse waves.
Give one other example of a transverse wave.
(1 mark)
(c) How is a transverse wave different from a longitudinal wave? You may draw a
diagram to help you with your answer.
(2 marks)
accept Hz but not HZ / hz / hZ
accept (waves) per second or / sec or
/ s or s.1 or sec−1
any one from:
 any named part of the
electromagnetic spectrum
 S . waves / secondary waves
 wave on a rope
do not accept seismic waves /
do not accept slinky unless clearly
transverse . disturbance / vibration is
perpendicular to the direction of
energy transfer / wave travel
longitudinal . disturbance / vibration is
parallel to the direction of energy
transfer / wave travel
accept a correctly labelled diagram
accept a correctly labelled diagram
part explanation of the difference
between transverse and longitudinal
gains 1 mark

5. (a) Building surveyors can use an echo sounding device to measure length.
The device sends out pulses of ultrasound.
The diagram shows Alan measuring the length of a room with such a device.

(i) Explain why Alan does not hear the ultrasound.

(ii) Explain what happens to a pulse of ultrasound when the device is used to
measure the length of a room.
(b) Ultrasound is often used in hospitals instead of X-rays.
Give one example of this and explain why ultrasound is preferable.
Turn over
(Total 6 marks)

5/2 a) i)
frequency/pitch too/very high or above hearing range/greater than 1
20 000Hz; (NOT deaf: ignore biology: reject lists including loud, but
allow for example “even though it is loud”)
ii) reflection (ignore echo/bouncing);
to be received/detected or comes 2
back to device;
b) (ultrasonic) scan/kidney/gall stone 1
treatment/cleaning utensils/dental
treatment/cleaning earwax/detecting tumours (not
brain scan);
safety or less damage/harmful/chance 1
of cancer/OWTTE;
(any valid use and reason can score 2 marks)
(imaging soft tissue can score once in either place)
QWC (suitable style and structure 1
{ignore spelling/text});
Total 6 marks

4. Anna is interested in buying a new car.

She looks at a road test that compares two cars, A and B.
Some road test information is shown in the graph below.

(a) (i) What is the top speed of car B? ..................................................................... m / s

(ii) What is the speed of car A after 8 seconds? .................................................. m / s
(b) Anna has seen a car that has a greater acceleration and a higher top speed than either
car A or car B.
Draw a line on the graph to show the information about this car.
Turn over
(Total 4 marks)

4 a) i) 35 (m/s) ; (ignore all units) 1

ii) 25 (m/s); (ignore all units) 1
b) line has steeper gradient ; (curve OK if all above A)
(vertical =0) 1
line is horizontal above A; 1
Total 4 marks

3. Some gas is stored in a container.

(a) Explain how the gas exerts a pressure on the container.
(b) One gram of gas was stored in a container.
The volume was 200 cm3 and the pressure was 5.0 × 105 Pa.
The same mass of the gas was also placed in a second container.
The volume was 960 cm3.
Both gases were at the same temperature.

Calculate the pressure of the gas in the second container.

P1 V1 = P2 V2
(Total 6 marks)
5. Sound waves can be diffracted.
(a) How is the frequency of a wave calculated from its wavelength and speed?
frequency =
(b) Explain why the open door of a music room diffracts lower frequency sounds more
than higher frequency sounds.
(You may choose to draw a diagram to help your explanation.)
(Total 3 marks)

5 a) f = v / λ or in words; 1
b) Any two from: 1
high (frequency) means shorter wavelength ORA explicitly shown in 1
words or on diagram;
more diffraction for low frequency because wavelength similar to
door width/ORA;
(diagrams must show same aperture size , different wavelengths, and correct
diffraction for two marks)
Total 3 marks

5. Fill in the spaces in the paragraph below.

In a gas the molecules are moving around in a ............................................ manner. The
spacing between the molecules is ............................................ than in a liquid.
As the temperature of the gas is lowered, the average speed of the molecules
............................................ . At a certain temperature the motion of the molecules
ceases. This temperature is known as ............................................................................ and
the value of this temperature is ............................................. Q5
(Total 5 marks)
5. manner random
spacing larger
speed decreases
gets smaller
temperature absolute zero
absolute zero temperature
value −273 ºC
−273 C
0 oK
do not allow 0 oC or 0 C
(Total 5 marks)
2. This question is about thermal (heat) energy.
The diagram shows a method of heating a room using solar energy instead of
sources of energy. A brick wall with a blackened surface is placed behind a double-
window facing the Sun. During the day the wall stores energy received from the Sun as
heat energy.

(a) (i) Name the only method by which energy from the Sun is transferred to the
Give a reason for your answer.
(ii) Why is the surface of the wall blackened?

(iii) Name the method by which heat energy from the blackened surface is transferred
to the air next to it.
(iv) Describe how this heated air is transferred throughout the room.
(v) The double-glazed window consists of two sheets of glass which trap a layer of
air between them. Explain how using a double-glazed window increases the rate
at which the temperature of the room rises.
(b) On a sunny day the wall absorbs energy at a rate of 300 W/m2. The wall has an area
of 6.0 m2 and a thickness of 0.15 m.
(i) Calculate the energy absorbed by the wall in 30 minutes.
(ii) Calculate the mass of the brick wall.
(Density of brick = 2100 kg/m3)
(iii) Calculate the temperature rise of the wall during these 30 minutes.
[Specific heat capacity of brick = 750 J/(kg K)]
(iv) Give two reasons why the actual temperature rise is less than that calculated.
(v) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of this method of heating the room.
(2) Q2
(Total 20 marks)

(a) (i) process radiation/infra red /IR do not award if convection 1

and/or conduction added 1
Only one can travel through a vacuum or others
need a medium/atoms/molecules dop
(ii) Blackened absorb radiation/energy/Infra red /light/heat 1
wall (black is) best/a better /good absorber not “mo 1
air heated award both marks for “black is a good/better aDo not allow
warm air to “attracts heat ”

(iii) conduction only 1

allow phonetic spelling but do not award if 1
convection and/or radiation added 1
Any three points from:- 1
1. convection (current(s) but not energy) 1
2. (warm) air expands/increases volume max
3. (warm air) becomes less dense (not lighter) 3
4. (warm) air/molecules rise(s) 1
Do not award marks 2 and 3 for molecules 1
expand or molecules less dense
air is a (good) insulator
air does not conduct heat
air conducts little heat
two sheets of glass insulate better
less heat lost to surroundings/outside owtte
more heat kept/retained in room independent
Do not allow “stops warm air leaving room” or“no
heat leaves room”


energy 6 x 300 x 30 x 60 1
mass of = 3 240 000 J, Ws, Nm, kgm2s-2 UP 1
wall (allow 6 x 300 x 30 = 54 000 J for 1 mark)
Allow 6 x 0.3 x ½ = 0.9kWh here

6 x 0.15 x 2100 1
= 1890 kg UP 1
temperature rise 3 240 000 /(1890 x 750) ecf in 1
Joules/ecf 1
2.28/2.29/2.3 No UP
(0.038/0.04/0.038095 if 54000

(v) smaller rise heat lost to outside/surroundings 1
advantage heat transferred to room/ceiling/floor /windows 1
disadvantage free energy/ no pollution/ does not use fossil or non-renewable fuels/ 1
renewable energy/ energy stored (for use later)/does not use electricity 1
(Do not accept just “cheaper”/”more efficient)
(more) expensive to build or install/ no heat at night / too much heat in
summer/ rooms overheated/ less heat in winter/less heat if
cloudy/temperature can’t be controlled/
give credit for 2 correct statements, one clear advantage and one clear
disadvantage if candidate does not state which is which.

10 marks
Total 20 marks

9 Fig. 9.1 shows a thin sheet of metal suspended from a hole in one corner at A. The
weight of the
metal is 0.10N and the centre of mass is at B. The diagram is drawn full scale.

Fig. 9.1
(a) Describe in detail how you would experimentally determine the position of the centre
mass of the sheet of metal. [6]
(b) The sheet turns because of the moment of the weight about point A.
(i) Define what is meant by the moment of a force. [2]
(ii) Using a distance measured on Fig. 9.1, calculate the moment of the weight about
point A. State clearly which distance you measured and give the unit of your final
(c) Fig. 9.2 and Fig. 9.3 show a thick piece of wood with one corner on a table.
Fig. 9.4 shows the same piece of wood balanced on the table. B is the centre of mass.

Fig. 9.2 Fig. 9.3 Fig. 9.4

(i) Explain why in Fig. 9.2 the piece of wood falls to the right and in Fig. 9.3 it falls to the
left. [2]
(ii) Explain why the piece of wood in Fig. 9.4 does not fall over. [1]
(iii) Suggest how the thickness of the wood in Fig. 9.4 affects its stability. [1]
0.10 N
full scale
12. A lump of rock falls from a cliff. The kinetic energy of the rock just before it hits the
ground is 4375 joules. The mass of the rock is 3.5 kg.
(a) Calculate the speed of the rock just before it hits the ground.
State the unit.
Speed = ..........................................
(b) As the rock falls its gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy.
(i) How much gravitational potential energy does the rock have to start with?
(ii) What assumption have you made?

Turn over *N22172A01724*

(Total 6 marks)

Question 12
(a) either 50(.00) (3) (m/s) or KE = ½ x 3.5(00) x v 2
P 4
(1) or v 2 = 2 x 4375 ÷ 3.5(00)

or KE = ½ mv 2 (1)
P P or v 2 = 4375 ÷ 1.75(0)

v 2 = 2 x KE ÷ m (1)
P P or v 2 = 2500

or v = √2500

(b) either treat parts (b)(i) and (b)(ii) together 2

(b) 4375 (J) (1)

(b) any one of (1) allow ‘no air (resistance)’ ‘no
(ii) • conservation of energy applies friction’ ‘no wind’
• air resistance/friction negligible do not credit ‘no energy
• stone does not hit anything (on the transferred when it landed’
way down)
• (energy transfer) 100 % efficient
• no energy transferred (as it fell) as
• zero gravitational/potential energy at
ground level
(b) or do not credit ‘some energy
(i) more than 4375 (J) (1) transferred when it landed’
(b) any one of (1)
(ii) • (some) energy used to overcome
friction/air resistance
• energy transfer is less than 100 % efficient
• (some) energy transferred (as it fell) as
• some gravitational/potential energy at
ground level

Total 6 marks

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